# Contributing ## Pre-generated Bindings The pre-generated bindings are generated by compiling this crate, then copying the `bindings.rs` file from the build output. The Windows bindings were run through `dos2unix` to normalize line endings and make it easier to diff the generated bindings. ## Mac OSX Mac files are distributed from the vendor as `.dmg` files, these can be extracted on linux with `apfs-fuse`, for example ```bash sudo ./apfs-fuse -o uid="$(id -u)",gid="$(id -g)",allow_other D2XX1.4.16.dmg d2xx ``` Mac bindings can be generated cross-platform with: ```bash bindgen --allowlist-function 'FT_.*' --allowlist-type 'FT_.*' --allowlist-var 'FT_.*' --rustfmt-bindings vendor/macos/ftd2xx.h > src/bindings_macos_x64.rs ```