option(DBUS_USE_WINE "set to 1 or ON to support running test cases with Wine" OFF) if(DBUS_BUILD_TESTS AND CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Linux") find_file(WINE_EXECUTABLE NAMES wine PATHS /usr/bin /usr/local/bin NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ) find_file(BINFMT_WINE_SUPPORT_FILE NAMES DOSWin wine Wine windows Windows PATHS /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc NO_SYSTEM_PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ) if(EXISTS BINFMT_WINE_SUPPORT_FILE) file(READ ${BINFMT_WINE_SUPPORT_FILE} CONTENT) if(${CONTENT} MATCHES "enabled") set(HAVE_BINFMT_WINE_SUPPORT 1) endif() endif() if(WINE_EXECUTABLE) list(APPEND FOOTNOTES "NOTE: The requirements to run cross compiled applications on your host system are achieved. You may run 'make check'.") endif() if(NOT WINE_EXECUTABLE) list(APPEND FOOTNOTES "NOTE: You may install the Windows emulator 'wine' to be able to run cross compiled test applications.") endif() if(NOT HAVE_BINFMT_WINE_SUPPORT) list(APPEND FOOTNOTES "NOTE: You may activate binfmt_misc support for wine to be able to run cross compiled test applications directly.") endif() else() list(APPEND FOOTNOTES "NOTE: You will not be able to run cross compiled applications on your host system.") endif() # setup z drive required by wine set(Z_DRIVE_IF_WINE "z:") if(DBUS_USE_WINE AND WINE_EXECUTABLE) set(TEST_WRAPPER "${WINE_EXECUTABLE}") endif() endif() # # add dbus specific test # # @param _name test name # @param _target cmake target to use with this test # @param ARGS additional arguments added to the test command in front of the target file # @param ENV additional environment variables to provide to the running test # macro(add_unit_test _name _target) set(options) set(oneValueArgs) set(multiValueArgs ARGS ENV) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) add_test( NAME ${_name} COMMAND ${TEST_WRAPPER} ${__ARGS} ${Z_DRIVE_IF_WINE}$ --tap WORKING_DIRECTORY ${DBUS_TEST_WORKING_DIR} ) set(_env) list(APPEND _env "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS=1") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_DAEMON=${DBUS_TEST_DAEMON}") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_DATA=${DBUS_TEST_DATA}") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_DBUS_LAUNCH=${DBUS_TEST_DBUS_LAUNCH}") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_EXEC=${DBUS_TEST_EXEC}") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR=${DBUS_TEST_HOMEDIR}") list(APPEND _env "DBUS_TEST_UNINSTALLED=1") list(APPEND _env "G_TEST_BUILDDIR=${Z_DRIVE_IF_WINE}${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/test") list(APPEND _env "G_TEST_SRCDIR=${Z_DRIVE_IF_WINE}${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/test") list(APPEND _env ${__ENV}) set_tests_properties(${_name} PROPERTIES ENVIRONMENT "${_env}") endmacro() # # create executable and add an associated unit test # # see @ref add_helper_executable for supported parameters # macro(add_test_executable _target _source) add_helper_executable(${_target} "${_source}" ${ARGN}) add_unit_test(${_target} ${_target}) endmacro() # # create an executable # # The executable file is named _target and is created # from the list of files provided with _source. # Other optional parameters assume that it is a # library to which this executable is linked. # # On Windows, a manifest is added to the executable # file to avoid triggering user access control (uac). # # @param _target target name # @param _source sources to add to this target # macro(add_helper_executable _target _source) set(_sources "${_source}") if(WIN32 AND NOT MSVC) # avoid triggering UAC add_uac_manifest(_sources) endif() add_executable(${_target} ${_sources}) target_link_libraries(${_target} ${ARGN}) endmacro() # # create executable and add an associated unit test with dbus session setup # # see @ref add_helper_executable for supported parameters # macro(add_session_test_executable _target _source) add_helper_executable(${_target} "${_source}" ${ARGN}) add_unit_test(${_target} ${_target} ARGS ${DBUS_TEST_RUN_SESSION} --config-file=${DBUS_TEST_DATA}/valid-config-files/tmp-session.conf --dbus-daemon=${DBUS_TEST_DAEMON} ENV "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID=" ) endmacro() # generate compiler flags from MSVC warning identifiers (e.g. '4114') or gcc warning keys (e.g. 'pointer-sign') # Options: # [DISABLED ] list of warnings to disable # [ERRORS ] list of warnings to report as error # RESULTVAR variable name to get results # WARNINGS list of warnings to add # macro(generate_compiler_warning_flags) # Support if() IN_LIST operator cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW) set(options) set(oneValueArgs RESULTVAR) set(multiValueArgs WARNINGS DISABLED ERRORS) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) unset(USED) unset(USED_WARNINGS) unset(USED_DISABLED) if(MSVC) # level 1 is default set(enabled_prefix "/w1") set(error_prefix "/we") set(disabled_prefix "/wd") else() set(enabled_prefix "-W") set(error_prefix "-Werror=") set(disabled_prefix "-Wno-") endif() set(temp) foreach(warning ${ARGS_ERRORS}) set(temp "${temp} ${error_prefix}${warning}") list(APPEND USED ${warning}) endforeach() foreach(warning ${ARGS_WARNINGS}) if(warning IN_LIST ARGS_ERRORS) message(WARNING "warning '${warning}' already specified as error, ignored") elseif(warning IN_LIST ARGS_DISABLED) message(WARNING "warning '${warning}' already specified as disabled, ignored") elseif(NOT warning IN_LIST USED) set(temp "${temp} ${enabled_prefix}${warning}") list(APPEND USED_WARNINGS ${warning}) list(APPEND USED ${warning}) endif() endforeach() foreach(warning ${ARGS_DISABLED}) if(warning IN_LIST ARGS_ERRORS) message(WARNING "disabled warning '${warning}' already specified as error, ignored") elseif(warning IN_LIST ARGS_WARNINGS) message(WARNING "disabled warning '${warning}' already specified as warning, ignored") elseif(NOT warning IN_LIST USED) set(temp "${temp} ${disabled_prefix}${warning}") list(APPEND USED_DISABLED ${warning}) list(APPEND USED ${warning}) endif() endforeach() foreach(warning ${ARGS_ERRORS}) set(temp "${temp} ${error_prefix}${warning}") endforeach() set(${ARGS_RESULTVAR} "${temp}") message(STATUS "effectively used warnings for '${ARGS_RESULTVAR}': ${USED_WARNINGS}") message(STATUS "effectively used disabled warnings for '${ARGS_RESULTVAR}': ${USED_DISABLED}") endmacro() # # Avoid triggering UAC # # This macro adds an rc file to _sources that is # linked to a target and prevents UAC from making # requests for administrator access. # macro(add_uac_manifest _sources) # 1 is the resource ID, ID_MANIFEST # 24 is the resource type, RT_MANIFEST # constants are used because of a bug in windres # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33000158/embed-manifest-file-to-require-administrator-execution-level-with-mingw32 get_filename_component(UAC_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/Win32.Manifest REALPATH) set(outfile ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/disable-uac.rc) if(NOT EXISTS outfile) file(WRITE ${outfile} "1 24 \"${UAC_FILE}\"\n") endif() list(APPEND ${_sources} ${outfile}) endmacro() macro(add_executable_version_info _sources _name) set(DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME "${_name}") set(DBUS_VER_ORIGINAL_NAME "${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}") set(DBUS_VER_FILE_TYPE "VFT_APP") configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dbus/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo-${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}.rc) # version info and uac manifest can be combined in a binary because they use different resource types list(APPEND ${_sources} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo-${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}.rc) endmacro() macro(add_library_version_info _sources _name) set(DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME "${_name}") set(DBUS_VER_ORIGINAL_NAME "${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}${CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX}") set(DBUS_VER_FILE_TYPE "VFT_DLL") configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dbus/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo-${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}.rc) # version info and uac manifest can be combined in a binary because they use different resource types list(APPEND ${_sources} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo-${DBUS_VER_INTERNAL_NAME}.rc) endmacro() # # provide option with three states AUTO, ON, OFF # macro(add_auto_option _name _text _default) if(NOT DEFINED ${_name}) set(${_name} ${_default} CACHE STRING "${_text}" FORCE) else() set(${_name} ${_default} CACHE STRING "${_text}") endif() set_property(CACHE ${_name} PROPERTY STRINGS AUTO ON OFF) endmacro() # # Ensure that if a tristate ON/OFF/AUTO feature is set to ON, # its requirements have been met. Fail with a fatal error if not. # # _name: name of a variable ENABLE_FOO representing a tristate ON/OFF/AUTO feature # _text: human-readable description of the feature enabled by _name, for the # error message # _var: name of a variable representing a system property we checked for, # such as an executable that must exist for the feature enabled by _name to work # _vartext: what we checked for, for the error message # macro(check_auto_option _name _text _var _vartext) set(_nameval ${${_name}}) set(_varval ${${_var}}) #message("debug: _name ${_name} ${_nameval} _var ${_var} ${_varval}") if(${_nameval} AND NOT ${_nameval} STREQUAL "AUTO" AND NOT ${_varval}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${_text} requested but ${_vartext} not found") endif() endmacro() # # Provide option that takes a path # macro(add_path_option _name _text _default) if(NOT DEFINED ${_name}) set(${_name} ${_default} CACHE STRING "${_text}" FORCE) else() set(${_name} ${_default} CACHE STRING "${_text}") endif() endmacro() # # create directory on install # macro(install_dir filepath) install(CODE " set(_path \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${filepath}\") if(NOT EXISTS \"\${_path}\") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory \"\${_path}\") message(\"-- Creating directory: \${_path}\") else() message(\"-- Up-to-date: \${_path}\") endif() ") endmacro() # # create symlink on install # macro(install_symlink filepath sympath) install(CODE " set(_sympath \"\$ENV{DESTDIR}\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${sympath}\") file(REMOVE \"\${_sympath}\") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink \"${filepath}\" \"\${_sympath}\" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if(NOT result) message(\"-- Creating symlink: \${_sympath} -> ${filepath}\") else() message(FATAL ERROR \"-- Failed to create symlink: \${_sympath} -> ${filepath}\") endif() ") endmacro() # # add system service PATH LINKS [multi-user.target.wants [...]] # macro(add_systemd_service file) set(options) set(oneValueArgs PATH) set(multiValueArgs LINKS) cmake_parse_arguments(_ "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) set(_targetdir ${__PATH}) install(FILES ${file} DESTINATION ${_targetdir}) get_filename_component(_name ${file} NAME) foreach(l ${__LINKS}) set(_linkdir ${_targetdir}/${l}) install_dir(${_linkdir}) install_symlink(../${_name} ${_linkdir}/${_name}) endforeach() endmacro()