# Script that builds libfsntfs # # Version: 20180728 Param ( [string]$Configuration = ${Env:Configuration}, [string]$MSVSCppConvertOptions = "--extend-with-x64", [string]$Platform = ${Env:Platform}, [string]$PythonPath = "C:\Python27", [string]$VSToolsPath = "..\vstools" ) $ExitSuccess = 0 $ExitFailure = 1 $Python = "${PythonPath}\python.exe" $Git = "git" $GitUrl = "https://github.com/libyal/vstools.git" $MSVSCppConvert = "${VSToolsPath}\scripts\msvscpp-convert.py" If (-Not (Test-Path $Python)) { Write-Host "Missing Python: ${Python}" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } If (-Not (Test-Path ${VSToolsPath})) { # PowerShell will raise NativeCommandError if git writes to stdout or stderr # therefore 2>&1 is added and the output is stored in a variable. $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} clone ${GitUrl} ${VSToolsPath} 2>&1" } Else { Push-Location "${VSToolsPath}" Try { # Make sure vstools are up to date. $Output = Invoke-Expression -Command "${Git} pull 2>&1" } Finally { Pop-Location } } If (-Not (Test-Path ${MSVSCppConvert})) { Write-Host "Missing msvscpp-convert.py: ${MSVSCppConvert}" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } ElseIf (-Not ${Env:VisualStudioVersion}) { Write-Host "Unknown Visual Studio version make sure to set %VisualStudioVersion%" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } $OutputFormat = "" If (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "15.0") { $OutputFormat = "2017" } ElseIf (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "14.0") { $OutputFormat = "2015" } ElseIf (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "12.0") { $OutputFormat = "2013" } ElseIf (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "11.0") { $OutputFormat = "2012" } ElseIf (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "10.0") { $OutputFormat = "2010" } ElseIf (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "9.0") { $OutputFormat = "2008" } Else { Write-Host "Unsupported Visual Studio version: %VisualStudioVersion% = ${Env:VisualStudioVersion}" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } If (${OutputFormat} -eq "2017") { $MSBuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\amd64\MSBuild.exe" } ElseIf (${OutputFormat} -eq "2008") { $MSBuild = "C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe" } Else { $MSBuild = "C:\\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" } If (-Not (Test-Path ${MSBuild})) { Write-Host "Missing msbuild.exe: ${MSBuild}" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } If (${OutputFormat} -eq "2008") { $VSSolutionPath = "msvscpp" } Else { $VSSolutionPath = "vs${OutputFormat}" If (-Not (Test-Path "${VSSolutionPath}")) { ${Env:PYTHONPATH} = ${VSToolsPath} Invoke-Expression -Command "& '${Python}' ${MSVSCppConvert} --output-format ${OutputFormat} ${MSVSCppConvertOptions} msvscpp\libfsntfs.sln" } } $VSSolutionFile = "${VSSolutionPath}\libfsntfs.sln" If (-Not (Test-Path "${VSSolutionFile}")) { Write-Host "Missing Visual Studio ${OutputFormat} solution file: ${VSSolutionFile}" -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } If (-Not ${Configuration}) { $Configuration = "Release" } If (-Not ${Platform}) { $Platform = "Win32" } $MSBuildOptions = "/verbosity:quiet /target:Build /property:Configuration=${Configuration},Platform=${Platform}" If (${Env:VisualStudioVersion} -eq "15.0") { $MSBuildOptions = "${MSBuildOptions} /property:PlatformToolset=v141" } Invoke-Expression -Command "& '${MSBuild}' ${MSBuildOptions} ${VSSolutionFile}" Exit ${ExitSuccess}