# lib-mal [![Rust](https://github.com/AnActualEmerald/lib-mal/actions/workflows/tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/AnActualEmerald/lib-mal/actions/workflows/tests.yml) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/lib-mal/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/lib-mal/) A library for interacting with the MyAnimeList API Handles authorization, requiring only a client ID and registered redirect urifrom the MyAnimeList API and the user to authorize the application using the URL generated by the `MALClient`. Tokens are cached by default but this can be disabled when creating the client. API functions are a work in progress Manga list functions are currently unsupported, but may be implemented in the future ## Getting Started To use `lib-mal` you will need an API key from [MyAnimeList.net](https://myanimelist.net), and a callback URL. An example of how to use `lib-mal` might look like this: ```rust use lib_mal::{MALClient, MALError}; use tokio; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), MALError>{ //this has to exactly match a URI that's been registered with the MAL api let redirect = [YOUR_REDIRECT_URI_HERE]; //the MALClient will attempt to refresh the cached access_token, if applicable let client = MALClient::init([YOUR_SECRET_HERE]).await; let (auth_url, challenge, state) = client.get_auth_parts(); //the user will have to have access to a browser in order to log in and give your application permission println!("Go here to log in :) -> {}", auth_url); //once the user has the URL, be sure to call client.auth to listen for the callback and complete the OAuth2 handshake client.auth(&redirect, &challenge, &state).await.expect("Unable to log in"); //once the user is authorized, the API should be usable //this will get the details, including all fields, for Mobile Suit Gundam let anime = client.get_anime_details(80, None).await?; //because so many fields are optional, a lot of the members of lib_mal::model::AnimeDetails are `Option`s println!("{}: started airing on {}, ended on {}, ranked #{}", anime.show.title, anime.start_date.unwrap(), anime.end_date.unwrap(), anime.rank.unwrap()); } ``` You can join my [discord](https://discord.gg/nrvRnkVmJm) or check out my [twitter](https://twitter.com/KevahnGee/)