#!/bin/bash # Creates a new release branch, tags it and pushes # both branch and tag to origin. # # Prerequisites: # * gum set -euo pipefail # import versioning function source $(dirname -- "$0")/increment-version.sh current_branch=$(git branch --show-current) if [ $current_branch == 'master' ] then gum spin --show-output --title="Pulling latest changes..." git pull origin master current_tag=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags` increment_part=$(gum choose "minor" "patch" "major" --header "Choose update type:") new_tag=$(increment_version $current_tag $increment_part) gum confirm "Old tag: $current_tag | new tag: $new_tag" \ && sed -i "s|version = \"[0-9.]*\"$|version = \"$new_tag\"|" Cargo.toml \ && cargo update -p lgm \ && git add Cargo.* \ && git commit -m "Release lgm $new_tag" \ && git tag -a $new_tag -m "lgm $new_tag" \ && gum spin --show-output --title="Pushing master" git push \ && gum spin --show-output --title="Pushing tag: $new_tag" git push origin $new_tag else echo -e "Realeases can only be created from \033[1mmaster\033[0m branch" fi