PHDRS { flash0 PT_LOAD ; data PT_LOAD ; flash2 PT_LOAD ; sram PT_LOAD ; headers PT_PHDR PHDRS ; } SECTIONS { /* Code, read only, no relocations needed. */ .text : { _text = .; /* Here begins flash. This symbol is used by the ideompotent `pic` function as the lower bound of addressed to relocate. */ _nvram_start = .; *(.boot*) *(.text*) /* .rodata is moved out so we can update it */ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); _etext = .; } > FLASH :flash0 /* Relocations, read only, no relocations aginst the relocations themselves needed! */ _reloc_size = SIZEOF(.rel.rodata) + SIZEOF( + SIZEOF(.rel.nvm_data); .rel_flash : ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE) { _relocs = .; . += _reloc_size; . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); _erelocs = .; . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); /* After this section we have mutable flash. Must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE from _nvram_start. */ _nvram_data = .; } > FLASH :flash0 /* Immutable globals, read only during app running proper, but relocations are needed. (So not read-only completely.) */ .rodata : ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE) { /* Moved here from .text so we can permantly apply relocations to it with nvm_write() */ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); _rodata = .; _rodata_src = .; *(.rodata*) . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); _erodata = .; } > FLASH :flash0 _rodata_len = _erodata - _rodata; /* Mutable Globals, writable, relocations are needed. */ .data : ALIGN(4) { _data = .; *(vtable) *(.data*) . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); _edata = .; } > SRAM AT> FLASH :data =0xa4a4 _data_len = SIZEOF(.data); ASSERT( (_edata - _data) <= 0, ".data section must be empty" ) /* Persistent data, read and written during app running proper, relocations are also needed. */ .nvm_data : ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE) { _nvm_data_start = .; *(.nvm_data*) /* Store _nvram value during link_pass and use this to detect movement of _nvram as compared to the previous app execution, and redo the relocations if necessary */ . = ALIGN(4); _nvram_prev_run = .; LONG(ABSOLUTE(_nvram_start)) . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE); /* After this section we no longer have Flash memory at all. */ /* This symbol is used by the mutable portion of flash calculations. */ _envram_data = .; _install_parameters = .; /* This symbol is used by the ideompotent `pic` function as the upper bound of addressed to relocate. */ _nvram_end = .; } > FLASH :flash2 _sidata_src = LOADADDR(.data); .bss : { _bss = .; *(.bss*) _ebss = .; _bss_len = ABSOLUTE(_ebss) - ABSOLUTE(_bss); . = ALIGN(4); app_stack_canary = .; . += 4; _stack_validation = .; . = _stack_validation + STACK_SIZE; _stack = ABSOLUTE(END_STACK) - STACK_SIZE; _estack = ABSOLUTE(END_STACK); } > SRAM :sram .stack_sizes (INFO): { KEEP(*(.stack_sizes)); } /DISCARD/ : { libc.a ( * ) libm.a ( * ) libgcc.a ( * ) *(.ARM.exidx* .gnu.linkonce.armexidx.*) *(.debug_info) } (INFO): { KEEP(*( } ledger.target_id (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.target_id)) } ledger.target_name (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.target_name)) } ledger.app_name (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.app_name)) } ledger.app_version (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.app_version)) } ledger.api_level (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.api_level)) } ledger.sdk_version (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.sdk_version)) } ledger.rust_sdk_version (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.rust_sdk_version)) } ledger.rust_sdk_name (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.rust_sdk_name)) } ledger.sdk_name (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.sdk_name)) } ledger.sdk_hash (INFO): { KEEP(*(ledger.sdk_hash)) } } PROVIDE(_nvram = ABSOLUTE(_nvram_start)); PROVIDE(_envram = ABSOLUTE(_nvram_end));