## 2.0.1 + fix LEXLIB_VEC2I/3I_ZERO. + fix cfile mode in windows. + LexlibVec(T). + lexlibStrNew(). ## 2.0.0 + changed license to zlib. + rust bindings and wrappers. + gray_scale with alpha support. + structs are not typedef'd anymore. + SIMD support. + reworked Vec4 math. + reworked image loading. + LexlibColorFlt -> LexlibColorF. + LexlibImage.depth -> LexlibImage.bpc. + lexlibImagePixelGet() -> lexlibImagePixel(). + lexlibImagePixel16Get() -> lexlibImagePixel16(). + lexlibMillis() -> lexlibTimeMillis(). + lexlibSeconds() -> lexlibTimeSeconds(). + lexlibStrcat() -> lexlibStrCat(). + added typedef.h. + added vec.h (growable array). + removed path. + removed aabb. + removed LexlibBytes. + removed lexlibFileToString(). + removed lexlibStringToFile(). + removed lexlibFileBytes(). + removed lexlibPrintTimed(). + removed lexlibVersion(). + removed LEXLIB_UNREACHABLE. + LexlibBool. + lexlibStrFile(). + LEXLIB_STRING(). + lexlibCFileMap(). + lexlibCFileMode(). + lexlibCFileSize(). + lexlibCFileType(). + lexlibColorGrayAlpha(). + lexlibTimeNanos(). + lexlibTimeMicros(). + lexlibThrdNanos(). + lexlibThrdMicros(). + lexlibThrdMillis(). + lexlibThrdSeconds(). + lexlibProcNanos(). + lexlibProcMicros(). + lexlibProcMillis(). + lexlibProcSeconds(). + lexlibTimerAdd(). + LEXLIB_CLAMP(). + lexlibRad(). + lexlibDeg(): + lexlibFloatCmp(). + lexlibMemUnmap(). + lexlibMemReverse16(). + lexlibMemReverse32(). + lexlibMemReverse64(). + lexlibImageCopy(). + lexlibImageFillArea(). + lexlibImageLoadBmpMem(). + lexlibVecNew(). + lexlibVecDelete(). + lexlibVecGet(). + lexlibVecPush(). + lexlibVecPop(). + lexlibVecInsert(). + lexlibVecRemove(). + lexlibVecResize(). + lexlibVecFind(). + lexlibVecSwap(). + lexlibVecClear(). + lexlibVecLen(). + lexlibVecCap(). ## 1.5.0 + lexlibFileBytes(); + lexlibPowu(); + lexlibColor16Blend(); + lexlibImagePixelSet(); + lexlibImagePixelGet(); + lexlibImagePixel16Set(); + lexlibImagePixel16Get(); + lexlibImageProfileChange(); + lexlibImageLoadBmp(); + lexlibImageSaveBmp(); + lexlibImageSaveBmpEx(); + LexlibImage.data is officially native to the machine endianness. + fixed strPath buffer overflows. + fixed imageFlip X buffer overflow. + fixed linkedList memleaks. ## 1.4.0 + function lexlibStrCopy(). + removed path.h from default includes. + renamed LEXLIB_C_EXTERN to LEXLIB_EXTERN. + functions lexlibClamp(). + struct LexlibColor8. + struct LexlibColor16. + struct LexlibColorFtl. + functions lexlibColorBlend(). + functions lexlibColorGray(). + functions lexlibColorPremultiply(). + functions lexlibColorTo8(). + functions lexlibColorTo16(). + functions lexlibColorToFlt(). + function lexlibColorFltClamp(). ## 1.3.1 + deprecation attribute. + removed PKGBUILD from package. + fixed a scope problem with clang. ## 1.3.0 + LexlibImage. + support for loading and saving pngs. + lexlibStrPath. + LexlibPath is deprecated in favor of lexlibStrPath. + changed all _Bool for uint8_t. ## 1.2.0 + lexlibRandom(), gets a secure random number. ## 1.1.0 + official support for C++. + io: lexlibPrintTimed. ## 1.0.0 + math: vector 2,3,4; float and integer. + os: lexlibRamSize(). ## 0.10.0 + moved LEXLIB_INLINE to macros.h. + current math functions are inlined. + removed obsolete math macros. ## 0.9.0 + sleeping functions. + timer. + funcs to get time. ## 0.8.0 + fixed overallocation in LexlibPath. + LexlibPath stores a copy of the raw strings. + new functions to get strings from LexlibPath. ## 0.7.3 + typedefs.h now is defines.h + check if platform is support and spit a warning otherwise + defines.h organised and new definitions ## 0.7.2 + lexlibPathGetParent/(Dir)(). + fixed missing '\' with lexlibPathGetDir() on windows. ## 0.7.1 + LEXLIB_EXPERIMENTAL modifier. + LinkedList macro. ## 0.7.0 + LexlibLinkedList. ## 0.6.1 + lexlibPathDelete(); ## 0.6.0 + LexlibPath for paths in a platform independent manner. ## 0.5.0 + lexlibStrcat allows to create a new string from 2 existing ones. ## 0.4.0 + converting beetween degrees and radians. + removed Vector2s, use cglm instead. + typedefs.h is officialy part of lexlib but not included by default. ## 0.3.0 + lexlibVersion() that returns the version in a string. + removed the "#include<stdint.h>" in typedefs.h. ## 0.2.0 + cmake build system. + lexlibFileToString; allows to read an entire file into a heap allocated string. + lexlibStringToFile; allows to write a string into a file. ## 0.1.0 + Vector2s for simple 2D coordinates.