#!/bin/bash # Tests C library functions and types. # # Version: 20190101 EXIT_SUCCESS=0; EXIT_FAILURE=1; EXIT_IGNORE=77; LIBRARY_TESTS="attribute bitmap_values cluster_block compressed_block compressed_block_descriptor data_run data_stream directory directory_entry error file_entry file_name_attribute file_name_values index index_entry index_node index_value io_handle logged_utility_stream_values mft mft_entry notify object_identifier_values reparse_point_attribute reparse_point_values security_descriptor_index security_descriptor_index_value security_descriptor_values standard_information_values txf_data_values usn_change_journal volume_header volume_information_attribute volume_information_values volume_name_attribute volume_name_values"; LIBRARY_TESTS_WITH_INPUT="mft_metadata_file support volume"; OPTION_SETS="offset"; INPUT_GLOB="*"; run_test() { local TEST_NAME=$1; local TEST_DESCRIPTION="Testing: ${TEST_NAME}"; local TEST_EXECUTABLE="./fsntfs_test_${TEST_NAME}"; if ! test -x "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}"; then TEST_EXECUTABLE="${TEST_EXECUTABLE}.exe"; fi # TODO: add support for TEST_PROFILE and OPTION_SETS? run_test_with_arguments "${TEST_DESCRIPTION}" "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}"; local RESULT=$?; return ${RESULT}; } run_test_with_input() { local TEST_NAME=$1; local TEST_DESCRIPTION="Testing: ${TEST_NAME}"; local TEST_EXECUTABLE="./fsntfs_test_${TEST_NAME}"; if ! test -x "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}"; then TEST_EXECUTABLE="${TEST_EXECUTABLE}.exe"; fi if ! test -d "input"; then echo "Test input directory: input not found."; return ${EXIT_IGNORE}; fi local RESULT=`ls input/* | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l`; if test ${RESULT} -eq ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then echo "No files or directories found in the test input directory: input"; return ${EXIT_IGNORE}; fi local TEST_PROFILE_DIRECTORY=$(get_test_profile_directory "input" "libfsntfs"); local IGNORE_LIST=$(read_ignore_list "${TEST_PROFILE_DIRECTORY}"); RESULT=${EXIT_SUCCESS}; for TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY in input/*; do if ! test -d "${TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY}"; then continue; fi if check_for_directory_in_ignore_list "${TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY}" "${IGNORE_LIST}"; then continue; fi local TEST_SET_DIRECTORY=$(get_test_set_directory "${TEST_PROFILE_DIRECTORY}" "${TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY}"); local OLDIFS=${IFS}; # IFS="\n" is not supported by all platforms. IFS=" "; if test -f "${TEST_SET_DIRECTORY}/files"; then for INPUT_FILE in `cat ${TEST_SET_DIRECTORY}/files | sed "s?^?${TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY}/?"`; do if test "${OSTYPE}" = "msys"; then # A test executable built with MinGW expects a Windows path. INPUT_FILE=`echo ${INPUT_FILE} | sed 's?/?\\\\?g'`; fi run_test_on_input_file_with_options "${TEST_SET_DIRECTORY}" "${TEST_DESCRIPTION}" "default" "${OPTION_SETS}" "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}" "${INPUT_FILE}"; RESULT=$?; if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then break; fi done else for INPUT_FILE in `ls -1d ${TEST_SET_INPUT_DIRECTORY}/${INPUT_GLOB}`; do if test "${OSTYPE}" = "msys"; then # A test executable built with MinGW expects a Windows path. INPUT_FILE=`echo ${INPUT_FILE} | sed 's?/?\\\\?g'`; fi run_test_on_input_file_with_options "${TEST_SET_DIRECTORY}" "${TEST_DESCRIPTION}" "default" "${OPTION_SETS}" "${TEST_EXECUTABLE}" "${INPUT_FILE}"; RESULT=$?; if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then break; fi done fi IFS=${OLDIFS}; if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then break; fi done return ${RESULT}; } if ! test -z ${SKIP_LIBRARY_TESTS}; then exit ${EXIT_IGNORE}; fi TEST_RUNNER="tests/test_runner.sh"; if ! test -f "${TEST_RUNNER}"; then TEST_RUNNER="./test_runner.sh"; fi if ! test -f "${TEST_RUNNER}"; then echo "Missing test runner: ${TEST_RUNNER}"; exit ${EXIT_FAILURE}; fi source ${TEST_RUNNER}; RESULT=${EXIT_IGNORE}; for TEST_NAME in ${LIBRARY_TESTS}; do run_test "${TEST_NAME}"; RESULT=$?; if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then break; fi done if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS} && test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_IGNORE}; then exit ${RESULT}; fi for TEST_NAME in ${LIBRARY_TESTS_WITH_INPUT}; do if test -d "input"; then run_test_with_input "${TEST_NAME}"; RESULT=$?; else run_test "${TEST_NAME}"; RESULT=$?; fi if test ${RESULT} -ne ${EXIT_SUCCESS}; then break; fi done exit ${RESULT};