# Tests C library functions and types. # # Version: 20181221 $ExitSuccess = 0 $ExitFailure = 1 $ExitIgnore = 77 $LibraryTests = "attribute bitmap_values cluster_block compressed_block compressed_block_descriptor data_run data_stream directory directory_entry error file_entry file_name_attribute file_name_values index index_entry index_node index_value io_handle logged_utility_stream_values mft mft_entry notify object_identifier_values reparse_point_attribute reparse_point_values security_descriptor_index security_descriptor_index_value security_descriptor_values standard_information_values txf_data_values usn_change_journal volume_header volume_information_attribute volume_information_values volume_name_attribute volume_name_values" $LibraryTestsWithInput = "mft_metadata_file support volume" $InputGlob = "*" Function GetTestProfileDirectory { param( [string]$TestInputDirectory, [string]$TestProfile ) $TestProfileDirectory = "${TestInputDirectory}\.${TestProfile}" If (-Not (Test-Path -Path ${TestProfileDirectory} -PathType "Container")) { New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path ${TestProfileDirectory} } Return ${TestProfileDirectory} } Function GetTestSetDirectory { param( [string]$TestProfileDirectory, [string]$TestSetInputDirectory ) $TestSetDirectory = "${TestProfileDirectory}\${TestSetInputDirectory.Basename}" If (-Not (Test-Path -Path ${TestSetDirectory} -PathType "Container")) { New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path ${TestSetDirectory} } Return ${TestSetDirectory} } Function GetTestToolDirectory { $TestToolDirectory = "" ForEach (${VSDirectory} in "msvscpp vs2008 vs2010 vs2012 vs2013 vs2015 vs2017" -split " ") { ForEach (${VSConfiguration} in "Release VSDebug" -split " ") { ForEach (${VSPlatform} in "Win32 x64" -split " ") { $TestToolDirectory = "..\${VSDirectory}\${VSConfiguration}\${VSPlatform}" If (Test-Path ${TestToolDirectory}) { Return ${TestToolDirectory} } } $TestToolDirectory = "..\${VSDirectory}\${VSConfiguration}" If (Test-Path ${TestToolDirectory}) { Return ${TestToolDirectory} } } } Return ${TestToolDirectory} } Function ReadIgnoreList { param( [string]$TestProfileDirectory ) $IgnoreFile = "${TestProfileDirectory}\ignore" $IgnoreList = "" If (Test-Path -Path ${IgnoreFile} -PathType "Leaf") { $IgnoreList = Get-Content -Path ${IgnoreFile} | Where {$_ -notmatch '^#.*'} } Return $IgnoreList } Function RunTest { param( [string]$TestType ) $TestDescription = "Testing: ${TestName}" $TestExecutable = "${TestToolDirectory}\fsntfs_test_${TestName}.exe" $Output = Invoke-Expression ${TestExecutable} $Result = ${LastExitCode} If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Write-Host ${Output} -foreground Red } Write-Host "${TestDescription} " -nonewline If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Write-Host " (FAIL)" } Else { Write-Host " (PASS)" } Return ${Result} } Function RunTestWithInput { param( [string]$TestType ) $TestDescription = "Testing: ${TestName}" $TestExecutable = "${TestToolDirectory}\fsntfs_test_${TestName}.exe" $TestProfileDirectory = GetTestProfileDirectory "input" "libfsntfs" $IgnoreList = ReadIgnoreList ${TestProfileDirectory} $Result = ${ExitSuccess} ForEach ($TestSetInputDirectory in Get-ChildItem -Path "input" -Exclude ".*") { If (-Not (Test-Path -Path ${TestSetInputDirectory} -PathType "Container")) { Continue } If (${TestSetInputDirectory} -Contains ${IgnoreList}) { Continue } $TestSetDirectory = GetTestSetDirectory ${TestProfileDirectory} ${TestSetInputDirectory} If (Test-Path -Path "${TestSetDirectory}\files" -PathType "Leaf") { $InputFiles = Get-Content -Path "${TestSetDirectory}\files" | Where {$_ -ne ""} } Else { $InputFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path ${TestSetInputDirectory} -Include ${InputGlob} } ForEach ($InputFile in ${InputFiles}) { # TODO: add test option support $Output = Invoke-Expression ${TestExecutable} $Result = ${LastExitCode} If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Break } } If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Break } } If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Write-Host ${Output} -foreground Red } Write-Host "${TestDescription} " -nonewline If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Write-Host " (FAIL)" } Else { Write-Host " (PASS)" } Return ${Result} } $TestToolDirectory = GetTestToolDirectory If (-Not (Test-Path ${TestToolDirectory})) { Write-Host "Missing test tool directory." -foreground Red Exit ${ExitFailure} } $Result = ${ExitIgnore} Foreach (${TestName} in ${LibraryTests} -split " ") { # Split will return an array of a single empty string when LibraryTests is empty. If (-Not (${TestName})) { Continue } $Result = RunTest ${TestName} If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Break } } Foreach (${TestName} in ${LibraryTestsWithInput} -split " ") { # Split will return an array of a single empty string when LibraryTestsWithInput is empty. If (-Not (${TestName})) { Continue } If (Test-Path -Path "input" -PathType "Container") { $Result = RunTestWithInput ${TestName} } Else { $Result = RunTest ${TestName} } If (${Result} -ne ${ExitSuccess}) { Break } } Exit ${Result}