!title: meta {Example Page} !author: meta {Bob Bobson} !date: meta {1901 Jan 1} !Section 1: { Normal text. No whitespace is preserved. "Unless you use quotation marks" ""You can use double quotes for the same effect, but preserving quotes"" ""It also allows the usage of "quotes" like normal"" If you like having seperate paragraphs, use paragraph sections !: paragraph { A new paragraph. Unnamed, untagged, sections are paragraphs by default } `monospace` _underlined_ #bold# *italic* !"https://example.com": link { A Link } !"/image.png": image { Alt Text } !an equation; maths { sqrt(x^2 + y^2) } !some code; rust {" fn x() {} "} !; {comment} !; {()} !; {} !; {^[reference]} Published !Subsection: { This is a nested heading } }