LeGuichet RER
# Le-Guichet **Le-Guichet** is a prototype of a decontamination station aka "white station" written in Rust, fast, secure and multithreaded. Untrusted files are deposited (via a chrooted sftp) in the entry window (in) and scanned by an antivirus server (clamd API). If a file is considered unhealthy, it is logged and immediately deleted. Files considered as healthy are logged and hashed (sha512) and sent to the transit window through a unidirectional software diode (named pipe) where they are logged and hashed again. Finally, files in transit are transfered to the output window through another software diode. ## Security - Memory-safe - Thread-safe - No unsafe block - Tested with cargo audit & Clippy - Systemd protections: - SystemCallFilter=~ptrace ( Disable ptrace ) - PrivateDevices=yes ( Limited access to /dev ) - ProtectSystem=full ( /usr, /boot and /etc are mounted read-only ) - InaccessiblePaths=/proc ( /proc is simply unreachable ) - RemoveIPC=true (All POSIX IPCs are removed when the unit is stopped) - RestrictSUIDSGID=true (SUID/SGID are simply forbidden) - ProtectKernelModules=true (Explicit module loading is denied) ## Network flow charts:
LeGuichet schema
```mermaid graph LR A(Untrusted files) -- sftp --> B B[Guichet-In] -- Scan --> C((Clamd)) C -- Ok/Suppress --> B B -- Write only access --> E{Diode} F[Guichet-Transit] -- Read only access --> E F -- Write only access --> G{Diode} H[Guichet-Out] -- Read only access --> G H -- sftp --> I(Trusted files + sha512) ``` ## Demo Video Le-Guichet demo video # Installation - You must have cargo and rustc already installed. ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/r3dlight/leguichet.git ``` - Get some help: ```bash make help ``` - Test the code: ```bash make test ``` - Audit the code (run cargo install cargo-audit before): ```bash make audit ``` - Build Le-Guichet binaries: ```bash make build ``` - Install on Debian/Ubuntu (not tested on other GNU/Linux distributions) ```bash sudo make install ``` To uninstall Le-Guichet: ```bash sudo make uninstall ``` ## To do: - Create bindings for yara / static analysis - Switch from fifo to posix mqueues - Be able to read a config.toml - Debian packaging via Cargo - Namespaces / cgroups