# league-client LCU - The League Client Rust Wrapper Speaker allows you to communicate with the socket. ## Types I'm very lazy and I'm not going to hand type these but I do have an idea in the future to generate all these. For now you can just use [serde_json::from_value](https://docs.rs/serde_json/latest/serde_json/fn.from_value.html) to do your thing. This will allow to make only the ones you need going forward. ## Example Rather run it instead? Just log in and run the [example](examples/connect_to_client.rs) to see it in action. ```rust let builder = client::Client::builder().unwrap(); let lc = builder.insecure(true).build().unwrap(); let connected = lc.connect_to_socket().await.unwrap(); let speaker = league_client::subscribe(connected).await; // You must send this to get events. let msg = (5, "OnJsonApiEvent"); let msg = serde_json::to_string(&msg).unwrap(); speaker.send(msg).await.expect("should have sent a message"); while let Ok(msg) = speaker.reader.recv_async().await { println!("{msg:?}"); } ```