This file describes the software needed to build Windows Binaries for Berkeley DB as well as how to ensure that new, renamed or deleted files are properly handled. For that piece, see the end of this file. How to Build Windows Binaries ----------------------------- Creation of the Windows binary installation file (db-x.y.z.msi) is driven by dist/s_winmsi, dist/winmsi/s_winmsi.fcn as well as various configuration files and scripts in dist/winmsi. The scripts must be run from a cygwin bash shell. Prerequisites: o Cygwin o Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2005) o WiX (version 3.x) o Python o Java/JDK o WiX 3.x o XQilla (xqilla command line is used to help construct WiX .wxs files which are in an XML format) Important: It is necessary to use Python from a Windows installation vs Cygwin because of the pathname manipulation. Build checklist (this normally is only done once when setting up your machine): 1. Check dist/winmsi/build.bat to set Visual Studio installation path. 2. Add Windows Python PATH. Cygwin's will not work. 3. Install WiX 3.x and add the installation dir to PATH if it is not already set. 4. Install a recent Java JDK and make sure java and javac are in your PATH. Also modify the proper variables in Visual Studio to find jni.h (/include and /include/win32). 5. If changing the release minor version (5.x->5.y), you must change UpgradeCode and Upgrade id in db.wxs. It is a GUID/UUID. You can generate a GUID from the Python shell: import uuid uuid.uuid1() This GUID is used for upgrade between releases. 6. From db-x.y.z/dist run "bash s_winmsi" The "staged" tree for building the binaries is created in db-x.y.z/stage. The resulting .msi ends up in stage/wix. To test basic installation of the .msi: cd /stage/wix msiexec /i db-x.y.z.msi Uninstall: msiexec /uninstall db-x.y.z.msi (or use the Control Panel's uninstall programs tool) What is going on under the covers? ---------------------------------- The order of events can be seen in the s_winmsi script and is roughly: 1. stage source components to be packaged from a clean tree. These include examples, doc, project files, and header files. 2. Build Berkeley DB using winmsi/build.bat. This will build the basic library, utilities as well as SQL, STL, C#, and SQL's JDBC and ODBC components. 3. Copy build artifacts (libraries, dlls, pdbs, exes) to the staging area. NOTE: the staging process also creates lists of files, one for each installation "group." More on this below. 4. Build "component" lists for WiX. This process is driven by the shell script winmsi/ which also uses a Python script ( and XQuery Update scripts to construct db_components.wxs which contains the majority of the files for the binary distribution. These all end up in the stage/wix directory. 5. Call WiX to generate the db-x.y.z.msi install file What files drive this process? ------------------------------ Relatively static WiX files include: o db.wxs ("main" WiX input file that includes the features to be installed). This file references the components/component groups that are generated in db_components.wxs o links_frag.wxs (references the links that become part of the Windows application menu after installation) o required_frag.wxs (license file, readme and other required bits of installation) The main generated file is db_components.wxs which is created by a combination of the Python script, group.* files (created by staging process), and XQuery. There are several XQuery scripts (dist/winmsi/*.xq) that perform various transformations on generated XML to make it ready for WiX. They have internal comments about what they are doing. db_components.wxs has the complete list of files and components that are to be part of the install. How to change what files are included ------------------------------------- Many files will be included automatically but some are custom. The files included are driven by "group.*" files that are created by the functions StageSourceComponents() and StageRuntimeComponents() in s_winmsi.fcn. These put the paths to files in the various stage/group.* files based on which "feature" they are a part of. E.g. bin/libdb??.dll and bin/*.exe go into "group.runtime" and include/* go into "group.devo." Example files go into "group.examples." After staging the Python script walks the staging directories looking for files that match those in the group.* files and it generates a Component element for each set of files that belong to a given group in a given directory. Let's look at the include directory as an example. In the resulting file there will be XML that looks like this: ... ... ... ... The directory "include" has multiple components, one for "group_cxx" that includes the STL header files and one for "group_devo" that includes db.h and db_cxx.h. The output of is massaged by various XQuery scripts to (1) remove stray empty components (2) add in ComponentGroup elements that group components into lists for inclusion by Feature elements (from db.wxs) and (3) insertion of Environment elements to modify Windows environment on install/uninstall. XQuery is a simple way to manipulate the files because they are XML. Back to how to change the lists of files... The important work is in the StageSourceComponents() an StageRuntimeComponents() functions. That's all that should really need to be changed to add/rename/remove files or to change which group they are a part of. I'm seeing warnings when generating the package, what's wrong? ------------------------------------- Warnings in "light.exe" that are documented in the WiX manual can be safely ignored. Errors cannot be ignored.