/** * Copyright (c) 2021 Paul-Louis Ageneau * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "rtc/rtc.hpp" #if RTC_ENABLE_WEBSOCKET #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rtc; using namespace std; template weak_ptr make_weak_ptr(shared_ptr ptr) { return ptr; } void test_websocketserver() { InitLogger(LogLevel::Debug); WebSocketServer::Configuration serverConfig; serverConfig.port = 48080; serverConfig.enableTls = true; // serverConfig.certificatePemFile = ... // serverConfig.keyPemFile = ... serverConfig.bindAddress = ""; // to test IPv4 fallback serverConfig.maxMessageSize = 1000; // to test max message size WebSocketServer server(std::move(serverConfig)); shared_ptr client; server.onClient([&client](shared_ptr incoming) { cout << "WebSocketServer: Client connection received" << endl; client = incoming; if(auto addr = client->remoteAddress()) cout << "WebSocketServer: Client remote address is " << *addr << endl; client->onOpen([wclient = make_weak_ptr(client)]() { cout << "WebSocketServer: Client connection open" << endl; if(auto client = wclient.lock()) if(auto path = client->path()) cout << "WebSocketServer: Requested path is " << *path << endl; }); client->onClosed([]() { cout << "WebSocketServer: Client connection closed" << endl; }); client->onMessage([wclient = make_weak_ptr(client)](variant message) { if(auto client = wclient.lock()) client->send(std::move(message)); }); }); WebSocket::Configuration config; config.disableTlsVerification = true; WebSocket ws(std::move(config)); const string myMessage = "Hello world from client"; ws.onOpen([&ws, &myMessage]() { cout << "WebSocket: Open" << endl; ws.send(binary(1001, byte(0))); // test max message size ws.send(myMessage); }); ws.onClosed([]() { cout << "WebSocket: Closed" << endl; }); std::atomic received = false; std::atomic maxSizeReceived = false; ws.onMessage([&received, &maxSizeReceived, &myMessage](variant message) { if (holds_alternative(message)) { string str = std::move(get(message)); if ((received = (str == myMessage))) cout << "WebSocket: Received expected message" << endl; else cout << "WebSocket: Received UNEXPECTED message" << endl; } else { binary bin = std::move(get(message)); if ((maxSizeReceived = (bin.size() == 1000))) cout << "WebSocket: Received large message truncated at max size" << endl; else cout << "WebSocket: Received large message NOT TRUNCATED" << endl; } }); ws.open("wss://localhost:48080/"); int attempts = 15; while ((!ws.isOpen() || !received) && attempts--) this_thread::sleep_for(1s); if (!ws.isOpen()) throw runtime_error("WebSocket is not open"); if (!received || !maxSizeReceived) throw runtime_error("Expected messages not received"); ws.close(); this_thread::sleep_for(1s); server.stop(); this_thread::sleep_for(1s); cout << "Success" << endl; } #endif