# LEXSDL --- A SDL2 wrapper (under development) for C and Rust. Once SDL3 is stable it will be used. The documentation can be found as a download in the releases page here. Some functions are implemented in rust but there is no need for a rust compiler as in the releases page are compiled libs available for Linux 32/64 bits and Windows 32/64 bits. The .a might be big but it doesn't affect the final binary size. For linux a install script is available. It is still necessary to have SDL installed and a C compiler even on Rust. On Rust a safe wrapper is in progress, use of unsafe still necessary. It can be used in existing projects without beeing disruptive. (in the documentation is more info and full examples) ``` // the easiest is to set the window and the renderer SDL_Window *yourSdlWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(..); SDL_Renderer *yourSdlRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(..); LEXSDL_SetWindow(yourSdlWindow); LEXSDL_SetRenderer(youtSdlRenderer); // now it can be used with the rest of the lib LEXSDL_NewFrame(); /* draw textures and stuff */ LEXSDL_ShowFrame(); ```