/* Generalized single linkage clustering. * * Contents: * 1. Single linkage clustering, generalized * 2. Unit tests * 3. Test driver * 4. Example */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_cluster.h" /***************************************************************** * 1. Single linkage clustering, generalized *****************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_cluster_SingleLinkage() * Synopsis: Generalized single linkage clustering. * Incept: SRE, Mon Jan 7 08:35:10 2008 [Janelia] * * Purpose: Given a set of vertices, cluster them by single-linkage * clustering. * * The data describing each vertex is provided in an array * starting at , consisting of vertices. Each * vertex can be of any type (structure, scalar, pointer) * so long as each vertex element is of fixed size * bytes. * * A pointer to the clustering function is provided in * <(*linkfunc)()>, and a pointer to any necessary * parameters for that function (for example, any * thresholds) is provided in . * * The must be written by the * caller. It takes arguments <(void *v1, void *v2, void * *param, int *ret_link)>: pointers to two vertices to * test for linkage and a pointer to any necessary * parameters, and it passes the answer (1) or * (0) back in <*ret_link>. The <(*linkfunc)()> * returns (0) on success, and a nonzero error code * on failure (see for a list of Easel's error * codes). * * The caller provides an allocated with space * for at least <2n> integers. (Allocation in the caller * allows the caller to reuse memory and save * allocation/free cycles, if it has many rounds of * clustering to do.) * * The caller also provides allocated space in * for integers which, upon successful * return, contains assignments of the <0..n-1> vertices to * <0..C-1> clusters. That is, if , * that means vertex 42 is assigned to cluster 1. The * total number of clusters is returned in . * * The algorithm runs in $O(N)$ memory; importantly, it * does not require a $O(N^2)$ adjacency matrix. Worst case * time complexity is $O(N^2)$ (multiplied by any * additional complexity in the <(*linkfunc()> itself), but * the worst case (no links at all; clusters) should * be unusual. More typically, time scales as about $N \log * N$. Best case is $N$, for a completely connected graph * in which all vertices group into one cluster. (More * precisely, best case complexity arises when vertex 0 is * connected to all other vertices.) * * Notes: I don't know if this algorithm is published. I * haven't seen it in graph theory books, but that might * be because it's so obvious that nobody's bothered. * * In brief, we're going to do a breadth-first search of the * graph, and we're going to calculate links on the fly * rather than precalculating them into a standard adjacency * matrix. * * While working, we keep two stacks of maximum length N: * a : list of vertices that are still unconnected. * b : list of vertices that we've connected to * in our current breadth level, but we haven't * yet tested for other connections to a. * The current length (number of elements in) a and b are * kept in na, nb. * * We store our results in an array of length N: * c : assigns each vertex to a component. for example * c[4] = 1 means that vertex 4 is in component 1. * nc is the number of components. Components * are numbered from 0 to nc-1. We return c and nc * to our caller. * * The algorithm is: * * Initialisation: * a <-- all the vertices * na <-- N * b <-- empty set * nb <-- 0 * nc <-- 0 * * Then: * while (a is not empty) * pop a vertex off a, push onto b * while (b is not empty) * pop vertex v off b * assign c[v] = nc * for each vertex w in a: * compare v,w. If w is linked to v, remove w * from a, push onto b. * nc++ * q.e.d. * * Args: base - pointer to array of n fixed-size vertices to be clustered. * n - number of vertices * size - size of each vertex element * linkfunc - pointer to caller's function for defining linked pairs * param - pointer to any data that needs to be provided to <(*linkfunc)> * workspace - caller provides at least 2n*sizeof(int) of workspace * assignments - RETURN: assignments to clusters (caller provides n*sizeof(int) space) * ret_C - RETURN: number of clusters * * Returns: on success; contains cluster assigments * <0..C-1> for each vertex, and <*ret_C> contains the number of clusters * * * Throws: status codes from the caller's <(*linkfunc)> on failure; in this case, * the contents of <*assignments> is undefined, and <*ret_C> is 0. */ int esl_cluster_SingleLinkage(void *base, size_t n, size_t size, int (*linkfunc)(const void *, const void *, const void *, int *), void *param, int *workspace, int *assignments, int *ret_C) { int na, *a = NULL; /* stack of available vertices (still unconnected) */ int nb, *b = NULL; /* stack of connected but unextended vertices */ int nc, *c = NULL; /* array of results: # clusters, assignments to clusters */ int v,w; /* indices of vertices */ int i; /* counter over the available list */ int do_link; int status; a = workspace; b = workspace + n; c = assignments; for (v = 0; v < n; v++) a[v] = n-v-1; /* initialize by pushing all vertices onto available list (backwards) */ na = n; nb = 0; nc = 0; while (na > 0) /* while vertices remain unexamined or unclustered: */ { v = a[na-1]; na--; /* pop a vertex off a, */ b[nb] = v; nb++; /* and push it onto b */ while (nb > 0) /* while vertices remain unextended: */ { v = b[nb-1]; nb--; /* pop vertex off b */ c[v] = nc; /* assign it to cluster nc */ for (i = na-1; i >= 0; i--) /* backwards, because of deletion/swapping we do*/ { if ((status = (*linkfunc)( (char *) base + v*size, (char *) base + a[i]*size, param, &do_link)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; if (do_link) { w = a[i]; a[i] = a[na-1]; na--; /* delete w from a */ b[nb] = w; nb++; /* and push it onto b */ } } } nc++; } *ret_C = nc; return eslOK; ERROR: *ret_C = 0; return status; } /*------------------ end, single linkage clustering -------------*/ /***************************************************************** * 2. Unit tests *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslCLUSTER_TESTDRIVE #include static int test_linkage_definition(const void *v1, const void *v2, const void *param, int *ret_link) { double a = *((double *) v1); /* you have to cast a void ptr before you can dereference it */ double b = *((double *) v2); double threshold = *((double *) param); *ret_link = ((fabs(a-b) <= threshold) ? TRUE : FALSE); return eslOK; } static void utest_singlelinkage(double *testdata, int n, double threshold, int *correct_assignment, int correct_C) { int *workspace; int *assignment; int C; int v; if ((workspace = malloc(sizeof(int) * n * 2)) == NULL) esl_fatal("allocation failed"); if ((assignment = malloc(sizeof(int) * n)) == NULL) esl_fatal("allocation failed"); if (esl_cluster_SingleLinkage(testdata, n, sizeof(double), test_linkage_definition, &threshold, workspace, assignment, &C) != eslOK) esl_fatal("single linkage clustering failed"); if (C != correct_C) esl_fatal("expected %d clusters, but got %d\n", correct_C, C); for (v = 0; v < n; v++) if (correct_assignment[v] != assignment[v]) esl_fatal("expected vertex %d to be in cluster %d, but it's in %d\n", v, correct_assignment[v], assignment[v]); free(workspace); free(assignment); } #endif /* eslCLUSTER_TESTDRIVE */ /***************************************************************** * 3. Test driver *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslCLUSTER_TESTDRIVE /* gcc -g -Wall -o test -I. -L. -DeslCLUSTER_TESTDRIVE esl_cluster.c -leasel -lm */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_getopts.h" #include "esl_cluster.h" static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = { /* name type default env range toggles reqs incomp help docgroup*/ { "-h", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "show brief help on version and usage", 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; static char usage[] = "[-options]"; static char banner[] = "test driver for cluster module"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ESL_GETOPTS *go = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage); double vertex[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0 }; int na1 = 3, a1[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 }; /* correct answer when threshold = 1.5 */ int na2 = 6, a2[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; /* correct answer when threshold < 1.0 */ int na3 = 1, a3[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /* correct answer when threshold > 2.0 */ int n = sizeof(vertex) / sizeof(double); utest_singlelinkage(vertex, n, 1.5, a1, na1); utest_singlelinkage(vertex, n, 0.5, a2, na2); utest_singlelinkage(vertex, n, 2.5, a3, na3); esl_getopts_Destroy(go); return 0; } #endif /* eslCLUSTER_TESTDRIVE*/ /***************************************************************** * 4. Example *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslCLUSTER_EXAMPLE /*::cexcerpt::cluster_example::begin::*/ /* gcc -g -Wall -o example -I. -L. -DeslCLUSTER_EXAMPLE esl_cluster.c easel.c -lm */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_cluster.h" static int my_linkage_definition(const void *v1, const void *v2, const void *param, int *ret_link) { double a = *((double *) v1); /* you have to cast a void ptr before you can dereference it */ double b = *((double *) v2); double threshold = *((double *) param); *ret_link = ((fabs(a-b) <= threshold) ? TRUE : FALSE); return eslOK; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { double vertex[] = { 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0 }; int n = sizeof(vertex) / sizeof(double); double threshold = 1.5; int *workspace; int *assignment; int C; int v; workspace = malloc(sizeof(int) * n * 2); assignment = malloc(sizeof(int) * n); esl_cluster_SingleLinkage(vertex, n, sizeof(double), my_linkage_definition, &threshold, workspace, assignment, &C); printf("There are %d clusters.\n", C); for (v = 0; v < n; v++) printf("vertex %d is in cluster %d\n", v, assignment[v]); free(workspace); free(assignment); return 0; } /*::cexcerpt::cluster_example::end::*/ #endif /*eslCLUSTER_EXAMPLE*/