use call; use config; use error::GGRError; use error::GGRResult; use error::GerritError; use entities; use serde; use std; use url; const ENDPOINT: &'static str = "/a/changes"; /// Interface to retrieve Changes information from gerrit server pub struct Changes { call: call::Call, } impl<'de> Changes { pub fn new(url: &url::Url) -> Changes { Changes { call: call::Call::new(url), } } fn build_query_string(querylist: Option>) -> String where S: Into { let mut querystring = String::new(); if let Some(querylist) = querylist { if ! querylist.is_empty() { querystring.push_str("&q="); let mut fragment = String::new(); for el in querylist { fragment.push_str(&el.into()[..]); fragment.push_str("+"); } if let Some(x) = fragment.chars().last() { if x == '+' { fragment = fragment.trim_right_matches(x).to_string(); } }; querystring = format!("{}{}", querystring, fragment); }; }; debug!("query-string: '{}'", querystring); querystring } fn build_label_string(labellist: Option>) -> String where S: Into { let mut labelstring = String::new(); if let Some(labellist) = labellist { if ! labellist.is_empty() { for label in labellist { if labelstring.is_empty() { labelstring = format!("o={}", label.into()); } else { labelstring = format!("{}&o={}", labelstring, label.into()); } } } }; debug!("label-string: '{}'", labelstring); labelstring } /// generic helper function for calling of call object /// /// The `desc` parameter is a short description for error messages, its embedded into 'Problem /// '...' with '. /// The call is executed with the `path` parameter and the `httpmethod` with `uploaddata` for /// `Put` and `Post` http methods. fn execute(c: &Changes, desc: &str, path: &str, httpmethod: call::CallMethod, uploaddata: Option<&INPUT>) -> GGRResult where INPUT: serde::Serialize + std::fmt::Debug, OUTPUT: serde::de::DeserializeOwned { match, path, uploaddata) { Ok(cr) => { match cr.status() { 200 | 201 | 202 | 203 | 205 => cr.convert::(), /* * We need handling of 204 returne code. 204 means no body text what we can * convert. But the converter try it and crashes with a json failure * "JsonError(ErrorImpl { code: EofWhileParsingValue, line: 1, column: 0 })" * * 204 => cr.convert::(), */ status => { Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::GerritApi(status, String::from_utf8(cr.get_body().unwrap_or_else(|| "no cause from server".into()))?))) }, } }, Err(x) => { Err(GGRError::General(format!("Problem '{}' with {}", x, desc))) } } } /// api function 'GET /changes/' pub fn query_changes(&mut self, querylist: Option>, labellist: Option>) -> GGRResult> where S: Into { let mut querystring = format!("pp=0{}", Changes::build_query_string(querylist)); let labelstring = Changes::build_label_string(labellist); if ! labelstring.is_empty() { querystring = format!("{}&{}", querystring, labelstring); } querystring = querystring.replace("//", "/"); querystring = querystring.replace("//", "/"); querystring = querystring.replace("//", "/");; let path = format!("{}/", ENDPOINT); Changes::execute::<(),Vec>(self, "query change", &path, call::CallMethod::Get, None) } /// api function 'POST /changes' /// /// V02.10 pub fn create_change(&self, ci: &entities::ChangeInput) -> GGRResult { if ci.project.is_empty() || ci.branch.is_empty() || ci.subject.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeInputProblem)); } let config = config::Config::new(; if let Err(x) = config.check_version("POST /changes/".into(), "2.10.0".into()) { return Err(x); } Changes::execute(self, "change create", ENDPOINT, call::CallMethod::Post, Some(&ci)) } /// api function 'GET /changes/{change-id}' pub fn get_change(&mut self, changeid: &str, features: Option>) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let query = Changes::build_label_string(features); let path = format!("{}/{}", ENDPOINT, changeid);; Changes::execute::<(),entities::ChangeInfo>(self, "get change", &path, call::CallMethod::Get, None) } /// api function 'GET /changes/{change-id}/detail' pub fn get_change_detail(&self, changeid: &str) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let path = format!("{}/{}/detail", ENDPOINT, changeid); Changes::execute::<(),entities::ChangeInfo>(self, "get change detail", &path, call::CallMethod::Get, None) } /// api function `GET /changes/{change-id}/reviewers/' pub fn get_reviewers(&self, changeid: &str) -> GGRResult> { if changeid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let path = format!("{}/{}/reviewers/", ENDPOINT, changeid); Changes::execute::<(),Vec>(self, "receiving reviewer list", &path, call::CallMethod::Get, None) } /// api function 'POST /changes/{change-id}/reviewers' pub fn add_reviewer(&self, changeid: &str, reviewer: &str) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() || reviewer.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::GetReviewerListProblem("changeid or reviewer is empty".into()))); } let path = format!("{}/{}/reviewers", ENDPOINT, changeid); let reviewerinput = entities::ReviewerInput { reviewer: reviewer.into(), confirmed: None, state: None, }; Changes::execute::<&entities::ReviewerInput,entities::AddReviewerResult>(self, "add reviewer", &path, call::CallMethod::Post, Some(&&reviewerinput)) } /// api function 'DELETE /changes/{change-id}/reviewers/{account-id}' pub fn delete_reviewer(&self, changeid: &str, reviewer: &str) -> GGRResult<()> { if changeid.is_empty() || reviewer.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::GetReviewerListProblem("changeid or reviewer is empty".into()))); } let path = format!("{}/{}/reviewers/{}", ENDPOINT, changeid, reviewer); Changes::execute::<(),()>(self, "deleting reviewer", &path, call::CallMethod::Delete, None) } /// api function 'POST /changes/{change-id}/abandon' /// /// notify is one of `none`, `owner`, `owner_reviewers` or `all`. pub fn abandon_change(&self, changeid: &str, message: Option<&str>, notify: Option<&str>) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let path = format!("{}/{}/abandon", ENDPOINT, changeid); let notify = match notify { Some(notify) => { match notify { "all" => Some(entities::AbandonInputNotify::ALL), "owner" => Some(entities::AbandonInputNotify::OWNER), "owner_reviewer" => Some(entities::AbandonInputNotify::OWNER_REVIEWERS), _ => Some(entities::AbandonInputNotify::NONE), } }, None => None }; let abandoninput = entities::AbandonInput { message:|s| s.to_string()), notify: notify, }; Changes::execute::<&entities::AbandonInput,entities::ChangeInfo>(self, "abandon change", &path, call::CallMethod::Post, Some(&&abandoninput)) } /// api function 'POST /changes/{change-id}/restore' pub fn restore_change(&self, changeid: &str, message: Option<&str>) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let path = format!("{}/{}/restore", ENDPOINT, changeid); let restoreinput = entities::RestoreInput { message:|s| s.to_string()), }; Changes::execute::<&entities::RestoreInput,entities::ChangeInfo>(self, "restore change", &path, call::CallMethod::Post, Some(&&restoreinput)) } /// api function 'POST /changes/{change-id}/revisions/{revision-id}/review' pub fn set_review(&self, changeid: &str, revisionid: &str, message: Option<&str>, labels: Option) -> GGRResult { if changeid.is_empty() || revisionid.is_empty() { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::ChangeIDEmpty)); } let path = format!("{}/{}/revisions/{}/review", ENDPOINT, changeid, revisionid); use std::collections::HashMap; #[derive(Serialize, Debug)] struct Review { message: Option, labels: HashMap, }; let review = Review { message:|s| s.to_string()), labels: labels.unwrap_or(entities::ReviewInfo{ labels: HashMap::new() }).labels, }; Changes::execute::<&Review,entities::ReviewInfo>(self, "set review", &path, call::CallMethod::Post, Some(&&review)) } }