/* Multidimensional optimization by conjugate gradient descent. * * SRE, Wed 22 Jun 2005 * SRE, Fri 20 Jul 2018 : adding ESL_MIN_{CFG,DAT} */ #ifndef eslMINIMIZER_INCLUDED #define eslMINIMIZER_INCLUDED #include "esl_config.h" /* Default parameters * These can be customized by passing in an ESL_MIN_CFG. */ #define eslMIN_MAXITER 100 #define eslMIN_CG_RTOL 1e-5 #define eslMIN_CG_ATOL 1e-10 #define eslMIN_BRACK_MAXITER 100 #define eslMIN_BRACK_STEP 1.0 #define eslMIN_BRENT_RTOL 1e-3 #define eslMIN_BRENT_ATOL 1e-8 #define eslMIN_DERIV_STEP 1e-4 /* ESL_MIN_CFG * optional configuration/customization of a run of the minimizer */ typedef struct { int max_iterations; // maximum number of CG iterations double cg_rtol; // CG convergence test on obj func: relative tolerance double cg_atol; // ... absolute tolerance double brent_rtol; // 1D line minim convergence test: relative tolerance double brent_atol; // ... absolute tolerance int brack_maxiter; // max number of bracketing iterations double deriv_step; // numeric deriv takes steps of deriv_step * u[i] double *u; // custom initial step sizes for bracketer and numeric deriv int n; // number of optimized parameters, size of } ESL_MIN_CFG; /* ESL_MIN_DAT * optional data collected from a run of the minimizer */ typedef struct { int niter; double *fx; // fx[i=0..niter] = objective function value after update i; initial is i=0 int *brack_n; // number of iterations in bracket() minimum bracketing; [0] = 0 double *brack_ax; // ax < bx < cx bracketing triplet; [0] = 0 double *brack_bx; double *brack_cx; double *brack_fa; // bracketing's objective functions f(a) > f(b) < f(c) [0] = 0 double *brack_fb; double *brack_fc; int *brent_n; // number of iterations in brent() line minimization; [0] = 0 double *brent_x; // one-d step size taken at CG iteration i; [0] = 0 int *nfunc; // total number of objective function calls at each iteration; [0] = 1 } ESL_MIN_DAT; extern int esl_min_ConjugateGradientDescent(ESL_MIN_CFG *cfg, double *x, int n, double (*func)(double *, int, void *), void (*dfunc)(double *, int, void *, double *), void *prm, double *ret_fx, ESL_MIN_DAT *dat); extern ESL_MIN_CFG *esl_min_cfg_Create(int n); extern void esl_min_cfg_Destroy(ESL_MIN_CFG *cfg); extern ESL_MIN_DAT *esl_min_dat_Create(ESL_MIN_CFG *cfg); extern void esl_min_dat_Destroy(ESL_MIN_DAT *dat); extern int esl_min_dat_Dump(FILE *fp, ESL_MIN_DAT *dat); #endif /*eslMINIMIZER_INCLUDED*/