/* Sequence weighting algorithms. * * SRE, Sun Nov 5 09:11:13 2006 [Janelia] */ #ifndef eslMSAWEIGHT_INCLUDED #define eslMSAWEIGHT_INCLUDED #include "esl_config.h" #include "esl_msa.h" #include "esl_rand64.h" /* ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG * optional configuration/customization of PB weighting and %id filtering. */ typedef struct { float fragthresh; // seq is a fragment if (length from 1st to last aligned residue)/alen < fragthresh (i.e. span < minspan) float symfrac; // col is consensus if nres / (nres+ngap) >= symfrac int ignore_rf; // TRUE to ignore RF line (if present), always determine our own consensus int allow_samp; // TRUE to allow consensus determination by subsampling (if nseq > sampthresh) int sampthresh; // if nseq > sampthresh, try to determine consensus on a sample, not all nseq int nsamp; // # of seqs in sample, if determining consensus by sample int maxfrag; // if sample has > maxfrag fragments in it, abort determining consensus by sample; use all nseq instead uint64_t seed; // RNG seed /* Only affects %id filtering: */ int filterpref; // eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_CONSCOVER | eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_RANDOM | eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_ORIGORDER } ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG; /* Default parameters for ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG */ #define eslMSAWEIGHT_FRAGTHRESH 0.5 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_SYMFRAC 0.5 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_IGNORE_RF FALSE #define eslMSAWEIGHT_ALLOW_SAMP TRUE #define eslMSAWEIGHT_SAMPTHRESH 50000 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_NSAMP 10000 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_MAXFRAG 5000 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_RNGSEED 42 /* Exclusive settings for seq preference rule in %id filter */ #define eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_CONSCOVER 1 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_RANDOM 2 #define eslMSAWEIGHT_FILT_ORIGORDER 3 /* ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT * optional data collected from PB weighting */ typedef struct { uint64_t seed; // RNG seed used. (if cfg->seed is 0, random seed is chosen, and this is it.) int cons_by_rf; // TRUE if consensus columns were determined using RF annotation int cons_by_sample; // ... or by using a subsample of sequences int cons_by_all; // ... or by using all sequences int cons_allcols; // ... or (if all else fails) by using all columns int rejected_sample; // TRUE if we tried sampling but rejected it (too many fragments) int ncons; // number of consensus columns int *conscols; // list of column indices (1..alen) defined as consensus int all_nfrag; // number of fragments defined when counting all sequences int samp_nfrag; // if , number of fragments defined in subsample } ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT; extern int esl_msaweight_PB(ESL_MSA *msa); extern int esl_msaweight_PB_adv(const ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG *cfg, ESL_MSA *msa, ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT *dat); extern ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG *esl_msaweight_cfg_Create(void); extern void esl_msaweight_cfg_Destroy(ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG *cfg); extern ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT *esl_msaweight_dat_Create(void); extern int esl_msaweight_dat_Reuse (ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT *dat); extern void esl_msaweight_dat_Destroy(ESL_MSAWEIGHT_DAT *dat); extern int esl_msaweight_GSC(ESL_MSA *msa); extern int esl_msaweight_BLOSUM(ESL_MSA *msa, double maxid); extern int esl_msaweight_IDFilter(const ESL_MSA *msa, double maxid, ESL_MSA **ret_newmsa); extern int esl_msaweight_IDFilter_adv(const ESL_MSAWEIGHT_CFG *cfg, const ESL_MSA *msa, double maxid, ESL_MSA **ret_newmsa); #endif /*eslMSAWEIGHT_INCLUDED*/