// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other CEED contributors. // All Rights Reserved. See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause // // This file is part of CEED: http://github.com/ceed #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** @brief Check if valid file exists at path given @param[in] ceed Ceed object for error handling @param[in] source_file_path Absolute path to source file @param[out] is_valid Boolean flag indicating if file can be opened @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedCheckFilePath(Ceed ceed, const char *source_file_path, bool *is_valid) { // Sometimes we have path/to/file.h:function_name // Create temporary file path without name, if needed char *source_file_path_only; char *last_colon = strrchr(source_file_path, ':'); if (last_colon) { size_t source_file_path_length = (last_colon - source_file_path + 1); CeedCall(CeedCalloc(source_file_path_length, &source_file_path_only)); memcpy(source_file_path_only, source_file_path, source_file_path_length - 1); } else { source_file_path_only = (char *)source_file_path; } // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Checking for source file: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", source_file_path_only); // Check for valid file path FILE *source_file; source_file = fopen(source_file_path_only, "rb"); *is_valid = source_file; if (*is_valid) { // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Found JiT source file: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", source_file_path_only); fclose(source_file); } // Free temp file path, if used if (last_colon) CeedCall(CeedFree(&source_file_path_only)); return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** @brief Load source file into initialized string buffer, including full text of local files in place of `#include "local.h"` @param[in] ceed Ceed object for error handling @param[in] source_file_path Absolute path to source file @param[out] buffer String buffer for source file contents @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedLoadSourceToInitializedBuffer(Ceed ceed, const char *source_file_path, char **buffer) { FILE *source_file; long file_size, file_offset = 0; char *temp_buffer; // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "---------- Ceed JiT ----------\n"); CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Current source file: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", source_file_path); CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Current buffer:\n"); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", *buffer); // Read file to temporary buffer source_file = fopen(source_file_path, "rb"); CeedCheck(source_file, ceed, CEED_ERROR_MAJOR, "Couldn't open source file: %s", source_file_path); // -- Compute size of source fseek(source_file, 0L, SEEK_END); file_size = ftell(source_file); rewind(source_file); // -- Allocate memory for entire source file CeedCall(CeedCalloc(file_size + 1, &temp_buffer)); // -- Copy the file into the buffer if (1 != fread(temp_buffer, file_size, 1, source_file)) { // LCOV_EXCL_START fclose(source_file); CeedCall(CeedFree(&temp_buffer)); return CeedError(ceed, CEED_ERROR_MAJOR, "Couldn't read source file: %s", source_file_path); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } fclose(source_file); // Search for headers to include const char *first_hash = strchr(temp_buffer, '#'); while (first_hash) { // -- Check for 'include' keyword const char *next_e = strchr(first_hash, 'e'); char keyword[8] = ""; if (next_e && next_e - first_hash >= 7) memcpy(keyword, &next_e[-6], 7); bool is_hash_include = !strcmp(keyword, "include"); // ---- Spaces allowed in '# include ' if (next_e) { for (CeedInt i = 1; first_hash - next_e + i < -6; i++) { is_hash_include &= first_hash[i] == ' '; } } if (is_hash_include) { // -- Copy into buffer all preceding # long current_size = strlen(*buffer); long copy_size = first_hash - &temp_buffer[file_offset]; CeedCall(CeedRealloc(current_size + copy_size + 2, buffer)); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size], "\n", 2); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size + 1], &temp_buffer[file_offset], copy_size); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size + copy_size], "", 1); // -- Load local "header.h" char *next_quote = strchr(first_hash, '"'); char *next_new_line = strchr(first_hash, '\n'); bool is_local_header = is_hash_include && next_quote && (next_new_line - next_quote > 0); char *next_left_chevron = strchr(first_hash, '<'); bool is_ceed_header = is_hash_include && next_left_chevron && (next_new_line - next_left_chevron > 0) && (!strncmp(next_left_chevron, "", 14) || !strncmp(next_left_chevron, "", 17) || !strncmp(next_left_chevron, "", 17)); if (is_local_header || is_ceed_header) { // ---- Build source path char *include_source_path; if (is_local_header) { long root_length = strrchr(source_file_path, '/') - source_file_path; long include_file_name_len = strchr(&next_quote[1], '"') - next_quote - 1; CeedCall(CeedCalloc(root_length + include_file_name_len + 2, &include_source_path)); memcpy(include_source_path, source_file_path, root_length + 1); memcpy(&include_source_path[root_length + 1], &next_quote[1], include_file_name_len); memcpy(&include_source_path[root_length + include_file_name_len + 1], "", 1); } else { char *next_right_chevron = strchr(first_hash, '>'); char *ceed_relative_path; long ceed_relative_path_length = next_right_chevron - next_left_chevron - 1; CeedCall(CeedCalloc(ceed_relative_path_length + 1, &ceed_relative_path)); memcpy(ceed_relative_path, &next_left_chevron[1], ceed_relative_path_length); CeedCall(CeedGetJitAbsolutePath(ceed, ceed_relative_path, &include_source_path)); CeedCall(CeedFree(&ceed_relative_path)); } // ---- Recursive call to load source to buffer CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "JiT Including: %s\n", include_source_path); CeedCall(CeedLoadSourceToInitializedBuffer(ceed, include_source_path, buffer)); CeedCall(CeedFree(&include_source_path)); } file_offset = strchr(first_hash, '\n') - temp_buffer + 1; } // -- Next hash first_hash = strchr(&first_hash[1], '#'); } // Copy rest of source file into buffer long current_size = strlen(*buffer); long copy_size = strlen(&temp_buffer[file_offset]); CeedCall(CeedRealloc(current_size + copy_size + 2, buffer)); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size], "\n", 2); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size + 1], &temp_buffer[file_offset], copy_size); memcpy(&(*buffer)[current_size + copy_size + 1], "", 1); // Cleanup CeedCall(CeedFree(&temp_buffer)); // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "---------- Ceed JiT ----------\n"); CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Current source file: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", source_file_path); CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Final buffer:\n"); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", *buffer); return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** @brief Initialize and load source file into string buffer, including full text of local files in place of `#include "local.h"`. Note: Caller is responsible for freeing the string buffer with `CeedFree()`. @param[in] ceed Ceed object for error handling @param[in] source_file_path Absolute path to source file @param[out] buffer String buffer for source file contents @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedLoadSourceToBuffer(Ceed ceed, const char *source_file_path, char **buffer) { // Initialize buffer CeedCall(CeedCalloc(1, buffer)); // Load to initalized buffer CeedCall(CeedLoadSourceToInitializedBuffer(ceed, source_file_path, buffer)); return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** @brief Build an absolute filepath from a base filepath and an absolute filepath. This helps construct source file paths for `CeedLoadSourceToBuffer()`. Note: Caller is responsible for freeing the string buffer with `CeedFree()`. @param[in] ceed Ceed object for error handling @param[in] base_file_path Absolute path to current file @param[in] relative_file_path Relative path to target file @param[out] new_file_path String buffer for absolute path to target file @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedPathConcatenate(Ceed ceed, const char *base_file_path, const char *relative_file_path, char **new_file_path) { char *last_slash = strrchr(base_file_path, '/'); size_t base_length = (last_slash - base_file_path + 1), relative_length = strlen(relative_file_path), new_file_path_length = base_length + relative_length + 1; CeedCall(CeedCalloc(new_file_path_length, new_file_path)); memcpy(*new_file_path, base_file_path, base_length); memcpy(&((*new_file_path)[base_length]), relative_file_path, relative_length); return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** @brief Find the relative filepath to an installed JiT file @param[in] absolute_file_path Absolute path to installed JiT file @param[out] relative_file_path Relative path to installed JiT file, a substring of the absolute path @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedGetJitRelativePath(const char *absolute_file_path, const char **relative_file_path) { *(relative_file_path) = strstr(absolute_file_path, "ceed/jit-source"); CeedCheck(*relative_file_path, NULL, CEED_ERROR_MAJOR, "Couldn't find relative path including 'ceed/jit-source' for: %s", absolute_file_path); return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; } /** @brief Build an absolute filepath to a JiT file @param[in] ceed Ceed object for error handling @param[in] relative_file_path Relative path to installed JiT file @param[out] absolute_file_path String buffer for absolute path to target file, to be freed by caller @return An error code: 0 - success, otherwise - failure @ref Backend **/ int CeedGetJitAbsolutePath(Ceed ceed, const char *relative_file_path, char **absolute_file_path) { Ceed ceed_parent; // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "---------- Ceed JiT ----------\n"); CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Relative JiT source file: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", relative_file_path); CeedCall(CeedGetParent(ceed, &ceed_parent)); for (CeedInt i = 0; i < ceed_parent->num_jit_source_roots; i++) { bool is_valid; // Debug CeedDebug256(ceed, CEED_DEBUG_COLOR_SUCCESS, "Checking JiT root: "); CeedDebug(ceed, "%s\n", ceed_parent->jit_source_roots[i]); // Build and check absolute path with current root CeedCall(CeedPathConcatenate(ceed, ceed_parent->jit_source_roots[i], relative_file_path, absolute_file_path)); CeedCall(CeedCheckFilePath(ceed, *absolute_file_path, &is_valid)); if (is_valid) return CEED_ERROR_SUCCESS; // LCOV_EXCL_START else CeedCall(CeedFree(absolute_file_path)); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP } // LCOV_EXCL_START return CeedError(ceed, CEED_ERROR_MAJOR, "Couldn't find matching JiT source file: %s", relative_file_path); // LCOV_EXCL_STOP }