#include "format-vp3.h" #include "helpers-binary.h" #include "emb-file.h" #include "emb-logging.h" #include #include static unsigned char* vp3ReadString(EmbFile* file) { int stringLength = 0; unsigned char* charString = 0; if(!file) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c vp3ReadString(), file argument is null\n"); return 0; } stringLength = binaryReadInt16BE(file); charString = (unsigned char*)malloc(stringLength); if(!charString) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c vp3ReadString(), cannot allocate memory for charString\n"); return 0; } binaryReadBytes(file, charString, stringLength); /* TODO: check return value */ return charString; } static int vp3Decode(unsigned char inputByte) { if(inputByte > 0x80) { return (int)-((unsigned char)((~inputByte) + 1)); } return ((int)inputByte); } static short vp3DecodeInt16(unsigned short inputByte) { if(inputByte > 0x8000) { return -((short) ((~inputByte) + 1)); } return ((short)inputByte); } typedef struct _vp3Hoop { int right; int bottom; int left; int top; int threadLength; char unknown2; unsigned char numberOfColors; unsigned short unknown3; int unknown4; int numberOfBytesRemaining; int xOffset; int yOffset; unsigned char byte1; unsigned char byte2; unsigned char byte3; /* Centered hoop dimensions */ int right2; int left2; int bottom2; int top2; int width; int height; } vp3Hoop; static vp3Hoop vp3ReadHoopSection(EmbFile* file) { vp3Hoop hoop; if(!file) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c vp3ReadHoopSection(), file argument is null\n"); hoop.bottom = 0; hoop.left = 0; hoop.right = 0; hoop.top = 0; return hoop; } hoop.right = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.bottom = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.left = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.top = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.threadLength = binaryReadInt32(file); /* yes, it seems this is _not_ big endian */ hoop.unknown2 = binaryReadByte(file); hoop.numberOfColors = binaryReadByte(file); hoop.unknown3 = binaryReadInt16BE(file); hoop.unknown4 = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.numberOfBytesRemaining = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.xOffset = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.yOffset = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.byte1 = binaryReadByte(file); hoop.byte2 = binaryReadByte(file); hoop.byte3 = binaryReadByte(file); /* Centered hoop dimensions */ hoop.right2 = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.left2 = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.bottom2 = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.top2 = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.width = binaryReadInt32BE(file); hoop.height = binaryReadInt32BE(file); return hoop; } /*! Reads a file with the given \a fileName and loads the data into \a pattern. * Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */ int readVp3(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName) { unsigned char magicString[5]; unsigned char some; unsigned char* softwareVendorString = 0; unsigned char v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18; unsigned char* anotherSoftwareVendorString = 0; int numberOfColors; long colorSectionOffset; unsigned char magicCode[6]; short someShort; unsigned char someByte; int bytesRemainingInFile; unsigned char* fileCommentString = 0; /* some software writes used settings here */ int hoopConfigurationOffset; unsigned char* anotherCommentString = 0; int i; EmbFile* file = 0; if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c readVp3(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; } if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c readVp3(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; } file = embFile_open(fileName, "rb"); if(!file) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c readVp3(), cannot open %s for reading\n", fileName); return 0; } binaryReadBytes(file, magicString, 5); /* %vsm% */ /* TODO: check return value */ some = binaryReadByte(file); /* 0 */ softwareVendorString = vp3ReadString(file); someShort = binaryReadInt16(file); someByte = binaryReadByte(file); bytesRemainingInFile = binaryReadInt32(file); fileCommentString = vp3ReadString(file); hoopConfigurationOffset = (int)embFile_tell(file); vp3ReadHoopSection(file); anotherCommentString = vp3ReadString(file); /* TODO: review v1 thru v18 variables and use emb_unused() if needed */ v1 = binaryReadByte(file); v2 = binaryReadByte(file); v3 = binaryReadByte(file); v4 = binaryReadByte(file); v5 = binaryReadByte(file); v6 = binaryReadByte(file); v7 = binaryReadByte(file); v8 = binaryReadByte(file); v9 = binaryReadByte(file); v10 = binaryReadByte(file); v11 = binaryReadByte(file); v12 = binaryReadByte(file); v13 = binaryReadByte(file); v14 = binaryReadByte(file); v15 = binaryReadByte(file); v16 = binaryReadByte(file); v17 = binaryReadByte(file); v18 = binaryReadByte(file); binaryReadBytes(file, magicCode, 6); /* 0x78 0x78 0x55 0x55 0x01 0x00 */ /* TODO: check return value */ anotherSoftwareVendorString = vp3ReadString(file); numberOfColors = binaryReadInt16BE(file); embLog_error("format-vp3.c Number of Colors: %d\n", numberOfColors); colorSectionOffset = (int)embFile_tell(file); for(i = 0; i < numberOfColors; i++) { EmbThread t; char tableSize; int startX, startY, offsetToNextColorX, offsetToNextColorY; unsigned char* threadColorNumber, *colorName, *threadVendor; int unknownThreadString, numberOfBytesInColor; embFile_seek(file, colorSectionOffset, SEEK_SET); embLog_error("format-vp3.c Color Check Byte #1: 0 == %d\n", binaryReadByte(file)); embLog_error("format-vp3.c Color Check Byte #2: 5 == %d\n", binaryReadByte(file)); embLog_error("format-vp3.c Color Check Byte #3: 0 == %d\n", binaryReadByte(file)); colorSectionOffset = binaryReadInt32BE(file); colorSectionOffset += embFile_tell(file); startX = binaryReadInt32BE(file); startY = binaryReadInt32BE(file); embPattern_addStitchAbs(pattern, startX / 1000.0, -startY / 1000.0, JUMP, 1); tableSize = binaryReadByte(file); binaryReadByte(file); t.color.r = binaryReadByte(file); t.color.g = binaryReadByte(file); t.color.b = binaryReadByte(file); embPattern_addThread(pattern, t); embFile_seek(file, 6*tableSize - 1, SEEK_CUR); threadColorNumber = vp3ReadString(file); colorName = vp3ReadString(file); threadVendor = vp3ReadString(file); offsetToNextColorX = binaryReadInt32BE(file); offsetToNextColorY = binaryReadInt32BE(file); unknownThreadString = binaryReadInt16BE(file); embFile_seek(file, unknownThreadString, SEEK_CUR); numberOfBytesInColor = binaryReadInt32BE(file); embFile_seek(file, 0x3, SEEK_CUR); while(embFile_tell(file) < colorSectionOffset - 1) { int lastFilePosition = embFile_tell(file); int x = vp3Decode(binaryReadByte(file)); int y = vp3Decode(binaryReadByte(file)); if(x == 0x80) { switch (y) { case 0x00: case 0x03: break; case 0x01: x = vp3DecodeInt16(binaryReadUInt16BE(file)); y = vp3DecodeInt16(binaryReadUInt16BE(file)); binaryReadInt16BE(file); embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, x/ 10.0, y / 10.0, TRIM, 1); break; default: break; } } else { embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, x / 10.0, y / 10.0, NORMAL, 1); } if(embFile_tell(file) == lastFilePosition) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c could not read stitch block in entirety\n"); return 0; } } if(i + 1 < numberOfColors) embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, STOP, 1); } embFile_close(file); /* Check for an END stitch and add one if it is not present */ if(pattern->lastStitch->stitch.flags != END) embPattern_addStitchRel(pattern, 0, 0, END, 1); embPattern_flipVertical(pattern); return 1; } void vp3WriteStringLen(EmbFile* file, const char* str, int len) { binaryWriteUShortBE(file, len); binaryWriteBytes(file, str, len); } void vp3WriteString(EmbFile* file, const char* str) { vp3WriteStringLen(file, str, strlen(str)); } void vp3PatchByteCount(EmbFile* file, int offset, int adjustment) { int currentPos = embFile_tell(file); embFile_seek(file, offset, SEEK_SET); embLog_print("Patching byte count: %d\n", currentPos - offset + adjustment); binaryWriteIntBE(file, currentPos - offset + adjustment); embFile_seek(file, currentPos, SEEK_SET); } /*! Writes the data from \a pattern to a file with the given \a fileName. * Returns \c true if successful, otherwise returns \c false. */ int writeVp3(EmbPattern* pattern, const char* fileName) { EmbFile *file = 0; EmbRect bounds; int remainingBytesPos, remainingBytesPos2; int colorSectionStitchBytes; int first = 1; int numberOfColors = 0; EmbColor color = embColor_make(0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE); EmbStitchList *mainPointer = 0, *pointer = 0; if(!pattern) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c writeVp3(), pattern argument is null\n"); return 0; } if(!fileName) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c writeVp3(), fileName argument is null\n"); return 0; } if(!embStitchList_count(pattern->stitchList)) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c writeVp3(), pattern contains no stitches\n"); return 0; } bounds = embPattern_calcBoundingBox(pattern); file = embFile_open(fileName, "wb"); if(!file) { embLog_error("format-vp3.c writeVp3(), cannot open %s for writing\n", fileName); return 0; } embPattern_correctForMaxStitchLength(pattern, 3200.0, 3200.0); /* VP3 can encode signed 16bit deltas */ embPattern_flipVertical(pattern); binaryWriteBytes(file, "%vsm%", 5); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); vp3WriteString(file, "Embroidermodder"); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 2); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); remainingBytesPos = embFile_tell(file); binaryWriteInt(file, 0); /* placeholder */ vp3WriteString(file, ""); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.right * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.bottom * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.left * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.top * 1000); binaryWriteInt(file, 0); /* this would be some (unknown) function of thread length */ binaryWriteByte(file, 0); numberOfColors = 0; mainPointer = pattern->stitchList; while(mainPointer) { int flag; EmbColor newColor; pointer = mainPointer; flag = pointer->stitch.flags; newColor = embThreadList_getAt(pattern->threadList, pointer->stitch.color).color; if(newColor.r != color.r || newColor.g != color.g || newColor.b != color.b) { numberOfColors++; color.r = newColor.r; color.g = newColor.g; color.b = newColor.b; } else if(flag & END || flag & STOP) { numberOfColors++; } while(pointer && (flag == pointer->stitch.flags)) { pointer = pointer->next; } mainPointer = pointer; } binaryWriteByte(file, numberOfColors); binaryWriteByte(file, 12); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 1); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 3); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); remainingBytesPos2 = embFile_tell(file); binaryWriteInt(file, 0); /* placeholder */ binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); /* origin X */ binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); /* origin Y */ binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.right * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.bottom * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.left * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, bounds.top * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, (bounds.right - bounds.left) * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, (bounds.bottom - bounds.top) * 1000); vp3WriteString(file, ""); binaryWriteShortBE(file, 25700); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 4096); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 4096); binaryWriteBytes(file, "xxPP\x01\0", 6); vp3WriteString(file, ""); binaryWriteShortBE(file, numberOfColors); mainPointer = pattern->stitchList; while(mainPointer) { char colorName[8] = { 0 }; double lastX, lastY; int colorSectionLengthPos; EmbStitch s; int lastColor; if (!first) { binaryWriteByte(file, 0); } binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 5); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); colorSectionLengthPos = embFile_tell(file); binaryWriteInt(file, 0); /* placeholder */ pointer = mainPointer; color = embThreadList_getAt(pattern->threadList, pointer->stitch.color).color; if (first && pointer->stitch.flags & JUMP && pointer->next->stitch.flags & JUMP) { pointer = pointer->next; } s = pointer->stitch; embLog_print("format-vp3.c DEBUG %d, %lf, %lf\n", s.flags, s.xx, s.yy); binaryWriteIntBE(file, s.xx * 1000); binaryWriteIntBE(file, -s.yy * 1000); pointer = pointer->next; first = 0; lastX = s.xx; lastY = s.yy; lastColor = s.color; binaryWriteByte(file, 1); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); embLog_print("format-vp3.c writeVp3(), switching to color (%d, %d, %d)\n", color.r, color.g, color.b); binaryWriteByte(file, color.r); binaryWriteByte(file, color.g); binaryWriteByte(file, color.b); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); binaryWriteByte(file, 5); binaryWriteByte(file, 40); vp3WriteString(file, ""); sprintf(colorName, "#%02x%02x%02x", color.b, color.g, color.r); vp3WriteString(file, colorName); vp3WriteString(file, ""); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); binaryWriteIntBE(file, 0); vp3WriteStringLen(file, "\0", 1); colorSectionStitchBytes = embFile_tell(file); binaryWriteInt(file, 0); /* placeholder */ binaryWriteByte(file, 10); binaryWriteByte(file, 246); binaryWriteByte(file, 0); while(pointer) { int dx, dy; EmbStitch s = pointer->stitch; if (s.color != lastColor) { break; } if (s.flags & END || s.flags & STOP) { break; } dx = (s.xx - lastX) * 10; dy = (s.yy - lastY) * 10; lastX = lastX + dx / 10.0; /* output is in ints, ensure rounding errors do not sum up */ lastY = lastY + dy / 10.0; if(dx < -127 || dx > 127 || dy < -127 || dy > 127) { binaryWriteByte(file, 128); binaryWriteByte(file, 1); binaryWriteShortBE(file, dx); binaryWriteShortBE(file, dy); binaryWriteByte(file, 128); binaryWriteByte(file, 2); } else { binaryWriteByte(file, dx); binaryWriteByte(file, dy); } pointer = pointer->next; } vp3PatchByteCount(file, colorSectionStitchBytes, -4); vp3PatchByteCount(file, colorSectionLengthPos, -3); mainPointer = pointer; } vp3PatchByteCount(file, remainingBytesPos2, -4); vp3PatchByteCount(file, remainingBytesPos, -4); embFile_close(file); embPattern_flipVertical(pattern); return 1; } /* kate: bom off; indent-mode cstyle; indent-width 4; replace-trailing-space-save on; */