/* * Property type functions * * Copyright (C) 2009-2023, Joachim Metz * * Refer to AUTHORS for acknowledgements. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "libfmapi_class_identifier.h" #include "libfmapi_property_type.h" #if defined( HAVE_DEBUG_OUTPUT ) /* The message envelope property types (0x0001 - 0x0bff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_message_envelope_property_types[ ] = { { 0x0001, 0x0003, "PidTagAcknowledgementMode", "Acknowledgment mode" }, { 0x0002, 0x000b, "PidTagAlternateRecipientAllowed", "Alternate recipient allowed" }, { 0x0003, 0x0102, "PidTagAuthorizingUsers", "Authorized users" }, { 0x0004, 0x001e, "PidTagAutoForwardComment", "Auto forward comment" }, { 0x0005, 0x000b, "PidTagAutoForwarded", "Auto forwarded" }, { 0x0006, 0x0102, "PidTagContentConfidentialityAlgorithmId", "Content confidentiality algorithm identifier" }, { 0x0007, 0x0102, "PidTagContentCorrelator", "Original content correlator" }, { 0x0008, 0x001e, "PidTagContentIdentifier", "Content identifier" }, { 0x0009, 0x0003, "PidTagContentLength", "Content length" }, { 0x000a, 0x000b, "PidTagContentReturnRequested", "Content return requested" }, { 0x000b, 0x0102, "PidTagConversationKey", "Conversation key" }, { 0x000c, 0x0102, "PidTagConversionEits", "Conversion encoded information types" }, { 0x000d, 0x000b, "PidTagConversionWithLossProhibited", "Text conversions that loose information is prohibited" }, { 0x000e, 0x0102, "PidTagConvertedEits", "Encoded information types (EITS) conversation identifier" }, { 0x000f, 0x0040, "PidTagDeferredDeliveryTime", "Sender requested delivery date and time" }, { 0x0010, 0x0040, "PidTagDeliverTime", "Message delivery time" }, { 0x0011, 0x0003, "PidTagDiscardReason", "Message discard reason" }, { 0x0012, 0x000b, "PidTagDisclosureOfRecipients", "Disclosure of recipient allowed" }, { 0x0013, 0x0102, "PidTagDistributionListExpansionHistory", "Distribution list expansion history" }, { 0x0014, 0x000b, "PidTagDistributionListExpansionProhibited", "Expansion of distribution list is prohibited" }, { 0x0015, 0x0040, "PidTagExpiryTime", "Message expiry time" }, { 0x0016, 0x000b, "PidTagImplicitConversionProhibited", "Implicit message text conversions prohibited" }, { 0x0017, 0x0003, "PidTagImportance", "Importance" }, { 0x0018, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_ID", "Interpersonal message X400 identifier" }, { 0x0019, 0x0040, "PidTagLatestDeliveryTime", "Latest message delivery time" }, { 0x001a, 0x001e, "PidTagMessageClass", "Message class" }, { 0x001b, 0x0102, "PidTagMessageDeliveryId", "Message delivery identifier" }, { 0x001e, 0x0102, "PidTagMessageSecurityLabel", "Message security label" }, { 0x001f, 0x0102, "PidTagObsoletedMessageIds", "Obsolete message identifiers" }, { 0x0020, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginallyIntendedRecipientName", "Originally intended recipient name" }, { 0x0021, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalEits", "Message text original encoded information types (EITS)" }, { 0x0022, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginatorCertificate", "Originator certificate" }, { 0x0023, 0x000b, "PidTagOriginatorDeliveryReportRequested", "Originator delivery report requested" }, { 0x0024, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginatorReturnAddress", "Originator return address" }, { 0x0025, 0x0102, "PidTagParentKey", "Parent key" }, { 0x0026, 0x0003, "PidTagPriority", "Priority" }, { 0x0027, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginCheck", "Origin verification value" }, { 0x0028, 0x000b, "PidTagProofOfSubmissionRequested", "ASN.1 proof of submission requested" }, { 0x0029, 0x000b, "PidTagReadReceiptRequested", "Read receipt requested" }, { 0x002a, 0x0040, "PidTagReceiptTime", "Receipt time" }, { 0x002b, 0x000b, "PidTagRecipientReassignmentProhibited", "Recipient reassignment prohibited" }, { 0x002c, 0x0102, "PR_REDIRECTION_HISTORY", "" }, { 0x002d, 0x0102, "PR_RELATED_IPMS", "" }, { 0x002e, 0x0003, "PidTagOriginalSensitivity", "Original sensitivity" }, { 0x002f, 0x001e, "PR_LANGUAGES", "" }, { 0x0030, 0x0040, "PidTagReplyTime", "Reply deadline" }, { 0x0031, 0x0102, "PidTagReportTag", "Report tag" }, { 0x0032, 0x0040, "PR_REPORT_TIME", "" }, { 0x0033, 0x000b, "PR_RETURNED_IPM", "" }, { 0x0034, 0x0003, "PidTagSecurity", "Security" }, { 0x0035, 0x000b, "PR_INCOMPLETE_COPY", "" }, { 0x0036, 0x0003, "PidTagSensitivity", "Sensitivity" }, { 0x0037, 0x001e, "PidTagSubject", "Subject" }, { 0x0038, 0x0102, "PidTagSubjectMessageId", "Subject message identifier" }, { 0x0039, 0x0040, "PidTagClientSubmitTime", "Client submit time" }, { 0x003a, 0x001e, "PR_REPORT_NAME", "" }, { 0x003b, 0x0102, "PidTagSentRepresentingSearchKey", "Sent representing search key" }, { 0x003c, 0x0102, "PR_X400_CONTENT_TYPE", "" }, { 0x003d, 0x001e, "PidTagSubjectPrefix", "Subject prefix" }, { 0x003e, 0x0003, "PR_NON_RECEIPT_REASON", "" }, { 0x003f, 0x0102, "PidTagReceivedByEntryId", "Received by entry identifier" }, { 0x0040, 0x001e, "PidTagReceivedByName", "Received by name" }, { 0x0041, 0x0102, "PidTagSentRepresentingEntryId", "Sent representing entry identifier" }, { 0x0042, 0x001e, "PidTagSentRepresentingName", "Sent representing name" }, { 0x0043, 0x0102, "PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_ENTRYID", "Received representing entry identifier" }, { 0x0044, 0x001e, "PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_NAME", "Received representing name" }, { 0x0045, 0x0102, "PR_REPORT_ENTRYID", "Report entry identifier" }, { 0x0046, 0x0102, "PR_READ_RECEIPT_ENTRYID", "Read receipt entry identifier" }, { 0x0047, 0x0102, "PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID", "" }, { 0x0048, 0x0040, "PR_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_TIME", "" }, { 0x0049, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSubject", "Original subject" }, { 0x004a, 0x000b, "PR_DISC_VAL", "" }, { 0x004b, 0x001e, "PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS", "" }, { 0x004c, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalAuthorEntryId", "Original author entry identifier" }, { 0x004d, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalAuthorName", "Original author name" }, { 0x004e, 0x0040, "PidTagOriginalSubmitTime", "Original submit time" }, { 0x004f, 0x0102, "PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES", "Reply recipient entries" }, { 0x0050, 0x001e, "PidTagReplyRecipientEntries", "Reply recipient names" }, { 0x0051, 0x0102, "PR_RECEIVED_BY_SEARCH_KEY", "Received by search key" }, { 0x0052, 0x0102, "PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_SEARCH_KEY", "Received representing search key" }, { 0x0053, 0x0102, "PR_READ_RECEIPT_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x0054, 0x0102, "PR_REPORT_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x0055, 0x0040, "PR_ORIGINAL_DELIVERY_TIME", "" }, { 0x0056, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x0057, 0x000b, "PidTagMessageToMe", "My address in To field" }, { 0x0058, 0x000b, "PidTagMessageCcMe", "My address in CC field" }, { 0x0059, 0x000b, "PidTagMessageRecipientMe", "Message addressed to me" }, { 0x005a, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSenderName", "Orginal sender name" }, { 0x005b, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalSenderEntryId", "Orginal sender entry identifier" }, { 0x005c, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalSenderSearchKey", "Original sender search key" }, { 0x005d, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingName", "Original sent representing name" }, { 0x005e, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEntryId", "Original sent representing entry identifier" }, { 0x005f, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingSearchKey", "Original sent representing search key" }, { 0x0060, 0x0040, "PidTagStartDate", "Appointment start date and time" }, { 0x0061, 0x0040, "PidTagEndDate", "Appointment end date and time" }, { 0x0062, 0x0003, "PidTagOwnerAppointmentId", "Appointment owner identifier" }, { 0x0063, 0x000b, "PidTagResponseRequested", "Response requested" }, { 0x0064, 0x001e, "PidTagSentRepresentingAddressType", "Sent representing address type" }, { 0x0065, 0x001e, "PidTagSentRepresentingEmailAddress", "Sent representing e-mail address" }, { 0x0066, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSenderAddressType", "Original sender address type" }, { 0x0067, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSenderEmailAddress", "Original sender e-mail address" }, { 0x0068, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingAddressType", "Original sent representing address type" }, { 0x0069, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalSentRepresentingEmailAddress", "Original sent representing e-mail address" }, { 0x0070, 0x001e, "PidTagConversationTopic", "Conversation topic" }, { 0x0071, 0x0102, "PidTagConversationIndex", "Conversation index" }, { 0x0072, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalDisplayBcc", "Original display BCC" }, { 0x0073, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalDisplayCc", "Original display CC" }, { 0x0074, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalDisplayTo", "Original display To" }, { 0x0075, 0x001e, "PidTagReceivedByAddressType", "Received by address type" }, { 0x0076, 0x001e, "PidTagReceivedByEmailAddress", "Received by e-mail address" }, { 0x0077, 0x001e, "PidTagReceivedRepresentingAddressType", "Received representing address type" }, { 0x0078, 0x001e, "PidTagReceivedRepresentingEmailAddress", "Received representing e-mail address" }, { 0x0079, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalAuthorAddressType", "Original author address type" }, { 0x007a, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalAuthorEmailAddress", "Original author e-mail address" }, { 0x007b, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginallyIntendedRecipAddrtype", "Originally intended recipient address type" }, { 0x007c, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginallyIntendedRecipEmailAddress", "Originally intended recipient e-mail address" }, { 0x007d, 0x001e, "PidTagTransportMessageHeaders", "Transport message headers" }, { 0x007e, 0x0102, "PidTagDelegation", "Delegation" }, { 0x007f, 0x0102, "PidTagTnefCorrelationKey", "TNEF correlation key" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The recipient property type (0x0c00 - 0x0dff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_recipient_property_types[ ] = { { 0x0c00, 0x0102, "PR_CONTENT_INTEGRITY_CHECK", "" }, { 0x0c01, 0x0003, "PR_EXPLICIT_CONVERSION", "" }, { 0x0c02, 0x000b, "PidTagIpmReturnRequested", "Return report requested" }, { 0x0c03, 0x0102, "PidTagMessageToken", "Message ASN.1 secutiry token" }, { 0x0c04, 0x0003, "PR_NDR_REASON_CODE", "" }, { 0x0c05, 0x0003, "PR_NDR_DIAG_CODE", "" }, { 0x0c06, 0x000b, "PR_NON_RECEIPT_NOTIFICATION_REQUESTED", "Non receipt notification requested" }, { 0x0c07, 0x0003, "PR_DELIVERY_POINT", "" }, { 0x0c08, 0x000b, "PR_ORIGINATOR_NON_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED", "Originator non delivery report requested" }, { 0x0c09, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINATOR_REQUESTED_ALTERNATE_RECIPIENT", "" }, { 0x0c0a, 0x000b, "PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_BUREAU_FAX_DELIVERY", "" }, { 0x0c0b, 0x0003, "PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_MODE", "" }, { 0x0c0c, 0x0003, "PR_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUEST", "" }, { 0x0c0d, 0x0102, "PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x0c0e, 0x000b, "PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_ADDRESS_REQUESTED", "" }, { 0x0c0f, 0x000b, "PR_PHYSICAL_FORWARDING_PROHIBITED", "" }, { 0x0c10, 0x0102, "PR_PHYSICAL_RENDITION_ATTRIBUTES", "" }, { 0x0c11, 0x0102, "PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY", "" }, { 0x0c12, 0x000b, "PR_PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_REQUESTED", "" }, { 0x0c13, 0x0102, "PidTagRecipientCertificate", "Recipient certificate" }, { 0x0c14, 0x001e, "PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER_FOR_ADVICE", "" }, { 0x0c15, 0x0003, "PidTagRecipientType", "Recipient type" }, { 0x0c16, 0x0003, "PR_REGISTERED_MAIL_TYPE", "" }, { 0x0c17, 0x000b, "PR_REPLY_REQUESTED", "" }, { 0x0c18, 0x0003, "PR_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_METHOD", "" }, { 0x0c19, 0x0102, "PidTagSenderEntryId", "Sender entry identifier" }, { 0x0c1a, 0x001e, "PidTagSenderName", "Sender entry name" }, { 0x0c1b, 0x001e, "PR_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO", "" }, { 0x0c1c, 0x0003, "PR_TYPE_OF_MTS_USER", "" }, { 0x0c1d, 0x0102, "PidTagSenderSearchKey", "Sender search key" }, { 0x0c1e, 0x001e, "PidTagSenderAddressType", "Sender address type" }, { 0x0c1f, 0x001e, "PidTagSenderEmailAddress", "Sender e-mail address" }, { 0x0c20, 0x0003, "PR_NDR_STATUS_CODE", "None delivery status code" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The non-transmittable message property type (0x0e00 - 0x0fff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_non_transmittable_message_property_types[ ] = { { 0x0e00, 0x0014, "PidTagCurrentVersion", "Message store verion" }, { 0x0e01, 0x000b, "PidTagDeleteAfterSubmit", "Delete after submit" }, { 0x0e02, 0x001e, "PidTagDisplayBcc", "Display BCC" }, { 0x0e03, 0x001e, "PidTagDisplayCc", "Display CC" }, { 0x0e04, 0x001e, "PidTagDisplayTo", "Display To" }, { 0x0e05, 0x001e, "PidTagParentDisplay", "Parent display name" }, { 0x0e06, 0x0040, "PidTagOriginalDeliveryTime", "Message delivery time" }, { 0x0e07, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageFlags", "Message flags" }, { 0x0e08, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageSize", "Message size (32-bit)" }, { 0x0e08, 0x0014, "PidTagMessageSizeExtended", "Message size (64-bit)" }, { 0x0e09, 0x0102, "PidTagParentEntryId", "Parent folder entry identifier" }, { 0x0e0a, 0x0102, "PidTagSentMailEntryId", "Sent mail folder entry identifier" }, { 0x0e0c, 0x000b, "PidTagCorrelate", "Correlation requested" }, { 0x0e0d, 0x0102, "PidTagCorrelateMtsid", "Correlation message transfer system identifier" }, { 0x0e0e, 0x000b, "PidTagDiscreteValues", "Report applies to specific members only" }, { 0x0e0f, 0x000b, "PidTagResponsibility", "Transport provider has responsibility" }, { 0x0e10, 0x0003, "PidTagSpoolerStatus", "Spooler status" }, { 0x0e11, 0x0003, "PR_TRANSPORT_STATUS", "" }, { 0x0e12, 0x000d, "PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS", "" }, { 0x0e13, 0x000d, "PR_MESSAGE_ATTACHMENTS", "" }, { 0x0e14, 0x0003, "PidTagSubmitFlags", "Message submit flags" }, { 0x0e15, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENT_STATUS", "" }, { 0x0e16, 0x0003, "PR_TRANSPORT_KEY", "" }, { 0x0e17, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageStatus", "Message status flags" }, { 0x0e18, 0x0003, "PR_MESSAGE_DOWNLOAD_TIME", "" }, { 0x0e19, 0x0014, "PR_CREATION_VERSION", "" }, { 0x0e1a, 0x0014, "PR_MODIFY_VERSION", "" }, { 0x0e1b, 0x000b, "PR_HASATTACH", "" }, { 0x0e1c, 0x0003, "PidTagBodyCrc", "Plain text message body checksum" }, { 0x0e1d, 0x001e, "PidTagNormalizedSubject", "Normalized subject" }, { 0x0e1f, 0x000b, "PidTagRtfInSync", "Compressed RTF message body in sync with plain text" }, { 0x0e20, 0x0003, "PidTagAttachSize", "Attachment size" }, { 0x0e21, 0x0003, "PidTagAttachNumber", "Attachment number" }, { 0x0e22, 0x000b, "PidTagPreprocess", "Needs preprocessing" }, { 0x0e23, 0x0003, "PidTagInternetArticleNumber", "Internet article number" }, { 0x0e24, 0x001e, "PR_NEWSGROUP_NAME", "" }, { 0x0e25, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINATING_MTA_CERTIFICATE", "" }, { 0x0e26, 0x0102, "PR_PROOF_OF_SUBMISSION", "" }, { 0x0e27, 0x0102, "PidTagSecurityDescriptor", "Permissions (NT security descriptor)" }, { 0x0e28, 0x001e, "PR_PRIMARY_SEND_ACCT", "Primary send account identifier" }, { 0x0e29, 0x001e, "PR_NEXT_SEND_ACCT", "Secondary send account identifier" }, { 0x0e30, 0x0003, "PidTagReplItemid", "Replication item identifier" }, { 0x0e30, 0x0102, "PidTagReplItemid", "Replication item identifier" }, { 0x0e33, 0x0014, "PidTagReplChangenum", "Replication change number" }, { 0x0e34, 0x0102, "PidTagReplVersionHistory", "Replication version history" }, { 0x0e38, 0x0003, "PidTagReplFlags", "Replication flags" }, { 0x0e3c, 0x0102, "PidTagReplCopiedfromVersionhistory", "Replication version information" }, { 0x0e3d, 0x0102, "PidTagReplCopiedfromItemid", "Replication item identifier information" }, { 0x0e58, 0x0102, "PR_CREATOR_SID", "Creator (NT security identifier)" }, { 0x0e59, 0x0102, "PR_LAST_MODIFIER_SID", "Last modifier (NT security identifier)" }, { 0x0e5e, 0x0048, "PR_MIME_HANDLER_CLASSID", "MIME handle class identifier" }, { 0x0e5e, 0x1048, "PR_MIME_HANDLER_CLASSIDS", "MIME handle class identifiers" }, { 0x0e61, 0x0003, "PR_URL_COMP_NAME_POSTFIX", "URL computer name postfix" }, { 0x0e62, 0x000b, "PR_URL_COMP_NAME_SET", "URL computer name set" }, { 0x0e63, 0x0003, "PR_SUBFOLDER_CT", "" }, { 0x0e64, 0x0003, "PR_DELETED_SUBFOLDER_CT", "" }, { 0x0e66, 0x0040, "PR_DELETE_TIME", "" }, { 0x0e67, 0x0102, "PR_AGE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x0e79, 0x0003, "PR_TRUST_SENDER", "Trust sender" }, { 0x0e96, 0x0102, "PR_ATTACH_VIRUS_SCAN_INFO", "" }, { 0x0ea0, 0x0048, "PR_ASSOCIATED_SHARING_PROVIDER", "Associated sharing provider identifier" }, { 0x0ea3, 0x0102, "PidTagProviderItemId", "Provider identifier" }, { 0x0ea4, 0x0102, "PidTagProviderParentItemId", "Parent provider identifier" }, { 0x0ff4, 0x0003, "PidTagAccess", "Client access flags" }, { 0x0ff5, 0x0102, "PidTagRowType", "Row type" }, { 0x0ff6, 0x0003, "PidTagInstanceKey", "Instance key" }, { 0x0ff7, 0x0003, "PidTagAccessLevel", "Client access level flags" }, { 0x0ff8, 0x0102, "PidTagMappingSignature", "Mapping signature" }, { 0x0ff9, 0x0102, "PidTagRecordKey", "Record key" }, { 0x0ffa, 0x0102, "PidTagStoreRecordKey", "Message store record key" }, { 0x0ffb, 0x0102, "PidTagStoreEntryId", "Message store entry identifier" }, { 0x0ffc, 0x0102, "PidTagMiniIcon", "Mini icon bitmap" }, { 0x0ffd, 0x0102, "PidTagIcon", "Icon bitmap" }, { 0x0ffe, 0x0003, "PidTagObjectType", "Object type" }, { 0x0fff, 0x0102, "PidTagEntryId", "Entry identifier" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The message content property type (0x1000 - 0x2fff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_message_content_property_types[ ] = { { 0x1000, 0x001e, "PidTagBody", "Plain text message body" }, { 0x1001, 0x001e, "PidTagReportText", "Report text" }, { 0x1002, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginatorAndDistributionListExpansionHistory", "Originator and distribution list expansion history" }, { 0x1003, 0x0102, "PR_REPORTING_DL_NAME", "" }, { 0x1004, 0x0102, "PR_REPORTING_MTA_CERTIFICATE", "" }, { 0x1006, 0x0003, "PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_CRC", "" }, { 0x1007, 0x0003, "PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_COUNT", "" }, { 0x1008, 0x001e, "PR_RTF_SYNC_BODY_TAG", "" }, { 0x1009, 0x0102, "PidTagRtfCompressed", "Compressed RTF message body" }, { 0x1010, 0x0003, "PR_RTF_SYNC_PREFIX_COUNT", "" }, { 0x1011, 0x0003, "PR_RTF_SYNC_TRAILING_COUNT", "" }, { 0x1012, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINALLY_INTENDED_RECIP_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x1013, 0x001e, "PidTagBodyHtml", "HTML message body" }, { 0x1013, 0x0102, "PidTagHtml", "HTML message body" }, { 0x1014, 0x001e, "PidTagBodyContentLocation", "Message body content location" }, { 0x1030, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_APPROVED", "" }, { 0x1031, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_CONTROL", "" }, { 0x1032, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_DISTRIBUTION", "" }, { 0x1033, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_FOLLOWUP_TO", "" }, { 0x1034, 0x0003, "PR_INTERNET_LINES", "" }, { 0x1035, 0x001e, "PidTagInternetMessageId", "Message identifier" }, { 0x1036, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_NEWSGROUPS", "" }, { 0x1037, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_ORGANIZATION", "" }, { 0x1038, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_NNTP_PATH", "" }, { 0x1039, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_REFERENCES", "" }, { 0x103a, 0x001e, "PR_SUPERSEDES", "" }, { 0x103b, 0x0102, "PR_POST_FOLDER_ENTRIES", "" }, { 0x103c, 0x001e, "PR_POST_FOLDER_NAMES", "" }, { 0x103d, 0x0102, "PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_ENTRIES", "" }, { 0x103e, 0x001e, "PR_POST_REPLY_FOLDER_NAMES", "" }, { 0x103f, 0x0102, "PR_POST_REPLY_DENIED", "" }, { 0x1040, 0x001e, "PR_NNTP_XREF", "" }, { 0x1041, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_PRECEDENCE", "" }, { 0x1042, 0x001e, "PR_IN_REPLY_TO_ID", "" }, { 0x1043, 0x001e, "PR_LIST_HELP", "" }, { 0x1044, 0x001e, "PR_LIST_SUBSCRIBE", "" }, { 0x1045, 0x001e, "PR_LIST_UNSUBSCRIBE", "" }, { 0x1046, 0x001e, "PidTagInternetReturnPath", "Internet return path" }, { 0x1080, 0x0003, "PidTagIconIndex", "Icon index" }, { 0x1081, 0x0003, "PR_ACTION_FLAG", "" }, { 0x1082, 0x0040, "PR_ACTION_DATE", "" }, { 0x1090, 0x0003, "PidTagFlagStatus", "Flag status" }, { 0x1091, 0x0040, "PR_FLAG_COMPLETE", "" }, { 0x1095, 0x0003, "PR_FLAG_ICON", "Flag icon index" }, { 0x1096, 0x0003, "PidTagBlockStatus", "Block status" }, { 0x1097, 0x0003, "PidTagItemTemporaryFlags", "Temporary item flags" }, { 0x1098, 0x1102, "PidTagConflictItems", "Conflict items" }, { 0x10c0, 0x0102, "PR_SMTP_TEMP_TBL_DATA", "" }, { 0x10c1, 0x0003, "PR_SMTP_TEMP_TBL_DATA_2", "" }, { 0x10c2, 0x0102, "PR_SMTP_TEMP_TBL_DATA_3", "" }, { 0x10c3, 0x0040, "PR_CAL_START_TIME", "" }, { 0x10c4, 0x0040, "PR_CAL_END_TIME", "" }, { 0x10c5, 0x0040, "PR_CAL_RECURRING_ID", "" }, { 0x10c6, 0x001e, "PR_DAV_SUBMIT_DATA", "" }, { 0x10c7, 0x0003, "PR_CDO_EXPANSION_INDEX", "" }, { 0x10c8, 0x0102, "PR_IFS_INTERNAL_DATA", "" }, { 0x10ca, 0x0040, "PR_CAL_REMINDER_NEXT_TIME", "" }, { 0x10f1, 0x001e, "PR_OWA_URL", "" }, { 0x10f2, 0x000b, "PR_DISABLE_FULL_FIDELITY", "Disable full fidelity" }, { 0x10f3, 0x001e, "PidTagUrlComponentName", "URL computer name" }, { 0x10f4, 0x000b, "PidTagAttributeHidden", "Attribute hidden" }, { 0x10f5, 0x000b, "PidTagAttributeSystem", "Attribute system" }, { 0x10f6, 0x000b, "PidTagAttributeReadOnly", "Attribute read only" }, { 0x1100, 0x0102, "PR_P1_CONTENT", "" }, { 0x1101, 0x0102, "PR_P1_CONTENT_TYPE", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The common object property type (0x3000 - 0x32ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_common_object_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3000, 0x0003, "PidTagRowid", "Recipient row identifier" }, { 0x3001, 0x001e, "PidTagDisplayName", "Message store display name" }, { 0x3002, 0x001e, "PidTagAddressType", "E-mail address type" }, { 0x3003, 0x001e, "PidTagEmailAddress", "E-mail address" }, { 0x3004, 0x001e, "PidTagComment", "Comment" }, { 0x3005, 0x0003, "PidTagDepth", "Hierarchy table depth" }, { 0x3006, 0x001e, "PidTagProviderDisplayName", "Service provider display name" }, { 0x3007, 0x0040, "PidTagCreationTime", "Creation time" }, { 0x3008, 0x0040, "PidTagLastModificationTime", "Last modification time" }, { 0x3009, 0x0003, "PidTagResourceFlags", "Resource flags" }, { 0x300a, 0x001e, "PidTagProviderDisplay", "Service provider DLL filename" }, { 0x300b, 0x0102, "PidTagSearchKey", "Search key" }, { 0x300c, 0x0102, "PidTagProviderUid", "Service provider identifier" }, { 0x300d, 0x0003, "PidTagProviderOrdinal", "Service provider table index" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The form property type (0x3300 - 0x33ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_form_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3301, 0x001e, "PR_FORM_VERSION", "" }, { 0x3302, 0x0048, "PR_FORM_CLSID", "" }, { 0x3303, 0x001e, "PR_FORM_CONTACT_NAME", "" }, { 0x3304, 0x001e, "PR_FORM_CATEGORY", "" }, { 0x3305, 0x001e, "PR_FORM_CATEGORY_SUB", "" }, { 0x3306, 0x1003, "PR_FORM_HOST_MAP", "" }, { 0x3307, 0x000b, "PR_FORM_HIDDEN", "" }, { 0x3308, 0x001e, "PR_FORM_DESIGNER_NAME", "" }, { 0x3309, 0x0048, "PR_FORM_DESIGNER_GUID", "" }, { 0x330a, 0x0003, "PR_FORM_MESSAGE_BEHAVIOR", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The message store property type (0x3400 - 0x35ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_message_store_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3400, 0x000b, "PR_DEFAULT_STORE", "" }, { 0x340d, 0x0003, "PidTagStoreSupportMask", "Message store characteristics mask" }, { 0x340e, 0x0003, "PR_STORE_STATE", "" }, { 0x3410, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_SUBTREE_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x3411, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_OUTBOX_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x3412, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x3413, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x3414, 0x0102, "PidTagStoreProvider", "Message store provider" }, { 0x3415, 0x000d, "PR_RECEIVE_FOLDER_SETTINGS", "" }, { 0x3416, 0x0102, "", "Item proc search entry identifier" }, { 0x3419, 0x0003, "PR_SEARCH_OWNER_ID", "Search owner identifier" }, { 0x35df, 0x0003, "PidTagValidFolderMask", "Valid folder mask" }, { 0x35e0, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmSubtreeEntryId", "IPM sub tree root folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e2, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmOutboxEntryId", "Outbox folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e3, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmWastebasketEntryId", "Wastebasket folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e4, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmSentMailEntryId", "Sent mail folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e5, 0x0102, "PidTagViewsEntryId", "Views folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e6, 0x0102, "PidTagCommonViewsEntryId", "Common views folder entry identifier" }, { 0x35e7, 0x0102, "PidTagFinderEntryId", "Finder folder entry identifier" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The folder and address book property type (0x3600 - 0x36ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_folder_and_address_book_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3600, 0x0003, "PidTagContainerFlags", "Address book container capabilities flags" }, { 0x3601, 0x0003, "PidTagFolderType", "Folder type" }, { 0x3602, 0x0003, "PidTagContentCount", "Number of content items" }, { 0x3603, 0x0003, "PidTagContentUnreadCount", "Number of unread content items" }, { 0x3604, 0x000d, "PidTagCreateTemplates", "Dialog box template entry identifiers" }, { 0x3605, 0x000d, "PidTagDetailsTable", "Display table object" }, { 0x3607, 0x000d, "PR_SEARCH", "Advanced search object" }, { 0x3609, 0x000b, "PR_SELECTABLE", "Table entry selectable" }, { 0x360a, 0x000b, "PidTagSubfolders", "Has sub folders" }, { 0x360b, 0x0003, "PR_STATUS", "Folder status flags" }, { 0x360c, 0x001e, "PR_ANR", "Address book property restriction" }, { 0x360d, 0x1003, "PR_CONTENTS_SORT_ORDER", "Content item sort order" }, { 0x360e, 0x000d, "PR_CONTAINER_HIERARCHY", "Hierarchy table" }, { 0x360f, 0x000d, "PR_CONTAINER_CONTENTS", "Contents table" }, { 0x3610, 0x000d, "PR_FOLDER_ASSOCIATED_CONTENTS", "Associated contents table" }, { 0x3611, 0x0102, "PR_DEF_CREATE_DL", "Distribution list template identifier" }, { 0x3612, 0x0102, "PR_DEF_CREATE_MAILUSER", "Messaging user template identifier" }, { 0x3613, 0x001e, "PidTagContainerClass", "Container class" }, { 0x3614, 0x0014, "PR_CONTAINER_MODIFY_VERSION", "Current modification version" }, { 0x3615, 0x0102, "PidTagAbProviderId", "Address book provider" }, { 0x3616, 0x0102, "PidTagDefaultViewEntryId", "Default view entry identifier" }, { 0x3617, 0x0003, "PidTagAssociatedContentCount", "Number of associated content items" }, { 0x361c, 0x0102, "PR_PACKED_NAME_PROPS", "" }, { 0x36d0, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmAppointmentEntryId", "Calendar folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d1, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmContactEntryId", "Contact folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d2, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmJournalEntryId", "Journal folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d3, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmNoteEntryId", "Notes folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d4, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmTaskEntryId", "Tasks folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d5, 0x0102, "PidTagRemindersOnlineEntryId", "Online reminders folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d6, 0x0102, "PR_REMINDERS_OFFLINE_ENTRYID", "Offline reminders folder entry identifier" }, { 0x36d7, 0x0102, "PidTagIpmDraftsEntryId", "Drafts entry identifier" }, { 0x36d8, 0x1102, "PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIds", "Additional REN folder entry identifiers" }, { 0x36d9, 0x0102, "PidTagAdditionalRenEntryIdsEx", "Additional REN folder entry identifiers" }, { 0x36da, 0x0102, "PidTagExtendedFolderFlags", "Extended folder flags" }, { 0x36df, 0x0102, "PidTagFolderWebViewInfo", "Folder web view information" }, { 0x36e0, 0x0102, "PR_FOLDER_XVIEWINFO_E", "" }, { 0x36e1, 0x0003, "PR_FOLDER_VIEWS_ONLY", "" }, { 0x36e2, 0x0003, "PidTagOrdinalMost", "Task ordinal maximum" }, { 0x36e4, 0x1102, "PidTagFreeBusyEntryIds", "Free busy entry identifiers" }, { 0x36e5, 0x001e, "PR_DEF_MSG_CLASS", "" }, { 0x36e6, 0x001e, "PR_DEF_FORM_NAME", "" }, { 0x36e9, 0x000b, "PR_GENERATE_EXCHANGE_VIEWS", "" }, { 0x36eb, 0x0102, "PR_FOLDER_VIEWLIST", "Folder view list" }, { 0x36ec, 0x0003, "PR_AGING_PERIOD", "Aging period" }, { 0x36ee, 0x0003, "PR_AGING_GRANULARITY", "Aging period granularity" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The attachment property type (0x3700 - 0x38ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_attachment_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3700, 0x0102, "PR_ATTACHMENT_X400_PARAMETERS", "Attachment transmission parameters" }, { 0x3701, 0x000d, "PidTagAttachDataObject", "Attachment object" }, { 0x3701, 0x0102, "PidTagAttachDataBinary", "Attachment binary data" }, { 0x3702, 0x0102, "PidTagAttachEncoding", "Attachment encoding" }, { 0x3703, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachExtension", "Attachment extension" }, { 0x3704, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachFilename", "Attachment (short) filename" }, { 0x3705, 0x0003, "PidTagAttachMethod", "Attachment method" }, { 0x3707, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachLongFilename", "Attachment long filename" }, { 0x3708, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachPathname", "Attachment (short) pathname" }, { 0x3709, 0x0102, "PidTagAttachRendering", "Attachment rendering information" }, { 0x370a, 0x0102, "PidTagAttachTag", "Attachment application tag" }, { 0x370b, 0x0003, "PidTagRenderingPosition", "Attachment rendering offset" }, { 0x370c, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachTransportName", "Attachment TNEF transport name" }, { 0x370d, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachLongPathname", "Attachment long pathname" }, { 0x370e, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachMimeTag", "Attachment MIME type" }, { 0x370f, 0x0102, "PidTagAttachAdditionalInformation", "Attachment encoding information" }, { 0x3710, 0x0003, "PidTagAttachMimeSequence", "Attachment MIME sequence number" }, { 0x3711, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachContentBase", "Attachment MIME content base header URI" }, { 0x3712, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachContentId", "Attachment MIME content identifier header" }, { 0x3713, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachContentLocation", "Attachment MIME content location header" }, { 0x3714, 0x0003, "PidTagAttachFlags", "Attachment flags" }, { 0x3716, 0x001e, "PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_DISPOSITION", "" }, { 0x3719, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachPayloadProviderGuidString", "Attachment MIME X-Payload-Provider-Guid header" }, { 0x371a, 0x001e, "PidTagAttachPayloadClass", "Attachment MIME X-Payload-Class header" }, { 0x371b, 0x001e, "PidTagTextAttachmentCharset", "Attachment character set" }, { 0x3880, 0x0102, "PR_SYNCEVENT_SUPPRESS_GUID", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The address book property type (0x3900 - 0x39ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_address_book_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3900, 0x0003, "PidTagDisplayType", "Icon display type" }, { 0x3902, 0x0102, "PidTagTemplateid", "Service provider template entry identifier" }, { 0x3904, 0x0102, "PidTagPrimaryCapability", "Primary capability" }, { 0x3905, 0x0003, "PidTagDisplayTypeEx", "Extended icon display type" }, { 0x39fe, 0x001e, "PidTagSmtpAddress", "SMTP address" }, { 0x39ff, 0x001e, "PidTag7BitDisplayName", "Messaging username" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The messaging user property type (0x3a00 - 0x3bff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_messaging_user_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3a00, 0x001e, "PidTagAccount", "Recipient account name" }, { 0x3a01, 0x0102, "PidTagAlternateRecipient", "Alternate recipient entry identifiers" }, { 0x3a02, 0x001e, "PidTagCallbackTelephoneNumber", "Callback telephone number" }, { 0x3a03, 0x000b, "PidTagConversionProhibited", "Conversation prohibited" }, { 0x3a04, 0x000b, "PR_DISCLOSE_RECIPIENTS", "Disclose recipient" }, { 0x3a05, 0x001e, "PidTagGeneration", "Generational abbreviation" }, { 0x3a06, 0x001e, "PidTagGivenName", "Given name" }, { 0x3a07, 0x001e, "PidTagGovernmentIdNumber", "Government identifier" }, { 0x3a08, 0x001e, "PidTagBusinessTelephoneNumber", "Business (office) phone number" }, { 0x3a09, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeTelephoneNumber", "Home phone number" }, { 0x3a0a, 0x001e, "PidTagInitials", "Initials" }, { 0x3a0b, 0x001e, "PidTagKeyword", "Recipient identification keyword" }, { 0x3a0c, 0x001e, "PidTagLanguage", "Language" }, { 0x3a0d, 0x001e, "PidTagLocation", "Location" }, { 0x3a0e, 0x000b, "PidTagMailPermission", "Permitted to send/receive messaged" }, { 0x3a0f, 0x001e, "PidTagMessageHandlingSystemCommonName", "Message handling system (MHS) common name" }, { 0x3a10, 0x001e, "PidTagOrganizationalIdNumber", "Organizational identification number" }, { 0x3a11, 0x001e, "PidTagSurname", "Surname" }, { 0x3a12, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalEntryId", "Original entry identifier" }, { 0x3a13, 0x001e, "PidTagOriginalDisplayName", "Original display name" }, { 0x3a14, 0x0102, "PidTagOriginalSearchKey", "Original search key" }, { 0x3a15, 0x001e, "PidTagPostalAddress", "Postal address" }, { 0x3a16, 0x001e, "PidTagCompanyName", "Company name" }, { 0x3a17, 0x001e, "PidTagTitle", "Job title" }, { 0x3a18, 0x001e, "PidTagDepartmentName", "Department name" }, { 0x3a19, 0x001e, "PidTagOfficeLocation", "Office location" }, { 0x3a1a, 0x001e, "PidTagPrimaryTelephoneNumber", "Primary phone number" }, { 0x3a1b, 0x001e, "PidTagBusiness2TelephoneNumber", "Secondary business (office) phone number" }, { 0x3a1c, 0x001e, "PidTagMobileTelephoneNumber", "Mobile phone number" }, { 0x3a1d, 0x001e, "PidTagRadioTelephoneNumber", "Radio phone number" }, { 0x3a1e, 0x001e, "PidTagCarTelephoneNumber", "Car phone number" }, { 0x3a1f, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherTelephoneNumber", "Alternate telephone number" }, { 0x3a20, 0x001e, "PidTagTransmittableDisplayName", "Transmittable display name" }, { 0x3a21, 0x001e, "PidTagPagerTelephoneNumber", "Pager phone number" }, { 0x3a22, 0x0102, "PidTagUserCertificate", "User certificate" }, { 0x3a23, 0x001e, "PidTagPrimaryFaxNumber", "Primary fax number" }, { 0x3a24, 0x001e, "PidTagBusinessFaxNumber", "Business (office) fax number" }, { 0x3a25, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeFaxNumber", "Home fax number" }, { 0x3a26, 0x001e, "PidTagCountry", "Country" }, { 0x3a27, 0x001e, "PidTagLocality", "Locality (town or city)" }, { 0x3a28, 0x001e, "PidTagStateOrProvince", "State or province" }, { 0x3a29, 0x001e, "PidTagStreetAddress", "Street" }, { 0x3a2a, 0x001e, "PidTagPostalCode", "Postal code" }, { 0x3a2b, 0x001e, "PidTagPostOfficeBox", "Post office box" }, { 0x3a2c, 0x001e, "PidTagTelexNumber", "Telex number" }, { 0x3a2d, 0x001e, "PidTagIsdnNumber", "ISDN number" }, { 0x3a2e, 0x001e, "PidTagAssistantTelephoneNumber", "Assistant phone number" }, { 0x3a2f, 0x001e, "PidTagHome2TelephoneNumber", "Secondary home phone number" }, { 0x3a30, 0x001e, "PidTagAssistant", "Assistant name" }, { 0x3a40, 0x000b, "PidTagSendRichInfo", "Can receive rich text (RTF, OLE)" }, { 0x3a41, 0x0040, "PidTagWeddingAnniversary", "Wedding anniversary" }, { 0x3a42, 0x0040, "PidTagBirthday", "Brithday" }, { 0x3a43, 0x001e, "PidTagHobbies", "Hobbies" }, { 0x3a44, 0x001e, "PidTagMiddleName", "Middle name(s)" }, { 0x3a45, 0x001e, "PidTagDisplayNamePrefix", "Display name prefix" }, { 0x3a46, 0x001e, "PidTagProfession", "Profession" }, { 0x3a47, 0x001e, "PidTagPreferredByName", "Preferred name" }, { 0x3a48, 0x001e, "PidTagSpouseName", "Name spouse" }, { 0x3a49, 0x001e, "PidTagComputerNetworkName", "Computer network name" }, { 0x3a4a, 0x001e, "PidTagCustomerId", "Customer identifier" }, { 0x3a4b, 0x001e, "PidTagTtyTddPhoneNumber", "Text telephone (TTY) or telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD) phone number" }, { 0x3a4c, 0x001e, "PidTagFtpSite", "FTP site" }, { 0x3a4d, 0x0002, "PidTagGender", "Gender" }, { 0x3a4e, 0x001e, "PidTagManagerName", "Name manager" }, { 0x3a4f, 0x001e, "PidTagNickname", "Nickname" }, { 0x3a50, 0x001e, "PidTagPersonalHomePage", "Personal home page" }, { 0x3a51, 0x001e, "PidTagBusinessHomePage", "Business home page" }, { 0x3a52, 0x0048, "PidTagContactVersion", "Contact version" }, { 0x3a53, 0x1102, "PR_CONTACT_ENTRYIDS", "Contact entry identifiers" }, { 0x3a54, 0x101e, "PidTagContactAddressTypes", "Contact address types" }, { 0x3a55, 0x0003, "PR_CONTACT_DEFAULT_ADDRESS_INDEX", "Contact default address index" }, { 0x3a56, 0x101e, "PR_CONTACT_EMAIL_ADDRESSES", "Contact email addresses" }, { 0x3a57, 0x001e, "PidTagCompanyMainTelephoneNumber", "Company main phone number" }, { 0x3a58, 0x101e, "PidTagChildrensNames", "Name(s) of children" }, { 0x3a59, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressCity", "City of home address" }, { 0x3a5a, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressCountry", "Country of home address" }, { 0x3a5b, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressPostalCode", "Postal code of home address" }, { 0x3a5c, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressStateOrProvince", "State or province of home address" }, { 0x3a5d, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressStreet", "Street of home address" }, { 0x3a5e, 0x001e, "PidTagHomeAddressPostOfficeBox", "Post office box of home address" }, { 0x3a5f, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressCity", "City of other address" }, { 0x3a60, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressCountry", "Country of other address" }, { 0x3a61, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressPostalCode", "Postal code of other address" }, { 0x3a62, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressStateOrProvince", "State or province of other address" }, { 0x3a63, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressStreet", "Street of other address" }, { 0x3a64, 0x001e, "PidTagOtherAddressPostOfficeBox", "Post office box of other address" }, { 0x3a70, 0x1102, "PidTagUserX509Certificate", "User X.509 certificate" }, { 0x3a71, 0x0003, "PidTagSendInternetEncoding", "Message encoding preference flags" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The distribution list property type (0x3c00 - 0x3cff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_distribution_list_property_types[ ] = { { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The profile property type (0x3d00 - 0x3dff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_profile_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3d00, 0x0102, "PR_STORE_PROVIDERS", "" }, { 0x3d01, 0x0102, "PR_AB_PROVIDERS", "" }, { 0x3d02, 0x0102, "PR_TRANSPORT_PROVIDERS", "" }, { 0x3d04, 0x000b, "PR_DEFAULT_PROFILE", "" }, { 0x3d05, 0x1102, "PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH", "" }, { 0x3d06, 0x0102, "PR_AB_DEFAULT_DIR", "" }, { 0x3d07, 0x0102, "PR_AB_DEFAULT_PAB", "" }, { 0x3d08, 0x0102, "PR_FILTERING_HOOKS", "" }, { 0x3d09, 0x001e, "PR_SERVICE_NAME", "" }, { 0x3d0a, 0x001e, "PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME", "" }, { 0x3d0b, 0x001e, "PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME", "" }, { 0x3d0c, 0x0102, "PR_SERVICE_UID", "" }, { 0x3d0d, 0x0102, "PR_SERVICE_EXTRA_UIDS", "" }, { 0x3d0e, 0x0102, "PR_SERVICES", "" }, { 0x3d0f, 0x101e, "PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES", "" }, { 0x3d10, 0x101e, "PR_SERVICE_DELETE_FILES", "" }, { 0x3d11, 0x0102, "PR_AB_SEARCH_PATH_UPDATE", "" }, { 0x3d12, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_NAME", "" }, { 0x3d13, 0x001e, "PR_SERVICE_INSTALL_ID", "" }, { 0x3d21, 0x0102, "ptagAdminNTSD", "Administrator permissions (NT security descriptor)" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The status object property type (0x3e00 - 0x3fff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_status_object_property_types[ ] = { { 0x3e00, 0x001e, "PR_IDENTITY_DISPLAY", "" }, { 0x3e01, 0x0102, "PR_IDENTITY_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x3e02, 0x0003, "PR_RESOURCE_METHODS", "" }, { 0x3e03, 0x0003, "PR_RESOURCE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x3e04, 0x0003, "PR_STATUS_CODE", "" }, { 0x3e05, 0x0102, "PR_IDENTITY_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x3e06, 0x0102, "PR_OWN_STORE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x3e07, 0x001e, "PR_RESOURCE_PATH", "" }, { 0x3e08, 0x001e, "PR_STATUS_STRING", "" }, { 0x3e09, 0x000b, "PR_X400_DEFERRED_DELIVERY_CANCEL", "" }, { 0x3e0a, 0x0102, "PR_HEADER_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x3e0b, 0x0003, "PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS", "" }, { 0x3e0c, 0x001e, "PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS_TEXT", "" }, { 0x3e0d, 0x000b, "PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK", "" }, { 0x3f00, 0x0003, "PR_CONTROL_FLAGS", "Dialog box control behavior flags" }, { 0x3f01, 0x0102, "PR_CONTROL_STRUCTURE", "Dialog box control structure" }, { 0x3f02, 0x0003, "PR_CONTROL_TYPE", "Dialog box control type" }, { 0x3f03, 0x0003, "PR_DELTAX", "Dialog box control width" }, { 0x3f04, 0x0003, "PR_DELTAY", "Dialog box control height" }, { 0x3f05, 0x0003, "PR_XPOS", "Dialog box control left x coordinate" }, { 0x3f06, 0x0003, "PR_YPOS", "Dialog box control upper y coordinate" }, { 0x3f07, 0x0102, "PR_CONTROL_ID", "Dialog box control identifier" }, { 0x3f08, 0x0003, "PR_INITIAL_DETAILS_PANE", "Initial property page" }, { 0x3f80, 0x0014, "PR_DID", "" }, { 0x3f81, 0x0014, "PR_SEQID", "" }, { 0x3f82, 0x0014, "PR_DRAFTID", "" }, { 0x3f83, 0x0040, "PR_CHECK_IN_TIME", "" }, { 0x3f84, 0x001e, "PR_CHECK_IN_COMMENT", "" }, { 0x3f85, 0x0003, "PR_VERSION_OP_CODE", "" }, { 0x3f86, 0x0102, "PR_VERSION_OP_DATA", "" }, { 0x3f87, 0x0003, "PR_VERSION_SEQUENCE_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x3f88, 0x0014, "PR_ATTACH_ID", "" }, { 0x3f8d, 0x001e, "PR_PKM_DOC_STATUS", "" }, { 0x3f8e, 0x101e, "PR_MV_PKM_OPERATION_REQ", "" }, { 0x3f8f, 0x001e, "PR_PKM_DOC_INTERNAL_STATE", "" }, { 0x3f90, 0x0002, "PR_VERSIONING_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x3f91, 0x0102, "PR_PKM_LAST_UNAPPROVED_VID", "" }, { 0x3f92, 0x101e, "PR_MV_PKM_VERSION_LABELS", "" }, { 0x3f93, 0x101e, "PR_MV_PKM_VERSION_STATUS", "" }, { 0x3f94, 0x0102, "PR_PKM_INTERNAL_DATA", "" }, { 0x3fc9, 0x0102, "PR_LAST_CONFLICT", "" }, { 0x3fca, 0x0102, "PR_CONFLICT_MSG_KEY", "" }, { 0x3fd0, 0x0102, "PR_REPL_HEADER", "" }, { 0x3fd1, 0x0102, "PR_REPL_STATUS", "" }, { 0x3fd2, 0x0102, "PR_REPL_CHANGES", "" }, { 0x3fd3, 0x0102, "PR_REPL_RGM", "" }, { 0x3fd4, 0x0102, "PR_RMI", "" }, { 0x3fd5, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNAL_POST_REPLY", "" }, { 0x3fd6, 0x0040, "PR_NTSD_MODIFICATION_TIME", "" }, { 0x3fd8, 0x001e, "PR_PREVIEW_UNREAD", "" }, { 0x3fd9, 0x001e, "PR_PREVIEW", "" }, { 0x3fda, 0x001e, "PR_ABSTRACT", "" }, { 0x3fdb, 0x0003, "PR_DL_REPORT_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x3fdc, 0x0102, "PR_BILATERAL_INFO", "" }, { 0x3fdd, 0x0003, "PR_MSG_BODY_ID", "" }, { 0x3fde, 0x0003, "PidTagInternetCodepage", "Message body codepage" }, { 0x3fdf, 0x0003, "PidTagAutoResponseSuppress", "Suppress auto response" }, { 0x3fe0, 0x000d, "PR_ACL_TABLE", "Access control list table object" }, { 0x3fe0, 0x0102, "PR_ACL_DATA", "Access control list data" }, { 0x3fe1, 0x000d, "PidTagRulesTable", "Folder rules table object" }, { 0x3fe1, 0x0102, "PidTagRulesData", "Folder rules table data" }, { 0x3fe2, 0x0003, "PR_FOLDER_DESIGN_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x3fe3, 0x000b, "PR_DELEGATED_BY_RULE", "" }, { 0x3fe4, 0x000b, "PR_DESIGN_IN_PROGRESS", "" }, { 0x3fe5, 0x000b, "PR_SECURE_ORIGINATION", "" }, { 0x3fe6, 0x000b, "PR_PUBLISH_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK", "" }, { 0x3fe7, 0x0003, "PidTagResolveMethod", "Conflict resolution method" }, { 0x3fe8, 0x001e, "PR_ADDRESS_BOOK_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x3fe9, 0x0003, "PR_EFORMS_LOCALE_ID", "" }, { 0x3fea, 0x000b, "PR_HAS_DAMS", "" }, { 0x3feb, 0x0003, "PR_DEFERRED_SEND_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x3fec, 0x0003, "PR_DEFERRED_SEND_UNITS", "" }, { 0x3fed, 0x0003, "PR_EXPIRY_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x3fee, 0x0003, "PR_EXPIRY_UNITS", "" }, { 0x3fef, 0x0040, "PR_DEFERRED_SEND_TIME", "" }, { 0x3ff0, 0x0102, "PidTagConflictEntryId", "Conflict entry identifier" }, { 0x3ff1, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageLocaleId", "Message locale identifier" }, { 0x3ff2, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_TRIGGER_HISTORY", "" }, { 0x3ff3, 0x0102, "PR_MOVE_TO_STORE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x3ff4, 0x0102, "PR_MOVE_TO_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x3ff5, 0x0003, "PR_STORAGE_QUOTA_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x3ff6, 0x0003, "PR_EXCESS_STORAGE_USED", "" }, { 0x3ff7, 0x001e, "PR_SVR_GENERATING_QUOTA_MSG", "" }, { 0x3ff8, 0x001e, "PR_CREATOR_NAME", "Creator name" }, { 0x3ff9, 0x0102, "PR_CREATOR_ENTRYID", "Creator entry identifier" }, { 0x3ffa, 0x001e, "PR_LAST_MODIFIER_NAME", "Last modifier name" }, { 0x3ffb, 0x0102, "PR_LAST_MODIFIER_ENTRYID", "Last modifier entry identifier" }, { 0x3ffc, 0x001e, "PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_SMTP_PROXIES", "" }, { 0x3ffd, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageCodepage", "Message codepage" }, { 0x3ffe, 0x0102, "PR_EXTENDED_ACL_DATA", "" }, { 0x3fff, 0x000b, "PR_FROM_I_HAVE", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The transport provider message envelope property type (0x4000 - 0x57ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_transport_provider_message_envelope_property_types[ ] = { { 0x4000, 0x0003, "PR_NEW_ATTACH", "" }, { 0x4001, 0x0003, "PR_START_EMBED", "" }, { 0x4002, 0x0003, "PR_END_EMBED", "" }, { 0x4003, 0x0003, "PR_START_RECIP", "" }, { 0x4004, 0x0003, "PR_END_RECIP", "" }, { 0x4005, 0x0003, "PR_END_CC_RECIP", "" }, { 0x4006, 0x0003, "PR_END_BCC_RECIP", "" }, { 0x4007, 0x0003, "PR_END_P1_RECIP", "" }, { 0x4009, 0x0003, "PR_START_TOP_FLD", "" }, { 0x400a, 0x0003, "PR_START_SUB_FLD", "" }, { 0x400b, 0x0003, "PR_END_FOLDER", "" }, { 0x400c, 0x0003, "PR_START_MESSAGE", "" }, { 0x400d, 0x0003, "PR_END_MESSAGE", "" }, { 0x400e, 0x0003, "PR_END_ATTACH", "" }, { 0x400f, 0x0003, "PR_EC_WARNING", "" }, { 0x4010, 0x0003, "PR_START_FAI_MSG", "" }, { 0x4011, 0x0102, "PR_NEW_FX_FOLDER", "" }, { 0x4012, 0x0003, "PR_INCR_SYNC_CHG", "" }, { 0x4013, 0x0003, "PR_INCR_SYNC_DEL", "" }, { 0x4014, 0x0003, "PR_INCR_SYNC_END", "" }, { 0x4015, 0x0003, "PR_INCR_SYNC_MSG", "" }, { 0x4016, 0x0003, "PR_FX_DEL_PROP", "" }, { 0x4017, 0x0003, "PR_IDSET_GIVEN", "" }, { 0x4019, 0x0003, "PR_SENDER_FLAGS", "Sender flags" }, { 0x401a, 0x0003, "PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_FLAGS", "Sent representing flags" }, { 0x401b, 0x0003, "PR_RCVD_BY_FLAGS", "Received by flags" }, { 0x401c, 0x0003, "PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_FLAGS", "Received representing flags" }, { 0x401d, 0x0003, "PR_ORIGINAL_SENDER_FLAGS", "Original sender flags" }, { 0x401e, 0x0003, "PR_ORIGINAL_SENT_REPRESENTING_FLAGS", "Original sent representing flags" }, { 0x401f, 0x0003, "PR_REPORT_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x4020, 0x0003, "PR_READ_RECEIPT_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x4021, 0x000b, "PR_SOFT_DELETES", "" }, { 0x402c, 0x0102, "PR_MESSAGE_SUBMISSION_ID_FROM_CLIENT", "" }, { 0x4030, 0x001e, "PR_SENDER_SIMPLE_DISP_NAME", "" }, { 0x4031, 0x001e, "PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_SIMPLE_DISP_NAME", "" }, { 0x4038, 0x001e, "PR_CREATOR_SIMPLE_DISP_NAME", "" }, { 0x403d, 0x001e, "PR_ORG_ADDR_TYPE", "Original address type" }, { 0x403e, 0x001e, "PR_ORG_EMAIL_ADDR", "Original e-mail address" }, { 0x4059, 0x0003, "PR_CREATOR_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x405a, 0x0003, "PR_MODIFIER_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x405b, 0x0003, "PR_ORIGINATOR_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x405c, 0x0003, "PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x405d, 0x0003, "PR_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR_FLAGS", "Original author flags" }, { 0x4061, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINATOR_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x4064, 0x0102, "PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x4065, 0x0003, "PR_ER_FLAG", "" }, { 0x4068, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_SUBJECT", "" }, { 0x4069, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_SENT_REPRESENTING_NAME", "" }, { 0x4076, 0x0003, "PR_CONTENT_FILTER_SCL", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The transport provider recipient property type (0x5800 - 0x5fff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_transport_provider_recipient_property_types[ ] = { { 0x5902, 0x0003, "PR_INET_MAIL_OVERRIDE_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x5909, 0x0003, "PidTagMessageEditorFormat", "Message editor format" }, { 0x5ff6, 0x001e, "PR_RECIPIENT_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x5ff7, 0x0102, "PR_RECIPIENT_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x5ffb, 0x0040, "PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS_ME", "" }, { 0x5ffd, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENTS_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x5fff, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The client non-transmittable message property type (0x6000 - 0x65ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_client_non_transmittable_message_property_types[ ] = { { 0x6001, 0x0003, "PR_DOTSTUFF_STATE", "" }, { 0x6001, 0x001e, "", "Alias" }, { 0x65a0, 0x0014, "PR_RULE_SERVER_RULE_ID", "" }, { 0x65c2, 0x0102, "PR_REPLY_TEMPLATE_ID", "" }, { 0x65c6, 0x0003, "PidTagSecureSubmitFlags", "Secure submit flags" }, { 0x65e0, 0x0102, "PidTagSourceKey", "Source key" }, { 0x65e1, 0x0102, "PidTagParentSourceKey", "Parent source key" }, { 0x65e2, 0x0102, "PidTagChangeKey", "Change key" }, { 0x65e3, 0x0102, "PidTagPredecessorChangeList", "Predecessor change list" }, { 0x65e4, 0x0003, "PR_SYNCHRONIZE_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x65e5, 0x000b, "PR_AUTO_ADD_NEW_SUBS", "" }, { 0x65e6, 0x000b, "PR_NEW_SUBS_GET_AUTO_ADD", "" }, { 0x65e7, 0x001e, "PR_MESSAGE_SITE_NAME", "" }, { 0x65e8, 0x000b, "PR_MESSAGE_PROCESSED", "" }, { 0x65e9, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_MSG_STATE", "" }, { 0x65ea, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_MSG_USER_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x65eb, 0x001e, "PR_RULE_MSG_PROVIDER", "" }, { 0x65ec, 0x001e, "PR_RULE_MSG_NAME", "" }, { 0x65ed, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_MSG_LEVEL", "" }, { 0x65ee, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_MSG_PROVIDER_DATA", "" }, { 0x65ef, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_MSG_ACTIONS", "" }, { 0x65f0, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_MSG_CONDITION", "" }, { 0x65f1, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_MSG_CONDITION_LCID", "" }, { 0x65f2, 0x0002, "PR_RULE_MSG_VERSION", "" }, { 0x65f3, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_MSG_SEQUENCE", "" }, { 0x65f4, 0x000b, "PR_PREVENT_MSG_CREATE", "" }, { 0x65f5, 0x0040, "PR_IMAP_INTERNAL_DATE", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The service provider non-transmittable property type (0x6600 - 0x67ef) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_service_provider_non_transmittable_property_types[ ] = { { 0x6600, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_VERSION", "" }, { 0x6601, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_CONFIG_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x6602, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER", "" }, { 0x6603, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_USER", "" }, { 0x6604, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_CONNECT_FLAGS", "Profile connection flags" }, { 0x6605, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_TRANSPORT_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x6606, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_UI_STATE", "" }, { 0x6607, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_NAME", "" }, { 0x6608, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER", "" }, { 0x6609, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_OPEN_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x6609, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_BINDING_ORDER", "" }, { 0x660a, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x660b, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_MAILBOX", "" }, { 0x660c, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_SERVER", "" }, { 0x660d, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_MAX_RESTRICT", "" }, { 0x660e, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_AB_FILES_PATH", "" }, { 0x660f, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_FAVFLD_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x6610, 0x0003, "PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x6610, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_STORE_PATH", "" }, { 0x6611, 0x0003, "PidTagContactAddressBookStoreSupportMask", "Contact address book store support flags" }, { 0x6611, 0x0102, "PR_PROFILE_OFFLINE_INFO", "" }, { 0x6612, 0x0003, "PR_INTERNET_WRAPPING_LENGTH", "" }, { 0x6612, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER_DN", "" }, { 0x6613, 0x101e, "PR_PROFILE_HOME_SERVER_ADDRS", "" }, { 0x6614, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_SERVER_DN", "" }, { 0x6615, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_FAVFLD_COMMENT", "" }, { 0x6616, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_ALLPUB_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x6617, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_ALLPUB_COMMENT", "" }, { 0x6618, 0x0003, "PR_DISABLE_WINSOCK", "" }, { 0x6618, 0x000b, "PR_IN_TRANSIT", "" }, { 0x6619, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_AUTH_PACKAGE", "" }, { 0x6619, 0x001e, "PidTagPstBodyPrefix", "Body prefix" }, { 0x6619, 0x0102, "PR_USER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x661a, 0x001e, "PR_USER_NAME", "" }, { 0x661b, 0x0102, "PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x661c, 0x001e, "PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_NAME", "" }, { 0x661d, 0x0003, "PidTagPstBestBodyProptag", "" }, { 0x661d, 0x000b, "PR_OOF_STATE", "" }, { 0x661e, 0x0102, "PR_SCHEDULE_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x661f, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_DAF_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6620, 0x0102, "PidTagNonIpmSubtreeEntryId", "Non-IPM subtree entry identifier" }, { 0x6620, 0x1102, "PidTagContactAddressBookFolderEntryIds", "Contact address book entry identifiers" }, { 0x6621, 0x0102, "PR_EFORMS_REGISTRY_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6621, 0x1102, "PidTagContactAddressBookStoreSupportMasks", "Contact address book store support flags" }, { 0x6622, 0x0102, "PR_SPLUS_FREE_BUSY_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6623, 0x0003, "PR_ROH_FLAGS", "RPC over HTTP flags" }, { 0x6623, 0x001e, "PR_HIERARCHY_SERVER", "" }, { 0x6623, 0x0102, "PR_OFFLINE_ADDRBOOK_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6624, 0x0102, "PR_EFORMS_FOR_LOCALE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6625, 0x0102, "PR_FREE_BUSY_FOR_LOCAL_SITE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6626, 0x0102, "PR_ADDRBOOK_FOR_LOCAL_SITE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6627, 0x0003, "PR_ROH_PROXY_AUTH_SCHEME", "RPC over HTTP proxy authentication scheme" }, { 0x6627, 0x0102, "PR_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6628, 0x0102, "PR_GW_MTSIN_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6629, 0x0102, "PR_GW_MTSOUT_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x662a, 0x000b, "PR_TRANSFER_ENABLED", "" }, { 0x662b, 0x0102, "PR_TEST_LINE_SPEED", "" }, { 0x662c, 0x000d, "PR_HIERARCHY_SYNCHRONIZER", "" }, { 0x662d, 0x000d, "PR_CONTENTS_SYNCHRONIZER", "" }, { 0x662e, 0x000d, "PR_COLLECTOR", "" }, { 0x662f, 0x000d, "PR_FAST_TRANSFER", "" }, { 0x6630, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_FAVORITES_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6631, 0x0102, "PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6632, 0x000b, "PR_STORE_OFFLINE", "" }, { 0x6633, 0x000b, "PidTagPstLrnorestrictions", "" }, { 0x6634, 0x000d, "PR_CHANGE_ADVISOR", "" }, { 0x6635, 0x0003, "PidTagPstHiddenCount", "Number of hidden items" }, { 0x6635, 0x001e, "PR_FAVORITES_DEFAULT_NAME", "" }, { 0x6636, 0x0003, "PidTagPstHiddenUnread", "Number of unread hidden items" }, { 0x6636, 0x0102, "PR_SYS_CONFIG_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6637, 0x0048, "PR_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_GUID", "" }, { 0x6638, 0x0003, "PR_FOLDER_CHILD_COUNT", "Number of sub folders" }, { 0x6639, 0x0003, "PR_RIGHTS", "" }, { 0x663a, 0x000b, "PidTagHasRules", "Has email rules" }, { 0x663b, 0x0102, "PidTagAddressBookEntryId", "Address book entry identifier" }, { 0x663c, 0x0102, "PR_PUBLIC_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x663d, 0x0003, "PR_OFFLINE_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x663e, 0x0003, "PidTagHierarchyChangeNumber", "Hierarchy change number" }, { 0x663f, 0x000b, "PR_HAS_MODERATOR_RULES", "" }, { 0x6640, 0x0003, "PR_DELETED_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x6641, 0x0003, "PR_DELETED_FOLDER_COUNT", "" }, { 0x6642, 0x0040, "PR_OLDEST_DELETED_ON", "" }, { 0x6643, 0x0003, "PR_DELETED_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x6644, 0x001e, "PR_REPLICA_SERVER", "" }, { 0x6645, 0x0102, "PR_CLIENT_ACTIONS", "" }, { 0x6646, 0x0102, "PR_DAM_ORIGINAL_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6647, 0x000b, "PR_DAM_BACK_PATCHED", "" }, { 0x6648, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_ERROR", "" }, { 0x6649, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_ACTION_TYPE", "" }, { 0x664a, 0x000b, "PR_HAS_NAMED_PROPERTIES", "" }, { 0x664b, 0x0014, "PR_REPLICA_VERSION", "" }, { 0x6650, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_ACTION_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x6651, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6652, 0x0102, "PR_ACTIVE_USER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6653, 0x0003, "PR_0X400_ENVELOPE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x6654, 0x0040, "PR_MSG_FOLD_TIME", "" }, { 0x6655, 0x0102, "PR_ICS_CHANGE_KEY", "" }, { 0x6658, 0x0003, "PR_GW_ADMIN_OPERATIONS", "" }, { 0x6659, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_CONTENT", "" }, { 0x665a, 0x000b, "PR_HAS_ATTACH_FROM_IMAIL", "" }, { 0x665b, 0x001e, "PR_ORIGINATOR_NAME", "" }, { 0x665c, 0x001e, "PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDR", "" }, { 0x665d, 0x001e, "PR_ORIGINATOR_ADDRTYPE", "" }, { 0x665e, 0x0102, "PR_ORIGINATOR_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x665f, 0x0040, "PR_ARRIVAL_TIME", "" }, { 0x6660, 0x0102, "PR_TRACE_INFO", "" }, { 0x6661, 0x0102, "PR_SUBJECT_TRACE_INFO", "" }, { 0x6662, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENT_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x6663, 0x0102, "PR_MTS_SUBJECT_ID", "" }, { 0x6664, 0x001e, "PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_NAME", "" }, { 0x6665, 0x0102, "PR_REPORT_DESTINATION_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6666, 0x0102, "PR_CONTENT_SEARCH_KEY", "" }, { 0x6667, 0x0102, "PR_FOREIGN_ID", "" }, { 0x6668, 0x0102, "PR_FOREIGN_REPORT_ID", "" }, { 0x6669, 0x0102, "PR_FOREIGN_SUBJECT_ID", "" }, { 0x666a, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNAL_TRACE_INFO", "" }, { 0x666c, 0x000b, "PR_IN_CONFLICT", "" }, { 0x6670, 0x0102, "PR_LONGTERM_ENTRYID_FROM_TABLE", "" }, { 0x6671, 0x0014, "PR_MEMBER_ID", "" }, { 0x6672, 0x001e, "PR_MEMBER_NAME", "" }, { 0x6673, 0x0003, "PR_MEMBER_RIGHTS", "" }, { 0x6674, 0x0014, "PR_RULE_ID", "" }, { 0x6675, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_IDS", "" }, { 0x6676, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_SEQUENCE", "" }, { 0x6677, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_STATE", "" }, { 0x6678, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_USER_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x6679, 0x00fd, "PR_RULE_CONDITION", "" }, { 0x667b, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_MOAB", "" }, { 0x667c, 0x001e, "PR_PROFILE_MOAB_GUID", "" }, { 0x667d, 0x0003, "PR_PROFILE_MOAB_SEQ", "" }, { 0x667f, 0x1102, "PR_IMPLIED_RESTRICTIONS", "" }, { 0x6680, 0x00fe, "PR_RULE_ACTIONS", "" }, { 0x6681, 0x001e, "PR_RULE_PROVIDER", "" }, { 0x6682, 0x001e, "PR_RULE_NAME", "" }, { 0x6683, 0x0003, "PR_RULE_LEVEL", "" }, { 0x6684, 0x0102, "PR_RULE_PROVIDER_DATA", "" }, { 0x6685, 0x0040, "PR_LAST_FULL_BACKUP", "" }, { 0x6687, 0x0102, "PR_PROFILE_ADDR_INFO", "" }, { 0x6689, 0x0102, "PR_PROFILE_OPTIONS_DATA", "" }, { 0x668a, 0x0102, "PR_EVENTS_ROOT_FOLDER_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x668d, 0x001e, "PR_INBOUND_NEWSFEED_DN", "" }, { 0x668e, 0x001e, "PR_OUTBOUND_NEWSFEED_DN", "" }, { 0x668f, 0x0040, "PidTagDeletedOn", "Soft-deletion time" }, { 0x6690, 0x0003, "PR_REPLICATION_STYLE", "" }, { 0x6691, 0x0102, "PR_REPLICATION_SCHEDULE", "" }, { 0x6692, 0x0003, "PR_REPLICATION_MESSAGE_PRIORITY", "" }, { 0x6693, 0x0003, "PR_OVERALL_MSG_AGE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x6694, 0x0003, "PR_REPLICATION_ALWAYS_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x6695, 0x0003, "PR_REPLICATION_MSG_SIZE", "" }, { 0x6696, 0x000b, "PR_IS_NEWSGROUP_ANCHOR", "" }, { 0x6697, 0x000b, "PR_IS_NEWSGROUP", "" }, { 0x6698, 0x0102, "PR_REPLICA_LIST", "" }, { 0x6699, 0x0003, "PR_OVERALL_AGE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x669a, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_CHARSET", "" }, { 0x669b, 0x0014, "PR_DELETED_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x669c, 0x0014, "PR_DELETED_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x669d, 0x0014, "PR_DELETED_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x669e, 0x000b, "PR_SECURE_IN_SITE", "" }, { 0x66a0, 0x001e, "PR_NT_USER_NAME", "" }, { 0x66a1, 0x0003, "PR_LOCALE_ID", "" }, { 0x66a2, 0x0040, "PR_LAST_LOGON_TIME", "" }, { 0x66a3, 0x0040, "PR_LAST_LOGOFF_TIME", "" }, { 0x66a4, 0x0003, "PR_STORAGE_LIMIT_INFORMATION", "" }, { 0x66a5, 0x001e, "PR_NEWSGROUP_COMPONENT", "" }, { 0x66a6, 0x0102, "PR_NEWSFEED_INFO", "" }, { 0x66a7, 0x001e, "PR_INTERNET_NEWSGROUP_NAME", "" }, { 0x66a8, 0x0003, "PR_FOLDER_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x66a9, 0x0040, "PR_LAST_ACCESS_TIME", "" }, { 0x66aa, 0x0003, "PR_RESTRICTION_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66ab, 0x0003, "PR_CATEG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66ac, 0x0003, "PR_CACHED_COLUMN_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66ad, 0x0003, "PR_NORMAL_MSG_W_ATTACH_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66ae, 0x0003, "PR_ASSOC_MSG_W_ATTACH_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66af, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENT_ON_NORMAL_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66b0, 0x0003, "PR_RECIPIENT_ON_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66b1, 0x0003, "PR_ATTACH_ON_NORMAL_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66b2, 0x0003, "PR_ATTACH_ON_ASSOC_MSG_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66b3, 0x0003, "PR_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE", "" }, { 0x66b3, 0x0014, "PR_NORMAL_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x66b4, 0x0003, "PR_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE", "" }, { 0x66b4, 0x0014, "PR_ASSOC_MESSAGE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x66b5, 0x001e, "PR_FOLDER_PATHNAME", "" }, { 0x66b6, 0x0003, "PR_OWNER_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66b7, 0x0003, "PR_CONTACT_COUNT", "" }, { 0x66c3, 0x0003, "PR_CODE_PAGE_ID", "" }, { 0x66c4, 0x0003, "PR_RETENTION_AGE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x66c5, 0x000b, "PR_DISABLE_PERUSER_READ", "Disable per-user read/unread processing" }, { 0x66c6, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_PARSE_STATE", "" }, { 0x66c7, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_MESSAGE_INFO", "" }, { 0x66fa, 0x0003, "PidTagLatestPstEnsure", "" }, { 0x6700, 0x001e, "PR_PST_PATH", "" }, { 0x6701, 0x000b, "PR_PST_REMEMBER_PW", "" }, { 0x6702, 0x0003, "PR_OST_ENCRYPTION", "" }, { 0x6703, 0x001e, "PR_PST_PW_SZ_OLD", "" }, { 0x6704, 0x001e, "PR_PST_PW_SZ_NEW", "" }, { 0x6705, 0x0003, "PR_SORT_LOCALE_ID", "" }, { 0x6705, 0x000b, "PidTagPstImpsubtreeDescendant", "" }, { 0x6707, 0x001e, "PidTagUrlName", "Object URL" }, { 0x6709, 0x0040, "PidTagLocalCommitTime", "Local commit time" }, { 0x670a, 0x0040, "PR_LOCAL_COMMIT_TIME_MAX", "" }, { 0x670b, 0x0003, "PR_DELETED_COUNT_TOTAL", "Total deleted item count" }, { 0x670c, 0x0048, "PR_AUTO_RESET", "" }, { 0x6710, 0x0003, "PR_URL_COMP_NAME_HASH", "" }, { 0x6711, 0x0003, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_2", "" }, { 0x6712, 0x0003, "PR_RANK", "" }, { 0x6713, 0x000b, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_4", "" }, { 0x6714, 0x000b, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_5", "" }, { 0x6715, 0x000b, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_6", "" }, { 0x6716, 0x0102, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_7", "" }, { 0x6717, 0x0102, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_8", "" }, { 0x6718, 0x0102, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_9", "" }, { 0x6719, 0x001e, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_10", "" }, { 0x671a, 0x001e, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_11", "" }, { 0x671b, 0x001e, "PR_MSG_FOLDER_TEMPLATE_RES_12", "" }, { 0x671e, 0x000b, "PR_PF_PLATINUM_HOME_MDB", "" }, { 0x671f, 0x000b, "PR_PF_PROXY_REQUIRED", "" }, { 0x6720, 0x0102, "PR_INTERNET_FREE_DOC_INFO", "" }, { 0x6721, 0x0003, "PR_PF_OVER_HARD_QUOTA_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x6722, 0x0003, "PR_PF_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x6743, 0x0003, "PR_CONNECTION_MODULUS", "" }, { 0x6743, 0x0014, "PR_CONNECTION_MODULUS_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x6744, 0x001e, "PR_DELIVER_TO_DN", "" }, { 0x6746, 0x0003, "PR_MIME_SIZE", "" }, { 0x6747, 0x0014, "PR_FILE_SIZE_EXTENDED", "" }, { 0x6748, 0x0014, "PidTagFolderId", "Folder identifier" }, { 0x6749, 0x0014, "PidTagParentFolderId", "Parent folder identifier" }, { 0x674a, 0x0014, "PidTagMid", "Message identifier" }, { 0x674b, 0x0014, "PR_CATEG_ID", "Exchange category identifier" }, { 0x674c, 0x0014, "PR_PARENT_CATEG_ID", "Exchange parent category identifier" }, { 0x674d, 0x0014, "PR_INST_ID", "" }, { 0x674e, 0x0003, "PR_INSTANCE_NUM", "" }, { 0x674f, 0x0014, "PR_ADDRBOOK_MID", "" }, { 0x6750, 0x0003, "PR_ICS_NOTIF", "" }, { 0x6751, 0x0003, "PR_ARTICLE_NUM_NEXT", "" }, { 0x6752, 0x0003, "PR_IMAP_LAST_ARTICLE_ID", "" }, { 0x6753, 0x000b, "PR_NOT_822_RENDERABLE", "" }, { 0x6758, 0x0102, "PR_LTID", "" }, { 0x6759, 0x0102, "PR_CN_EXPORT", "" }, { 0x675a, 0x0102, "PR_PCL_EXPORT", "" }, { 0x675b, 0x1102, "PR_CN_MV_EXPORT", "" }, { 0x6764, 0x0014, "", "Exchange mailbox identifier" }, { 0x6770, 0x0003, "PidTagPstConfigurationFlags", "Personal storage table configuration flags" }, { 0x6772, 0x0003, "PidTagPstSubtreeContainer", "" }, { 0x6779, 0x0003, "PR_PF_QUOTA_STYLE", "" }, { 0x677b, 0x0003, "PR_PF_STORAGE_QUOTA", "" }, { 0x6783, 0x0003, "PR_SEARCH_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x6783, 0x0102, "PR_USER_SID", "" }, { 0x6796, 0x0102, "PidTagCnsetSeen", "Seen synchronization change number set" }, { 0x67a4, 0x0014, "PidTagChangeNumber", "Synchronization change number" }, { 0x67aa, 0x000b, "PR_ASSOCIATED", "" }, { 0x67da, 0x0102, "PidTagCnsetSeenFAI", "Seen folder associated information synchronization change number set" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The secure property type (0x67f0 - 0x67ff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_secure_property_types[ ] = { { 0x67f0, 0x0102, "PR_PROFILE_SECURE_MAILBOX", "" }, { 0x67f1, 0x0003, "PidTagLtpParentNid", "Parent node identifier" }, { 0x67f2, 0x0003, "PidTagLtpRowId", "Row identifier" }, { 0x67f3, 0x0003, "PidTagLtpRowVer", "Row version" }, { 0x67f4, 0x0014, "PRQ_ID_SECURE4", "" }, { 0x67ff, 0x0003, "PidTagPstPassword", "Password checksum" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The custom message content property type (0x6800 - 0x7bff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_custom_message_content_property_types[ ] = { { 0x6800, 0x001e, "PidTagOfflineAddressBookName", "Offline address book name" }, { 0x6801, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REQUEST_SENT", "" }, { 0x6802, 0x001e, "PR_USENET_SITE_NAME", "" }, { 0x6803, 0x000b, "PidTagSendOutlookRecallReport", "Send recall report" }, { 0x6803, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REQUEST_RECEIVED", "" }, { 0x6804, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REQUEST_PROCESSED", "" }, { 0x6805, 0x0003, "PR_SHUTOFFQUOTA", "" }, { 0x6805, 0x1003, "PidTagOfflineAddressBookTruncatedProperties", "Offline address book truncated properties" }, { 0x6806, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REPLY_SENT", "" }, { 0x6807, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REPLY_SUBMIT", "" }, { 0x6808, 0x0003, "PidTagOfflineAddressBookFileType", "Offline Address Book file type" }, { 0x6808, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REPLY_RECEIVED", "" }, { 0x6809, 0x0040, "PR_MAILBEAT_REPLY_PROCESSED", "" }, { 0x682f, 0x001e, "PidTagMapiFormComposeCommand", "View class" }, { 0x6833, 0x0048, "PR_VIEW_CLSID", "View class identifier" }, { 0x6834, 0x0003, "PR_VIEW_STYLE", "View style" }, { 0x6835, 0x0102, "", "Binary view data" }, { 0x683a, 0x0003, "PR_VIEW_MAJORVERSION", "View major version" }, { 0x683c, 0x0102, "", "XML view data" }, { 0x6841, 0x0003, "PR_SCHDINFO_RESOURCE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x6842, 0x0102, "PidTagSearchFolderId", "Search folder identifier" }, { 0x6844, 0x101e, "PR_DELEGATES_DISPLAY_NAMES", "" }, { 0x6845, 0x0102, "PR_DELEGATES_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0x6845, 0x1102, "PR_DELEGATES_ENTRYIDS", "" }, { 0x6847, 0x0003, "PR_FREEBUSY_START_RANGE", "" }, { 0x6848, 0x0003, "PidTagSearchFolderEfpFlags", "Extended search folder flags" }, { 0x6849, 0x001e, "PR_FREEBUSY_EMAIL_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x684f, 0x1003, "PR_FREEBUSY_ALL_MONTHS", "" }, { 0x6850, 0x1102, "PR_FREEBUSY_ALL_EVENTS", "" }, { 0x6851, 0x1003, "PR_FREEBUSY_TENTATIVE_MONTHS", "" }, { 0x6852, 0x1102, "PR_FREEBUSY_TENTATIVE_EVENTS", "" }, { 0x6853, 0x1003, "PR_FREEBUSY_BUSY_MONTHS", "" }, { 0x6854, 0x1102, "PR_FREEBUSY_BUSY_EVENTS", "" }, { 0x6855, 0x1003, "PR_FREEBUSY_OOF_MONTHS", "" }, { 0x6856, 0x1102, "PR_FREEBUSY_OOF_EVENTS", "" }, { 0x6868, 0x0040, "PR_FREEBUSY_LAST_MODIFIED", "" }, { 0x6869, 0x0003, "PR_FREEBUSY_NUM_MONTHS", "" }, { 0x686b, 0x1003, "PR_DELEGATES_SEE_PRIVATE", "" }, { 0x686c, 0x0102, "PR_PERSONAL_FREEBUSY", "" }, { 0x686d, 0x000b, "PR_PROCESS_MEETING_REQUESTS", "" }, { 0x686e, 0x000b, "PR_DECLINE_RECURRING_MEETING_REQUESTS", "" }, { 0x686f, 0x000b, "PR_DECLINE_CONFLICTING_MEETING_REQUESTS", "" }, { 0x7001, 0x0102, "PR_VD_BINARY", "" }, { 0x7002, 0x001e, "PR_VD_STRINGS", "" }, { 0x7003, 0x0003, "PR_VD_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x7004, 0x0102, "PR_VD_LINK_TO", "" }, { 0x7005, 0x0102, "PR_VD_VIEW_FOLDER", "" }, { 0x7006, 0x001e, "PR_VD_NAME", "" }, { 0x7007, 0x0003, "PR_VD_VERSION", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The custom message non-transmittable property type (0x7c00 - 0x7fff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_custom_message_non_transmittable_property_types[ ] = { { 0x7c00, 0x001e, "PR_FAV_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x7c02, 0x0102, "PR_FAV_PUBLIC_SOURCE_KEY", "" }, { 0x7c04, 0x0102, "PR_OST_OSTID", "Offline storage table identifier" }, { 0x7c0a, 0x000b, "PR_STORE_SLOWLINK", "" }, { 0x7d01, 0x0003, "PR_FAV_AUTOSUBFOLDERS", "" }, { 0x7d01, 0x000b, "PR_PROCESSED", "" }, { 0x7d02, 0x0102, "PR_FAV_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY", "" }, { 0x7d03, 0x0003, "PR_FAV_LEVEL_MASK", "" }, { 0x7d07, 0x0003, "PR_FAV_INHERIT_AUTO", "" }, { 0x7d08, 0x0102, "PR_FAV_DEL_SUBS", "" }, { 0x7ffa, 0x0003, "PR_ATTACHMENT_LINKID", "Attachment link identifier" }, { 0x7ffb, 0x0040, "PR_EXCEPTION_STARTTIME", "Exception start time" }, { 0x7ffc, 0x0040, "PR_EXCEPTION_ENDTIME", "Exception end time" }, { 0x7ffd, 0x0003, "PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS", "Attachment flags" }, { 0x7ffe, 0x000b, "PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN", "Hidden attachment" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The custom named property type (0x8000 - 0xffff) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_custom_named_property_types[ ] = { { 0x8001, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_OVERRIDE", "" }, { 0x8003, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_CA_CERTIFICATE", "" }, { 0x8004, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_FOLDER_PATHNAME", "" }, { 0x8005, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER", "" }, { 0x8005, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MANAGER_T", "" }, { 0x8006, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_O", "" }, { 0x8006, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB", "" }, { 0x8007, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA_O", "" }, { 0x8007, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MTA", "" }, { 0x8008, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL", "" }, { 0x8008, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_IS_MEMBER_OF_DL_T", "" }, { 0x8009, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MEMBER", "" }, { 0x8009, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MEMBER_T", "" }, { 0x800a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY_MESSAGE", "" }, { 0x800b, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY", "" }, { 0x800c, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OWNER_O", "" }, { 0x800c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_OWNER", "" }, { 0x800d, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_KM_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x800d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_KM_SERVER", "" }, { 0x800e, 0x000d, "PidTagAddressBookReports", "Address book reports" }, { 0x800f, 0x101e, "PidTagAddressBookProxyAddresses", "Address book proxy addresses" }, { 0x8010, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_HELP_DATA32", "" }, { 0x8011, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x8012, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_TELEPHONE_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x8013, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR", "" }, { 0x8014, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8014, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_MDB_BL", "" }, { 0x8015, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES", "" }, { 0x8015, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_T", "" }, { 0x8016, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST", "" }, { 0x8017, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TABLE", "" }, { 0x8018, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_SYNTAX", "" }, { 0x8023, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_BUSINESS_ROLES", "" }, { 0x8024, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OWNER_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8024, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_OWNER_BL", "" }, { 0x8025, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_CROSS_CERTIFICATE_PAIR", "" }, { 0x8026, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORITY_REVOCATION_LIST", "" }, { 0x8027, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_NT_ACCOUNT", "" }, { 0x8028, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_EXPIRATION_TIME", "" }, { 0x8029, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_CHANGED", "" }, { 0x802d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_1", "" }, { 0x802e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_2", "" }, { 0x802f, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_3", "" }, { 0x8030, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_4", "" }, { 0x8031, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_5", "" }, { 0x8032, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_6", "" }, { 0x8033, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_7", "" }, { 0x8034, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_8", "" }, { 0x8035, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_9", "" }, { 0x8036, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_10", "" }, { 0x8037, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_SECURITY_PROTOCOL", "" }, { 0x8038, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_PF_CONTACTS_O", "" }, { 0x8038, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_PF_CONTACTS", "" }, { 0x803a, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_HELP_DATA16", "" }, { 0x803b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HELP_FILE_NAME", "" }, { 0x803c, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_DIST_NAME_O", "" }, { 0x803c, 0x001e, "PidTagAddressBookObjectDistinguishedName", "Address book object distinguished name" }, { 0x803d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_SELECTED_OTHER", "" }, { 0x803e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTOREPLY_SUBJECT", "" }, { 0x803f, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_PUBLIC_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x803f, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HOME_PUBLIC_SERVER", "" }, { 0x8040, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_LIST_NA", "" }, { 0x8041, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_LIST_OTHER", "" }, { 0x8042, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_IMPORTED_FROM", "" }, { 0x8043, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT_ALG_SELECTED_NA", "" }, { 0x8044, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_ACCESS_CATEGORY", "" }, { 0x8045, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ACTIVATION_SCHEDULE", "" }, { 0x8046, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_ACTIVATION_STYLE", "" }, { 0x8047, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_ENTRY_DISPLAY_TABLE_MSDOS", "" }, { 0x8048, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ADDRESS_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8049, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ADMD", "" }, { 0x804a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_DESCRIPTION", "" }, { 0x804b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x804c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ADMIN_EXTENSION_DLL", "" }, { 0x804d, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME_O", "" }, { 0x804d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ALIASED_OBJECT_NAME", "" }, { 0x804e, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_O", "" }, { 0x804e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT", "" }, { 0x804f, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_BL_O", "" }, { 0x804f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ALT_RECIPIENT_BL", "" }, { 0x8050, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ANCESTOR_ID", "" }, { 0x8051, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_REMOTE_DXA_O", "" }, { 0x8051, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_REMOTE_DXA", "" }, { 0x8052, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOCIATION_LIFETIME", "" }, { 0x8053, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTH_ORIG_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8053, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTH_ORIG_BL", "" }, { 0x8054, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN", "" }, { 0x8055, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x8056, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_USER", "" }, { 0x8057, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_BUSINESS_CATEGORY", "" }, { 0x8058, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_O", "" }, { 0x8058, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF", "" }, { 0x8059, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8059, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_BL", "" }, { 0x805a, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_O", "" }, { 0x805a, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL", "" }, { 0x805b, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_BL_O", "" }, { 0x805b, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_CREATE_PF_DL_BL", "" }, { 0x805c, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_O", "" }, { 0x805c, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF", "" }, { 0x805d, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_BL_O", "" }, { 0x805d, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_BL", "" }, { 0x805e, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_O", "" }, { 0x805e, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL", "" }, { 0x805f, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_BL_O", "" }, { 0x805f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_NOT_CREATE_PF_DL_BL", "" }, { 0x8060, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_CAN_PRESERVE_DNS", "" }, { 0x8061, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_ALERT_OFFSET", "" }, { 0x8062, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_ALERT_REPAIR", "" }, { 0x8063, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_WARNING_OFFSET", "" }, { 0x8064, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_CLOCK_WARNING_REPAIR", "" }, { 0x8065, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_COMPUTER_NAME", "" }, { 0x8066, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTED_DOMAINS", "" }, { 0x8067, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CONTAINER_INFO", "" }, { 0x8068, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_COST", "" }, { 0x8069, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_COUNTRY_NAME", "" }, { 0x806a, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_CONT_LENGTH", "" }, { 0x806b, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_EITS", "" }, { 0x806c, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_DELIV_EXT_CONT_TYPES", "" }, { 0x806d, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DELIVER_AND_REDIRECT", "" }, { 0x806e, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DELIVERY_MECHANISM", "" }, { 0x806f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DESCRIPTION", "" }, { 0x8070, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DESTINATION_INDICATOR", "" }, { 0x8071, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DIAGNOSTIC_REG_KEY", "" }, { 0x8072, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_REJECT_PERMS_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8072, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_REJECT_PERMS_BL", "" }, { 0x8073, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_SUBMIT_PERMS_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8073, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEM_SUBMIT_PERMS_BL", "" }, { 0x8074, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_DL_MEMBER_RULE", "" }, { 0x8075, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_DEF_ALT_RECIP_O", "" }, { 0x8075, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_DEF_ALT_RECIP", "" }, { 0x8076, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DOMAIN_NAME", "" }, { 0x8077, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_DSA_SIGNATURE", "" }, { 0x8078, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_COPY", "" }, { 0x8079, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_FORWARD", "" }, { 0x807a, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_ADMIN_UPDATE", "" }, { 0x807b, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_APPEND_REQCN", "" }, { 0x807c, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_CONTAINER_LIST_O", "" }, { 0x807c, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_CONTAINER_LIST", "" }, { 0x807d, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_REQ_TIME", "" }, { 0x807e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_SEQ", "" }, { 0x807f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_CONF_SEQ_USN", "" }, { 0x8080, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS", "" }, { 0x8081, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_EXPORT_NOW", "" }, { 0x8082, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x8083, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ", "" }, { 0x8084, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ_TIME", "" }, { 0x8085, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMP_SEQ_USN", "" }, { 0x8086, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IMPORT_NOW", "" }, { 0x8087, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_IN_TEMPLATE_MAP", "" }, { 0x8088, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOCAL_ADMIN_O", "" }, { 0x8088, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOCAL_ADMIN", "" }, { 0x8089, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_LOGGING_LEVEL", "" }, { 0x808a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_NATIVE_ADDRESS_TYPE", "" }, { 0x808b, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_OUT_TEMPLATE_MAP", "" }, { 0x808c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x808d, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_EXCHANGE_OPTIONS", "" }, { 0x808e, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_EXPORT_NATIVE_ONLY", "" }, { 0x808f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_IN_EXCHANGE_SENSITIVITY", "" }, { 0x8090, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REMOTE_ENTRIES_O", "" }, { 0x8090, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REMOTE_ENTRIES", "" }, { 0x8091, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_REPLICATION_SENSITIVITY", "" }, { 0x8092, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS", "" }, { 0x8093, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_PREV_TYPES", "" }, { 0x8094, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_RECIPIENT_CP", "" }, { 0x8095, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REMOTE_CLIENT_O", "" }, { 0x8095, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REMOTE_CLIENT", "" }, { 0x8096, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ", "" }, { 0x8097, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ_TIME", "" }, { 0x8098, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQ_SEQ_USN", "" }, { 0x8099, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_REQNAME", "" }, { 0x809a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ", "" }, { 0x809b, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ_TIME", "" }, { 0x809c, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_SVR_SEQ_USN", "" }, { 0x809d, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TASK", "" }, { 0x809e, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TEMPLATE_OPTIONS", "" }, { 0x809f, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TEMPLATE_TIMESTAMP", "" }, { 0x80a0, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_TYPES", "" }, { 0x80a1, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_UNCONF_CONTAINER_LIST_O", "" }, { 0x80a1, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DXA_UNCONF_CONTAINER_LIST", "" }, { 0x80a2, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCAPSULATION_METHOD", "" }, { 0x80a3, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_ENCRYPT", "" }, { 0x80a4, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_EXPAND_DLS_LOCALLY", "" }, { 0x80a5, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CONTAINERS_O", "" }, { 0x80a5, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CONTAINERS", "" }, { 0x80a6, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_EXPORT_CUSTOM_RECIPIENTS", "" }, { 0x80a7, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENDED_CHARS_ALLOWED", "" }, { 0x80a8, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_DATA", "" }, { 0x80a9, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_NAME", "" }, { 0x80aa, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_NAME_INHERITED", "" }, { 0x80ab, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_FACSIMILE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x80ac, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_FILE_VERSION", "" }, { 0x80ad, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_FILTER_LOCAL_ADDRESSES", "" }, { 0x80ae, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_FOLDERS_CONTAINER_O", "" }, { 0x80ae, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_FOLDERS_CONTAINER", "" }, { 0x80af, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_GARBAGE_COLL_PERIOD", "" }, { 0x80b0, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_LOCAL_CRED", "" }, { 0x80b1, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_LOCAL_DESIG", "" }, { 0x80b2, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_PROXY", "" }, { 0x80b3, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_GATEWAY_ROUTING_TREE", "" }, { 0x80b4, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_GWART_LAST_MODIFIED", "" }, { 0x80b5, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HAS_FULL_REPLICA_NCS_O", "" }, { 0x80b5, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_HAS_FULL_REPLICA_NCS", "" }, { 0x80b6, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_HAS_MASTER_NCS_O", "" }, { 0x80b6, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_HAS_MASTER_NCS", "" }, { 0x80b7, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_HEURISTICS", "" }, { 0x80b8, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_HIDE_DL_MEMBERSHIP", "" }, { 0x80b9, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_HIDE_FROM_ADDRESS_BOOK", "" }, { 0x80ba, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_CONTAINER_O", "" }, { 0x80ba, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_CONTAINER", "" }, { 0x80bb, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_IMPORT_SENSITIVITY", "" }, { 0x80bc, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_SITES_O", "" }, { 0x80bc, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_SITES", "" }, { 0x80bd, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_INSTANCE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x80be, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_INTERNATIONAL_ISDN_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x80bf, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_INVOCATION_ID", "" }, { 0x80c0, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_IS_DELETED", "" }, { 0x80c1, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_IS_SINGLE_VALUED", "" }, { 0x80c2, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_KCC_STATUS", "" }, { 0x80c3, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_KNOWLEDGE_INFORMATION", "" }, { 0x80c4, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_LINE_WRAP", "" }, { 0x80c5, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_LINK_ID", "" }, { 0x80c6, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_BRIDGE_HEAD", "" }, { 0x80c7, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_BRIDGE_HEAD_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x80c8, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_INITIAL_TURN", "" }, { 0x80c9, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_SCOPE_O", "" }, { 0x80c9, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_LOCAL_SCOPE", "" }, { 0x80ca, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_LOG_FILENAME", "" }, { 0x80cb, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_LOG_ROLLOVER_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80cc, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MAINTAIN_AUTOREPLY_HISTORY", "" }, { 0x80cd, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MAPI_DISPLAY_TYPE", "" }, { 0x80ce, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MAPI_ID", "" }, { 0x80cf, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_BACKOFF_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80d0, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_MSG_TIME_OUT_PERIOD", "" }, { 0x80d1, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_OVER_QUOTA_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x80d2, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_STORAGE_QUOTA", "" }, { 0x80d3, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_UNREAD_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x80d4, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MDB_USE_DEFAULTS", "" }, { 0x80d5, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MESSAGE_TRACKING_ENABLED", "" }, { 0x80d6, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_CLOCK", "" }, { 0x80d7, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_SERVERS", "" }, { 0x80d8, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITOR_SERVICES", "" }, { 0x80d9, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_CONFIGURATIONS_O", "" }, { 0x80d9, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_CONFIGURATIONS", "" }, { 0x80da, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVERS_O", "" }, { 0x80da, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVERS", "" }, { 0x80db, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORED_SERVICES", "" }, { 0x80dc, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ALERT_DELAY", "" }, { 0x80dd, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ALERT_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80de, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_AVAILABILITY_STYLE", "" }, { 0x80df, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_AVAILABILITY_WINDOW", "" }, { 0x80e0, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_MAIL_O", "" }, { 0x80e0, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_MAIL", "" }, { 0x80e1, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_RPC_O", "" }, { 0x80e1, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_CACHED_VIA_RPC", "" }, { 0x80e2, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_ESCALATION_PROCEDURE", "" }, { 0x80e3, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_HOTSITE_POLL_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80e4, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_HOTSITE_POLL_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80e5, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_MAIL_UPDATE_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80e6, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_MAIL_UPDATE_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80e7, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_NORMAL_POLL_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80e8, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_NORMAL_POLL_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80e9, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_O", "" }, { 0x80e9, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS", "" }, { 0x80ea, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_NDR_O", "" }, { 0x80ea, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RECIPIENTS_NDR", "" }, { 0x80eb, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RPC_UPDATE_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x80ec, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_RPC_UPDATE_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80ed, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_WARNING_DELAY", "" }, { 0x80ee, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_MONITORING_WARNING_UNITS", "" }, { 0x80ef, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MTA_LOCAL_CRED", "" }, { 0x80f0, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MTA_LOCAL_DESIG", "" }, { 0x80f1, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_N_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x80f2, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_N_ADDRESS_TYPE", "" }, { 0x80f3, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_NT_MACHINE_NAME", "" }, { 0x80f4, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_NUM_OF_OPEN_RETRIES", "" }, { 0x80f5, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_NUM_OF_TRANSFER_RETRIES", "" }, { 0x80f6, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_CLASS_CATEGORY", "" }, { 0x80f7, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_VERSION", "" }, { 0x80f8, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_CONTAINERS_O", "" }, { 0x80f8, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_CONTAINERS", "" }, { 0x80f9, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SCHEDULE", "" }, { 0x80fa, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x80fa, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_SERVER", "" }, { 0x80fb, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OFF_LINE_AB_STYLE", "" }, { 0x80fc, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OID_TYPE", "" }, { 0x80fd, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_OM_OBJECT_CLASS", "" }, { 0x80fe, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OM_SYNTAX", "" }, { 0x80ff, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_OOF_REPLY_TO_ORIGINATOR", "" }, { 0x8100, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OPEN_RETRY_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x8101, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ORGANIZATION_NAME", "" }, { 0x8102, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME", "" }, { 0x8103, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TABLE", "" }, { 0x8104, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ORIGINAL_DISPLAY_TABLE_MSDOS", "" }, { 0x8105, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_SITES_O", "" }, { 0x8105, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_SITES", "" }, { 0x8106, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_P_SELECTOR", "" }, { 0x8107, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_P_SELECTOR_INBOUND", "" }, { 0x8108, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_PER_MSG_DIALOG_DISPLAY_TABLE", "" }, { 0x8109, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_PER_RECIP_DIALOG_DISPLAY_TABLE", "" }, { 0x810a, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_PERIOD_REP_SYNC_TIMES", "" }, { 0x810b, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_PERIOD_REPL_STAGGER", "" }, { 0x810c, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_POSTAL_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x810d, 0x1003, "PR_EMS_AB_PREFERRED_DELIVERY_METHOD", "" }, { 0x810e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PRMD", "" }, { 0x810f, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_GENERATOR_DLL", "" }, { 0x8110, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8110, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_PUBLIC_DELEGATES_BL", "" }, { 0x8111, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_QUOTA_NOTIFICATION_SCHEDULE", "" }, { 0x8112, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_QUOTA_NOTIFICATION_STYLE", "" }, { 0x8113, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_RANGE_LOWER", "" }, { 0x8114, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_RANGE_UPPER", "" }, { 0x8115, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_CALLBACK_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x8116, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PHONE_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x8117, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY_NAME", "" }, { 0x8118, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_REMOTE_SRVR_NAME", "" }, { 0x8119, 0x001e, "PR_CE_SIGNATURE", "Text signature" }, { 0x8119, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_REGISTERED_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x811a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_BRIDGE_HEAD", "" }, { 0x811b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_BRIDGE_HEAD_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x811c, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_OUT_BH_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x811c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_OUT_BH_SERVER", "" }, { 0x811d, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_SITE_O", "" }, { 0x811d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_REMOTE_SITE", "" }, { 0x811e, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_SENSITIVITY", "" }, { 0x811f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_STAGGER", "" }, { 0x8120, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_REPORT_TO_ORIGINATOR", "" }, { 0x8121, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_REPORT_TO_OWNER", "" }, { 0x8122, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_REQ_SEQ", "" }, { 0x8123, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_RESPONSIBLE_LOCAL_DXA_O", "" }, { 0x8123, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RESPONSIBLE_LOCAL_DXA", "" }, { 0x8124, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_RID_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x8124, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RID_SERVER", "" }, { 0x8125, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ROLE_OCCUPANT_O", "" }, { 0x8125, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ROLE_OCCUPANT", "" }, { 0x8126, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ROUTING_LIST", "" }, { 0x8127, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_RTS_CHECKPOINT_SIZE", "" }, { 0x8128, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_RTS_RECOVERY_TIMEOUT", "" }, { 0x8129, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_RTS_WINDOW_SIZE", "" }, { 0x812a, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_RUNS_ON_O", "" }, { 0x812a, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_RUNS_ON", "" }, { 0x812b, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_S_SELECTOR", "" }, { 0x812c, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_S_SELECTOR_INBOUND", "" }, { 0x812d, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SEARCH_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x812e, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_SEARCH_GUIDE", "" }, { 0x812f, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_SEE_ALSO_O", "" }, { 0x812f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SEE_ALSO", "" }, { 0x8130, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SERIAL_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x8131, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_FIRST", "" }, { 0x8132, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_OTHER", "" }, { 0x8133, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_ACTION_SECOND", "" }, { 0x8134, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_RESTART_DELAY", "" }, { 0x8135, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVICE_RESTART_MESSAGE", "" }, { 0x8136, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SESSION_DISCONNECT_TIMER", "" }, { 0x8137, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SITE_AFFINITY", "" }, { 0x8138, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SITE_PROXY_SPACE", "" }, { 0x8139, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_SPACE_LAST_COMPUTED", "" }, { 0x813a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_STREET_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x813b, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_SUB_REFS_O", "" }, { 0x813b, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SUB_REFS", "" }, { 0x813c, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SUBMISSION_CONT_LENGTH", "" }, { 0x813d, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTED_APPLICATION_CONTEXT", "" }, { 0x813e, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_O", "" }, { 0x813e, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK", "" }, { 0x813f, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_BL_O", "" }, { 0x813f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTING_STACK_BL", "" }, { 0x8140, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_T_SELECTOR", "" }, { 0x8141, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_T_SELECTOR_INBOUND", "" }, { 0x8142, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_TARGET_MTAS", "" }, { 0x8143, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_TELETEX_TERMINAL_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { 0x8144, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TEMP_ASSOC_THRESHOLD", "" }, { 0x8145, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TOMBSTONE_LIFETIME", "" }, { 0x8146, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_TRACKING_LOG_PATH_NAME", "" }, { 0x8147, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANS_RETRY_MINS", "" }, { 0x8148, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANS_TIMEOUT_MINS", "" }, { 0x8149, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_RETRY_INTERVAL", "" }, { 0x814a, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_NON_URGENT", "" }, { 0x814b, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_NORMAL", "" }, { 0x814c, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_URGENT", "" }, { 0x814d, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSLATION_TABLE_USED", "" }, { 0x814e, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_TRANSPORT_EXPEDITED_DATA", "" }, { 0x814f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TRUST_LEVEL", "" }, { 0x8150, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_TURN_REQUEST_THRESHOLD", "" }, { 0x8151, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_TWO_WAY_ALTERNATE_FACILITY", "" }, { 0x8152, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_UNAUTH_ORIG_BL_O", "" }, { 0x8152, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_UNAUTH_ORIG_BL", "" }, { 0x8153, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_USER_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x8154, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_CREATED", "" }, { 0x8155, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_DSA_LAST_OBJ_REMOVED", "" }, { 0x8156, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_LAST_OBJ_REM", "" }, { 0x8157, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_SOURCE", "" }, { 0x8158, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_X121_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x8159, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_CALL_USER_DATA_INCOMING", "" }, { 0x815a, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_CALL_USER_DATA_OUTGOING", "" }, { 0x815b, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_FACILITIES_DATA_INCOMING", "" }, { 0x815c, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_FACILITIES_DATA_OUTGOING", "" }, { 0x815d, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_LEASED_LINE_PORT", "" }, { 0x815e, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_LEASED_OR_SWITCHED", "" }, { 0x815f, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_X25_REMOTE_MTA_PHONE", "" }, { 0x8160, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X400_ATTACHMENT_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8161, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_X400_SELECTOR_SYNTAX", "" }, { 0x8162, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_X500_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST", "" }, { 0x8163, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_NON_URGENT", "" }, { 0x8164, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_NORMAL", "" }, { 0x8165, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_XMIT_TIMEOUT_URGENT", "" }, { 0x8166, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_GUID", "" }, { 0x8167, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_SERVER_O", "" }, { 0x8167, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SITE_FOLDER_SERVER", "" }, { 0x8168, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATION_MAIL_MSG_SIZE", "" }, { 0x8169, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_MAXIMUM_OBJECT_ID", "" }, { 0x8170, 0x101e, "PidTagAddressBookNetworkAddress", "Address book network address" }, { 0x8171, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x8173, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_SCHEMA_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x8174, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_BRIDGEHEAD_SERVERS_O", "" }, { 0x8174, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_BRIDGEHEAD_SERVERS", "" }, { 0x8175, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_WWW_HOME_PAGE", "" }, { 0x8176, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_CONTENT_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x8177, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_POP_CONTENT_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x8178, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_LANGUAGE", "" }, { 0x8179, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_POP_CHARACTER_SET", "" }, { 0x817a, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_USN_INTERSITE", "" }, { 0x817b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SUB_SITE", "" }, { 0x817c, 0x1003, "PR_EMS_AB_SCHEMA_VERSION", "" }, { 0x817d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_CHARACTER_SET", "" }, { 0x817e, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_USE_SERVER_VALUES", "" }, { 0x817f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_PROTOCOLS", "" }, { 0x8180, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_LIST_FILTER", "" }, { 0x8181, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_AVAILABLE_AUTHORIZATION_PACKAGES", "" }, { 0x8182, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CHARACTER_SET_LIST", "" }, { 0x8183, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_USE_SITE_VALUES", "" }, { 0x8184, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_AUTHORIZATION_PACKAGES", "" }, { 0x8185, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_CHARACTER_SET", "" }, { 0x8186, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CONTENT_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8187, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS", "" }, { 0x8188, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CONTROL_MSG_FOLDER_ID", "" }, { 0x8189, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_USENET_SITE_NAME", "" }, { 0x818a, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CONTROL_MSG_RULES", "" }, { 0x818b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AVAILABLE_DISTRIBUTIONS", "" }, { 0x818d, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_HOST", "" }, { 0x818e, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_HOST", "" }, { 0x818f, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTGOING_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x8190, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_INCOMING_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x8191, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_SEND_TNEF", "" }, { 0x8192, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHORIZED_PASSWORD_CONFIRM", "" }, { 0x8193, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_NEWSFEED", "" }, { 0x8194, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_NEWSFEED_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8195, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_NEWSFEED", "" }, { 0x8196, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_NEWSGROUP_LIST", "" }, { 0x8197, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_DISTRIBUTIONS", "" }, { 0x8198, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_NEWSGROUP", "" }, { 0x8199, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MODERATOR", "" }, { 0x819a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_AUTHENTICATION_TO_USE", "" }, { 0x819b, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_GAL", "" }, { 0x819c, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_GAL_LIMIT", "" }, { 0x819e, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_PF", "" }, { 0x81a1, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_X500_RDN", "" }, { 0x81a2, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_X500_NC", "" }, { 0x81a3, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_REFERRAL_LIST", "" }, { 0x81a4, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_DISTRIBUTIONS_FLAG", "" }, { 0x81a5, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_PROTOCOL_CFG_NNTP_O", "" }, { 0x81a5, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ASSOC_PROTOCOL_CFG_NNTP", "" }, { 0x81a6, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_NEWSFEEDS_O", "" }, { 0x81a6, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_NNTP_NEWSFEEDS", "" }, { 0x81a8, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED_PROTOCOL_CFG", "" }, { 0x81a9, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_PUB_AB_ATTRIBUTES", "" }, { 0x81ab, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_HTTP_SERVERS", "" }, { 0x81ac, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_MODERATED", "" }, { 0x81ad, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_ACCOUNT", "" }, { 0x81ae, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_RAS_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x81af, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_INCOMING_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x81b0, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_OUTBOUND_HOST_TYPE", "" }, { 0x81b1, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_GENERATION_ENABLED", "" }, { 0x81b2, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_ROOT_NEWSGROUPS_FOLDER_ID", "" }, { 0x81b3, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_TYPE", "" }, { 0x81b4, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CONNECTION_LIST_FILTER_TYPE", "" }, { 0x81b5, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_PORT_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x81b6, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_PROTOCOL_SETTINGS", "" }, { 0x81b7, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_1", "" }, { 0x81b8, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_2", "" }, { 0x81b9, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_3", "" }, { 0x81ba, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_4", "" }, { 0x81be, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_SITE", "" }, { 0x81bf, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_1", "" }, { 0x81c0, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_2", "" }, { 0x81c1, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_CONTAINER_3", "" }, { 0x81c2, 0x0040, "PR_EMS_AB_PROMO_EXPIRATION", "" }, { 0x81c3, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_DISABLED_GATEWAY_PROXY", "" }, { 0x81c4, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_COMPROMISED_KEY_LIST", "" }, { 0x81c5, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_INSADMIN_O", "" }, { 0x81c5, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_INSADMIN", "" }, { 0x81c6, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_OVERRIDE_NNTP_CONTENT_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x81c7, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_VIEW_CONTAINERS_O", "" }, { 0x81c7, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJ_VIEW_CONTAINERS", "" }, { 0x8c18, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x8c19, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_STR", "" }, { 0x8c1a, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_DN_O", "" }, { 0x8c1a, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GROUP_BY_ATTR_VALUE_DN", "" }, { 0x8c1b, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_VIEW_DEFINITION", "" }, { 0x8c1c, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_MIME_TYPES", "" }, { 0x8c1d, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_LDAP_SEARCH_CFG", "" }, { 0x8c1e, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_DN_O", "" }, { 0x8c1e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_DN", "" }, { 0x8c1f, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_NEWSFEED_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8c20, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_INBOUND_ACCEPT_ALL", "" }, { 0x8c21, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_ENABLED", "" }, { 0x8c22, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_PRESERVE_INTERNET_CONTENT", "" }, { 0x8c23, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DISABLE_DEFERRED_COMMIT", "" }, { 0x8c24, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_CLIENT_ACCESS_ENABLED", "" }, { 0x8c25, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_REQUIRE_SSL", "" }, { 0x8c26, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ANONYMOUS_ACCOUNT", "" }, { 0x8c27, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN_V3", "" }, { 0x8c28, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST_V3", "" }, { 0x8c29, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_CERTIFICATE_REVOCATION_LIST_V1", "" }, { 0x8c30, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_CROSS_CERTIFICATE_CRL", "" }, { 0x8c31, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_SEND_EMAIL_MESSAGE", "" }, { 0x8c32, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_ENABLE_COMPATIBILITY", "" }, { 0x8c33, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_LIST_NA", "" }, { 0x8c34, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_LIST_OTHER", "" }, { 0x8c35, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_SELECTED_NA", "" }, { 0x8c36, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SMIME_ALG_SELECTED_OTHER", "" }, { 0x8c37, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DEFAULT_MESSAGE_FORMAT", "" }, { 0x8c38, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8c3a, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_DO_OAB_VERSION", "" }, { 0x8c3b, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_SYSTEM_GUID", "" }, { 0x8c3c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_USER_ID", "" }, { 0x8c3d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_PASSWORD", "" }, { 0x8c3e, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_RECORDED_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c3f, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_GREETINGS", "" }, { 0x8c40, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_FLAGS", "" }, { 0x8c41, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_VOLUME", "" }, { 0x8c42, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_SPEED", "" }, { 0x8c43, 0x1003, "PR_EMS_AB_VOICE_MAIL_RECORDING_LENGTH", "" }, { 0x8c44, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX", "" }, { 0x8c45, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_ATTRIBUTE_CERTIFICATE", "" }, { 0x8c46, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_DELTA_REVOCATION_LIST", "" }, { 0x8c47, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_SECURITY_POLICY", "" }, { 0x8c48, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORT_SMIME_SIGNATURES", "" }, { 0x8c49, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_DELEGATE_USER", "" }, { 0x8c50, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_LIST_PUBLIC_FOLDERS", "" }, { 0x8c51, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_LABELEDURI", "" }, { 0x8c52, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_RETURN_EXACT_MSG_SIZE", "" }, { 0x8c53, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_GENERATION_QUALIFIER", "" }, { 0x8c54, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HOUSE_IDENTIFIER", "" }, { 0x8c55, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_SUPPORTED_ALGORITHMS", "" }, { 0x8c56, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_DMD_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c57, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_11", "" }, { 0x8c58, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_12", "" }, { 0x8c59, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_13", "" }, { 0x8c60, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_14", "" }, { 0x8c61, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EXTENSION_ATTRIBUTE_15", "" }, { 0x8c62, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_REPLICATED_OBJECT_VERSION", "" }, { 0x8c63, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_MAIL_DROP", "" }, { 0x8c64, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_FORWARDING_ADDRESS", "" }, { 0x8c65, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_FORM_DATA", "" }, { 0x8c66, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_OWA_SERVER", "" }, { 0x8c67, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER", "" }, { 0x8c68, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_TELEPHONE_PERSONAL_PAGER", "" }, { 0x8c69, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_EMPLOYEE_TYPE", "" }, { 0x8c6a, 0x1102, "PR_EMS_AB_TAGGED_X509_CERT", "" }, { 0x8c6b, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PERSONAL_TITLE", "" }, { 0x8c6c, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_LANGUAGE_ISO639", "" }, { 0x8c6d, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_GUID", "" }, { 0x8c8e, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_GIVEN_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c8f, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_SURNAME", "" }, { 0x8c90, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DEPARTMENT_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c91, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_COMPANY_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c92, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_PHONETIC_DISPLAY_NAME", "" }, { 0x8c96, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_ROOM_CONTAINERS", "" }, { 0xf000, 0x000d, "PR_EMS_AB_OTHER_RECIPS", "" }, { 0xfff8, 0x101e, "PR_EMS_AB_CHILD_RDNS", "" }, { 0xfff9, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_HIERARCHY_PATH", "" }, { 0xfffa, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_OBJECT_OID", "" }, { 0xfffb, 0x000b, "PR_EMS_AB_IS_MASTER", "" }, { 0xfffc, 0x0102, "PR_EMS_AB_PARENT_ENTRYID", "" }, { 0xfffd, 0x0003, "PR_EMS_AB_CONTAINERID", "" }, { 0xfffe, 0x001e, "PR_EMS_AB_SERVER", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The calendar long property types * Class identifier: 6ed8da90-450b-101b-98da-00aa003f1305 (PSETID_Meeting) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_calendar_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00000001, 0x0040, "LID_ATTENDEE_CRITICAL_CHANGE", "Attendee critical change" }, { 0x00000002, 0x001e, "LID_WHERE", "Location" }, { 0x00000003, 0x0102, "LID_GLOBAL_OBJID", "Global object identifier" }, { 0x00000004, 0x000b, "LID_IS_SILENT", "Is silent" }, { 0x00000005, 0x000b, "PidLidIsRecurring", "Is recurring" }, { 0x00000006, 0x001e, "LID_REQUIRED_ATTENDEES", "Required attendees" }, { 0x00000007, 0x001e, "LID_OPTIONAL_ATTENDEES", "Optional attendees" }, { 0x00000008, 0x001e, "LID_RESOURCE_ATTENDEES", "Resource attendees" }, { 0x00000009, 0x000b, "LID_DELEGATE_MAIL", "Delegate mail" }, { 0x0000000a, 0x000b, "LID_IS_EXCEPTION", "Is exception" }, { 0x0000000b, 0x000b, "LID_SINGLE_INVITE", "Single invite" }, { 0x0000000c, 0x0003, "LID_TIME_ZONE", "Time zone" }, { 0x00000011, 0x0002, "LID_DAY_INTERVAL", "Day interval" }, { 0x00000012, 0x0002, "LID_WEEK_INTERVAL", "Week interval" }, { 0x00000013, 0x0002, "LID_MONTH_INTERVAL", "Month interval" }, { 0x00000014, 0x0002, "LID_YEAR_INTERVAL", "Year interval" }, { 0x0000001a, 0x0040, "LID_OWNER_CRITICAL_CHANGE", "Owner critical change" }, { 0x0000001c, 0x0003, "LID_CALENDAR_TYPE", "Calendar type" }, { 0x0000001d, 0x001e, "LID_ALL_ATTENDEES_LIST", "Resource attendees" }, { 0x00000023, 0x0102, "PidLidCleanGlobalObjId", "Clean global object identifier" }, { 0x00000024, 0x001e, "PidLidApptMessageClass", "Appointment message class" }, { 0x00000026, 0x0003, "PidLidMeetingType", "Meeting type" }, { 0x00000028, 0x001e, "PidLidOldLocation", "Location before update" }, { 0x00000029, 0x0040, "PidLidOldWhenStartWhole", "Start time before update" }, { 0x0000002a, 0x0040, "PidLidOldWhenEndWhole", "End time before update" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The address long property types * Class identifier: 00062004-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Address) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_address_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008002, 0x001e, "PidLidYomiCompanyName", "" }, { 0x00008005, 0x001e, "PidLidFileUnder", "File under" }, { 0x00008006, 0x0003, "PidLidFileUnderID", "File under identifier" }, { 0x00008007, 0x1003, "PidLidContactItemData", "" }, { 0x0000800e, 0x001f, "", "" }, { 0x00008010, 0x001e, "PidLidDepartment", "Department" }, { 0x00008015, 0x000b, "PidLidHasPicture", "Has picture" }, { 0x0000801a, 0x001e, "PidLidHomeAddress", "Home address" }, { 0x0000801b, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddress", "Business address" }, { 0x0000801c, 0x001e, "PidLidOtherAddress", "Other address" }, { 0x00008022, 0x001e, "PidLidPostalAddressId", "Selected mailing address" }, { 0x00008023, 0x0003, "PidLidContactCharacterSet", "" }, { 0x00008025, 0x000b, "PidLidAutoLog", "Journal" }, { 0x00008026, 0x1003, "PidLidFileUnderList", "" }, { 0x00008027, 0x1003, "PidLidEmailList", "" }, { 0x00008028, 0x1003, "PidLidAddressBookProviderEmailList", "" }, { 0x00008029, 0x0003, "PidLidAddressBookProviderArrayType", "Address book provider types" }, { 0x0000802b, 0x001e, "PidLidHtml", "Webpage" }, { 0x0000802c, 0x001e, "PidLidYomiFirstName", "" }, { 0x0000802d, 0x001e, "PidLidYomiLastName", "" }, { 0x00008040, 0x0102, "PidLidBusinessCardDisplayDefinition", "" }, { 0x00008041, 0x0102, "PidLidBusinessCardCardPicture", "" }, { 0x00008045, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressStreet", "Business address city" }, { 0x00008046, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressCity", "Business address street" }, { 0x00008047, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressState", "Business address state" }, { 0x00008048, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressPostalCode", "Business address postal code" }, { 0x00008049, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressCountry", "Business address country" }, { 0x0000804a, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressPostOfficeBox", "" }, { 0x0000804c, 0x0003, "PidLidDistributionListChecksum", "Distribution list checksum" }, { 0x0000804d, 0x0102, "PidLidBirthdayEventEntryId", "" }, { 0x0000804e, 0x0102, "PidLidAnniversaryEventEntryId", "" }, { 0x0000804f, 0x001e, "PidLidContactUserField1", "" }, { 0x00008050, 0x001e, "PidLidContactUserField2", "" }, { 0x00008051, 0x001e, "PidLidContactUserField3", "" }, { 0x00008052, 0x001e, "PidLidContactUserField4", "" }, { 0x00008053, 0x001e, "PidLidDistributionListName", "Distribution list name" }, { 0x00008054, 0x1102, "PidLidDistributionListOneOffMembers", "Distribution list member one-off entry identifiers" }, { 0x00008055, 0x1102, "PidLidDistributionListMembers", "Distribution list member entry identifiers" }, { 0x00008062, 0x001e, "PidLidInstantMessagingAddress", "IM Address" }, { 0x00008080, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail1DisplayName", "E-mail1 Display Name" }, { 0x00008081, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail1EntryId", "E-mail1 entry identifier" }, { 0x00008082, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail1AddressType", "E-mail1 Address Type" }, { 0x00008083, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail1EmailAddress", "E-mail1 Address" }, { 0x00008084, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail1OriginalDisplayName", "E-mail1 Display Name" }, { 0x00008085, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail1OriginalEntryId", "E-mail1 original entry identifier" }, { 0x00008087, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail1EmailType", "E-mail1 type" }, { 0x00008090, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail2DisplayName", "E-mail2 display name" }, { 0x00008091, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail2EntryId", "E-mail2 entry identifier" }, { 0x00008092, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail2AddressType", "E-mail2 address type" }, { 0x00008093, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail2EmailAddress", "E-mail2 e-mail address" }, { 0x00008094, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail2OriginalDisplayName", "E-mail2 original display name" }, { 0x00008095, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail2OriginalEntryId", "E-mail2 original entry identifier" }, { 0x000080a0, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail3DisplayName", "E-mail3 display name" }, { 0x000080a1, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail3EntryId", "E-mail3 entry identifier" }, { 0x000080a2, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail3AddressType", "E-mail3 address type" }, { 0x000080a3, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail3EmailAddress", "E-mail3 e-mail address" }, { 0x000080a4, 0x001e, "PidLidEmail3OriginalDisplayName", "E-mail3 original display name" }, { 0x000080a5, 0x0102, "PidLidEmail3OriginalEntryId", "E-mail3 original entry identifier" }, { 0x000080b2, 0x001e, "PidLidFax1AddressType", "Fax1 Address Type" }, { 0x000080b3, 0x001e, "PidLidFax1EmailAddress", "Fax1 Email Address" }, { 0x000080b4, 0x001e, "PidLidFax1OriginalDisplayName", "Fax1 original display name" }, { 0x000080b5, 0x0102, "PidLidFax1OriginalEntryId", "Fax1 original entry identifier" }, { 0x000080c2, 0x001e, "PidLidFax2AddressType", "Fax2 Address Type" }, { 0x000080c3, 0x001e, "PidLidFax2EmailAddress", "Fax2 Email Address" }, { 0x000080c4, 0x001e, "PidLidFax2OriginalDisplayName", "Fax2 original display name" }, { 0x000080c5, 0x0102, "PidLidFax2OriginalEntryId", "Fax2 original entry identifier" }, { 0x000080d2, 0x001e, "PidLidFax3AddressType", "Fax3 Address Type" }, { 0x000080d3, 0x001e, "PidLidFax3EmailAddress", "Fax3 Email Address" }, { 0x000080d4, 0x001e, "PidLidFax3OriginalDisplayName", "Fax3 original display name" }, { 0x000080d5, 0x0102, "PidLidFax3OriginalEntryId", "Fax3 original entry identifier" }, { 0x000080d8, 0x001e, "PidLidFreeBusyLocation", "" }, { 0x000080da, 0x001e, "PidLidHomeAddressCountryCode", "Home address country code" }, { 0x000080db, 0x001e, "PidLidWorkAddressCountryCode", "Work address country code" }, { 0x000080dc, 0x001e, "PidLidOtherAddressCountryCode", "Other address country code" }, { 0x000080dd, 0x001e, "PidLidAddressCountryCode", "Mailing address country code" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The task long property types * Class identifier: 00062003-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Task) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_task_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008101, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskStatus", "Status" }, { 0x00008102, 0x0005, "PidLidPercentComplete", "Percent complete" }, { 0x00008103, 0x000b, "PidLidTeamTask", "Is team task" }, { 0x00008104, 0x0040, "PidLidTaskStartDate", "Start date" }, { 0x00008105, 0x0040, "PidLidTaskDueDate", "Due date" }, { 0x00008107, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskResetReminder", "" }, { 0x00008108, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskAccepted", "" }, { 0x00008109, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskDeadOccurrence", "" }, { 0x0000810f, 0x0040, "PidLidTaskDateCompleted", "Date completed" }, { 0x00008110, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskActualEffort", "Actual effort in minutes" }, { 0x00008111, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskEstimatedEffort", "Total effort in minutes" }, { 0x00008112, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskVersion", "" }, { 0x00008113, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskState", "" }, { 0x00008115, 0x0040, "PidLidTaskLastUpdate", "" }, { 0x00008116, 0x0102, "PidLidTaskRecurrence", "" }, { 0x00008117, 0x0102, "PidLidTaskAssigners", "" }, { 0x00008119, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskStatusOnComplete", "" }, { 0x0000811a, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskHistory", "" }, { 0x0000811b, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskUpdates", "" }, { 0x0000811c, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskComplete", "Is complete" }, { 0x0000811e, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskFCreator", "" }, { 0x0000811f, 0x001e, "PidLidTaskOwner", "Owner" }, { 0x00008120, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskMultipleRecipients", "" }, { 0x00008121, 0x001e, "PidLidTaskAssigner", "Delegator" }, { 0x00008122, 0x001e, "PidLidTaskLastUser", "" }, { 0x00008123, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskOrdinal", "Ordinal" }, { 0x00008124, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskNoCompute", "" }, { 0x00008125, 0x001e, "PidLidTaskLastDelegate", "" }, { 0x00008126, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskFRecurring", "Is recurring" }, { 0x00008127, 0x001e, "PidLidTaskRole", "Role" }, { 0x00008129, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskOwnership", "Ownership" }, { 0x0000812a, 0x0003, "PidLidAcceptanceState", "Delegation State" }, { 0x0000812c, 0x000b, "PidLidTaskFFixOffline", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The appointment long property types * Class identifier: 00062002-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Appointment) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_appointment_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008200, 0x000b, "PidLidSendMeetingAsIcal", "Send as ICAL" }, { 0x00008201, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentSequence", "Appointment sequence" }, { 0x00008202, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentSequenceTime", "Appointment sequence last modification date and time" }, { 0x00008203, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentLastSequence", "Appointment last sequence number" }, { 0x00008204, 0x0003, "PidLidChangeHighlight", "" }, { 0x00008205, 0x0003, "PidLidBusyStatus", "Busy status" }, { 0x00008206, 0x000b, "PidLidFExceptionalBody", "" }, { 0x00008207, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentAuxiliaryFlags", "" }, { 0x00008208, 0x001e, "PidLidLocation", "Location" }, { 0x00008209, 0x001e, "PidLidMeetingWorkspaceUrl", "" }, { 0x0000820a, 0x000b, "PidLidForwardInstance", "" }, { 0x0000820c, 0x1102, "PidLidLinkedTaskItems", "" }, { 0x0000820d, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentStartWhole", "Start time" }, { 0x0000820e, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentEndWhole", "End time" }, { 0x00008213, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentDuration", "Duration in minutes" }, { 0x00008214, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentColor", "Color" }, { 0x00008215, 0x000b, "PidLidAppointmentSubType", "Sub type" }, { 0x00008216, 0x0102, "PidLidAppointmentRecur", "" }, { 0x00008217, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentStateFlags", "Meeting status" }, { 0x00008218, 0x0003, "PidLidResponseStatus", "Response status" }, { 0x00008220, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentReplyTime", "" }, { 0x00008223, 0x000b, "PidLidRecurring", "Is recurrent" }, { 0x00008224, 0x0003, "PidLidIntendedBusyStatus", "" }, { 0x00008228, 0x0040, "PidLidExceptionReplaceTime", "Recurrence Base" }, { 0x00008229, 0x000b, "PidLidFInvited", "" }, { 0x0000822b, 0x000b, "PidLidFExceptionalAttendees", "" }, { 0x00008230, 0x001e, "PidLidAppointmentReplyName", "" }, { 0x00008231, 0x0003, "PidLidRecurrenceType", "Recurrence Type" }, { 0x00008232, 0x001e, "PidLidRecurrencePattern", "Recurrence Pattern" }, { 0x00008233, 0x0102, "PidLidTimeZoneStruct", "" }, { 0x00008234, 0x001e, "PidLidTimeZoneDescription", "Time zone" }, { 0x00008235, 0x0040, "PidLidClipStart", "First effective time" }, { 0x00008236, 0x0040, "PidLidClipEnd", "Last effective time" }, { 0x00008237, 0x0102, "PidLidOriginalStoreEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008238, 0x001e, "PidLidAllAttendeesString", "All Attendees" }, { 0x0000823a, 0x000b, "PidLidAutoFillLocation", "" }, { 0x0000823b, 0x001e, "PidLidToAttendeesString", "To Attendees" }, { 0x0000823c, 0x001e, "PidLidCcAttendeesString", "CC Attendees" }, { 0x0000823d, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentUnsendableRecipients", "" }, { 0x00008240, 0x000b, "PidLidConferencingCheck", "Is an online meeting" }, { 0x00008241, 0x0003, "PidLidConferencingType", "Net meeting type" }, { 0x00008242, 0x001e, "PidLidDirectory", "Net meeting server" }, { 0x00008243, 0x001e, "PidLidOrganizerAlias", "Net meeting organizer alias" }, { 0x00008244, 0x000b, "PidLidAutoStartCheck", "Net meeting auto start" }, { 0x00008245, 0x0003, "PidLidAutoStartWhen", "" }, { 0x00008246, 0x000b, "PidLidAllowExternalCheck", "Conference server allow external" }, { 0x00008247, 0x001e, "PidLidCollaborateDoc", "Net meeting document path name" }, { 0x00008248, 0x001e, "PidLidNetShowUrl", "Net show URL" }, { 0x00008249, 0x001e, "PidLidOnlinePassword", "Conference server password" }, { 0x00008250, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentProposedStartWhole", "" }, { 0x00008251, 0x0040, "PidLidAppointmentProposedEndWhole", "" }, { 0x00008256, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentProposedDuration", "" }, { 0x00008257, 0x000b, "PidLidAppointmentCounterProposal", "Appointment counter proposal" }, { 0x00008259, 0x0003, "PidLidAppointmentProposalNumber", "" }, { 0x0000825a, 0x000b, "PidLidAppointmentNotAllowPropose", "" }, { 0x0000825e, 0x0102, "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionStartDisplay", "Appointment start time time zone" }, { 0x0000825f, 0x0102, "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionEndDisplay", "Appointment end time time zone" }, { 0x00008260, 0x0102, "PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The common long property types * Class identifier: 0062008-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Common) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_common_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008501, 0x0003, "PidLidReminderDelta", "Reminder minutes before start" }, { 0x00008502, 0x0040, "PidLidReminderTime", "Reminder time" }, { 0x00008503, 0x000b, "PidLidReminderSet", "Is reminder" }, { 0x00008506, 0x000b, "PidLidPrivate", "Is private" }, { 0x0000850e, 0x000b, "PidLidAgingDontAgeMe", "No aging" }, { 0x00008510, 0x0003, "PidLidSideEffects", "Side effects" }, { 0x00008514, 0x000b, "PidLidSmartNoAttach", "" }, { 0x00008516, 0x0040, "PidLidCommonStart", "Common start time" }, { 0x00008517, 0x0040, "PidLidCommonEnd", "Common end time" }, { 0x00008518, 0x0003, "PidLidTaskMode", "Task mode" }, { 0x00008519, 0x0102, "PidLidTaskGlobalId", "" }, { 0x0000851a, 0x0003, "PidLidAutoProcessState", "" }, { 0x0000851c, 0x000b, "PidLidReminderOverride", "" }, { 0x0000851d, 0x0003, "PidLidReminderType", "" }, { 0x0000851e, 0x000b, "PidLidReminderPlaySound", "" }, { 0x0000851f, 0x001e, "PidLidReminderFileParameter", "Reminder sound filename" }, { 0x00008520, 0x0102, "PidLidVerbStream", "" }, { 0x00008524, 0x001e, "PidLidVerbResponse", "" }, { 0x00008530, 0x001e, "PidLidFlagRequest", "" }, { 0x00008534, 0x001e, "PidLidMileage", "Mileage" }, { 0x00008535, 0x001e, "PidLidBillingInformation", "Billing information" }, { 0x00008536, 0x001e, "PidLidNonSendtableTo", "" }, { 0x00008537, 0x001e, "PidLidNonSendableCc", "" }, { 0x00008538, 0x001e, "PidLidNonSendableBcc", "" }, { 0x00008539, 0x101e, "PidLidCompanies", "Companies" }, { 0x0000853a, 0x101e, "PidLidContacts", "Contacts" }, { 0x00008543, 0x1003, "PidLidNonSendToTrackStatus", "" }, { 0x00008544, 0x1003, "PidLidNonSendCcTrackStatus", "" }, { 0x00008545, 0x1003, "PidLidNonSendBccTrackStatus", "" }, { 0x00008552, 0x0003, "PidLidCurrentVersion", "Outlook internal version" }, { 0x00008554, 0x001e, "PidLidCurrentVersionName", "Outlook version" }, { 0x00008560, 0x0040, "PidLidReminderSignalTime", "Reminder signal time" }, { 0x00008580, 0x001e, "PidLidInternetAccountName", "E-mail account name" }, { 0x00008581, 0x001e, "PidLidInternetAccountStamp", "E-mail account identifier" }, { 0x00008582, 0x000b, "PidLidUseTnef", "Use TNEF" }, { 0x00008584, 0x0102, "PidLidContactLinkSearchKey", "" }, { 0x00008585, 0x0102, "PidLidContactLinkEntry", "" }, { 0x00008586, 0x001e, "PidLidContactLinkName", "" }, { 0x0000859c, 0x0102, "PidLidSpamOriginalFolder", "" }, { 0x000085a0, 0x0040, "PidLidToDoOrdinalDate", "" }, { 0x000085a1, 0x001e, "PidLidToDoSubOrdinal", "" }, { 0x000085a4, 0x001e, "PidLidToDoTitle", "" }, { 0x000085b1, 0x001e, "PidLidInfoPathFormName", "" }, { 0x000085b5, 0x000b, "PidLidClassified", "" }, { 0x000085b6, 0x001e, "PidLidClassification", "" }, { 0x000085b7, 0x001e, "PidLidClassificationDescription", "" }, { 0x000085b8, 0x001e, "PidLidClassificationGuid", "" }, { 0x000085ba, 0x000b, "PidLidClassificationKeep", "" }, { 0x000085bd, 0x0102, "PidLidReferenceEntryId", "" }, { 0x000085bf, 0x0040, "PidLidValidFlagStringProof", "" }, { 0x000085c0, 0x0003, "PidLidFlagString", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The journal long property types * Class identifier: 0006200a-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Log) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_journal_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008700, 0x001e, "PidLidLogType", "Type" }, { 0x00008706, 0x0040, "PidLidLogStart", "Start" }, { 0x00008707, 0x0003, "PidLidLogDuration", "Duration" }, { 0x00008708, 0x0040, "PidLidLogEnd", "End" }, { 0x0000870c, 0x0003, "PidLidLogFlags", "LogFlags" }, { 0x0000870e, 0x000b, "PidLidDocumentPrinted", "DocPrinted" }, { 0x0000870f, 0x000b, "PidLidDocumentSaved", "DocSaved" }, { 0x00008710, 0x000b, "PidLidDocumentRouted", "DocRouted" }, { 0x00008711, 0x000b, "PidLidDocumentPosted", "DocPosted" }, { 0x00008712, 0x001e, "PidLidLogTypeDesc", "TypeDescription" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The RSS feed long property types * Class identifier: 00062041-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_PostRSS) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_rss_feed_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008900, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssChannelLink", "Channel" }, { 0x00008901, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssItemLink", "Item link" }, { 0x00008902, 0x0003, "PidLidPostRssItemHash", "Item Hash" }, { 0x00008903, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssItemGuid", "Item GUID" }, { 0x00008904, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssChannel", "Channel GUID" }, { 0x00008905, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssItemXml", "Item XML" }, { 0x00008906, 0x001e, "PidLidPostRssSubscription", "Subscription" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Sharing long property types * Class identifier: 0062040-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Sharing) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_sharing_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008a00, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingStatus", "" }, { 0x00008a01, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingProviderGuid", "" }, { 0x00008a02, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingProviderName", "" }, { 0x00008a03, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingProviderUrl", "" }, { 0x00008a04, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemotePath", "" }, { 0x00008a05, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteName", "" }, { 0x00008a06, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteUid", "" }, { 0x00008a07, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingInitiatorName", "" }, { 0x00008a08, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingInitiatorSmtp", "" }, { 0x00008a09, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingInitiatorEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a0a, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingFlags", "" }, { 0x00008a0b, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingProviderExtension", "" }, { 0x00008a0c, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteUser", "" }, { 0x00008a0d, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemotePass", "" }, { 0x00008a0e, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalPath", "" }, { 0x00008a0f, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalName", "" }, { 0x00008a10, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalUid", "" }, { 0x00008a13, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingFilter", "" }, { 0x00008a14, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalType", "" }, { 0x00008a15, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingFolderEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a17, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingCapabilities", "" }, { 0x00008a18, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingFlavor", "" }, { 0x00008a19, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingAnonymity", "" }, { 0x00008a1a, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingReciprocation", "" }, { 0x00008a1b, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingPermissions", "" }, { 0x00008a1c, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingInstanceGuid", "" }, { 0x00008a1d, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteType", "" }, { 0x00008a1e, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingParticipants", "" }, { 0x00008a1f, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingLastSyncTime", "" }, { 0x00008a21, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingExtensionXml", "" }, { 0x00008a22, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingRemoteLastModificationTime", "" }, { 0x00008a23, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingLocalLastModificationTime", "" }, { 0x00008a24, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingConfigurationUrl", "" }, { 0x00008a25, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingStart", "" }, { 0x00008a26, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingStop", "" }, { 0x00008a27, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingResponseType", "" }, { 0x00008a28, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingResponseTime", "" }, { 0x00008a29, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingOriginalMessageEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a2a, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingSyncInterval", "" }, { 0x00008a2b, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingDetail", "" }, { 0x00008a2c, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingTimeToLive", "" }, { 0x00008a2d, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingBindingEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a2e, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingIndexEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a2f, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteComment", "" }, { 0x00008a40, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingWorkingHoursStart", "" }, { 0x00008a41, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingWorkingHoursEnd", "" }, { 0x00008a42, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingWorkingHoursDay", "" }, { 0x00008a43, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingWorkingHoursTimeZone", "" }, { 0x00008a44, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingDataRangeStart", "" }, { 0x00008a45, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingDataRangeEnd", "" }, { 0x00008a46, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRangeStart", "" }, { 0x00008a47, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRangeEnd", "" }, { 0x00008a48, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteStoreUid", "" }, { 0x00008a49, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalStoreUid", "" }, { 0x00008a4b, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRemoteByteSize", "" }, { 0x00008a4c, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRemoteCrc", "" }, { 0x00008a4d, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingLocalComment", "" }, { 0x00008a4e, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRoamLog", "" }, { 0x00008a4f, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingRemoteMessageCount", "" }, { 0x00008a51, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingBrowseUrl", "" }, { 0x00008a55, 0x0040, "PidLidSharingLastAutoSyncTime", "" }, { 0x00008a56, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingTimeToLiveAuto", "" }, { 0x00008a5b, 0x001e, "PidLidSharingRemoteVersion", "" }, { 0x00008a5c, 0x0102, "PidLidSharingParentBindingEntryId", "" }, { 0x00008a60, 0x0003, "PidLidSharingSyncFlags", "" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Sticky note long property types * Class identifier: 0006200e-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PSETID_Note) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_sticky_note_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00008b00, 0x0003, "PidLidNoteColor", "Color" }, { 0x00008b02, 0x0003, "PidLidNoteWidth", "Width" }, { 0x00008b03, 0x0003, "PidLidNoteHeight", "Height" }, { 0x00008b04, 0x0003, "PidLidNoteX", "Left" }, { 0x00008b05, 0x0003, "PidLidNoteY", "Top" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Public strings long property types * Class identifier: 0020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS) */ libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_public_strings_long_properties[ ] = { { 0x00002328, 0x101e, "PidLidCategories", "Categories" }, { (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Public strings named property types * Class identifier: 0020329-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS) */ libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_public_strings_named_properties[ ] = { { 8, "AppName", 0x001e, "PidNameApplicationName", "Application name" }, { 7, "Author", 0x001e, "PidNameAuthor", "Author" }, { 10, "ByteCount", 0x0003, "PidNameByteCount", "Byte size" }, { 9, "Category", 0x001e, "PidNameCategory", "Category" }, { 10, "CharCount", 0x0003, "PidNameCharacterCount", "Number of characters" }, { 9, "Comments", 0x001e, "PidNameComments", "Comments" }, { 8, "Company", 0x001e, "PidNameCompany", "Company" }, { 12, "CreateDtmRo", 0x0040, "PidNameCreateDateTimeReadOnly", "Read only creation time" }, { 11, "DRMLicense", 0x1102, "PidNameRightsManagementLicense", "Digital rights management license" }, { 9, "EditTime", 0x001e, "PidNameEditTime", "" }, { 57, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/junkemailmovestamp", 0x0003, "PidNameJunkEmailMoveStamp", "" }, { 12, "HiddenCount", 0x0003, "PidNameHiddenCount", "" }, { 9, "Keywords", 0x101e, "PidNameKeywords", "Keywords" }, { 11, "LastAuthor", 0x001e, "PidNameLastAuthor", "" }, { 12, "LastPrinted", 0x0040, "PidNameLastPrinted", "" }, { 12, "LastSaveDtm", 0x0040, "PidNameLastSaveDateTime", "" }, { 10, "LineCount", 0x0003, "PidNameLineCount", "" }, { 8, "Manager", 0x001e, "PidNameManager", "" }, { 12, "MMClipCount", 0x0003, "PidNameMultimediaClipCount", "" }, { 10, "NoteCount", 0x0003, "PidNameNoteCount", "" }, { 15, "OMSAccountGuid", 0x001e, "PidNameOMSAccountGuid", "" }, { 15, "OMSMobileModel", 0x001e, "PidNameOMSMobileModel", "" }, { 16, "OMSScheduleTime", 0x0040, "PidNameOMSGScheduleTime", "" }, { 15, "OMSServiceType", 0x0003, "PidNameOMSServiceType", "" }, { 14, "OMSSourceType", 0x0003, "PidNameOMSSourceType", "" }, { 51, "http://schemas.microsoft.com/outlook/phishingstamp", 0x0003, "PidNamePhishingStamp", "" }, { 10, "PageCount", 0x0003, "PidNamePageCount", "" }, { 9, "ParCount", 0x0003, "PidNameParagraphCount", "" }, { 11, "PresFormat", 0x001e, "PidNamePresentationFormat", "" }, { 9, "Security", 0x0003, "PidNameSecurity", "" }, { 11, "SlideCount", 0x0003, "PidNameSlideCount", "" }, { 8, "Subject", 0x001e, "PidNameSubject", "" }, { 9, "Template", 0x001e, "PidNameTemplate", "" }, { 6, "Title", 0x001e, "PidNameTitle", "" }, { 10, "WordCount", 0x0003, "PidNameWordCount", "" }, { (size_t) -1, NULL, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Internet headers named property types * Class identifier: 00020386-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 (PS_INTERNET_HEADERS) */ libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_internet_headers_named_properties[ ] = { { 17, "Accept-Language", 0x001e, "PidNameAcceptLanguage", "Accept language" }, { 13, "Content-Base", 0x001e, "PidNameBodyContentBase", "Body content base" }, { 14, "Content-Class", 0x001e, "PidNameContentClass", "Content class" }, { 27, "Content-Transfer-Encoding", 0x001e, "PidNameContentTransferEncoding", "Content transfer encoding" }, { 14, "Content-Type", 0x001e, "PidNameContentType", "Content type" }, { 5, "Xref", 0x001e, "PidNameCrossReference", "Cross reference (Xref)" }, { 21, "X-Sharing-Browse-Url", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingBrowseUrl", "Sharing browse URL" }, { 23, "X-Sharing-Capabilities", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingCapabilities", "Sharing capabilities" }, { 21, "X-Sharing-Config-Url", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingConfigUrl", "Sharing configuration URL" }, { 24, "X-Sharing-Extended-Caps", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingExtendedCaps", "" }, { 17, "X-Sharing-Flavor", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingFlavor", "" }, { 24, "X-Sharing-Instance-Guid", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingInstanceGuid", "" }, { 21, "X-Sharing-Local-Type", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingLocalType", "" }, { 24, "X-Sharing-Provider-Guid", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingProviderGuid", "" }, { 24, "X-Sharing-Provider-Name", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingProviderName", "" }, { 23, "X-Sharing-Provider-Url", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingProviderUrl", "" }, { 22, "X-Sharing-Remote-Name", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingRemoteName", "" }, { 22, "X-Sharing-Remote-Path", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingRemotePath", "" }, { 27, "X-Sharing-Remote-Store-Uid", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingRemoteStoreUid", "" }, { 22, "X-Sharing-Remote-Type", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingRemoteType", "" }, { 21, "X-Sharing-Remote-Uid", 0x001e, "PidNameXSharingRemoteUid", "" }, { (size_t) -1, NULL, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Attachment named property types * Class identifier: 96357f7f-59e1-47d0-99a7-46515c183b54 (PSETID_Attachment) */ libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_attachment_named_properties[ ] = { { 25, "AttachmentMacContentType", 0x001e, "PidNameAttachmentMacContentType", "Attachment content type for Apple Macintosh" }, { 18, "AttachmentMacInfo", 0x0102, "PidNameAttachmentMacInfo", "Attachment information for Apple Macintosh" }, { (size_t) -1, NULL, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* The Unified messaging named property types * Class identifier: 442858e-a9e3-4e80-b900-317a210cc15b (PSETID_UnifiedMessaging) */ libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_unified_messaging_named_properties[ ] = { { 13, "UMAudioNotes", 0x001e, "PidNameAudioNotes", "Audio notes" }, { (size_t) -1, NULL, (uint32_t) -1, "_UNKNOWN_", "Unknown" } }; /* Retrieves a string containing the property type identifier */ const char *libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_property_types[], uint32_t entry_type, uint32_t value_type ) { int iterator = 0; if( value_type == 0x001f ) { value_type = 0x001e; } else if( value_type == 0x101f ) { value_type = 0x101e; } while( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).entry_type != (uint32_t) -1 ) { if( ( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).entry_type == entry_type ) && ( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).value_type == value_type ) ) { break; } iterator++; } return( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).identifier ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the property type identifier */ const char *libfmapi_property_type_get_identifier( uint8_t *class_identifier, uint32_t entry_type, uint32_t value_type ) { if( class_identifier == NULL ) { if( entry_type == 0x0000 ) { return( "PidTagNull" ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0001 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_message_envelope_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0dff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_recipient_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0e00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_non_transmittable_message_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x1000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x2fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_message_content_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x32ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_common_object_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3300 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x33ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_form_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3400 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x35ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_message_store_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3600 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x36ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_folder_and_address_book_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3700 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x38ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_attachment_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3900 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x39ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_address_book_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3a00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_messaging_user_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3cff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_distribution_list_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3d00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3dff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_profile_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3e00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_status_object_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x4000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x57ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_transport_provider_message_envelope_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x5800 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x5fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_transport_provider_recipient_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x65ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_client_non_transmittable_message_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6600 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x67ef ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_service_provider_non_transmittable_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x67f0 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x67ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_secure_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6800 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x7bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_custom_message_content_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x7c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x7fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_custom_message_non_transmittable_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x8000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0xfffe ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_custom_named_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( entry_type == 0xffff ) { return( "PROP_ID_INVALID" ); } } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_calendar, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_calendar_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_address, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_address_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_task, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_task_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_appointment, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_appointment_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_common, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_common_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_journal, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_journal_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_rss_feed, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_rss_feed_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_sharing, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_sharing_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_sticky_note, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_sticky_note_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_public_strings, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_public_strings_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } return( "_UNKNOWN_" ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the property type description */ const char *libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_property_type_t libfmapi_property_types[], uint32_t entry_type, uint32_t value_type ) { int iterator = 0; if( value_type == 0x001f ) { value_type = 0x001e; } else if( value_type == 0x101f ) { value_type = 0x101e; } while( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).entry_type != (uint32_t) -1 ) { if( ( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).entry_type == entry_type ) && ( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).value_type == value_type ) ) { break; } iterator++; } return( ( libfmapi_property_types[ iterator ] ).description ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the property type description */ const char *libfmapi_property_type_get_description( uint8_t *class_identifier, uint32_t entry_type, uint32_t value_type ) { if( class_identifier == NULL ) { if( entry_type == 0x0000 ) { return( "NULL" ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0001 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_message_envelope_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0dff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_recipient_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x0e00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x0fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_non_transmittable_message_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x1000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x2fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_message_content_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x33ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_common_object_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3400 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x35ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_message_store_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3600 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x36ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_folder_and_address_book_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3700 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x38ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_attachment_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3900 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x39ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_address_book_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3a00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_messaging_user_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3cff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_distribution_list_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3d00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3dff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_profile_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x3e00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x3fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_status_object_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x4000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x57ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_transport_provider_message_envelope_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x5800 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x5fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_transport_provider_recipient_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x65ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_client_non_transmittable_message_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6600 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x67ef ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_service_provider_non_transmittable_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x67f0 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x67ff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_secure_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x6800 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x7bff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_custom_message_content_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x7c00 ) && ( entry_type <= 0x7fff ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_custom_message_non_transmittable_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( ( entry_type >= 0x8000 ) && ( entry_type <= 0xfffe ) ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_custom_named_property_types, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( entry_type == 0xffff ) { return( "Invalid property" ); } } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_calendar, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_calendar_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_address, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_address_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_task, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_task_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_appointment, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_appointment_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_common, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_common_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_journal, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_journal_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_rss_feed, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_rss_feed_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_sharing, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_sharing_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_sticky_note, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_sticky_note_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_public_strings, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_public_strings_long_properties, entry_type, value_type ) ); } return( "Unknown" ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the named property type identifier */ const char *libfmapi_named_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_named_property_types[], const char *name, size_t name_size, uint32_t value_type ) { int iterator = 0; if( value_type == 0x001f ) { value_type = 0x001e; } else if( value_type == 0x101f ) { value_type = 0x101e; } while( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name != NULL ) { if( ( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name_size == name_size ) && ( narrow_string_compare_no_case( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name, name, name_size ) == 0 ) ) { break; } iterator++; } return( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).identifier ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the named property type identifier */ const char *libfmapi_named_property_type_get_identifier( uint8_t *class_identifier, const char *name, size_t name_size, uint32_t value_type ) { if( class_identifier != NULL ) { if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_public_strings, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_public_strings_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_internet_headers, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_internet_headers_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_attachment, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_attachment_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_unified_messaging, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_identifier( libfmapi_unified_messaging_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } } return( "_UNKNOWN_" ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the named property type description */ const char *libfmapi_named_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_named_property_type_t libfmapi_named_property_types[], const char *name, size_t name_size, uint32_t value_type ) { int iterator = 0; if( value_type == 0x001f ) { value_type = 0x001e; } else if( value_type == 0x101f ) { value_type = 0x101e; } while( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name != NULL ) { if( ( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name_size == name_size ) && ( narrow_string_compare_no_case( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).name, name, name_size ) == 0 ) ) { break; } iterator++; } return( ( libfmapi_named_property_types[ iterator ] ).description ); } /* Retrieves a string containing the named property type description */ const char *libfmapi_named_property_type_get_description( uint8_t *class_identifier, const char *name, size_t name_size, uint32_t value_type ) { if( class_identifier != NULL ) { if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_public_strings, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_public_strings_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_internet_headers, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_internet_headers_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_attachment, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_attachment_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } else if( memory_compare( class_identifier, libfmapi_class_identifier_unified_messaging, 16 ) == 0 ) { return( libfmapi_named_property_types_get_description( libfmapi_unified_messaging_named_properties, name, name_size, value_type ) ); } } return( "_UNKNOWN_" ); } #endif