/* Collection and display of score histograms. * * SRE, Fri Jul 1 13:22:45 2005 [St. Louis] */ #ifndef eslHISTOGRAM_INCLUDED #define eslHISTOGRAM_INCLUDED #include "esl_config.h" #include /* floor() is in one of the macros */ /* Structure: ESL_HISTOGRAM * * Keeps a score histogram, in which scores are counted into bins of * size (width) w. * histogram starts at bmin < floor(xmin/w) * w * histogram ends at bmax >= ceil(xmax/w)*w * nb = (bmax-bmin)/w * each score x is counted into bin b = nb - (int) (bmax-x)/w * each bin b contains scores bw+bmin < x <= (b+1)w + bmin * * Anything having to do with the counts themselves (obs, n, etc) * is a uint64_t, with range 0..2^64-1 (up to 2e19). */ typedef struct { /* The histogram is kept as counts in fixed-width bins. */ uint64_t *obs; /* observed counts in bin b, 0..nb-1 (dynamic) */ int nb; /* number of bins */ double w; /* fixed width of each bin */ double bmin, bmax; /* histogram bounds: all x satisfy bmin < x <= bmax */ int imin, imax; /* smallest, largest bin that contain obs[i] > 0 */ /* Optionally, in a "full" h, we can also keep all the raw samples in x. */ double xmin, xmax; /* smallest, largest sample value x observed */ uint64_t n; /* total number of raw data samples */ double *x; /* optional: raw sample values x[0..n-1] */ uint64_t nalloc; /* current allocated size of x */ /* The binned data might be censored (either truly, or virtually). * This information has to be made available to a binned/censored * parameter fitting function, and to goodness-of-fit tests. */ double phi; /* censoring value; all x_i > phi */ int cmin; /* smallest bin index that contains uncensored data */ uint64_t z; /* # of censored values <= phi */ uint64_t Nc; /* # samples in complete data (including unobs) */ uint64_t No; /* # of samples in observed data */ /* Expected binned counts are set by SetExpect() or SetExpectedTail(). */ double *expect; /* expected counts in bin b, 0..nb-1 (not resized) */ int emin; /* smallest bin index that contains expected counts */ double tailbase; /* for tail fits: fitted x > tailbase */ double tailmass; /* for tail fits: fractional prob in the tail */ /* Some status flags */ int is_full; /* TRUE when we're keeping raw data in x */ int is_done; /* TRUE if we prevent more Add()'s */ int is_sorted; /* TRUE if x is sorted smallest-to-largest */ int is_tailfit; /* TRUE if expected dist only describes tail */ int is_rounded; /* TRUE if values aren't more accurate than bins */ enum { COMPLETE, VIRTUAL_CENSORED, TRUE_CENSORED } dataset_is; } ESL_HISTOGRAM; #define esl_histogram_Bin2LBound(h,b) ((h)->w*(b) + (h)->bmin) #define esl_histogram_Bin2UBound(h,b) ((h)->w*((b)+1) + (h)->bmin) /* Creating/destroying histograms and collecting data: */ extern ESL_HISTOGRAM *esl_histogram_Create (double bmin, double bmax, double w); extern ESL_HISTOGRAM *esl_histogram_CreateFull(double bmin, double bmax, double w); extern void esl_histogram_Destroy (ESL_HISTOGRAM *h); extern int esl_histogram_Score2Bin(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double x, int *ret_b); extern int esl_histogram_Add (ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double x); /* Declarations about the binned data before parameter fitting: */ extern int esl_histogram_DeclareCensoring(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, int z, double phi); extern int esl_histogram_DeclareRounding (ESL_HISTOGRAM *h); extern int esl_histogram_SetTail (ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double phi, double *ret_newmass); extern int esl_histogram_SetTailByMass (ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double pmass, double *ret_newmass); /* Accessing data samples in a full histogram: */ extern int esl_histogram_GetRank(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, int rank, double *ret_x); extern int esl_histogram_GetData(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double **ret_x, int *ret_n); extern int esl_histogram_GetTail(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double phi, double **ret_x, int *ret_n, int *ret_z); extern int esl_histogram_GetTailByMass(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double pmass, double **ret_x, int *ret_n, int *ret_z); /* Setting expected binned counts: */ extern int esl_histogram_SetExpect(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double (*cdf)(double x, void *params), void *params); extern int esl_histogram_SetExpectedTail(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double base_val, double pmass, double (*cdf)(double x, void *params), void *params); /* Output/display of binned data: */ extern int esl_histogram_Write (FILE *fp, ESL_HISTOGRAM *h); extern int esl_histogram_Plot (FILE *fp, ESL_HISTOGRAM *h); extern int esl_histogram_PlotSurvival(FILE *fp, ESL_HISTOGRAM *h); extern int esl_histogram_PlotQQ (FILE *fp, ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, double (*invcdf)(double, void *), void *params); /* Goodness of fit testing */ extern int esl_histogram_Goodness(ESL_HISTOGRAM *h, int nfitted, int *ret_nbins, double *ret_G, double *ret_Gp, double *ret_X2, double *ret_X2p); #endif /*eslHISTOGRAM_INCLUDED*/