use std::{ env, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use semver::{Comparator, Op, Version}; fn main() { let libcamera_version = Version::new( libcamera_sys::LIBCAMERA_VERSION_MAJOR as _, libcamera_sys::LIBCAMERA_VERSION_MINOR as _, libcamera_sys::LIBCAMERA_VERSION_PATCH as _, ); let versioned_files = Path::new("versioned_files"); let mut candidates = std::fs::read_dir(versioned_files) .unwrap() .filter_map(|entry| entry.ok()) .filter_map(|entry| { let path = entry.path(); let version = Version::parse(path.file_name()?.to_str()?).ok()?; Some((version, path)) }) .collect::>(); candidates.sort_unstable_by_key(|(version, _)| version.clone()); // Filter to only compatible versions let matching = candidates.iter().filter(|(candidate, _)| { #[cfg(feature = "libcamera_semver_versioning")] let op = Op::Caret; #[cfg(not(feature = "libcamera_semver_versioning"))] let op = Op::Exact; let comparator = Comparator { op, major: candidate.major, minor: Some(candidate.minor), patch: Some(candidate.patch), pre: Default::default(), }; comparator.matches(&libcamera_version) }); // And take the most recent compatible version let (_, selected_version) = match matching.max_by_key(|(version, _)| version.clone()) { Some(v) => v, None => panic!( "Unsupported version of libcamera detected: {libcamera_version}\nsupported versions are: \n{}", candidates .iter() .map(|(v, _)| format!("\t{v}")) .collect::>() .join("\n") ), }; let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); for file in ["", ""] { std::fs::copy(selected_version.join(file), out_path.join(file)).unwrap(); } }