![Rust](./doc/image/Logo2.jpg) Curated collection of lists of useful resources to learn Rust together. ## Content - [ General-purpose official resources ](#general-purpose-official-resources) - [ General-purpose courses ](#general-purpose-courses) - [ Domain-specific ](#domain-specific) - [ Interactive courses on Rust with feedback ](#interactive-courses-on-rust-with-feedback) - [ Development on Rust problems solved ](#development-on-rust-problems-solved) - [ Get help with Rust ](#get-help-with-rust) - [ Algorithmic problems and solutions in Rust ](#algorithmic-problems-and-solutions-in-rust) - [ Other resources on Rust ](#other-resources-on-rust) - [ Markers legend ](#markers-legend) ## General-purpose official resources ( _general_ ) ( _official_ ) - [ Rust by Example ](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/index.html) ( _reading_ ) - [ The Rust Programming Language ](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch00-00-introduction.html) ( _reading_ ) ( _course_ ) - [ The Rust Programming Reference ](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch00-00-introduction.html) ( _reading_ ) - [ Codebase Refference ](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/index.html) ( _reading_ ) - [ Rust cookbook ](https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/)( _reading_ ) - [ Rust playground ](https://play.rust-lang.org/) ( _interactive_ ) ## General-purpose courses ( _general_ ) ( _course_ ) - [ Intro to Rust with Tensor ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJbE2Yu2zumDF6BX6_RdPisRVHgzV02NW) ( _video_ ) - [ Rust Tutorial with Doug Milford ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLqEtX6ql2EyPAZ1M2_C0GgVd4A-_L4_5) ( _video_ ) - [ The Rust Lang Book with Lets' Get Rusty ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai5B987bZ9CoVR-QEIN9foz4QCJ0H2Y8) ( _video_ ) - [ Rust Programming Tutorial with Dcode ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVvjrrRCBy2JSHf9tGxGKJ-bYAN_uDCUL) ( _video_ ) - [ Easy Rust with Mithradates/Dhghomon ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfllocyHVgsRwLkTAhG0E-2QxCf-ozBkk) ( _video_ ) - [ Easy Rust with Mithradates/Dhghomon ](https://github.com/Dhghomon/easy_rust) ( _reading_ ) - [ Программирование на Rust with Computer Science Center ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlb7e2G7aSpTfhiECYNI2EZ1uAluUqE_e) ( _video_ ) ( _non-english_ ) - [ Rust with Tutorials Point ](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/rust/index.htm) ( _reading_ ) - [ Rust with RIP Tutorial ](https://riptutorial.com/rust) ( _reading_ ) ## Domain-specific ( _specific_ ) - [ Web development with rust with Genus-v ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLECOtlti4Psr4hXVX5GuSvLKp0-RZjz93) ( _video_ ) ( _course_ ) - [ Yew Crash Course with Jeff No Zhao ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmLiMozWNGA) ( _video_ ) ( _article_ ) ## Interactive courses on Rust with feedback ( _interactive_ ) - [ Rustlings ](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings) - [ Rust with Exercism ](https://exercism.io/my/tracks/rust) ## Development on Rust problems solved ( _article_ ) - [ How to install debugger on Windows ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6tizikEMTk) ( _video_ ) - [ How to install debugger on Linux ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rarFePIdNoc) ( _video_ ) - [ How to optimize sizeo of binary executable ](https://github.com/johnthagen/min-sized-rust) ( _reading_ ) - [ How to optimize sizeo of binary executable ](https://users.rust-lang.org/t/size-of-the-executable-binary-file-of-an-application/62160/7) ( _reading_ ) - [ How to optimize sizeo of WebAssembly binary executable ](http://cliffle.com/blog/bare-metal-wasm/#help-i-need-trig-importing-functions-from-javascript) ( _reading_ ) ## Get help with Rust ( _forum_ ) - [Ask question on Rust Forum](https://users.rust-lang.org) - [Ask question on Stack overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/) ## Algorithmic problems and solutions in Rust ( _algo_ ) - [ Rust Gym ](https://github.com/warycat/rustgym) ## Other resources on Rust - [Safety in Systems Programming with Stanford University](https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs110l/) ( _reading_ ) ( _course_ ) - [Comp Sci Rust Programming Course from University of Pennsylvania's](http://cis198-2016s.github.io/schedule/) ( _reading_ ) ( _course_ ) - [Build a language VM with Fletcher Haynes](https://blog.subnetzero.io/post/building-language-vm-part-00/) ( _reading_ ) ( _course_ ) - [Refactoring to Rust with Lily Mara](https://livebook.manning.com/book/refactoring-to-rust/chapter-1/v-2/) ( _reading_ ) ( _course_ ) ## Other collection and lists on Rust ( _list_ ) - [Game Engines and Renderers](./GameEnginesAndRenderers.md) - [Our secondary collection of lists](./Secondary.md) - [A curated list of Rust code and resources with Dunham](https://github.com/rust-unofficial/awesome-rust) - [Rust Books with Sger](https://github.com/sger/RustBooks) ## Markers legend - ( _general_ ) -- general-purpose material - ( _specific_ ) -- domain-specific material - ( _official_ ) -- official Rust material - ( _non-english_ ) -- non-english language - ( _course_ ) -- long course or a book - ( _article_ ) -- either single article or single video-tutorial - ( _not-finished_ ) -- not finished, too little to learn - ( _interactive_ ) -- it is possible to interact and get feedback from the system - ( _reading_ ) -- material to read - ( _video_ ) -- material to watch - ( _list_ ) -- list of resources - ( _project_ ) -- a project - ( _forum_ ) -- either chat or forum to comminicate with people - ( _algo_ ) -- algorithmic problems and solutions