/* Implements the standard digitized alphabets for biosequences. * * 1. ESL_ALPHABET object for digital alphabets. * 2. Digitized sequences (ESL_DSQ *). * 3. Other routines in the API. * 4. Unit tests. * 5. Test driver. * 6. Examples. */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include /* POSIX strcasecmp() */ #endif #include "easel.h" #include "esl_mem.h" #include "esl_alphabet.h" /***************************************************************** * 1. The ESL_ALPHABET object *****************************************************************/ static ESL_ALPHABET *create_rna(void); static ESL_ALPHABET *create_dna(void); static ESL_ALPHABET *create_amino(void); static ESL_ALPHABET *create_coins(void); static ESL_ALPHABET *create_dice(void); static int set_complementarity(ESL_ALPHABET *a); /* Function: esl_alphabet_Create() * Synopsis: Create alphabet of a standard type. * * Purpose: Creates one of the three standard bio alphabets: * , , or , and returns * a pointer to it. * * Args: type - , , or . * * Returns: pointer to the new alphabet. * * Throws: if any allocation or initialization fails. */ ESL_ALPHABET * esl_alphabet_Create(int type) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; switch(type) { case eslRNA: a = create_rna(); break; case eslDNA: a = create_dna(); break; case eslAMINO: a = create_amino(); break; case eslCOINS: a = create_coins(); break; case eslDICE: a = create_dice(); break; default: esl_fatal("bad alphabet type: unrecognized"); // violation: must be a code error, not user. } return a; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_CreateCustom() * Synopsis: Create a custom alphabet. * * Purpose: Creates a customized biosequence alphabet, * and returns a ptr to it. The alphabet type is set * to . * * is the internal alphabet string; * is the size of the base alphabet; * is the total size of the alphabet string. * * In the alphabet string, residues <0..K-1> are the base alphabet; * residue is the canonical gap (indel) symbol; * residues are additional degeneracy symbols (possibly 0 of them); * residue is an "any" symbol (such as N or X); * residue is a "nonresidue" symbol (such as *); * and residue is a "missing data" gap symbol. * * The two gap symbols, the nonresidue, and the "any" * symbol are mandatory even for nonstandard alphabets, so * $\geq$ . * * Args: alphabet - internal alphabet; example "ACGT-RYMKSWHBVDN*~" * K - base size; example 4 * Kp - total size, including gap, degeneracies; example 18 * * Returns: pointer to new structure. * * Throws: if any allocation or initialization fails. */ ESL_ALPHABET * esl_alphabet_CreateCustom(const char *alphabet, int K, int Kp) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; int c,x,y; int status; /* Argument checks. */ if (strlen(alphabet) != Kp) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "alphabet length != Kp"); if (Kp < K+4) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Kp too small in alphabet"); /* Allocation/init, level 1. */ ESL_ALLOC(a, sizeof(ESL_ALPHABET)); a->sym = NULL; a->degen = NULL; a->ndegen = NULL; a->complement = NULL; /* Allocation/init, level 2. */ ESL_ALLOC(a->sym, sizeof(char) * (Kp+1)); ESL_ALLOC(a->ndegen, sizeof(int) * Kp); ESL_ALLOC(a->degen, sizeof(char *) * Kp); a->degen[0] = NULL; /* Allocation/init, level 3. */ ESL_ALLOC(a->degen[0], sizeof(char) * (Kp*K)); for (x = 1; x < Kp; x++) a->degen[x] = a->degen[0]+(K*x); /* Initialize the internal alphabet: */ a->type = eslNONSTANDARD; a->K = K; a->Kp = Kp; strcpy(a->sym, alphabet); /* Initialize the input map, mapping ASCII seq chars to digital codes, * and eslDSQ_ILLEGAL for everything else. */ for (c = 0; c < 128; c++) a->inmap[c] = eslDSQ_ILLEGAL; for (x = 0; x < a->Kp; x++) a->inmap[(int) a->sym[x]] = x; /* Initialize the degeneracy map: * Base alphabet (first K syms) are automatically * mapped uniquely; (Kp-3) is assumed to be * the "any" character; other degen chars (K+1..Kp-4) are * unset; gap, nonresidue, missing character are unmapped (ndegen=0) */ for (x = 0; x < a->Kp; x++) /* clear everything */ { a->ndegen[x] = 0; for (y = 0; y < a->K; y++) a->degen[x][y] = 0; } for (x = 0; x < a->K; x++) /* base alphabet */ { a->ndegen[x] = 1; a->degen[x][x] = 1; } /* "any" character */ a->ndegen[Kp-3] = K; for (x = 0; x < a->K; x++) a->degen[Kp-3][x] = 1; return a; ERROR: esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return NULL; } /* create_rna(): * Creates a standard RNA alphabet. */ static ESL_ALPHABET * create_rna(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; int status; /* Create the fundamental alphabet */ if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGU-RYMKSWHBVDN*~", 4, 18)) == NULL) return NULL; a->type = eslRNA; /* Add desired synonyms in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'T', 'U'); /* read T as a U */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'X', 'N'); /* read X as an N (many seq maskers use X) */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'I', 'A'); /* Inosine is a deaminated Adenosine, appears in some RNACentral sequences */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '_', '-'); /* allow _ as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input */ /* Define degenerate symbols. */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'R', "AG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Y', "CU"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'M', "AC"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'K', "GU"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'S', "CG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'W', "AU"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'H', "ACU"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'B', "CGU"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'V', "ACG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'D', "AGU"); if ( (status = set_complementarity(a)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; return a; ERROR: esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return NULL; } /* create_dna(): * creates and returns a standard DNA alphabet. */ static ESL_ALPHABET * create_dna(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; int status; /* Create the fundamental alphabet. */ if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-RYMKSWHBVDN*~", 4, 18)) == NULL) return NULL; a->type = eslDNA; /* Add desired synonyms in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'U', 'T'); /* read U as a T */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'X', 'N'); /* read X as an N (many seq maskers use X) */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'I', 'A'); /* Inosine is a deaminated Adenosine, appears in some RNACentral sequences */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '_', '-'); /* allow _ as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input */ /* Define IUBMB degenerate symbols other than the N. */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'R', "AG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Y', "CT"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'M', "AC"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'K', "GT"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'S', "CG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'W', "AT"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'H', "ACT"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'B', "CGT"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'V', "ACG"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'D', "AGT"); if ( (status = set_complementarity(a)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; return a; ERROR: esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return NULL; } /* create_amino(): * Creates a new standard amino acid alphabet. */ static ESL_ALPHABET * create_amino(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; /* Create the internal alphabet */ if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY-BJZOUX*~", 20, 29)) == NULL) return NULL; a->type = eslAMINO; /* Add desired synonyms in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '_', '-'); /* allow _ as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input */ /* Define IUPAC degenerate symbols other than the X. */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'B', "ND"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'J', "IL"); esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Z', "QE"); /* Define unusual residues as one-to-one degeneracies. */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'U', "C"); /* selenocysteine is scored as cysteine */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'O', "K"); /* pyrrolysine is scored as lysine */ return a; } /* create_coins(): * Creates a toy alphabet for coin examples */ static ESL_ALPHABET * create_coins(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; /* Create the internal alphabet */ if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("HT-X*~", 2, 6)) == NULL) return NULL; a->type = eslCOINS; /* Add desired synonyms in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '_', '-'); /* allow _ as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input */ /* There are no degeneracies in the coin alphabet. */ return a; } /* create_dice(): * Creates a toy alphabet for dice examples */ static ESL_ALPHABET * create_dice(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; /* Create the internal alphabet */ if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("123456-X*~", 6, 10)) == NULL) return NULL; a->type = eslCOINS; /* Add desired synonyms in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '_', '-'); /* allow _ as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap too */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input */ /* There are no degeneracies in the dice alphabet. */ return a; } /* set_complementarity() * Builds the "complement" lookup table for DNA, RNA alphabets. * * Throws if the alphabet isn't or . */ static int set_complementarity(ESL_ALPHABET *a) { int status; if (a->type != eslRNA && a->type != eslDNA) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "alphabet isn't nucleic: no complementarity to set"); /* We will assume that Kp=18 and sym="ACGT-RYMKSWHBVDN*~" (or RNA equiv). * Bug #h108 happened because routine fell out of sync w/ a change in alphabet. * Don't let that happen again. */ ESL_DASSERT1(( a->Kp == 18 )); ESL_DASSERT1(( a->sym[17] == '~' )); ESL_ALLOC(a->complement, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * a->Kp); a->complement[0] = 3; /* A->T */ a->complement[1] = 2; /* C->G */ a->complement[2] = 1; /* G->C */ a->complement[3] = 0; /* T->A */ a->complement[4] = 4; /* - - */ a->complement[5] = 6; /* R->Y */ a->complement[6] = 5; /* Y->R */ a->complement[7] = 8; /* M->K */ a->complement[8] = 7; /* K->M */ a->complement[9] = 9; /* S S */ a->complement[10]= 10; /* W W */ a->complement[11]= 14; /* H->D */ a->complement[12]= 13; /* B->V */ a->complement[13]= 12; /* V->B */ a->complement[14]= 11; /* D->H */ a->complement[15]= 15; /* N N */ a->complement[16]= 16; /* * * */ a->complement[17]= 17; /* ~ ~ */ return eslOK; ERROR: return status; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_SetEquiv() * Synopsis: Define an equivalent symbol. * * Purpose: Maps an additional input alphabetic symbol to * an internal alphabet symbol ; for example, * we might map T to U for an RNA alphabet, so that we * allow for reading input DNA sequences. * * Args: sym - symbol to allow in the input alphabet; 'T' for example * c - symbol to map to in the internal alphabet; 'U' for example * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: if is not in the internal alphabet, or if is. */ int esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(ESL_ALPHABET *a, char sym, char c) { char *sp = NULL; ESL_DSQ x; /* Contract checks */ if ((sp = strchr(a->sym, sym)) != NULL) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "symbol %c is already in internal alphabet, can't equivalence it", sym); if ((sp = strchr(a->sym, c)) == NULL) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "char %c not in the alphabet, can't map to it", c); x = sp - a->sym; a->inmap[(int) sym] = x; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive() * Synopsis: Make an alphabet's input map case-insensitive. * * Purpose: Given a custom alphabet , with all equivalences set, * make the input map case-insensitive: for every * letter that is mapped in either lower or upper * case, map the other case to the same internal * residue. * * For the standard alphabets, this is done automatically. * * Args: a - alphabet to make case-insensitive. * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: if any lower/uppercase symbol pairs * are already both mapped to different symbols. */ int esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(ESL_ALPHABET *a) { int lc, uc; for (lc = 'a'; lc <= 'z'; lc++) { uc = toupper(lc); if (esl_abc_CIsValid(a, lc) && ! esl_abc_CIsValid(a, uc)) a->inmap[uc] = a->inmap[lc]; else if (esl_abc_CIsValid(a, uc) && ! esl_abc_CIsValid(a, lc)) a->inmap[lc] = a->inmap[uc]; else if (esl_abc_CIsValid(a, lc) && esl_abc_CIsValid(a, uc) && a->inmap[uc] != a->inmap[lc]) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslECORRUPT, "symbols %c and %c map differently already (%c vs. %c)", lc, uc, a->inmap[lc], a->inmap[uc]); } return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy() * Synopsis: Define degenerate symbol in custom alphabet. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet under construction, * define the degenerate character to mean * any of the characters in the string . * * must exist in the digital alphabet, as * one of the optional degenerate residues (..). * All the characters in the string must exist * in the canonical alphabet (<0>..). * * You may not redefine the mandatory all-degenerate character * (typically or ; in the digital alphabet). * It is defined automatically in all alphabets. * * Args: a - an alphabet under construction. * c - degenerate character code; example: 'R' * ds - string of base characters for c; example: "AG" * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: if or arguments aren't valid. */ int esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(ESL_ALPHABET *a, char c, char *ds) { char *sp; ESL_DSQ x,y; if ((sp = strchr(a->sym, c)) == NULL) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "no such degenerate character"); x = sp - a->sym; /* A degenerate character must have code K+1..Kp-4. * Kp-3, the all-degenerate character, is automatically * created, and can't be remapped. */ if (x == a->Kp-3) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "can't redefine all-degenerate char %c", c); if (x < a->K+1 || x >= a->Kp-2) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "char %c isn't in expected position in alphabet", c); while (*ds != '\0') { if ((sp = strchr(a->sym, *ds)) == NULL) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "no such base character"); y = sp - a->sym; if (! esl_abc_XIsCanonical(a, y)) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "can't map degeneracy to noncanonical character"); a->degen[x][y] = 1; a->ndegen[x]++; ds++; } return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_SetIgnored() * Synopsis: Define a set of characters to be ignored in input. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet (either standard or custom), define * all the characters in string to be * unmapped: valid, but ignored when converting input text. * * By default, the standard alphabets do not define any * ignored characters. * * The most common ignored characters would be space, tab, * and digits, to skip silently over whitespace and * sequence coordinates when parsing loosely-defined * sequence file formats. * * Args: a - alphabet to modify * ignoredchars - string listing characters to ignore; i.e. " \t" * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_alphabet_SetIgnored(ESL_ALPHABET *a, const char *ignoredchars) { int i; for (i = 0; ignoredchars[i] != '\0'; i++) a->inmap[(int)ignoredchars[i]] = eslDSQ_IGNORED; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_Sizeof() * Synopsis: Returns size of an alphabet object, in bytes. * * Purpose: Returns the size of alphabet object, in bytes. */ size_t esl_alphabet_Sizeof(ESL_ALPHABET *a) { size_t n = 0; n += sizeof(ESL_ALPHABET); n += sizeof(char) * a->Kp; /* a->sym */ n += sizeof(char *) * a->Kp; /* a->degen */ n += sizeof(char) * (a->Kp * a->K); /* a->degen[][] */ n += sizeof(int) * a->Kp; /* a->ndegen */ if (a->complement) n += sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * a->Kp; /* a->complement */ return n; } /* Function: esl_alphabet_Destroy() * Synopsis: Frees an alphabet object. * * Purpose: Free's an structure. * * Args: a - the to free. * * Returns: (void). */ void esl_alphabet_Destroy(ESL_ALPHABET *a) { if (a) { if (a->sym) free(a->sym); if (a->ndegen) free(a->ndegen); if (a->degen) { if (a->degen[0]) free(a->degen[0]); free(a->degen); } if (a->complement) free(a->complement); free(a); } } /*--------------- end, ESL_ALPHABET object ----------------------*/ /***************************************************************** * 2. Digitized sequences (ESL_DSQ *) *****************************************************************/ /* Design note: SRE, Mon Sep 18 09:11:41 2006 * * An ESL_DSQ is considered to a special string type, equivalent to * , and is not considered to be an Easel "object". Thus it * does not have a standard object API. Rather, the caller deals with * an ESL_DSQ directly: allocate for <(L+2)*sizeof(ESL_DSQ)> to leave * room for sentinels at <0> and . * * Additionally, an ESL_DSQ is considered to be "trusted" * data: we're 'guaranteed' that anything in an ESL_DSQ is a valid * symbol, so we don't need to error-check. Anything else is a programming * error. */ /* Function: esl_abc_CreateDsq() * Synopsis: Digitizes a sequence into new space. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet and an ASCII sequence , * digitize the sequence into newly allocated space, and * return a pointer to that space in . * * Args: a - internal alphabet * seq - text sequence to be digitized * ret_dsq - RETURN: the new digital sequence * * Returns: on success, and contains the digitized * sequence; caller is responsible for free'ing this * memory. Returns if contains * one or more characters that are not in the input map of * alphabet . If this happens, is still valid upon * return: invalid characters are replaced by full ambiguities * (typically X or N). * * Throws: on allocation failure. * * Xref: STL11/63 */ int esl_abc_CreateDsq(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, const char *seq, ESL_DSQ **ret_dsq) { ESL_DSQ *dsq = NULL; int status; int64_t L; L = strlen(seq); ESL_ALLOC(dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)); status = esl_abc_Digitize(a, seq, dsq); if (ret_dsq != NULL) *ret_dsq = dsq; else free(dsq); return status; ERROR: if (dsq != NULL) free(dsq); if (ret_dsq != NULL) *ret_dsq = NULL; return status; } /* Function: esl_abc_Digitize() * Synopsis: Digitizes a sequence into existing space. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet and a nul-terminated ASCII sequence * , digitize the sequence and put it in . Caller * provides space in allocated for at least * residues, where is the length of . * * Args: a - internal alphabet * seq - text sequence to be digitized (\0-terminated) * dsq - RETURN: the new digital sequence (caller allocates, * at least <(L+2) * sizeof(ESL_DSQ)>). * * Returns: on success. * Returns if contains one or more characters * that are not recognized in the alphabet . (This is classed * as a normal error, because the may be untrusted user input.) * If this happens, the digital sequence is still valid upon * return; invalid ASCII characters are replaced by ambiguities * (X or N). */ int esl_abc_Digitize(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, const char *seq, ESL_DSQ *dsq) { int status; int64_t i; /* position in seq */ int64_t j; /* position in dsq */ ESL_DSQ x; status = eslOK; dsq[0] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; for (i = 0, j = 1; seq[i] != '\0'; i++) { x = a->inmap[(int) seq[i]]; if (esl_abc_XIsValid(a, x)) dsq[j] = x; else if (x == eslDSQ_IGNORED) continue; else { status = eslEINVAL; dsq[j] = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(a); } j++; } dsq[j] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; return status; } /* Function: esl_abc_Textize() * Synopsis: Convert digital sequence to text. * * Purpose: Make an ASCII sequence by converting a digital * sequence of length back to text, according to * the digital alphabet . * * Caller provides space in allocated for at least * bytes (<(L+1) * sizeof(char)>). * * Args: a - internal alphabet * dsq - digital sequence to be converted (1..L) * L - length of dsq * seq - RETURN: the new text sequence (caller allocated * space, at least <(L+1) * sizeof(char)>). * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_Textize(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int64_t L, char *seq) { int64_t i; for (i = 0; i < L; i++) seq[i] = a->sym[dsq[i+1]]; seq[i] = '\0'; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_TextizeN() * Synopsis: Convert subsequence from digital to text. * * Purpose: Similar in semantics to , this procedure takes * a window of residues in a digitized sequence * starting at the residue pointed to by , * converts them to ASCII text representation, and * copies them into the buffer . * * must be at least residues long; , if the * caller needs to NUL-terminate it. * * If a sentinel byte is encountered in the digitized * sequence before residues have been copied, is * NUL-terminated there. Otherwise, like , * will not be NUL-terminated. * * Note that because digital sequences are indexed <1..N>, * not <0..N-1>, the caller must be careful about * off-by-one errors in . For example, to copy from * the first residue of a digital sequence , you must * pass , not . The text in * on the other hand is a normal C string indexed <0..L-1>. * * Args: a - reference to an internal alphabet * dptr - ptr to starting residue in a digital sequence * L - number of residues to convert and copy * buf - text buffer to store the converted residues in * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_TextizeN(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, const ESL_DSQ *dptr, int64_t L, char *buf) { int64_t i; for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { if (dptr[i] == eslDSQ_SENTINEL) { buf[i] = '\0'; return eslOK; } buf[i] = a->sym[dptr[i]]; } return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqcpy() * * Purpose: Given a digital sequence of length , * make a copy of it in . Caller provides * storage in for at least * residues. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_dsqcpy(const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int64_t L, ESL_DSQ *dcopy) { memcpy(dcopy, dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)); return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqdup() * Synopsis: Duplicate a digital sequence. * * Purpose: Like , but for digitized sequences: * make a duplicate of and leave it in . * Caller can pass the string length if it's known, saving * some overhead; else pass <-1> and the length will be * determined for you. * * Tolerates being ; in which case, returns * with <*ret_dup> set to . * * Args: dsq - digital sequence to duplicate (w/ sentinels at 0,L+1) * L - length of dsq in residues, if known; -1 if unknown * ret_dup - RETURN: allocated duplicate of , which caller will * free. * * Returns: on success, and leaves a pointer in . * * Throws: on allocation failure. * * Xref: STL11/48 */ int esl_abc_dsqdup(const ESL_DSQ *dsq, int64_t L, ESL_DSQ **ret_dup) { int status; ESL_DSQ *new = NULL; if (ret_dup == NULL) return eslOK; /* no-op. */ *ret_dup = NULL; if (dsq == NULL) return eslOK; if (L < 0) L = esl_abc_dsqlen(dsq); ESL_ALLOC(new, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)); memcpy(new, dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)); *ret_dup = new; return eslOK; ERROR: if (new != NULL) free(new); if (ret_dup != NULL) *ret_dup = NULL; return status; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqcat() * Synopsis: Concatenate and map input chars to a digital sequence. * * Purpose: Append the contents of string or memory line of * length to a digital sequence, after digitizing * each input character in according to an Easel * . The destination sequence and its length * are passed by reference, <*dsq> and <*L>, so that * the sequence may be reallocated and the length updated * upon return. * * The input map may map characters to * or , but not to , * , or codes. is * special, and must be set to the code for the 'unknown' * residue (such as 'X' for proteins, 'N' for DNA) that * will be used to replace any invalid * characters. * * If <*dsq> is properly terminated digital sequence and * the caller doesn't know its length, <*L> may be passed * as -1. Providing the length when it's known saves an * call. If <*dsq> is unterminated, <*L> * is mandatory. Essentially the same goes for <*s>, which * may be a NUL-terminated string (pass if length unknown), * or a memory line ( is mandatory). * * <*dsq> may also be , in which case it is allocated * and initialized here. * * Caller should provide an that is expected to be * essentially all appendable to <*dsq> except for a small * number of chars that map to , like an * input sequence data line from a file, for example. We're * going to reallocate <*dsq> to size <*L+n>; if is an * entire large buffer or file, this reallocation will be * inefficient. * * Args: inmap - an Easel input map, inmap[0..127]; * inmap[0] is special, set to the 'unknown' character * to replace invalid input chars. * dsq - reference to the current digital seq to append to * (with sentinel bytes at 0,L+1); may be . * Upon return, this will probably have * been reallocated, and it will contain the original * with digitized and appended. * L - reference to the current length of in residues; * may be <-1> if unknown and if <*dsq> is a properly * terminated digital sequence. Upon return, is set to * the new length of , after is appended. * s - ASCII text sequence to append. May * contain ignored text characters (flagged with * in the input map of alphabet ). * n - Length of in characters, if known; or <-1> if * unknown and if is a NUL-terminated string. * * Returns: on success; <*dsq> contains the result of digitizing * and appending to the original <*dsq>; and <*L> contains * the new length of the result in residues. * * If any of the characters in are illegal in the * alphabet , these characters are digitized as * unknown residues (using ) and * concatenation/digitization proceeds to completion, but * the function returns . The caller might then * want to call on if it wants * to figure out where digitization goes awry and get a * more informative error report. This is a normal error, * because the string might be user input. * * Throws: on allocation or reallocation failure; * on coding error. * * Xref: SRE:STL11/48; SRE:J7/145. * * Note: This closely parallels a text mode version, . */ int esl_abc_dsqcat(const ESL_DSQ *inmap, ESL_DSQ **dsq, int64_t *L, const char *s, esl_pos_t n) { int status = eslOK; if (*L < 0) *L = ((*dsq) ? esl_abc_dsqlen(*dsq) : 0); if ( n < 0) n = ( (s) ? strlen(s) : 0); if (n == 0) { goto ERROR; } /* that'll return eslOK, leaving *dest untouched, and *ldest its length */ if (*dsq == NULL) { /* an entirely new dsq is allocated *and* initialized with left sentinel. */ ESL_ALLOC(*dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (n+2)); (*dsq)[0] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; } else /* else, existing dsq is just reallocated; leftmost sentinel already in place. */ ESL_REALLOC(*dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (*L+n+2)); /* most we'll need */ return esl_abc_dsqcat_noalloc(inmap, *dsq, L, s, n); ERROR: return status; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqcat_noalloc() * Synopsis: Version of esl_abc_dsqcat() that does no reallocation. * * Purpose: Same as , but with no reallocation of * . The pointer to the destination string is * passed by value not by reference, because it will not * be reallocated or moved. Caller has already allocated * at least <*L + n + 2> bytes in . <*L> and are * not optional; caller must know (and provide) the lengths * of both the old string and the new source. * * Note: This version was needed in selex format parsing, where * we need to prepend and append some number of gaps on * each new line of each block of input; allocating once * then adding the gaps and the sequence seemed most efficient. */ int esl_abc_dsqcat_noalloc(const ESL_DSQ *inmap, ESL_DSQ *dsq, int64_t *L, const char *s, esl_pos_t n) { int64_t xpos; esl_pos_t cpos; ESL_DSQ x; int status = eslOK; /* Watch these coords. Start in the 0..n-1 text string at 0; * start in the 1..L dsq at L+1, overwriting its terminal * sentinel byte. */ for (xpos = *L+1, cpos = 0; cpos < n; cpos++) { if (! isascii(s[cpos])) { dsq[xpos++] = inmap[0]; status = eslEINVAL; continue; } x = inmap[(int) s[cpos]]; if (x <= 127) dsq[xpos++] = x; else switch (x) { case eslDSQ_SENTINEL: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "input char mapped to eslDSQ_SENTINEL"); break; case eslDSQ_ILLEGAL: dsq[xpos++] = inmap[0]; status = eslEINVAL; break; case eslDSQ_IGNORED: break; case eslDSQ_EOL: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "input char mapped to eslDSQ_EOL"); break; case eslDSQ_EOD: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "input char mapped to eslDSQ_EOD"); break; default: ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "bad inmap, no such ESL_DSQ code"); break; } } dsq[xpos] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; *L = xpos-1; return status; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqlen() * Synopsis: Returns the length of a digital sequence. * * Purpose: Returns the length of digitized sequence in * positions (including gaps, if any). The must be * properly terminated by a sentinel byte * (). */ int64_t esl_abc_dsqlen(const ESL_DSQ *dsq) { int64_t n = 0; while (dsq[n+1] != eslDSQ_SENTINEL) n++; return n; } /* Function: esl_abc_dsqrlen() * Synopsis: Returns the number of residues in a digital seq. * * Purpose: Returns the unaligned length of digitized sequence * , in residues, not counting any gaps, nonresidues, * or missing data symbols. */ int64_t esl_abc_dsqrlen(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, const ESL_DSQ *dsq) { int64_t n = 0; int64_t i; for (i = 1; dsq[i] != eslDSQ_SENTINEL; i++) if (esl_abc_XIsResidue(abc, dsq[i])) n++; return n; } /* Function: esl_abc_CDealign() * Synopsis: Dealigns a text string, using a reference digital aseq. * * Purpose: Dealigns in place by removing characters aligned to * gaps (or missing data symbols) in the reference digital * aligned sequence . Gaps and missing data symbols * in are defined by its digital alphabet . * * is typically going to be some kind of textual * annotation string (secondary structure, consensus, or * surface accessibility). * * Be supercareful of off-by-one errors here! The * is a digital sequence that is indexed <1..L>. The * annotation string is assumed to be <0..L-1> (a * normal C string), off by one with respect to . * In a sequence object, ss annotation is actually stored * <1..L> -- so if you're going to a * ss>, pass ss+1> as the argument . * * Returns: Returns on success; optionally returns the number * of characters in the dealigned in <*opt_rlen>. * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions) */ int esl_abc_CDealign(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, char *s, const ESL_DSQ *ref_ax, int64_t *opt_rlen) { int64_t apos; int64_t n = 0; if (s == NULL) return eslOK; for (n=0, apos=1; ref_ax[apos] != eslDSQ_SENTINEL; apos++) if (! esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, ref_ax[apos]) && ! esl_abc_XIsMissing(abc, ref_ax[apos]) ) s[n++] = s[apos-1]; /* apos-1 because we assume s was 0..alen-1, whereas ref_ax was 1..alen */ s[n] = '\0'; if (opt_rlen != NULL) *opt_rlen = n; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_XDealign() * Synopsis: Dealigns a digital string, using a reference digital aseq. * * Purpose: Dealigns in place by removing characters aligned to * gaps (or missing data) in the reference digital aligned * sequence . Gaps and missing data symbols in * are defined by its digital alphabet . * * Returns: Returns on success; optionally returns the number * of characters in the dealigned in <*opt_rlen>. * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions) */ int esl_abc_XDealign(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, ESL_DSQ *x, const ESL_DSQ *ref_ax, int64_t *opt_rlen) { int64_t apos; int64_t n = 0; if (x == NULL) return eslOK; x[0] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; for (n=1, apos=1; ref_ax[apos] != eslDSQ_SENTINEL; apos++) if (! esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, ref_ax[apos]) && ! esl_abc_XIsMissing(abc, ref_ax[apos]) ) x[n++] = x[apos]; x[n] = eslDSQ_SENTINEL; if (opt_rlen != NULL) *opt_rlen = n-1; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_ConvertDegen2X() * Synopsis: Convert all degenerate residues to X or N. * * Purpose: Convert all the degenerate residue codes in digital * sequence to the code for the maximally degenerate * "unknown residue" code, as specified in digital alphabet * . (For example, X for protein, N for nucleic acid.) * * This comes in handy when you're dealing with some piece * of software that can't deal with standard residue codes, * and you want to massage your sequences into a form that * can be accepted. For example, WU-BLAST can't deal with O * (pyrrolysine) residues, but UniProt has O codes. * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions) */ int esl_abc_ConvertDegen2X(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, ESL_DSQ *dsq) { int64_t i; for (i = 1; dsq[i] != eslDSQ_SENTINEL; i++) if (esl_abc_XIsDegenerate(abc, dsq[i])) dsq[i] = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(abc); return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_revcomp() * Synopsis: Reverse complement a digital sequence * Incept: SRE, Wed Feb 10 11:54:48 2016 [JB251 BOS-MCO] * * Purpose: Reverse complement , in place, according to * its digital alphabet . * * Args: abc - digital alphabet * dsq - digital sequence, 1..n * n - length of * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: if alphabet can't be reverse complemented */ int esl_abc_revcomp(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, ESL_DSQ *dsq, int n) { ESL_DSQ x; int pos; if (abc->complement == NULL) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCOMPAT, "tried to reverse complement using an alphabet that doesn't have one"); for (pos = 1; pos <= n/2; pos++) { x = abc->complement[dsq[n-pos+1]]; dsq[n-pos+1] = abc->complement[dsq[pos]]; dsq[pos] = x; } if (n%2) dsq[pos] = abc->complement[dsq[pos]]; return eslOK; } /*-------------- end, digital sequences (ESL_DSQ) ---------------*/ /***************************************************************** * 3. Other routines in the API. *****************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_abc_ValidateType() * Synopsis: Check that an alphabet is known and valid * Incept: SRE, Thu Feb 11 15:48:23 2016 * * Purpose: Returns if is a valid and known Easel * alphabet type code. * * Used to validate "user" input, where we're parsing a * file format that has stored an Easel alphabet code. * * Returns for the special "unset" * value, even though that is a valid code, because it's * not an alphabet, so shouldn't show up in a file. */ int esl_abc_ValidateType(int type) { if (type <= 0 || type > eslNONSTANDARD) return eslFAIL; else return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_GuessAlphabet() * Synopsis: Guess alphabet type from residue composition. * * Purpose: Guess the alphabet type from a residue composition. * The input array contains observed counts of * the letters A..Z, case-insensitive. * * The composition must contain more than 10 residues. * * If it contains $\geq$98\% ACGTN and all four of the * residues ACGT occur, call it . (Analogously for * ACGUN, ACGU: call .) * * If it contains any amino-specific residue (EFIJLPQZ), * call it . * * If it consists of $\geq$98\% canonical aa residues or X, * and at least 15 of the different 20 aa residues occur, * and the number of residues that are canonical aa/degenerate * nucleic (DHKMRSVWY) is greater than the number of canonicals * for both amino and nucleic (ACG); then call it . * * As a special case, if it consists entirely of N's, and * we have >2000 residues, call it . This is a * special case that deals with genome sequence assemblies * that lead with a swath of N's. * * We aim to be very conservative, essentially never making * a false call; we err towards calling if * unsure. Our test is to classify every individual * sequence in NCBI NR and NT (or equiv large messy * sequence database) with no false positives, only correct * calls or . * * Returns: on success, and <*ret_type> is set to * , , or . * * Returns if unable to determine the * alphabet type; in this case, <*ret_type> is set to * . * * Notes: As of Jan 2011: * nr 10M seqs : 6999 unknown, 0 misclassified * Pfam full 13M seqs : 7930 unknown, 0 misclassified * Pfam seed 500K seqs: 366 unknown, 0 misclassified * trembl 14M seqs : 7748 unknown, 0 misclassified * * nt 10M seqs : 35620 unknown, 0 misclassified * Rfam full 3M seqs : 8146 unknown, 0 misclassified * Rfam seed 27K seqs : 49 unknown, 0 misclassified * * xref: esl_alphabet_example3 collects per-sequence classification * 2012/0201-easel-guess-alphabet * J1/62; 2007-0517-easel-guess-alphabet */ int esl_abc_GuessAlphabet(const int64_t *ct, int *ret_type) { int type = eslUNKNOWN; char aaonly[] = "EFIJLOPQZ"; char allcanon[] = "ACG"; char aacanon[] = "DHKMRSVWY"; int64_t n1, n2, n3, nn, nt, nu, nx, n; /* n's are counts */ int x1, x2, x3, xn, xt, xu; /* x's are how many different residues are represented */ int i, x; x1 = x2 = x3 = xn = xt = xu = 0; n1 = n2 = n3 = n = 0; for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) n += ct[i]; for (i = 0; aaonly[i] != '\0'; i++) { x = ct[aaonly[i] - 'A']; if (x > 0) { n1 += x; x1++; } } for (i = 0; allcanon[i] != '\0'; i++) { x = ct[allcanon[i] - 'A']; if (x > 0) { n2 += x; x2++; } } for (i = 0; aacanon[i] != '\0'; i++) { x = ct[aacanon[i] - 'A']; if (x > 0) { n3 += x; x3++; } } nt = ct['T' - 'A']; xt = (nt ? 1 : 0); nu = ct['U' - 'A']; xu = (nu ? 1 : 0); nx = ct['X' - 'A']; nn = ct['N' - 'A']; xn = (nn ? 1 : 0); if (n <= 10) type = eslUNKNOWN; // small sample, don't guess else if (n > 2000 && nn == n) type = eslDNA; // special case of many N's leading a genome assembly else if (n1 > 0) type = eslAMINO; // contains giveaway, aa-only chars else if (n-(n2+nt+nn) <= 0.02*n && x2+xt == 4) type = eslDNA; // nearly all DNA canon (or N), all four seen else if (n-(n2+nu+nn) <= 0.02*n && x2+xu == 4) type = eslRNA; // nearly all RNA canon (or N), all four seen else if (n-(n1+n2+n3+nn+nt+nx) <= 0.02*n && n3>n2 && x1+x2+x3+xn+xt >= 15) type = eslAMINO; // nearly all aa canon (or X); more aa canon than ambig; all 20 seen *ret_type = type; if (type == eslUNKNOWN) return eslENOALPHABET; else return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_Match() * Synopsis: Returns the probability that two symbols match. * * Purpose: Given two digital symbols and in alphabet * , calculate and return the probability that * and match, taking degenerate residue codes * into account. * * If

residue probability vector is NULL, the * calculation is a simple average. For example, for DNA, * R/A gives 0.5, C/N gives 0.25, N/R gives 0.25, R/R gives * 0.5. * * If

for the * occurrence frequencies of the residues in the base * alphabet, calculate and return the expected score * (weighted by the occurrence frequencies

). * * would usually be a degeneracy code, but it * may also be a canonical residue. It must not * be a gap, missing data, or illegal symbol; if it * is, these functions return a score of 0 without * raising an error. * * and do the * same, but for float and double scores instead of integers * (for real-valued scores, no rounding is done). * * Args: a - digital alphabet to use * x - a symbol to score * sc - score vector for canonical residues [0..K-1] * p - background prob's of canonicals [0..K-1] * * Returns: average score for symbol */ int esl_abc_IExpectScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const int *sc, const float *p) { float result = 0.; float denom = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) { result += (float) sc[i] * p[i]; denom += p[i]; } result /= denom; if (result < 0) return (int) (result - 0.5); else return (int) (result + 0.5); } float esl_abc_FExpectScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const float *sc, const float *p) { float result = 0.; float denom = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0.; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) { result += sc[i] * p[i]; denom += p[i]; } result /= denom; return result; } double esl_abc_DExpectScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const double *sc, const double *p) { double result = 0.; double denom = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0.; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) { result += sc[i] * p[i]; denom += p[i]; } result /= denom; return result; } /* Function: esl_abc_IAvgScVec() * Synopsis: Fill out score vector with average degenerate scores. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet and a score vector of length * Kp> that contains integer scores for the base * alphabet (<0..a->K-1>), fill out the rest of the score * vector, calculating average scores for * degenerate residues using . * * The score, if any, for a gap character , the * nonresidue , and the missing data character * are untouched by this function. Only the degenerate * scores are filled in. * * and do * the same, but for score vectors of floats or doubles, * respectively. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_IAvgScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, int *sc) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_IAvgScore(a, x, sc); return eslOK; } int esl_abc_FAvgScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, float *sc) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_FAvgScore(a, x, sc); return eslOK; } int esl_abc_DAvgScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, double *sc) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_DAvgScore(a, x, sc); return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_IExpectScVec() * Synopsis: Fill out score vector with average expected scores. * * Purpose: Given an alphabet , a score vector of length * Kp> that contains integer scores for the base * alphabet (<0..a->K-1>), and residue occurrence probabilities * K-1]>; fill in the scores for the * degenerate residues using . * * The score, if any, for a gap character , the * nonresidue , and the missing data character * are untouched by this function. Only the degenerate * scores are filled in. * * and do * the same, but for score vectors of floats or doubles, * respectively. The probabilities

are floats for the * integer and float versions, and doubles for the double * version. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_IExpectScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, int *sc, const float *p) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_IExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); return eslOK; } int esl_abc_FExpectScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, float *sc, const float *p) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_FExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); return eslOK; } int esl_abc_DExpectScVec(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, double *sc, const double *p) { ESL_DSQ x; for (x = a->K+1; x <= a->Kp-3; x++) sc[x] = esl_abc_DExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_FCount() * Synopsis: Count a degenerate symbol into a count vector. * * Purpose: Count a possibly degenerate digital symbol (0..Kp-1) * into a counts array for base symbols (0..K-1). * Assign the symbol a weight of (often just 1.0). * The count weight of a degenerate symbol is divided equally * across the possible base symbols. * * can be a gap; if so, must be allocated 0..K, * not 0..K-1. If is a missing data symbol, or a nonresidue * data symbol, nothing is done. * * does the same, but for double-precision * count vectors and weights. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_abc_FCount(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, float *ct, ESL_DSQ x, float wt) { ESL_DSQ y; if (esl_abc_XIsCanonical(abc, x) || esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, x)) ct[x] += wt; else if (esl_abc_XIsMissing(abc, x) || esl_abc_XIsNonresidue(abc, x)) return eslOK; else for (y = 0; y < abc->K; y++) { if (abc->degen[x][y]) ct[y] += wt / (float) abc->ndegen[x]; } return eslOK; } int esl_abc_DCount(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, double *ct, ESL_DSQ x, double wt) { ESL_DSQ y; if (esl_abc_XIsCanonical(abc, x) || esl_abc_XIsGap(abc, x)) ct[x] += wt; else if (esl_abc_XIsMissing(abc, x) || esl_abc_XIsNonresidue(abc, x)) return eslOK; else for (y = 0; y < abc->K; y++) { if (abc->degen[x][y]) ct[y] += wt / (double) abc->ndegen[x]; } return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_abc_EncodeType() * Synopsis: Convert descriptive string to alphabet type code. * * Purpose: Convert a string like "amino" or "DNA" to the * corresponding Easel internal alphabet type code * such as or ; return the code. * * Returns: the code, such as ; if isn't * recognized, returns . */ int esl_abc_EncodeType(char *type) { if (strcasecmp(type, "amino") == 0) return eslAMINO; else if (strcasecmp(type, "rna") == 0) return eslRNA; else if (strcasecmp(type, "dna") == 0) return eslDNA; else if (strcasecmp(type, "coins") == 0) return eslCOINS; else if (strcasecmp(type, "dice") == 0) return eslDICE; else if (strcasecmp(type, "custom")== 0) return eslNONSTANDARD; else return eslUNKNOWN; } /* Function: esl_abc_EncodeTypeMem() * Synopsis: Convert memory chunk to alphabet type code * Incept: SRE, Thu 02 Aug 2018 * * Purpose: Same as , but for a * non-NUL terminated memory chunk of * length . */ int esl_abc_EncodeTypeMem(char *type, int n) { if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "amino")) return eslAMINO; else if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "rna")) return eslRNA; else if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "dna")) return eslDNA; else if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "coins")) return eslCOINS; else if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "dice")) return eslDICE; else if (esl_memstrcmp_case(type, n, "custom")) return eslNONSTANDARD; else return eslUNKNOWN; } /* Function: esl_abc_DecodeType() * Synopsis: Returns descriptive string for alphabet type code. * * Purpose: For diagnostics and other output: given an internal * alphabet code (, for example), return * pointer to an internal string ("RNA", for example). */ char * esl_abc_DecodeType(int type) { switch (type) { case eslUNKNOWN: return "unknown"; case eslRNA: return "RNA"; case eslDNA: return "DNA"; case eslAMINO: return "amino"; case eslCOINS: return "coins"; case eslDICE: return "dice"; case eslNONSTANDARD: return "custom"; default: break; } esl_exception(eslEINVAL, FALSE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "no such alphabet type code %d\n", type); return NULL; } /* Function: esl_abc_ValidateSeq() * Synopsis: Assure that a text sequence can be digitized. * * Purpose: Check that sequence of length can be digitized * without error; all its symbols are valid in alphabet * . If so, return . If not, return . * * If is , we still validate that at least the * consists only of ASCII characters. * * is either passed as , or a pointer to an * error string buffer allocated by the caller for * characters. If is non-NULL, and * the sequence is invalid, an error message is placed in * . * * Args: a - digital alphabet (or NULL, if unavailable) * seq - sequence to validate [0..L-1]; NUL-termination unnecessary * L - length of * errbuf - NULL, or ptr to chars of allocated space * for an error message. * * Returns: if is valid; if not. * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions). */ int esl_abc_ValidateSeq(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, const char *seq, int64_t L, char *errbuf) { int status; int64_t i; int64_t firstpos = -1; int64_t nbad = 0; if (errbuf) *errbuf = 0; if (a) // If we have digital alphabet , it has an we can check against { for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { if (! esl_abc_CIsValid(a, seq[i])) { if (firstpos == -1) firstpos = i; nbad++; } } } else // Else, at least validate that the text string is an ASCII text string { for (i = 0; i < L; i++) { if (! isascii(seq[i])) { if (firstpos == -1) firstpos = i; nbad++; } } } if (nbad == 1) ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, errbuf, "invalid char %c at pos %" PRId64, seq[firstpos], firstpos+1); else if (nbad > 1) ESL_XFAIL(eslEINVAL, errbuf, "%" PRId64 " invalid chars (including %c at pos %" PRId64 ")", nbad, seq[firstpos], firstpos+1); return eslOK; ERROR: return status; } /*---------------- end, other API functions ---------------------*/ /***************************************************************** * 4. Unit tests. *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE #include "esl_vectorops.h" static int utest_Create(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_Create() unit test failed"; int types[] = { eslDNA, eslRNA, eslAMINO, eslCOINS, eslDICE }; int Karr[] = { 4, 4, 20, 2, 6 }; int Kparr[] = { 18, 18, 29, 6, 10 }; int i; ESL_ALPHABET *a; ESL_DSQ x; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(types[i])) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->type != types[i]) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->K != Karr[i]) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->Kp != Kparr[i]) esl_fatal(msg); if (strlen(a->sym) != a->Kp) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_XGetGap(a); if (x != a->K) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->ndegen[x] != 0) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(a); if (x != a->Kp-3) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->ndegen[x] != a->K) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_XGetNonresidue(a); if (x != a->Kp-2) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->ndegen[x] != 0) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_XGetMissing(a); if (x != a->Kp-1) esl_fatal(msg); if (a->ndegen[x] != 0) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); } /* Thrown errors */ #ifdef eslTEST_THROWING if (esl_alphabet_Create(-1) != NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_Create(eslUNKNOWN) != NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_Create(eslNONSTANDARD) != NULL) esl_fatal(msg); #endif return eslOK; } static int utest_CreateCustom(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_CreateCustom() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char *testseq = "AaU-~Z"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 0, 0, 15, 20, 26, 23, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *dsq; if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY-BJZX*~", 20, 27)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'O', 'K') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* read pyrrolysine O as lysine K */ if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'U', 'S') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* read selenocys U as serine S */ if (esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* allow lower case input */ if (esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Z', "QE") != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, testseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (strlen(testseq)+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); #ifdef eslTEST_THROWING if (esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-RYMKSWHBVDN*~", 4, 21) != NULL) esl_fatal(msg); /* Kp mismatches string length */ #endif return eslOK; } static int utest_SetEquiv(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_SetEquiv() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char *testseq = "a1&"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 0, 4, 7, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *dsq; if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-N*~", 4, 8)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'a', 'A') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '1', '-') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '&', '~') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); #ifdef eslTEST_THROWING if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'G', 'C') != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* sym is already in internal alphabet */ if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '2', 'V') != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* c is not in internal alphabet */ #endif if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, testseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (strlen(testseq)+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } static int utest_SetCaseInsensitive(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char *testseq = "ACGT"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 0, 1, 2, 3, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *dsq; if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("acgt-n*~", 4, 8)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, testseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (strlen(testseq)+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); #ifdef TEST_THROWING if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("acgt-n*~", 4, 8)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, 'A', 'c') != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* now input A maps to internal c */ if (esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a) != eslECORRUPT) esl_fatal(msg); /* and this fails, can't remap A */ esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); #endif return eslOK; } static int utest_SetDegeneracy(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char *testseq = "yrn"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 6, 5, 7, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *dsq; ESL_DSQ x; if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-RYN*~", 4, 10)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'R', "AG") != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Y', "CT") != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, testseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (strlen(testseq)+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'a'); if (a->ndegen[x] != 1) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'r'); if (a->ndegen[x] != 2) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'y'); if (a->ndegen[x] != 2) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'n'); if (a->ndegen[x] != 4) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); #ifdef TEST_THROWING if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-RYN*~", 4, 10)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, 'z', "AC") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* can't map char not in alphabet */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, 'N', "ACGT") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* can't remap N */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, 'A', "GT") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* can't map a nondegen character */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, '-', "GT") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* ... or a gap... */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, '*', "GT") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* ... or nonresidues... */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, '~', "GT") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* ... or missing data. */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, 'R', "XY") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* can't map to unknown chars... */ if (esl_abc_SetDegeneracy(a, 'R', "YN") != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); /* ... nor to noncanonical chars... */ esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); #endif return eslOK; } static int utest_SetIgnored(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_SetIgnored() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char *testseq = "y \trn"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 6, 5, 15, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; int L = 5; ESL_DSQ *dsq; if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetIgnored(a, " \t") != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, testseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * L) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } static int utest_Destroy(void) { char msg[] = "esl_alphabet_Destroy() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; if ((a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACGT-RYN*~", 4, 10)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); esl_alphabet_Destroy(NULL); /* should be robust against NULL pointers */ return eslOK; } static int utest_CreateDsq(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_CreateDsq() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "ACDEF"; char badseq[] = "1@%34"; ESL_DSQ *dsq; ESL_DSQ x; if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (dsq[1] != 0 || dsq[2] != 1) esl_fatal(msg); /* spot check */ free(dsq); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, badseq, &dsq) != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(a); if (dsq[1] != x || dsq[2] != x) esl_fatal(msg); /* bad chars all X's now, upon failure */ free(dsq); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } static int utest_Digitize(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_Digitize() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "ACDEF"; char badseq[] = "1@%34"; ESL_DSQ *dsq; ESL_DSQ x; int status; ESL_ALLOC(dsq, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (strlen(goodseq)+2)); if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); esl_abc_Digitize(a, goodseq, dsq); if (dsq[1] != 0 || dsq[2] != 1) esl_fatal(msg); /* spot check */ esl_abc_Digitize(a, badseq, dsq); x = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(a); if (dsq[1] != x || dsq[2] != x) esl_fatal(msg); /* bad chars all X's now, upon failure */ free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; ERROR: esl_fatal(msg); return status; } static int utest_Textize(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_Textize() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "acdef"; char *newseq; ESL_DSQ *dsq; int L; int status; L = strlen(goodseq); ESL_ALLOC(newseq, sizeof(char) * (L+1)); if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_Textize(a, dsq, L, newseq ) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (strcmp(newseq, "ACDEF") != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); free(newseq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; ERROR: esl_fatal(msg); return status; } static int utest_TextizeN(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_TextizeN() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "acdefrynacdef"; ESL_DSQ *dsq; ESL_DSQ *dptr; int W; if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); dptr = dsq+6; /* points to "r", residue 6 */ W = 5; /* copy/convert 5 residues "rynac" */ if (esl_abc_TextizeN(a, dptr, W, goodseq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (strcmp(goodseq, "RYNACrynacdef") != 0) esl_fatal(msg); /* test a case where we hit eslDSQ_SENTINEL, and nul-terminate */ dptr = dsq+10; /* points to "c", residue 10 */ W = 20; /* copy/convert remaining residues "cdef" */ if (esl_abc_TextizeN(a, dptr, W, goodseq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (strcmp(goodseq, "CDEF") != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } static int utest_dsqdup(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_dsqdup() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "ACGt"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 0, 1, 2, 3, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *d1, *d2; int L; L = strlen(goodseq); if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &d1) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqdup(d1, -1, &d2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(d2, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(d2); if (esl_abc_dsqdup(d1, L, &d2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(d2, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(d2); free(d1); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } static int utest_dsqcat(void) { char msg[] = "esl_abc_dsqcat() unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; char goodseq[] = "ACGt"; char addseq[] = "RYM KN"; char badseq[] = "RYM K&"; ESL_DSQ expect[] = { eslDSQ_SENTINEL, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, eslDSQ_SENTINEL }; ESL_DSQ *dsq; int64_t L1; esl_pos_t L2; if ((a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); a->inmap[0] = esl_abc_XGetUnknown(a); a->inmap[' '] = eslDSQ_IGNORED; L1 = strlen(goodseq); L2 = strlen(addseq); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqcat(a->inmap, &dsq, &L1, addseq, L2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L1+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); L1 = -1; L2 = -1; if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqcat(a->inmap, &dsq, &L1, addseq, L2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (L1 != esl_abc_dsqlen(dsq)) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L1+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); L1 = 0; dsq = NULL; if (esl_abc_dsqcat(a->inmap, &dsq, &L1, goodseq, -1) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqcat(a->inmap, &dsq, &L1, addseq, -1) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (L1 != esl_abc_dsqlen(dsq)) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L1+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); L1 = -1; L2 = strlen(badseq); if (esl_abc_CreateDsq(a, goodseq, &dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqcat(a->inmap, &dsq, &L1, badseq, L2) != eslEINVAL) esl_fatal(msg); if (L1 != esl_abc_dsqlen(dsq)) esl_fatal(msg); if (memcmp(dsq, expect, sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L1+2)) != 0) esl_fatal(msg); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } /* dsqlen unit test goes here */ /* dsqrlen unit test goes here */ /* utest_Match goes here */ /* This serves to unit test multiple functions: * esl_abc_IAvgScore() * esl_abc_IExpectScore() */ static int degeneracy_integer_scores(void) { char *msg = "degeneracy_integer_scores unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; ESL_DSQ x; float p[] = {0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}; /* A/T biased background */ int sc[] = { -1, -6, 6, 1}; int val; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'N'); /* any: A/C/G/T */ val = esl_abc_IAvgScore(a, x, sc); /* average of -1,-6,6,1 = 0 */ if (val != 0) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'M'); /* M = A/C */ val = esl_abc_IExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); /* expectation of -1,-6 given p = 0.4,0.1 = -2 */ if (val != -2) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } /* This serves to unit test multiple functions: * esl_abc_FAvgScore() * esl_abc_FExpectScore() */ static int degeneracy_float_scores(void) { char *msg = "degeneracy_float_scores unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; ESL_DSQ x; float p[] = {0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}; /* A/T biased background */ float sc[] = { -1., -6., 6., 1.}; float val; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'N'); /* any: A/C/G/T */ val = esl_abc_FAvgScore(a, x, sc); /* average of -1,-6,6,1 = 0 */ if (fabs(val - 0.) > 0.0001) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'M'); /* M = A/C */ val = esl_abc_FExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); /* expectation of -1,-6 given p = 0.4,0.1 = -2 */ if (fabs(val + 2.) > 0.0001) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } /* This serves to unit test multiple functions: * esl_abc_DAvgScore() * esl_abc_DExpectScore() */ static int degeneracy_double_scores(void) { char *msg = "degeneracy_double_scores unit test failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a; ESL_DSQ x; double p[] = {0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.4}; /* A/T biased background */ double sc[] = { -1., -6., 6., 1.}; double val; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'N'); /* any: A/C/G/T */ val = esl_abc_DAvgScore(a, x, sc); /* average of -1,-6,6,1 = 0 */ if (fabs(val - 0.) > 0.0001) esl_fatal(msg); x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, 'M'); /* M = A/C */ val = esl_abc_DExpectScore(a, x, sc, p); /* expectation of -1,-6 given p = 0.4,0.1 = -2 */ if (fabs(val + 2.) > 0.0001) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return eslOK; } /* utest_IAvgScVec */ /* utest_FAvgScVec */ /* utest_DAvgScVec */ /* utest_IExpectScVec */ /* utest_FExpectScVec */ /* utest_DExpectScVec */ static int utest_FCount(void) { char *msg = "FCount unit test failure"; ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; ESL_DSQ x; char *teststring = "X~-Z.UAX"; char *s; int status; /* 0.1 from 2 X's; U -> +1 C; A -> +1 A; Z-> +0.5 Q,E; ~ ignored; .,- -> +2 gaps */ /* A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y - */ float expect[21] = { 1.1, 1.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 2.0 }; float *vec; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO); ESL_ALLOC(vec, sizeof(float) * (a->K+1)); /* include gap char for this test */ esl_vec_FSet(vec, a->K+1, 0.); for (s = teststring; *s != '\0'; s++) { x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, *s); if (esl_abc_FCount(a, vec, x, 1.0) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); } if (esl_vec_FCompare(vec, expect, a->K+1, 0.0001) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); free(vec); return eslOK; ERROR: esl_fatal("allocation failed"); return status; } static int utest_DCount(void) { char *msg = "DCount unit test failure"; ESL_ALPHABET *a = NULL; ESL_DSQ x; char *teststring = "X~-Z.UAX"; char *s; int status; /* 0.1 from 2 X's; U -> +1 C; A -> +1 A; Z-> +0.5 Q,E; ~ ignored; .,- -> +2 gaps */ /* A C D E F G H I K L M N P Q R S T V W Y - */ double expect[21] = { 1.1, 1.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 2.0 }; double *vec; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO); ESL_ALLOC(vec, sizeof(double) * (a->K+1)); /* include gap char for this test */ esl_vec_DSet(vec, a->K+1, 0.); for (s = teststring; *s != '\0'; s++) { x = esl_abc_DigitizeSymbol(a, *s); if (esl_abc_DCount(a, vec, x, 1.0) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); } if (esl_vec_DCompare(vec, expect, a->K+1, 0.0001) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); free(vec); return eslOK; ERROR: esl_fatal("allocation failed"); return status; } #endif /* eslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE*/ /*-------------------- end, unit tests --------------------------*/ /***************************************************************** * 5. Test driver. *****************************************************************/ /* gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -I. -o esl_alphabet_utest -DeslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE esl_alphabet.c esl_vectorops.c easel.c -lm * gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu99 -I. -L. -o esl_alphabet_utest -DeslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE esl_alphabet.c -leasel * ./test * valgrind ./test */ #ifdef eslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE static int basic_examples(void); #include "easel.h" #include "esl_alphabet.h" int main(void) { utest_Create(); utest_CreateCustom(); utest_SetEquiv(); utest_SetCaseInsensitive(); utest_SetDegeneracy(); utest_SetIgnored(); utest_Destroy(); utest_CreateDsq(); utest_Digitize(); utest_Textize(); utest_TextizeN(); utest_dsqdup(); utest_dsqcat(); utest_FCount(); utest_DCount(); basic_examples(); degeneracy_integer_scores(); degeneracy_float_scores(); degeneracy_double_scores(); return eslOK; } static int basic_examples(void) { char *msg = "basic alphabet example tests failed"; ESL_ALPHABET *a1, *a2; char dnaseq[] = "GARYtcN"; char aaseq[] = "EFILqzU"; int L; ESL_DSQ *dsq, *dsq2; int i; /* Example 1. * Create a DNA alphabet; digitize a DNA sequence. */ if ((a1 = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); L = strlen(dnaseq); if ((dsq = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2))) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_Digitize(a1, dnaseq, dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_dsqlen(dsq) != L) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a1); /* Example 2. * Create an RNA alphabet; digitize the same DNA sequence; * make sure it is equal to the dsq above (so T=U were * correctly synonymous on input). */ if ((a2 = esl_alphabet_Create(eslRNA)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if ((dsq2 = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2))) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_Digitize(a2, dnaseq, dsq2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); for (i = 1; i <= L; i++) if (dsq[i] != dsq2[i]) esl_fatal(msg); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a2); /* Example 3. * Create an amino alphabet; digitize a protein sequence, * while reusing memory already allocated in dsq. */ if ((a1 = esl_alphabet_Create(eslAMINO)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_Digitize(a1, aaseq, dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* Example 4. * Create a custom alphabet almost the same as the amino * acid alphabet; digitize the same protein seq, reusing * memory in dsq2; check that seqs are identical. */ if ((a2 = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY-BJZOUX~", 20, 28)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); /* allow lower case input */ if (esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a2, 'Z', "QE") != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_abc_Digitize(a2, aaseq, dsq2) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); for (i = 1; i <= L; i++) if (dsq[i] != dsq2[i]) esl_fatal(msg); /* clean up. */ esl_alphabet_Destroy(a1); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a2); free(dsq); free(dsq2); return eslOK; } #endif /*eslALPHABET_TESTDRIVE*/ /***************************************************************** * 6. Examples. *****************************************************************/ /* gcc -g -Wall -o example -I. -DeslALPHABET_EXAMPLE esl_alphabet.c easel.c */ #ifdef eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE /*::cexcerpt::alphabet_example::begin::*/ #include "easel.h" #include "esl_alphabet.h" int main(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a; char dnaseq[] = "GARYTC"; int L = 6; ESL_DSQ *dsq; a = esl_alphabet_Create(eslDNA); if ((dsq = malloc(sizeof(ESL_DSQ) * (L+2))) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); if (esl_abc_Digitize(a, dnaseq, dsq) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to digitize the sequence"); free(dsq); esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return 0; } /*::cexcerpt::alphabet_example::end::*/ #endif /*eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE*/ /* gcc -g -Wall -o example -I. -DeslALPHABET_EXAMPLE2 esl_alphabet.c easel.c */ #ifdef eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE2 /*::cexcerpt::alphabet_example2::begin::*/ #include "easel.h" #include "esl_alphabet.h" int main(void) { ESL_ALPHABET *a; /* 1. Create the base alphabet structure. */ a = esl_alphabet_CreateCustom("ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY-BJZX~", 22, 28); /* 2. Set your equivalences in the input map. */ esl_alphabet_SetEquiv(a, '.', '-'); /* allow . as a gap character too */ /* 3. After all synonyms are set, (optionally) make map case-insensitive. */ esl_alphabet_SetCaseInsensitive(a); /* allow lower case input too */ /* 4. Define your optional degeneracy codes in the alphabet, one at a time. * The 'any' character X was automatically set up. */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'B', "DN"); /* read B as {D|N} */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'J', "IL"); /* read B as {I|L} */ esl_alphabet_SetDegeneracy(a, 'Z', "QE"); /* read Z as {Q|E} */ /* 5. (do your stuff) */ /* 6. Remember to free it when you're done with it. */ esl_alphabet_Destroy(a); return 0; } /*::cexcerpt::alphabet_example2::end::*/ #endif /*eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE2*/ #ifdef eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE3 #include "easel.h" #include "esl_alphabet.h" #include "esl_sq.h" #include "esl_sqio.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { ESL_SQ *sq = esl_sq_Create(); ESL_SQFILE *sqfp; int format = eslSQFILE_UNKNOWN; char *seqfile = argv[1]; int type; int status; status = esl_sqfile_Open(seqfile, format, NULL, &sqfp); if (status == eslENOTFOUND) esl_fatal("No such file."); else if (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Format couldn't be determined."); else if (status != eslOK) esl_fatal("Open failed, code %d.", status); while ((status = esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq)) == eslOK) { esl_sq_GuessAlphabet(sq, &type); printf("%-25s %s\n", sq->name, esl_abc_DecodeType(type)); esl_sq_Reuse(sq); } if (status == eslEFORMAT) esl_fatal("Parse failed\n %s", esl_sqfile_GetErrorBuf(sqfp)); else if (status != eslEOF) esl_fatal("Unexpected read error %d", status); esl_sq_Destroy(sq); esl_sqfile_Close(sqfp); return 0; } #endif /*eslALPHABET_EXAMPLE3*/

residue probability vector is non-NULL, it gives * a 0..K-1 array of background frequencies, and the * returned match probability is an expectation (weighted * average) given those residue frequencies. * * and should only be residue codes. Any other * comparison, including comparisons involving gap or * missing data characters, or even comparisons involving * illegal digital codes, returns 0.0. * * Note that comparison of residues from "identical" * sequences (even a self-comparison) will not result in an * identity of 1.0, if the sequence(s) contain degenerate * residue codes. * * Args: abc - digtal alphabet to use * x,y - two symbols to compare * p - NULL, or background probabilities of the * canonical residues in this alphabet [0..K-1] * * Returns: the probability of an identity (match) between * residues and . */ double esl_abc_Match(const ESL_ALPHABET *abc, ESL_DSQ x, ESL_DSQ y, double *p) { int i; double prob; double sx, sy; /* Easy cases */ if (esl_abc_XIsCanonical(abc, x) && esl_abc_XIsCanonical(abc, y)) { if (x==y) return 1.0; else return 0.0; } if ( ! esl_abc_XIsResidue(abc, x) || ! esl_abc_XIsResidue(abc, x)) return 0.0; /* Else, we have at least one degenerate residue, so calc an average or expectation. */ if (p != NULL) { prob = sx = sy = 0.; for (i = 0; i < abc->K; i++) { if (abc->degen[(int)x][i]) sx += p[i]; if (abc->degen[(int)y][i]) sy += p[i]; if (abc->degen[(int)x][i] && abc->degen[(int)y][i]) prob += p[i] * p[i]; } prob = prob / (sx*sy); } else { double uniformp = 1. / (double) abc->K; prob = sx = sy = 0.; for (i = 0; i < abc->K; i++) { if (abc->degen[(int)x][i]) sx += uniformp; if (abc->degen[(int)y][i]) sy += uniformp; if (abc->degen[(int)x][i] && abc->degen[(int)y][i]) prob += uniformp * uniformp; } prob = prob / (sx*sy); } return prob; } /* Function: esl_abc_IAvgScore() * Synopsis: Returns average score for degenerate residue. * * Purpose: Given a residue code in alphabet , and an array of * integer scores for the residues in the base * alphabet, calculate and return the average score * (rounded to nearest integer). * * would usually be a degeneracy code, but it * may also be a canonical residue. It must not * be a gap, missing data, or illegal symbol; if it * is, these functions return a score of 0 without * raising an error. * * and do the * same, but for float and double scores instead of integers * (and for real-valued scores, no rounding is done). * * Args: a - digital alphabet to use * x - a symbol to score * sc - score vector for canonical residues [0..K-1] * * Returns: average score for symbol */ int esl_abc_IAvgScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const int *sc) { float result = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) result += (float) sc[i]; result /= (float) a->ndegen[(int) x]; if (result < 0) return (int) (result - 0.5); else return (int) (result + 0.5); } float esl_abc_FAvgScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const float *sc) { float result = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0.; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) result += sc[i]; result /= (float) a->ndegen[(int) x]; return result; } double esl_abc_DAvgScore(const ESL_ALPHABET *a, ESL_DSQ x, const double *sc) { double result = 0.; int i; if (! esl_abc_XIsResidue(a, x)) return 0.; for (i = 0; i < a->K; i++) if (a->degen[(int) x][i]) result += sc[i]; result /= (double) a->ndegen[(int) x]; return result; } /* Function: esl_abc_IExpectScore() * Synopsis: Returns expected score for degenerate residue. * * Purpose: Given a residue code in alphabet , an * array of integer scores for the residues in the base * alphabet, and background frequencies