# LemonMath LemonMath is a Rust library for mathematics. ## *why?* Why is this library needed? This library was created because I *personally* needed a library for mathematics, and I wanted to create the best mathematics library I could. ## Features * [Matrices](https://docs.rs/lemonmath/0.1.0/lemonmath/matrices/index.html) * [Vectors](https://docs.rs/lemonmath/0.1.0/lemonmath/vectors/index.html) * [Fraction](https://docs.rs/lemonmath/0.1.0/lemonmath/fraction/index.html) * [Helper](https://docs.rs/lemonmath/0.1.0/lemonmath/helper/index.html) ## Usage There is fractions, vectors, and matrices. Currently vectors and matrices are work in progress and will be updated soon. ## License [GNU License v3.0](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)