/* * << Haru Free PDF Library >> -- hpdf_streams.h * * URL: http://libharu.org * * Copyright (c) 1999-2006 Takeshi Kanno * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Antony Dovgal * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software * and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and * that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear * in supporting documentation. * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * 2005.12.20 Created. * */ #ifndef _HPDF_STREAMS_H #define _HPDF_STREAMS_H #include "hpdf_list.h" #include "hpdf_encrypt.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define HPDF_STREAM_SIG_BYTES 0x5354524DL typedef enum _HPDF_StreamType { HPDF_STREAM_UNKNOWN = 0, HPDF_STREAM_CALLBACK, HPDF_STREAM_FILE, HPDF_STREAM_MEMORY } HPDF_StreamType; #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_NONE 0x0000 #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_ASCIIHEX 0x0100 #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_ASCII85 0x0200 #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_FLATE_DECODE 0x0400 #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_DCT_DECODE 0x0800 #define HPDF_STREAM_FILTER_CCITT_DECODE 0x1000 typedef enum _HPDF_WhenceMode { HPDF_SEEK_SET = 0, HPDF_SEEK_CUR, HPDF_SEEK_END } HPDF_WhenceMode; typedef struct _HPDF_Stream_Rec *HPDF_Stream; typedef HPDF_STATUS (*HPDF_Stream_Write_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream, const HPDF_BYTE *ptr, HPDF_UINT siz); typedef HPDF_STATUS (*HPDF_Stream_Read_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_BYTE *ptr, HPDF_UINT *siz); typedef HPDF_STATUS (*HPDF_Stream_Seek_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_INT pos, HPDF_WhenceMode mode); typedef HPDF_INT32 (*HPDF_Stream_Tell_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream); typedef void (*HPDF_Stream_Free_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream); typedef HPDF_UINT32 (*HPDF_Stream_Size_Func) (HPDF_Stream stream); typedef struct _HPDF_MemStreamAttr_Rec *HPDF_MemStreamAttr; typedef struct _HPDF_MemStreamAttr_Rec { HPDF_List buf; HPDF_UINT buf_siz; HPDF_UINT w_pos; HPDF_BYTE *w_ptr; HPDF_UINT r_ptr_idx; HPDF_UINT r_pos; HPDF_BYTE *r_ptr; } HPDF_MemStreamAttr_Rec; typedef struct _HPDF_Stream_Rec { HPDF_UINT32 sig_bytes; HPDF_StreamType type; HPDF_MMgr mmgr; HPDF_Error error; HPDF_UINT size; HPDF_Stream_Write_Func write_fn; HPDF_Stream_Read_Func read_fn; HPDF_Stream_Seek_Func seek_fn; HPDF_Stream_Free_Func free_fn; HPDF_Stream_Tell_Func tell_fn; HPDF_Stream_Size_Func size_fn; void* attr; } HPDF_Stream_Rec; HPDF_Stream HPDF_MemStream_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, HPDF_UINT buf_siz); HPDF_BYTE* HPDF_MemStream_GetBufPtr (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_UINT index, HPDF_UINT *length); HPDF_UINT HPDF_MemStream_GetBufSize (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_UINT HPDF_MemStream_GetBufCount (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_MemStream_Rewrite (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_BYTE *buf, HPDF_UINT size); void HPDF_MemStream_FreeData (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteToStream (HPDF_Stream src, HPDF_Stream dst, HPDF_UINT filter, HPDF_Encrypt e); HPDF_Stream HPDF_FileReader_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, const char *fname); HPDF_Stream HPDF_FileWriter_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, const char *fname); HPDF_Stream HPDF_CallbackReader_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, HPDF_Stream_Read_Func read_fn, HPDF_Stream_Seek_Func seek_fn, HPDF_Stream_Tell_Func tell_fn, HPDF_Stream_Size_Func size_fn, void* data); HPDF_Stream HPDF_CallbackWriter_New (HPDF_MMgr mmgr, HPDF_Stream_Write_Func write_fn, void* data); void HPDF_Stream_Free (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteChar (HPDF_Stream stream, char value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteStr (HPDF_Stream stream, const char *value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteUChar (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_BYTE value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteInt (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_INT value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteUInt (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_UINT value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteReal (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_REAL value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_Write (HPDF_Stream stream, const HPDF_BYTE *ptr, HPDF_UINT size); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_Read (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_BYTE *ptr, HPDF_UINT *size); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_ReadLn (HPDF_Stream stream, char *s, HPDF_UINT *size); HPDF_INT32 HPDF_Stream_Tell (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_Seek (HPDF_Stream stream, HPDF_INT pos, HPDF_WhenceMode mode); HPDF_BOOL HPDF_Stream_EOF (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_UINT32 HPDF_Stream_Size (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_Flush (HPDF_Stream stream); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteEscapeName (HPDF_Stream stream, const char *value); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteEscapeText2 (HPDF_Stream stream, const char *text, HPDF_UINT len); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteEscapeText (HPDF_Stream stream, const char *text); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_WriteBinary (HPDF_Stream stream, const HPDF_BYTE *data, HPDF_UINT len, HPDF_Encrypt e); HPDF_STATUS HPDF_Stream_Validate (HPDF_Stream stream); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* _HPDF_STREAMS_H */