/* Heaps and priority queues. * See TH Cormen, CE Leiserson, and RL Rivest, _Introduction to Algorithms_, MIT Press, 1999. * * Contents: * 1. The object: creation, access. * 2. Rest of the API: inserting, extracting values. * 3. Debugging, development. * 4. Internal functions. * 5. Unit tests. * 6. Test driver. */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_heap.h" static int heap_grow(ESL_HEAP *hp); static void iheapify (ESL_HEAP *hp, int idx); /***************************************************************** * 1. The object. *****************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_heap_ICreate() * Synopsis: Create a heap for storing integers. * * Purpose: Create a heap for storing integers. is * or ; it states whether * minimum or maximum values are sorted to the top of the * heap. * * Args: maxormin : * * Returns: a pointer to the new heap. * * Throws: on allocation failure. */ ESL_HEAP * esl_heap_ICreate(int maxormin) { ESL_HEAP *hp = NULL; int status; ESL_DASSERT1(( maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN || maxormin == eslHEAP_MAX)); ESL_ALLOC(hp, sizeof(ESL_HEAP)); hp->idata = NULL; hp->n = 0; hp->maxormin = maxormin; ESL_ALLOC(hp->idata, sizeof(int) * eslHEAP_INITALLOC); hp->nalloc = eslHEAP_INITALLOC; return hp; ERROR: esl_heap_Destroy(hp); return NULL; } /* Function: esl_heap_GetCount() * Synopsis: Returns the number of items in the heap. */ int esl_heap_GetCount(ESL_HEAP *hp) { return hp->n; } /* Function: esl_heap_IGetTopVal() * Synopsis: Peeks at and returns the best (topmost) value in the heap. * * Purpose: Peek at the best (topmost) value in heap and * return it. The heap is unaffected. If the heap is * empty, return 0. */ int esl_heap_IGetTopVal(ESL_HEAP *hp) { return (hp->n ? hp->idata[0] : 0); } /* Function: esl_heap_Reuse() * Synopsis: Reuse a heap. * * Purpose: As an alternative to destroy'ing an old heap and * create'ing a new one, empty this heap and reinitialize * it, as if it is a freshly created heap of the same * data type and same . * * Returns: */ int esl_heap_Reuse(ESL_HEAP *hp) { hp->n = 0; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_heap_Destroy() * Synopsis: Free a heap. * * Purpose: Destroys heap , of any data type. * * Returns: (void) * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions) */ void esl_heap_Destroy(ESL_HEAP *hp) { if (hp) { if (hp->idata) free(hp->idata); free (hp); } } /***************************************************************** * 2. Rest of the API: inserting, extracting values *****************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_heap_IInsert() * Synopsis: Insert a value into the heap. * * Purpose: Insert value into heap . * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: on allocation failure. */ int esl_heap_IInsert(ESL_HEAP *hp, int val) { int idx, parentidx; int status; if (hp->n == hp->nalloc && (status = heap_grow(hp)) != eslOK) return status; hp->n++; idx = hp->n - 1; while (idx > 0 && (hp->maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN ? hp->idata[ESL_HEAP_PARENT(idx)] > val : hp->idata[ESL_HEAP_PARENT(idx)] < val)) { parentidx = ESL_HEAP_PARENT(idx); hp->idata[idx] = hp->idata[parentidx]; idx = parentidx; } hp->idata[idx] = val; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_heap_IExtractTop() * Synopsis: Extract the top value from the heap. * * Purpose: Extract the best (topmost) value from heap . * Delete it from the heap. Return it in <*opt_val>. * * To simply delete the topmost value (without retrieving * its value), pass for . * If the heap is empty, return , and * <*opt_val> is 0. * * Returns: on success, and <*opt_val> is the extracted * topmost value. * * if the heap is empty; <*opt_val> is 0. * * Throws: (no abnormal error conditions) */ int esl_heap_IExtractTop(ESL_HEAP *hp, int *opt_val) { int bestval; if (hp->n == 0) { *opt_val = 0; return eslEOD; } bestval = hp->idata[0]; hp->idata[0] = hp->idata[hp->n-1]; hp->n--; iheapify(hp, 0); if (opt_val) *opt_val = bestval; return eslOK; } /***************************************************************** * 3. Debugging, development. *****************************************************************/ int esl_heap_Validate(ESL_HEAP *hp, char *errbuf) { int idx, lidx, ridx; for (idx = 0; idx < hp->n; idx++) { lidx = ESL_HEAP_LEFT(idx); ridx = lidx+1; if (lidx < hp->n && ( hp->maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN ? hp->idata[lidx] < hp->idata[idx] : hp->idata[lidx] > hp->idata[idx] )) ESL_FAIL(eslFAIL, errbuf, "at %d (value %d): left child %d (value %d) is better", idx, hp->idata[idx], lidx, hp->idata[lidx]); if (ridx < hp->n && ( hp->maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN ? hp->idata[ridx] < hp->idata[idx] : hp->idata[ridx] > hp->idata[idx] )) ESL_FAIL(eslFAIL, errbuf, "at %d (value %d): right child %d (value %d) is better", idx, hp->idata[idx], ridx, hp->idata[ridx]); } return eslOK; } /***************************************************************** * 4. Internal functions *****************************************************************/ static int heap_grow(ESL_HEAP *hp) { int status; if (hp->idata) { ESL_REALLOC(hp->idata, sizeof(int) * (hp->nalloc*2)); hp->nalloc += hp->nalloc; } return eslOK; ERROR: return eslEMEM; } static void iheapify(ESL_HEAP *hp, int idx) { int bestidx = idx; int leftidx, rightidx; while (1) /* while loop avoids recursive heapify call */ { leftidx = ESL_HEAP_LEFT(idx); rightidx = leftidx+1; if (leftidx < hp->n && (hp->maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN ? hp->idata[leftidx] < hp->idata[idx] : hp->idata[leftidx] > hp->idata[idx]) ) bestidx = leftidx; if (rightidx < hp->n && (hp->maxormin == eslHEAP_MIN ? hp->idata[rightidx] < hp->idata[bestidx] : hp->idata[rightidx] > hp->idata[bestidx]) ) bestidx = rightidx; if (bestidx == idx) break; /* nothing needed to be changed: either because satisfies heap property, or because it has no children */ ESL_SWAP(hp->idata[idx], hp->idata[bestidx], int); idx = bestidx; } } /***************************************************************** * 5. Unit tests *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslHEAP_TESTDRIVE #include "esl_random.h" static void utest_sorting(ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng) { char *msg = "utest_sorting():: unit test failure"; ESL_HEAP *hp = NULL; int *val = NULL; int nv = 1 + esl_rnd_Roll(rng, 10000); char errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE]; int i,n2,x; /* Create an array of numbers 1..nv in randomized order. */ if ( (val = malloc(sizeof(int) * nv)) == NULL) esl_fatal("utest_sorting():: allocation failed"); for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) val[i] = i+1; for (n2 = nv; n2 > 1; n2--) { /* a compact Fisher-Yates shuffle. Can't put the Roll() into the ESL_SWAP(), because it's a macro: avoid double evaluation */ i = esl_rnd_Roll(rng, n2); ESL_SWAP( val[i], val[n2-1], int); } /* Add those numbers (in their randomized order) to a min heap */ if ( (hp = esl_heap_ICreate(eslHEAP_MIN)) == NULL) esl_fatal(msg); for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) if (esl_heap_IInsert(hp, val[i]) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_heap_Validate(hp, errbuf) != eslOK) esl_fatal("utest: heap validation fails: %s", errbuf); /* Now if we pull numbers off the heap, they'll come off in sorted order, 1..nv */ for (i = 1; i <= nv; i++) { if (esl_heap_IExtractTop(hp, &x) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (x != i) esl_fatal(msg); if (hp->n != nv-i) esl_fatal(msg); } esl_heap_Destroy(hp); free(val); } #endif /*eslHEAP_TESTDRIVE*/ /***************************************************************** * 6. Test driver *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslHEAP_TESTDRIVE #include "easel.h" #include "esl_getopts.h" static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = { /* name type default env range togs reqs incomp help docgrp */ {"-h", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "show help and usage", 0}, {"-s", eslARG_INT, "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "set random number seed to ", 0}, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, }; static char usage[] = "[-options]"; static char banner[] = "test driver for ESL_HEAP: heaps and priority queues"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ESL_GETOPTS *go = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage); ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s")); fprintf(stderr, "## %s\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "# rng seed = %" PRIu32 "\n", esl_randomness_GetSeed(rng)); utest_sorting(rng); fprintf(stderr, "# status = ok\n"); esl_getopts_Destroy(go); esl_randomness_Destroy(rng); return 0; } #endif /*eslHEAP_TESTDRIVE*/