#![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] #![allow(clippy::single_match)] use beryllium::*; fn main() { let sdl = SDL::init(InitFlags::Everything).expect("couldn't start SDL"); sdl.gl_set_attribute(SdlGlAttr::MajorVersion, 3).unwrap(); sdl.gl_set_attribute(SdlGlAttr::MinorVersion, 3).unwrap(); sdl.gl_set_attribute(SdlGlAttr::Profile, GlProfile::Core).unwrap(); sdl .gl_set_attribute(SdlGlAttr::Flags, ContextFlag::ForwardCompatible) .unwrap(); let _win = sdl .create_gl_window( "Hello Window", WindowPosition::Centered, 800, 600, WindowFlags::Shown, ) .expect("couldn't make a window and context"); 'main_loop: loop { while let Some(event) = sdl.poll_events().and_then(Result::ok) { // handle events this frame match event { Event::Quit(_) => break 'main_loop, _ => (), } // here's where we could change the world state and draw. } } }