# Introduction This is a book, well, "book", about learning OpenGL usage with Rust. It's based on [learnopengl.com](https://learnopengl.com/), which is for C++. It's about OpenGL (OGL), which is one particular flavor of GL within the larger GL family. There's also OpenGL ES (GLES), which is for embedded systems like phones and raspberry pi, and there's WebGL which is for GL in the browser. I don't expect that I will write all the lesson text well enough in the first draft for it to be a stand alone teaching method. However, the code itself will compile and work of course, so if you look at the code and read the pages here and the pages there it'll hopefully make some sense when you add it all up. Sorry, but books like this are kinda difficult to write properly, and I want to put more focus on getting out working examples than on having perfect tutorial text.