## HMMER - biological sequence analysis using profile HMMs [![](https://travis-ci.org/EddyRivasLab/hmmer.svg?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/EddyRivasLab/hmmer) ![](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD-brightgreen.svg) [HMMER](http://hmmer.org) searches biological sequence databases for homologous sequences, using either single sequences or multiple sequence alignments as queries. HMMER implements a technology called "profile hidden Markov models" (profile HMMs). HMMER is used by many protein family domain databases and large-scale annotation pipelines, including [Pfam](http://pfam.xfam.org) and other members of the [InterPro Consortium](http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/). To obtain HMMER releases, please visit [hmmer.org](http://hmmer.org). To participate in HMMER development, visit us at [github](https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/hmmer). HMMER development depends on the Easel library, also at [github](https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/easel). ### to download and build the current source code release: ``` % wget http://eddylab.org/software/hmmer/hmmer.tar.gz % tar zxf hmmer.tar.gz % cd hmmer-3.3.2 % ./configure --prefix /your/install/path % make % make check # optional: run automated tests % make install # optional: install HMMER programs, man pages % (cd easel; make install) # optional: install Easel tools ``` Executable programs will be installed in `/your/install/path/bin`. If you leave this optional `./configure` argument off, the default prefix is `/usr/local`. Files to read in the source directory: * INSTALL - brief installation instructions. * Userguide.pdf - the HMMER User's Guide. To get started after installation, see the Tutorial section in the HMMER User's Guide (Userguide.pdf). ### to clone a copy of HMMER3 source from github: The tarball way, above, is a better way to install HMMER (it includes a precompiled Userguide.pdf, for example), but you can also clone our github repo. You need to clone both the HMMER and Easel repositories, as follows: ``` % git clone https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/hmmer % cd hmmer % git clone https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/easel % autoconf ``` and to build: ```bash % ./configure % make ``` Our [git workflow](https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/hmmer/wiki/Git-workflow) includes three main branches: * **master** is the stable branch for HMMER3 releases (including when H3 is released as a library inside Infernal) * **develop** is the HMMER3 development branch * **h4-develop** is the HMMER4 development branch. To build the most recent official release, leave both HMMER and Easel on their default **master** branch. To contribute to HMMER3 development, you want to be on the **develop** branches. If you want to send us a pull request on GitHub, please base your changes on our **develop** branches. ### to report a problem: Visit our [issues tracking page at github](https://github.com/EddyRivasLab/hmmer/issues).