cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project("libccp" VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES CXX C) # set of headers that user of this lib would need to import set(LIBCCP_PUBLIC_HEADERS ccp.h types.h ccp_error.h ) # all source files set(LIBCCP_SRCS ccp.c serialize.c machine.c ccp_priv.c ) # create shared library add_library (ccp SHARED ${LIBCCP_PUBLIC_HEADERS} ${LIBCCP_SRCS}) target_include_directories (ccp PUBLIC $) # create static library add_library (ccp_static STATIC ${LIBCCP_PUBLIC_HEADERS} ${LIBCCP_SRCS}) target_include_directories (ccp_static PUBLIC $) # needed for configure_package_config_File include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) # NOTE: PROJECT_BINARY_DIR is the build directory (eg. <...>/libccp/build) # where .so and .a will be installed set(LIBCCP_LIB_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib) # where public .h files will be installed set(LIBCCP_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/ccp) # where cmake generated will be installed (for calling lib to access) set(LIBCCP_CMAKE_DIR ${LIBCCP_LIB_DIR}/cmake/libccp) # compiled version of cmake/ set(project_config ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libccp-config.cmake) # install both the shared and static versions set(INSTALL_TARGETS ccp ccp_static) set(targets_export_name libccp-targets) # compile ./cmake/ and output to /libccp-config.cmake # then install to /lib/cmake/libccp configure_package_config_file( ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ ${project_config} INSTALL_DESTINATION ${LIBCCP_CMAKE_DIR}) # create the libccp-targets.cmake file export(TARGETS ${INSTALL_TARGETS} NAMESPACE libccp:: FILE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${targets_export_name}.cmake) # install the libccp-config.cmake file install(FILES ${project_config} DESTINATION ${LIBCCP_CMAKE_DIR}) # install the libccp-targets.cmake file install(EXPORT ${targets_export_name} DESTINATION ${LIBCCP_CMAKE_DIR} NAMESPACE libccp::) # install the actual lib files install(TARGETS ${INSTALL_TARGETS} EXPORT ${targets_export_name} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib) # install the headers install(FILES ${LIBCCP_PUBLIC_HEADERS} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/ccp/) # build unit test executable, which links against the shared library add_executable (unittest unittest.c) target_link_libraries (unittest LINK_PUBLIC ccp)