#!/usr/bin/stap /* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * apitimes - Graph the time spent in DB API calls grouped by thread or processid * * The path to the DB library is required to be the first argument. * * To limit tracing to a particular process use one of the stap options: * -x or * -c " [..]" * */ global functioncount, maxcount, starts, times; probe begin { functioncount = 0; maxcount = -1; %( $# >= 2 %? maxcount = $2 %) printf("DB API times of "); if (target() == 0) printf("processes using \"%s\"", @1) else printf("process %d", target()); printf(" grouped by function; interrupt to display summary\n"); } probe process(@1).function("db*_create").call, process(@1).function("__*_pp").call { starts[tid(), probefunc()] = gettimeofday_ns(); } probe process(@1).function("db*_create").return, process(@1).function("__*_pp").return { if ((start = starts[tid(), probefunc()]) != 0) { times[tid(), probefunc()] <<< gettimeofday_ns() - start; if (++functioncount == maxcount) exit(); } } probe end { foreach ([tid, func] in times) { printf("Times that thread %x spent in %s in nanoseconds\n", tid, func); print(@hist_log(times[tid, func])); } }