use call; use error::GGRError; use error::GGRResult; use error::GerritError; use semver; use url; const ENDPOINT: &'static str = "/config/server"; pub struct Config { call: call::Call, } impl Config { /// create a new `Config` instance pub fn new(url: &url::Url) -> Config { Config { call: call::Call::new(url), } } /// returns the gerrit version pub fn get_version(&self) -> GGRResult { let path = format!("{}/version", ENDPOINT); match { Ok(cr) => { if cr.ok() { cr.convert::() } else { Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::GerritApi(cr.status(), String::from_utf8(cr.get_body().unwrap()).unwrap()))) } }, Err(x) => { Err(GGRError::General(format!("call problem with: {} ({})", path, x))) } } } /// convenience function to check version pub fn check_version(&self, desc: String, since: String) -> GGRResult<()> { if let Ok(version) = self.get_version() { if semver::Version::parse(&version) < semver::Version::parse(&since) { return Err(GGRError::GerritApiError(GerritError::UnsupportedVersion(desc.into(), version.into(), since.into()))); } } else { warn!("server version seems not supported, continuing"); } Ok(()) } } #[test] fn test_get_version() { let config = Config { call: call::Call::new(&url::Url::parse("http://localhost:8080").unwrap()), }; assert_eq!("2.13.5", config.get_version().unwrap()); }