/* Simple matrix operations. * * Contents: * 1. The matrixops API. * 2. Debugging and development tools * 3. Unit tests * 4. Test driver * * Compare: * esl_vectorops: simple vector operations * esl_dmatrix: matrix algebra, double precision * * Note: * Don't use qualifier on input matrices. C's rules * for const qualifier on nested pointers (int **foo) are * problematic. */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_matrixops.h" #include "esl_vectorops.h" /* Function: esl_mat_{DFIC}Create() * Synopsis: Create an MxN matrix of doubles (floats, ints, chars). */ double ** esl_mat_DCreate(int M, int N) { double **A = NULL; int i; int status; ESL_DASSERT1(( M > 0 )); ESL_DASSERT1(( N > 0 )); ESL_ALLOC(A, sizeof(double *) * M); A[0] = NULL; ESL_ALLOC(A[0], sizeof(double) * M * N); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; return A; ERROR: esl_mat_DDestroy(A); return NULL; } float ** esl_mat_FCreate(int M, int N) { float **A = NULL; int i; int status; ESL_DASSERT1(( M > 0 )); ESL_DASSERT1(( N > 0 )); ESL_ALLOC(A, sizeof(float *) * M); A[0] = NULL; ESL_ALLOC(A[0], sizeof(float) * M * N); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; return A; ERROR: esl_mat_FDestroy(A); return NULL; } int ** esl_mat_ICreate(int M, int N) { int **A = NULL; int i; int status; ESL_DASSERT1(( M > 0 )); ESL_DASSERT1(( N > 0 )); ESL_ALLOC(A, sizeof(int *) * M); A[0] = NULL; ESL_ALLOC(A[0], sizeof(int) * M * N); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; return A; ERROR: esl_mat_IDestroy(A); return NULL; } char ** esl_mat_CCreate(int M, int N) { char **A = NULL; int i; int status; ESL_DASSERT1(( M > 0 )); ESL_DASSERT1(( N > 0 )); ESL_ALLOC(A, sizeof(char *) * M); A[0] = NULL; ESL_ALLOC(A[0], sizeof(char) * M * N); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; return A; ERROR: esl_mat_CDestroy(A); return NULL; } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFI}Clone() * Synopsis: Duplicate a 2D matrix * Incept: SRE, Fri 05 Apr 2019 * * Purpose: Duplicate a matrix, into freshly allocated space. * Return a ptr to the duplicate. * * Throws: on allocation failure. */ double ** esl_mat_DClone(double **A, int M, int N) { double **B; if ((B = esl_mat_DCreate(M, N)) == NULL) return NULL; esl_mat_DCopy(A, M, N, B); return B; } float ** esl_mat_FClone(float **A, int M, int N) { float **B; if ((B = esl_mat_FCreate(M, N)) == NULL) return NULL; esl_mat_FCopy(A, M, N, B); return B; } int ** esl_mat_IClone(int **A, int M, int N) { int **B; if ((B = esl_mat_ICreate(M, N)) == NULL) return NULL; esl_mat_ICopy(A, M, N, B); return B; } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFIC}GrowTo() * Synopsis: Increase the allocation for a matrix * Incept: SRE, Fri 06 Jul 2018 [World Cup, France v. Uruguay] * * Purpose: Reallocate an existing matrix to rows and columns. * * If only has increased, and is the same as it * was, then the existing contents of <*ret_A> remain valid * and unchanged. Newly allocated values are undefined, and * caller needs to initialize them. * * If is changed, then the layout of the matrix * <*ret_A> is necessarily changed too, and it will need to * be reset to new values. Caller should treat the entire * matrix as undefined, and reinitialize all of it. * * Return: on success, and <*ret_A> has been reallocated. * * Throws: on allocation failure; now <*ret_A> remains * valid with its previous size and contents. */ int esl_mat_DGrowTo(double ***ret_A, int M, int N) { double **A = *ret_A; int i; int status; ESL_REALLOC(A[0], sizeof(double) * (M*N)); // must reallocate contents first ESL_REALLOC(A, sizeof(double *) * M); // ... then the pointers for (i = 1; i < M; i++) // ... then reset row pointers. A[i] = A[0] + i * N; *ret_A = A; return eslOK; ERROR: *ret_A = A; // 1st realloc could succeed, moving A, before 2nd realloc fails. return status; } int esl_mat_FGrowTo(float ***ret_A, int M, int N) { float **A = *ret_A; int i; int status; ESL_REALLOC(A[0], sizeof(float) * (M*N)); ESL_REALLOC(A, sizeof(float *) * M); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; *ret_A = A; return eslOK; ERROR: *ret_A = A; return status; } int esl_mat_IGrowTo(int ***ret_A, int M, int N) { int **A = *ret_A; int i; int status; ESL_REALLOC(A[0], sizeof(int) * (M*N)); ESL_REALLOC(A, sizeof(int *) * M); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; *ret_A = A; return eslOK; ERROR: *ret_A = A; return status; } int esl_mat_CGrowTo(char ***ret_A, int M, int N) { char **A = *ret_A; int i; int status; ESL_REALLOC(A[0], sizeof(char) * (M*N)); ESL_REALLOC(A, sizeof(char *) * M); for (i = 1; i < M; i++) A[i] = A[0] + i * N; *ret_A = A; return eslOK; ERROR: *ret_A = A; return status; } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFIC}Sizeof() * Synopsis: Returns size of a matrix, in bytes. * * Note: Doesn't need a particular matrix to calculate this; */ size_t esl_mat_DSizeof(int M, int N) { size_t n = 0; n += sizeof(double) * M * N; n += sizeof(double *) * M; return n; } size_t esl_mat_FSizeof(int M, int N) { size_t n = 0; n += sizeof(float) * M * N; n += sizeof(float *) * M; return n; } size_t esl_mat_ISizeof(int M, int N) { size_t n = 0; n += sizeof(int) * M * N; n += sizeof(int *) * M; return n; } size_t esl_mat_CSizeof(int M, int N) { size_t n = 0; n += sizeof(char) * M * N; n += sizeof(char *) * M; return n; } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFI}Set() * Synopsis: Set all values in a matrix to one number. */ void esl_mat_DSet(double **A, int M, int N, double value) { esl_vec_DSet(A[0], M*N, value); } void esl_mat_FSet(float **A, int M, int N, float value) { esl_vec_FSet(A[0], M*N, value); } void esl_mat_ISet(int **A, int M, int N, int value) { esl_vec_ISet(A[0], M*N, value); } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFI}Scale() * Synopsis: Scale all values in a matrix by one scalar multiplier * Incept: SRE, Wed 03 Apr 2019 */ void esl_mat_DScale(double **A, int M, int N, double x) { esl_vec_DScale(A[0], M*N, x); } void esl_mat_FScale(float **A, int M, int N, float x) { esl_vec_FScale(A[0], M*N, x); } void esl_mat_IScale(int **A, int M, int N, int x) { esl_vec_IScale(A[0], M*N, x); } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFIWB}Copy() * Synopsis: Copy matrix to . */ void esl_mat_DCopy(double **src, int M, int N, double **dest) { esl_vec_DCopy(src[0], M*N, dest[0]); } void esl_mat_FCopy(float **src, int M, int N, float **dest) { esl_vec_FCopy(src[0], M*N, dest[0]); } void esl_mat_ICopy(int **src, int M, int N, int **dest) { esl_vec_ICopy(src[0], M*N, dest[0]); } void esl_mat_WCopy(int16_t **src, int M, int N, int16_t **dest) { esl_vec_WCopy(src[0], M*N, dest[0]); } void esl_mat_BCopy(int8_t **src, int M, int N, int8_t **dest) { esl_vec_BCopy(src[0], M*N, dest[0]); } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFI}Max() * Synopsis: Return max value in a matrix. */ double esl_mat_DMax(double **A, int M, int N) { return esl_vec_DMax(A[0], M*N); } float esl_mat_FMax(float **A, int M, int N) { return esl_vec_FMax(A[0], M*N); } int esl_mat_IMax(int **A, int M, int N) { return esl_vec_IMax(A[0], M*N); } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFI}Compare() * Synopsis: Compare two matrices for equality. * Incept: SRE, Tue 26 Jun 2018 * * Purpose: Returns if two matrices , are * identical (integer version) or identical * within tolerance (double, float * version; using ); * Otherwise return . */ int esl_mat_DCompare(double **A, double **B, int M, int N, double tol) { return esl_vec_DCompare(A[0], B[0], M*N, tol); } int esl_mat_FCompare(float **A, float **B, int M, int N, float tol) { return esl_vec_FCompare(A[0], B[0], M*N, tol); } int esl_mat_ICompare(int **A, int **B, int M, int N) { return esl_vec_ICompare(A[0], B[0], M*N); } /* Function: esl_mat_{DFIC}Destroy() * Synopsis: Free a matrix. * Incept: SRE, Tue 26 Jun 2018 * * Note: If you try to use a single esl_mat_Destroy(void **A...), * compiler will complain about incompatible pointer types; * caller would have to explicitly cast (void **) A. */ void esl_mat_DDestroy(double **A) { if (A) { free(A[0]); free(A); } } void esl_mat_FDestroy(float **A) { if (A) { free(A[0]); free(A); } } void esl_mat_IDestroy(int **A) { if (A) { free(A[0]); free(A); } } void esl_mat_CDestroy(char **A) { if (A) { free(A[0]); free(A); } } /***************************************************************** * 2. Debugging and development tools *****************************************************************/ int esl_mat_DDump(double **A, int M, int N) { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf("%10.4g%c", A[i][j], j==N-1? '\n' : ' '); return eslOK; } int esl_mat_FDump(float **A, int M, int N) { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf("%10.4g%c", A[i][j], j==N-1? '\n' : ' '); return eslOK; } int esl_mat_IDump(int **A, int M, int N) { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) printf("%8d%c", A[i][j], j==N-1? '\n' : ' '); return eslOK; } /***************************************************************** * 3. Unit tests *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslMATRIXOPS_TESTDRIVE #include "esl_random.h" /* utest_idiocy() * * Basically just a valgrind and compile warning test. Inconceivable * that it could fail. (Why yes, I do know what that word means.) */ static void utest_idiocy(ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng) { char msg[] = "esl_matrixops utest_idiocy() test failed"; int m = 1 + esl_rnd_Roll(rng, 10); // 1..10 int n = 1 + esl_rnd_Roll(rng, 10); // 1..10 double **D = esl_mat_DCreate(m, n); float **F = esl_mat_FCreate(m, n); int **A = esl_mat_ICreate(m, n); char **S = esl_mat_CCreate(m, n); double **D2 = esl_mat_DCreate(m, n); float **F2 = esl_mat_FCreate(m, n); int **A2 = esl_mat_ICreate(m, n); char **S2 = esl_mat_CCreate(m, n); int testval = 42; esl_mat_DSet(D, m, n, (double) testval); esl_mat_FSet(F, m, n, (float) testval); esl_mat_ISet(A, m, n, testval); if (esl_mat_DMax(D, m, n) != (double) testval) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_mat_FMax(F, m, n) != (float) testval) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_mat_IMax(A, m, n) != testval) esl_fatal(msg); esl_mat_DCopy(D, m, n, D2); esl_mat_FCopy(F, m, n, F2); esl_mat_ICopy(A, m, n, A2); if (esl_mat_DCompare(D, D2, m, n, 1e-8) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_mat_FCompare(F, F2, m, n, 1e-4) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); if (esl_mat_ICompare(A, A2, m, n) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); esl_mat_DDestroy(D); esl_mat_DDestroy(D2); esl_mat_FDestroy(F); esl_mat_FDestroy(F2); esl_mat_IDestroy(A); esl_mat_IDestroy(A2); esl_mat_CDestroy(S); esl_mat_CDestroy(S2); } static void utest_grow(void) { char msg[] = "esl_matrixops utest_grow() test failed"; double **D1 = esl_mat_DCreate(5, 3); double **D2 = esl_mat_DCreate(10, 3); int i,j; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) D1[i][j] = (double) (i*3 + j); esl_mat_DGrowTo(&D1, 10, 3); for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) D1[i][j] = (double) (i*3 + j); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) D2[i][j] = (double) (i*3 + j); if (esl_mat_DCompare(D1, D2, 10, 3, 1e-5) != eslOK) esl_fatal(msg); esl_mat_DDestroy(D1); esl_mat_DDestroy(D2); } #endif // eslMATRIXOPS_TESTDRIVE /***************************************************************** * 4. Test driver *****************************************************************/ #ifdef eslMATRIXOPS_TESTDRIVE #include "easel.h" #include "esl_getopts.h" #include "esl_random.h" static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = { /* name type default env range togs reqs incomp help docgrp */ {"-h", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "show help and usage", 0}, {"-s", eslARG_INT, "0", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "set random number seed to ", 0}, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, }; static char usage[] = "[-options]"; static char banner[] = "test driver for matrixops module"; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ESL_GETOPTS *go = esl_getopts_CreateDefaultApp(options, 0, argc, argv, banner, usage); ESL_RANDOMNESS *rng = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-s")); fprintf(stderr, "## %s\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "# rng seed = %" PRIu32 "\n", esl_randomness_GetSeed(rng)); utest_idiocy(rng); utest_grow(); fprintf(stderr, "# status = ok\n"); esl_randomness_Destroy(rng); esl_getopts_Destroy(go); return 0; } #endif // eslMATRIXOPS_TESTDRIVE