#!/bin/bash YEAR=`date "+%Y"` COPYRIGHT="" COPYRIGHT+="/*"$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" * Copyright 2014-$YEAR The GmSSL Project. All Rights Reserved."$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" *"$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may"$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" * not use this file except in compliance with the License."$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" *"$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"$'\n' COPYRIGHT+=" */" COPYRIGHT_FILE=copyright.txt echo "$COPYRIGHT" > $COPYRIGHT_FILE TEMP_FILE=tempfile.temp touch $TEMP_FILE copyright_start_string="/*" copyright_end_string="*/" function modify_copyright(){ file_path=$1 copyright_start_line=`grep -n "/\*" $file_path | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 1` copyright_end_line=`grep -n "\*/" $file_path | head -1| cut -d ':' -f 1` echo $file_path $copyright_start_line $copyright_end_line if [[ $copyright_start_line && $copyright_end_line ]];then sed -i $copyright_start_line,$copyright_end_line'd' $file_path fi cat $COPYRIGHT_FILE > $TEMP_FILE cat $file_path >> $TEMP_FILE mv $TEMP_FILE $file_path } function getDir() { for filename in $1/* do if [[ -d $filename ]]; then getDir $filename else if [[ "${filename##*.}" == 'h' || "${filename##*.}" == 'c' ]] then modify_copyright $filename #sed -i "1i\/*$filename*/" $filename fi fi done } getDir .. rm -f $COPYRIGHT_FILE