/* Hyperexponential (mixture exponential) distributions. */ #ifndef eslHYPEREXP_INCLUDED #define eslHYPEREXP_INCLUDED #include "esl_config.h" #include "esl_fileparser.h" #include "esl_histogram.h" #include "esl_random.h" typedef struct { double *q; /* mixture coefficients [0..K-1]*/ double *lambda; /* scale params [0..K-1]*/ double *wrk; /* tmp K-vector, for logpdf calc */ double mu; /* location (x offset) parameter */ int K; /* # of components */ char *fixlambda; /* TRUE to constrain a lambda val */ int fixmix; /* TRUE to constrain the q's */ } ESL_HYPEREXP; extern ESL_HYPEREXP *esl_hyperexp_Create(int K); extern void esl_hyperexp_Destroy(ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hyperexp_Copy(ESL_HYPEREXP *src, ESL_HYPEREXP *dest); extern int esl_hyperexp_FixedUniformMixture(ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hyperexp_SortComponents(ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hyperexp_Write(FILE *fp, ESL_HYPEREXP *hxp); extern int esl_hyperexp_Dump(FILE *fp, ESL_HYPEREXP *hxp); extern int esl_hyperexp_Read(ESL_FILEPARSER *ef, ESL_HYPEREXP **ret_hxp); extern int esl_hyperexp_ReadFile(char *filename, ESL_HYPEREXP **ret_hxp); extern double esl_hxp_pdf (double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_logpdf (double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_cdf (double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_logcdf (double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_surv (double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_logsurv(double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_invcdf (double p, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern double esl_hxp_generic_pdf (double x, void *params); extern double esl_hxp_generic_cdf (double x, void *params); extern double esl_hxp_generic_surv (double x, void *params); extern double esl_hxp_generic_invcdf(double x, void *params); extern int esl_hxp_Plot(FILE *fp, ESL_HYPEREXP *h, double (*func)(double x, ESL_HYPEREXP *h), double xmin, double xmax, double xstep); extern double esl_hxp_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hxp_FitGuess (double *x, int n, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hxp_FitComplete(double *x, int n, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hxp_FitGuessBinned (ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); extern int esl_hxp_FitCompleteBinned(ESL_HISTOGRAM *g, ESL_HYPEREXP *h); #endif /*eslHYPEREXP_INCLUDED*/