# Rust Types Derived from Proto Files Context This project contains protobuf models of financial objects & request/response formats for APIs; as well as language specific bindings. ## Generating Types To generate the types run ```cargo run --bin gen```. This will overwrite the files in ledger-models-rust. Any new file must be exported in lib.rs. This is included in the compile.sh script which creates types across all languages. ## Project structure Tonic/Prost is used to generate language bindings in Rust. Auto-generated files are created in the format fintekkers...rs. Hand-written wrappers are included in the folder fintekkers/wrappers/file.rs. The purpose of this code is to make it easier to use the Rust implementation of fintekkers without having gitto understand all the nuance of protobufs, or nuances of performance optimizations made in the proto schema. ## DevOps ### Preparing Rust to publish to publish a new version do the following 1. generate the new protobus using the compile script 2. export any new models in lib.rs 3. bump the package version in ```Cargo.toml``` 4. merge your pr then create a release tagged with the version, if the version = 0.1.1, set the tag to v0.1.1