/* Statistical routines for mixtures of generalized extreme value distributions. * * Contents: * 1. The ESL_MIXGEV object * 2. Evaluating densities and distributions * 3. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module * 4. Dumping plots to xmgrace XY format * 5. Sampling * 6. ML fitting to complete data * 7. Example * * Xrefs: * SRE:STL9/139 original implementation * * To-do: * - Fit*() functions should return eslEINVAL on n=0, eslENORESULT * on failure due to small n. Compare esl_gumbel. xref J12/93. * SRE, Wed Nov 27 11:02:14 2013 */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_dirichlet.h" /* for uniform sampling of a probability vector */ #include "esl_gev.h" #include "esl_minimizer.h" #include "esl_random.h" #include "esl_stats.h" #include "esl_vectorops.h" #include "esl_mixgev.h" /**************************************************************************** * 1. The ESL_MIXGEV object ****************************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_mixgev_Create() * * Purpose: Creates an object to hold parameters for a -component * mixture of generalized extreme value distributions. * * Parameters in the object are initialized ($q_k = * \frac{1}{K}$, $\mu_k = 0$, $\lambda_k = 1$, $\alpha_k = * 0$), but the caller will want to set these according to * its own purposes. * * After an object is created, the caller can constrain any * of the components to be a Gumbel (that is, constrain * $\alpha_k = 0$ by calling . * * Args: K - number of components in the mixture * * Returns: ptr to newly allocated/initialized object. * * Throws: on allocation failure. */ ESL_MIXGEV * esl_mixgev_Create(int K) { ESL_MIXGEV *mg = NULL; int k; int status; ESL_ALLOC(mg, sizeof(ESL_MIXGEV)); mg->q = mg->mu = mg->lambda = mg->alpha = mg->wrk = NULL; mg->isgumbel = NULL; mg->K = K; ESL_ALLOC(mg->q, sizeof(double) * K); ESL_ALLOC(mg->mu, sizeof(double) * K); ESL_ALLOC(mg->lambda, sizeof(double) * K); ESL_ALLOC(mg->alpha, sizeof(double) * K); ESL_ALLOC(mg->wrk, sizeof(double) * K); ESL_ALLOC(mg->isgumbel, sizeof(int) * K); for (k = 0; k < K; k++) { mg->q[k] = 1. / (double) K; mg->mu[k] = 0.; mg->lambda[k] = 1.; mg->alpha[k] = 0.; mg->isgumbel[k] = FALSE; } return mg; ERROR: esl_mixgev_Destroy(mg); return NULL; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_Destroy() * * Purpose: Deallocates the mixture GEV parameter object . * * Args: mg - ptr to the object to be deallocated. * * Returns: (void) */ void esl_mixgev_Destroy(ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { if (mg == NULL) return; if (mg->q != NULL) free(mg->q); if (mg->mu != NULL) free(mg->mu); if (mg->lambda != NULL) free(mg->lambda); if (mg->alpha != NULL) free(mg->alpha); if (mg->wrk != NULL) free(mg->wrk); if (mg->isgumbel != NULL) free(mg->isgumbel); free(mg); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_Copy() * * Purpose: Makes a copy of the mixture GEV parameter object * in . Caller must have already allocated to have * (at least) the same number of components as . * * Args: src - object to be copied * dest - allocated object to copy into * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: if isn't allocated with enough * components to hold a copy of . */ int esl_mixgev_Copy(ESL_MIXGEV *src, ESL_MIXGEV *dest) { int k; if (dest->K < src->K) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCOMPAT, "mixture GEV too small to copy into"); for (k = 0; k < src->K; k++) { dest->q[k] = src->q[k]; dest->mu[k] = src->mu[k]; dest->lambda[k] = src->lambda[k]; dest->alpha[k] = src->alpha[k]; dest->isgumbel[k] = src->isgumbel[k]; } dest->K = src->K; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_ForceGumbel() * * Purpose: Constrain component of the mixture GEV * to be a Gumbel (that is, constrain $\alpha=0$ for * that component. This constraint will be obeyed by * any subsequent calls to parameter fitting routines. * * Normally would be called just after creating the * object, as part of its configuration before trying to * fit some observed data to a mixture GEV. * * Args: mg - mixture GEV object being configured * which - which component to constrain to a Gumbel * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_mixgev_ForceGumbel(ESL_MIXGEV *mg, int which) { mg->isgumbel[which] = TRUE; return eslOK; } /*----------------- end ESL_MIXGEV object maintenance ----------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * 2. Evaluating densities and distributions ****************************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_mixgev_pdf() * * Purpose: Returns the probability density function $P(X=x)$ for * quantile , given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_pdf(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { double pdf = 0.; int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) pdf += mg->q[k] * esl_gev_pdf(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); return pdf; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_logpdf() * * Purpose: Returns the log of the PDF ($\log P(X=x)$) for quantile , * given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_logpdf(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) if (mg->q[k] == 0.0) mg->wrk[k] = -eslINFINITY; else mg->wrk[k] = log(mg->q[k]) + esl_gev_logpdf(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); return esl_vec_DLogSum(mg->wrk, mg->K); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_cdf() * * Purpose: Returns the cumulative distribution function $P(X \leq x)$ * for quantile , given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_cdf(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { double cdf = 0.; int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) cdf += mg->q[k] * esl_gev_cdf(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); return cdf; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_logcdf() * * Purpose: Returns the log of the CDF $\log P(X \leq x)$ * for quantile , given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_logcdf(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) if (mg->q[k] == 0.0) mg->wrk[k] = -eslINFINITY; else mg->wrk[k] = log(mg->q[k]) + esl_gev_logcdf(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); return esl_vec_DLogSum(mg->wrk, mg->K); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_surv() * * Purpose: Returns the survivor function $P(X > x)$ (1-CDF) * for quantile , given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_surv(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { double srv = 0.; int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) srv += mg->q[k] * esl_gev_surv(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); return srv; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_logsurv() * * Purpose: Returns the log survivor function $\log P(X > x)$ (log(1-CDF)) * for quantile , given mixture GEV parameters . */ double esl_mixgev_logsurv(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int k; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { mg->wrk[k] = log(mg->q[k]); mg->wrk[k] += esl_gev_logsurv(x, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); } return esl_vec_DLogSum(mg->wrk, mg->K); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_invcdf() * * Purpose: Calculates the inverse CDF for a mixture GEV , * returning the quantile at which the CDF is

, * where $0 < p < 1$. * * The inverse CDF of a mixture model has no analytical * expression as far as I'm aware. The calculation here is * a brute force bisection search in using the CDF * function. It will suffice for a small number of calls * (for plotting applications, for example), but beware, it is not * efficient. */ double esl_mixgev_invcdf(double p, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { double x1, x2, xm; /* low, high guesses at x */ double f1, f2, fm; double tol = 1e-6; x2 = esl_vec_DMin(mg->mu, mg->K); x1 = x2 - 1.; do { /* bracket, left side */ x1 = x1 + 2.*(x2-x1); f1 = esl_mixgev_cdf(x1, mg); } while (f1 > p); do { /* bracket, right side */ x2 = x2 + 2.*(x2-x1); f2 = esl_mixgev_cdf(x2, mg); } while (f2 < p); do { /* bisection */ xm = (x1+x2) / 2.; fm = esl_mixgev_cdf(xm, mg); if (fm > p) x2 = xm; else if (fm < p) x1 = xm; else return xm; /* unlikely case of fm==p */ } while ( (x2-x1)/(x1+x2+1e-9) > tol); xm = (x1+x2) / 2.; return xm; } /*-------------------- end densities & distributions ------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * 3. Generic API routines: for general interface w/ histogram module ****************************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_mixgev_generic_pdf() * * Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around , taking * a void ptr to a parameter structure. */ double esl_mixgev_generic_pdf(double x, void *params) { ESL_MIXGEV *mg = (ESL_MIXGEV *) params; return esl_mixgev_pdf(x, mg); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_generic_cdf() * * Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around , taking * a void ptr to a parameter structure. */ double esl_mixgev_generic_cdf(double x, void *params) { ESL_MIXGEV *mg = (ESL_MIXGEV *) params; return esl_mixgev_cdf(x, mg); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_generic_surv() * * Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around , taking * a void ptr to a parameter structure. */ double esl_mixgev_generic_surv(double x, void *params) { ESL_MIXGEV *mg = (ESL_MIXGEV *) params; return esl_mixgev_surv(x, mg); } /* Function: esl_mixgev_generic_invcdf() * * Purpose: Generic-API wrapper around , taking * a void ptr to a parameter structure. */ double esl_mixgev_generic_invcdf(double p, void *params) { ESL_MIXGEV *mg = (ESL_MIXGEV *) params; return esl_mixgev_invcdf(p, mg); } /*------------------------ end generic API ---------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * 4. Dumping plots to xmgrace XY format ****************************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_mixgev_Plot() * * Purpose: Plot some function (for instance, ) * for mixture GEV parameters , for a range of * quantiles x from to in steps of ; * output to an open stream in xmgrace XY input format. * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: on any system write error. */ int esl_mixgev_Plot(FILE *fp, ESL_MIXGEV *mg, double (*func)(double x, ESL_MIXGEV *mg), double xmin, double xmax, double xstep) { double x; for (x = xmin; x <= xmax; x += xstep) if (fprintf(fp, "%f\t%g\n", x, (*func)(x, mg)) < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "mixgev plot write failed"); if (fprintf(fp, "&\n") < 0) ESL_EXCEPTION_SYS(eslEWRITE, "mixgev plot write failed"); return eslOK; } /*-------------------- end plot dumping routines ---------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * 5. Sampling ****************************************************************************/ /* Function: esl_mixgev_Sample() * * Purpose: Sample a random variate x from a mixture GEV , * given random number source . */ double esl_mixgev_Sample(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int k; k = esl_rnd_DChoose(r, mg->q, mg->K); return esl_gev_Sample(r, mg->mu[k], mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); } /*--------------------------- end sampling ---------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * 6. ML fitting to complete data ****************************************************************************/ struct mixgev_data { double *x; int n; ESL_MIXGEV *mg; }; /* Given mixture GEV parameters in ; * do appropriate c.o.v.'s to unconstrained real parameters * and fill in the packed parameter vector

. * * First K-1 are Q_1..Q_K-1 mixture coefficient parameters; Q_0 implicitly 0; * cov is q_k = e^{Q_k} / \sum_j e^{Q_j}, * so Q_k = log(q_k) - log(q_0). * Then K components: mu, lambda, optional alpha; * mu, alpha are already unconstrained real; * lambda cov is lambda = e^w, w = log(lambda). */ static void mixgev_pack_paramvector(double *p, int np, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int i; /* counter in parameter vector p */ int k; /* counter in mixture components */ double z; /* tmp variable */ /* mixture coefficients */ z = log(mg->q[0]); i = 0; for (k = 1; k < mg->K; k++) p[i++] = log(mg->q[k]) - z; /* gev parameters */ for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { p[i++] = mg->mu[k]; p[i++] = log(mg->lambda[k]); if (! mg->isgumbel[k]) p[i++] = mg->alpha[k]; } /* assert(i==np) in debugging, if you want */ } /* Same as above but in reverse: given parameter vector

, * do appropriate c.o.v. back to desired parameter space, and * fill in the mixture GEV structure . */ static void mixgev_unpack_paramvector(double *p, int np, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { int i; /* counter in parameter vector p */ int k; /* counter in mixture components */ double z; /* tmp variable */ /* Fetch the params in their c.o.v. space first */ i = 0; mg->q[0] = 0; /* implicitly */ for (k = 1; k < mg->K; k++) mg->q[k] = p[i++]; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { mg->mu[k] = p[i++]; mg->lambda[k] = p[i++]; if (!mg->isgumbel[k]) mg->alpha[k] = p[i++]; else mg->alpha[k] = 0.; } assert(i==np); /* Convert mix coefficients back to probabilities; * their c.o.v. is q_k = e^{Q_k} / \sum_k e^{Q_k} * which rearranges to exp(Q_k - log[\sum_k e^Q_k]), * and we have the DLogSum() function to compute the log sum. */ z = esl_vec_DLogSum(mg->q, mg->K); for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) mg->q[k] = exp(mg->q[k] - z); /* lambda c.o.v. is \lambda = e^w */ for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) mg->lambda[k] = exp(mg->lambda[k]); } static double mixgev_complete_func(double *p, int np, void *dptr) { struct mixgev_data *data = (struct mixgev_data *) dptr; ESL_MIXGEV *mg = data->mg; int i; double logL; /* Use the current parameter vector (in its unconstrained * real c.o.v. space) to deduce what the current mixture GEV * parameters are: */ mixgev_unpack_paramvector(p, np, mg); /* Calculate the log likelihood: */ logL = 0; for (i = 0; i < data->n; i++) logL += esl_mixgev_logpdf(data->x[i], mg); /* return the NLL */ return -logL; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_FitGuess() * * Purpose: Make initial randomized guesses at the parameters * of mixture GEV , using random number generator * and observed data consisting of values * . This guess is a suitable starting * point for a parameter optimization routine, such * as . * * Specifically, we estimate one 'central' guess * for a single Gumbel fit to the data, using the * method of moments. Then we add $\pm 10\%$ to that 'central' * $\mu$ and $\lambda$ to get each component * $\mu_i$ and $\lambda_i$. The $\alpha_i$ parameters * are generated by sampling uniformly from $-0.1..0.1$. * Mixture coefficients $q_i$ are sampled uniformly. * * Args: r - randomness source * x - vector of observed data values to fit, 0..n-1 * n - number of values in * mg - mixture GEV to put guessed params into * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_mixgev_FitGuess(ESL_RANDOMNESS *r, double *x, int n, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { double mean, variance; double mu, lambda; int k; esl_stats_DMean(x, n, &mean, &variance); lambda = eslCONST_PI / sqrt(6.*variance); mu = mean - 0.57722/lambda; esl_dirichlet_DSampleUniform(r, mg->K, mg->q); for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { mg->mu[k] = mu + 0.2 * mu * (esl_random(r) - 0.5); mg->lambda[k] = lambda + 0.2 * lambda * (esl_random(r) - 0.5); if (mg->isgumbel[k]) mg->alpha[k] = 0.; else mg->alpha[k] = 0.2 * (esl_random(r) - 0.5); } return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_mixgev_FitComplete() * * Purpose: Given observed data values , and * an initial guess at a mixture GEV fit to those data * , use conjugate gradient descent to perform * a locally optimal maximum likelihood mixture * GEV parameter fit to the data. * * To obtain a reasonable initial guess for , * see . * * Args: x - observed data, . * n - number of samples in * mg - mixture GEV to estimate, w/ params set to * an initial guess. * * Returns: on success, and contains local * ML estimate for mixture GEV parameters. * * Throws: on allocation error, and is unchanged * from its initial state. */ int esl_mixgev_FitComplete(double *x, int n, ESL_MIXGEV *mg) { ESL_MIN_CFG *cfg = NULL; struct mixgev_data data; int status; double *p = NULL; int np; double fx; int k; int i; /* Determine number of free parameters and allocate */ np = mg->K-1; /* K-1 mix coefficients free */ for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) np += (mg->isgumbel[k])? 2 : 3; ESL_ALLOC(p, sizeof(double) * np); /* Customize the minimizer */ cfg = esl_min_cfg_Create(np); cfg->cg_rtol = 1e-6; i = 0; for (k = 1; k < mg->K; k++) cfg->u[i++] = 1.0; for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { cfg->u[i++] = 1.0; cfg->u[i++] = 1.0; if (! mg->isgumbel[k]) cfg->u[i++] = 0.02; } ESL_DASSERT1( (np == i) ); /* Copy shared info into the "data" structure */ data.x = x; data.n = n; data.mg = mg; /* From mg, create the parameter vector. */ mixgev_pack_paramvector(p, np, mg); /* Feed it all to the mighty optimizer. */ status = esl_min_ConjugateGradientDescent(cfg, p, np, &mixgev_complete_func, NULL, (void *) (&data), &fx, NULL); if (status != eslOK) goto ERROR; /* Convert the final parameter vector back to a mixture GEV */ mixgev_unpack_paramvector(p, np, mg); free(p); esl_min_cfg_Destroy(cfg); return eslOK; ERROR: free(p); esl_min_cfg_Destroy(cfg); return status; } /*--------------------------- end fitting ----------------------------------*/ /**************************************************************************** * Example main() ****************************************************************************/ #ifdef eslMIXGEV_EXAMPLE /*::cexcerpt::mixgev_example::begin::*/ /* compile: gcc -g -Wall -I. -L. -o example -DeslMIXGEV_EXAMPLE esl_mixgev.c -leasel -lm * run: ./example */ #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_mixgev.h" #include "esl_random.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; ESL_RANDOMNESS *r; /* source of random numbers */ ESL_MIXGEV *mg; /* mixture GEV to sample from */ ESL_MIXGEV *emg; /* estimated mixture GEV */ double *x; /* sampled dataset */ int n = 100000; /* number of samples */ int i; int k; double nll; double min, max; r = esl_randomness_Create(42); mg = esl_mixgev_Create(2); mg->q[0] = 0.85; mg->q[1] = 0.15; mg->mu[0] = -2.72; mg->mu[1] = -2.0; mg->lambda[0] = 2.5; mg->lambda[1] = 1.0; mg->alpha[0] = 0.; mg->alpha[1] = 0.09; nll = 0.; min = 99999; max = -99999; x = malloc(sizeof(double) * n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x[i] = esl_mixgev_Sample(r, mg); nll -= esl_mixgev_logpdf(x[i], mg); if (x[i] > max) max = x[i]; if (x[i] < min) min = x[i]; } printf("NLL of known mixGEV: %g\n", nll); /* Dump the raw data samples to an R file. */ fp = fopen("data.out", "w"); fprintf(fp, " val\n"); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) fprintf(fp, "%d %f\n", i+1, x[i]); fclose(fp); emg = esl_mixgev_Create(2); esl_mixgev_FitGuess(r, x, n, emg); /* esl_mixgev_Copy(mg, emg); */ esl_mixgev_ForceGumbel(emg, 0); esl_mixgev_FitComplete(x, n, emg); printf("Component q mu lambda alpha\n"); for (k=0; k < 2; k++) printf("%d\t%7.4f\t%7.2f\t%7.4f\t%7.4f\n", k, emg->q[k], emg->mu[k], emg->lambda[k], emg->alpha[k]); nll = 0.; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) nll -= esl_mixgev_logpdf(x[i], emg); printf("NLL of fitted mixGEV: %g\n", nll); /* Dump some R commands for showing these distributions */ printf("library(ismev)\n"); printf("library(evd)\n"); printf("d <- read.table(\"data.out\")$val\n"); printf("plot(density(d,bw=0.2), log=\"y\")\n"); printf("min <- %f\n", min); printf("max <- %f\n", max); printf("xax <- seq(min-2, max+5, by=0.1)\n"); printf("cc <- xax - xax\n"); printf("zc <- xax - xax\n"); for (k = 0; k < mg->K; k++) { printf("c%d <- %f * dgev(xax, %f, %f, %f)\n", k, mg->q[k], mg->mu[k], 1./mg->lambda[k], mg->alpha[k]); printf("cc <- cc + c%d\n", k); printf("lines(xax, c%d, col=\"blue\")\n", k); } for (k = 0; k < emg->K; k++) { printf("z%d <- %f * dgev(xax, %f, %f, %f)\n", k, emg->q[k], emg->mu[k], 1./emg->lambda[k], emg->alpha[k]); printf("zc <- zc + z%d\n", k); printf("lines(xax, z%d, col=\"blue\")\n", k); } printf("lines(xax, cc, col=\"green\")\n"); printf("lines(xax, zc, col=\"red\")\n"); esl_mixgev_Destroy(mg); esl_mixgev_Destroy(emg); esl_randomness_Destroy(r); free(x); return 0; } /*::cexcerpt::mixgev_example::end::*/ #endif /*eslMIXGEV_EXAMPLE*/