build.incremental=false [package] name = "ledger-models" # Should we rename this to fintekkers-ledger-models? Would make it # more Google-able version = "0.1.92" # Will be overridden at build time. See .github/workflows/cargo-publish.yml # In that workflow it dynamically overrides the cargo version in the toml # As that change isn't checked into Github the publish command needs the --allow-dirty # parameter. Feels like Rust is a little behind the times with the workflow tbh edition = "2021" authors = ["dado0583", "samiam376"] license = "Apache-2.0" description = "A comprehensive model library for financial products (securities, prices, transactions, etc). Protobuf used for serialization, with language-specific implementations" readme = "" # It is used at repository = "" include = ["Cargo.toml", "**/*.rs", "ledger_models_file_descriptor_set_v_todo.bin"] [[bin]] name = "gen" path= "" [lib] path = "" [dependencies] tonic = "0.9.0" prost = "0.11.2" prost-types = "0.11.2" tonic-build = "0.9.0" walkdir = "2" ##Used in all calculations. Equivalent of Java BigDecimal implementation rust_decimal = "1.30.0" rust_decimal_macros = "1.30" #To get dec! macro chrono = "0.4.24" #Rust's most popular time package. Used for local date tiems chrono-tz = "0.8.1" #Used to parse IANA timezones into offsets (E.g. America/New_York to -5) iana-time-zone = "0.1.53" #Used to get the IANA formatted timezone across operating systems (e.g. America/New_York) [dependencies.uuid] version = "1.3.0" features = [ "v4", # "v7", # "js", ]