# Leo version server `leo-ver-serv` is a web server which accepts POST requests from Leo. Leo sends snapshots of its current state, server calculates delta between the previous version of snapshot and the current one, and stores delta in a database. Server also serves a small web application which allows user to browse history of known Leo files. ## Installation If you already have installed `cargo` and `rustc`, it is enaugh to execute the following command: ``` cargo install leo-ver-serv ``` It requires one or two arguments. The first one is a file containing known Leo files, and the second argument optionally is a port number on which server should listen. ``` leo-ver-serv ~/.leo/.leoRecentFiles.txt 8088 ``` ## Leo Configuration In Leo open _myLeoSettings.leo_ add a node under `@settings` with matching port: ``` @int history-tracer-port=8088 ``` ...and ensure `history_tracer.py` in body of `@settings-->@enabled-plugins` is uncommented.