use std::{os::raw::c_char, error::Error}; use libav_sys::ffi::{ avformat_open_input, AVFormatContext, avformat_network_init, av_strerror, avformat_find_stream_info, av_dump_format }; type MyResult = Result<(), Box>; fn main() -> MyResult { println!("Hello, world!"); init_libav()?; //let url = r#"file:C:/Users/lucac/downloads/BigBuckBunny.mp4"#; let url = r#""#; // convert url to c string let c_url = std::ffi::CString::new(url)?; // we will store the av format context here let mut format_context_ptr: *mut AVFormatContext = std::ptr::null_mut(); // try to open the input handle_libav_result( unsafe { avformat_open_input( &mut format_context_ptr, c_url.as_ptr(), std::ptr::null_mut(), std::ptr::null_mut() ) }, "avformat_open_input failed" )?; println!("Input opened!"); println!("format_context_ptr: {:?}", format_context_ptr); // find the stream info handle_libav_result( unsafe { avformat_find_stream_info( format_context_ptr, std::ptr::null_mut() ) }, "failed to find stream info" )?; // dumpo fomat info to console unsafe { av_dump_format( format_context_ptr, 0, c_url.as_ptr() as *const c_char, 0 ); } deinit_libav()?; Ok(()) } fn init_libav() -> MyResult { // TODO ??? libav_sys::ffi::av_register_all(); handle_libav_result( unsafe { avformat_network_init() }, "avformat_network_init failed" ) } fn deinit_libav() -> MyResult { handle_libav_result( unsafe { libav_sys::ffi::avformat_network_deinit() }, "avformat_network_deinit failed" ) } /// Convert an error code to a string fn av_error_to_string(error_code: std::os::raw::c_int) -> String { // create a buffer for the error message let mut error_buffer: Vec = vec![0; 1024]; // get the error message let result = unsafe { av_strerror( error_code, error_buffer.as_mut_ptr(), error_buffer.len() ) }; if result != 0 { panic!("av_strerror failed"); } // convert to rust string error_buffer.iter().take_while(|c| **c != 0).map(|c| *c as u8 as char).collect() } /// Handle a result from a libav function fn handle_libav_result(result: std::os::raw::c_int, error_message: &str) -> MyResult { if result < 0 { return Err(format!("{}: {}", error_message, av_error_to_string(result)).into()); } Ok(()) }