# Script that synchronizes the local library dependencies # # Version: 20180125 Param ( [switch]$UseHead = $false ) $GitUrlPrefix = "https://github.com/libyal" $LocalLibs = "" $LocalLibs = ${LocalLibs} -split " " $Git = "git" $WinFlex = "..\win_flex_bison\win_flex.exe" $WinBison = "..\win_flex_bison\win_bison.exe" ForEach (${LocalLib} in ${LocalLibs}) { # Split will return an array of a single empty string when LocalLibs is empty. If (-Not (${LocalLib})) { Continue } $GitUrl = "${GitUrlPrefix}/${LocalLib}.git" # PowerShell will raise NativeCommandError if git writes to stdout or stderr # therefore 2>&1 is added and the output is stored in a variable. $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} clone ${GitUrl} ${LocalLib}-${pid} 2>&1" Push-Location "${LocalLib}-${pid}" Try { $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} fetch --quiet --all --tags --prune 2>&1" $LatestTag = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} describe --tags --abbrev=0 2>&1" If (${LatestTag} -and -not ${UseHead}) { Write-Host "Synchronizing: ${LocalLib} from ${GitUrl} tag ${LatestTag}" $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} checkout --quiet tags/${LatestTag} 2>&1" } Else { Write-Host "Synchronizing: ${LocalLib} from ${GitUrl} HEAD" } } Finally { Pop-Location } If (Test-Path ${LocalLib}-${pid}) { $LocalLibVersion = Get-Content -Path ${LocalLib}-${pid}\configure.ac | select -skip 4 -first 1 | % { $_ -Replace " \[","" } | % { $_ -Replace "\],","" } If (Test-Path ${LocalLib}) { Remove-Item -Path ${LocalLib} -Force -Recurse } New-Item -ItemType directory -Path ${LocalLib} -Force | Out-Null If (Test-Path ${LocalLib}) { Copy-Item -Path ${LocalLib}-${pid}\${LocalLib}\*.[chly] -Destination ${LocalLib}\ Get-Content -Path ${LocalLib}-${pid}\${LocalLib}\${LocalLib}_definitions.h.in | % { $_ -Replace "@VERSION@",${LocalLibVersion} } > ${LocalLib}\${LocalLib}_definitions.h } Remove-Item -Path ${LocalLib}-${pid} -Force -Recurse $NamePrefix = "" ForEach (${DirectoryElement} in Get-ChildItem -Path "${LocalLib}\*.l") { $OutputFile = ${DirectoryElement} -Replace ".l$",".c" $NamePrefix = Split-Path -path ${DirectoryElement} -leaf $NamePrefix = ${NamePrefix} -Replace "^${LocalLib}_","" $NamePrefix = ${NamePrefix} -Replace ".l$","_" # PowerShell will raise NativeCommandError if win_flex writes to stdout or stderr # therefore 2>&1 is added and the output is stored in a variable. $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "& '${WinFlex}' -Cf ${DirectoryElement} 2>&1" Write-Host ${Output} # Moving manually sicne win_flex -o does not provide the expected behavior. Move-Item "lex.yy.c" ${OutputFile} -force } ForEach (${DirectoryElement} in Get-ChildItem -Path "${LocalLib}\*.y") { $OutputFile = ${DirectoryElement} -Replace ".y$",".c" # PowerShell will raise NativeCommandError if win_bison writes to stdout or stderr # therefore 2>&1 is added and the output is stored in a variable. $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "& '${WinBison}' -d -v -l -p ${NamePrefix} -o ${OutputFile} ${DirectoryElement} 2>&1" Write-Host ${Output} } } }