
Run your Leptos Server-Side in WebAssembly using WASI standards.

## Explainer WebAssembly is already popular in the browser but organisations like the [Bytecode Alliance][bc-a] are committed to providing the industry with new standard-driven ways of running software. Specifically, they are maintaining the [Wasmtime][wasmtime] runtime, which allows running WebAssembly out of the browser (e.g., on a serverless platform). Leptos is already leveraging WebAssembly in the browser and gives you tools to build web applications with best-in-class performance. This crate aims to go further and enable you to also leverage WebAssembly for your [Leptos Server][leptos-server]. Specifically, it will allow you to target the rust `wasm32-wasip2` target for the server-side while integrating seamlessly with the Leptos Framework. Running `cargo leptos build` will provide you with a [WebAssembly Component][wasm-component] importing the [`wasi:http/proxy` world][wasi-http-proxy]. This means you can serve your server on any runtime supporting this world, for example: ```shell wasmtime serve target/server/wasm32-wasip2/debug/your_crate.wasm -Scommon ``` [bc-a]: https://bytecodealliance.org/ [leptos-server]: https://book.leptos.dev/server/index.html [wasmtime]: https://wasmtime.dev [wasi-http-proxy]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-http/blob/main/proxy.md [wasm-component]: https://component-model.bytecodealliance.org ## Disclaimer This crate is **EXPERIMENTAL** and the author is not affiliated with the Bytecode Alliance nor funded by any organisation. Consider this crate should become a community-driven project and be battle-tested to be deemed *production-ready*. Contributions are welcome! ## Usage TODO: Write a template starter for the crate. ### Compatibility This crate only works with the future **Leptos v0.7**. ## Features * :octopus: **Async Runtime**: This crate comes with a single-threaded *async* executor making full use of WASIp2 [`pollable`][wasip2-pollable], so your server is not blocking on I/O and can benefit from Leptos' streaming [SSR Modes][leptos-ssr-modes]. * :zap: **Short-circuiting Mechanism**: Your component is smart enough to avoid preparing or doing any *rendering* work if the request routes to static files or *Server Functions*. * :truck: **Custom Static Assets Serving**: You can write your own logic for serving static assets. For example, once [`wasi:blobstore`][wasi-blobstore] matures up, you could host your static assets on your favorite *Object Storage* provider and make your server fetch them seamlessly. [leptos-ssr-modes]: https://book.leptos.dev/ssr/23_ssr_modes.html [wasip2-pollable]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-io/blob/main/wit/poll.wit [wasi-blobstore]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-blobstore