/* RNA secondary structure markup in WUSS notation. * * <> : base pairs in stem-loops, i.e. <<<___>>> * () : base pairs in helices enclosing multifurcation of all <> stems * [] : base pairs in helices enclosing multifurc of at least one () helix * {} : base pairs in helices enclosing even deeper multifurcations * * _ : (i.e. underscore) nucleotide in a hairpin loop * - : (i.e. dash) nucleotide in a bulge or interior loop * , : nucleotide in a multifurcation loop (mnemonic: "stem1, stem2," ) * : : nucleotide in external single strand * * Aa : (and Bb, Cc, etc) pseudoknotted base pairs, upper case on left, lower case on right. * * and in alignments of a seq to an RNA structure profile, as in Infernal: * . : insertion relative to a known consensus structure * ~ : nucleotide is unaligned to a structure profile, because of local structure alignment * */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_stack.h" #include "esl_vectorops.h" #include "esl_wuss.h" /* Function: esl_wuss2ct() * Incept: SRE, Tue Feb 15 08:44:54 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Given a secondary structure string , <0..len-1>, * in WUSS notation, convert it to a CT array, <1..len>, * in . Caller provides a allocated for at least * ints. is the position that residue i * base pairs to, or 0 if i is unpaired. is undefined * (but if you care: it is set to 0). * * WUSS notation is interpreted loosely here, as input * WUSS. Any matching bracket pair or upper/lower case * alphabetic pair is interpreted as a base pair; any other * WUSS annotation is interpreted as unpaired. * * Returns: on success. Returns if the WUSS * string isn't valid. * * Throws: on allocation failure. */ int esl_wuss2ct(char *ss, int len, int *ct) { ESL_STACK *pda[27]; /* 1 secondary structure + up to 26 levels of pk's */ int i; int pos, pair; int status; /* success or failure return status */ /* Initialization: always initialize the main pda (0); * we'll init the pk pda's on demand. */ for (i = 1; i <= 26; i++) pda[i] = NULL; if ((pda[0] = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; for (pos = 0; pos <= len; pos++) ct[pos] = 0; for (pos = 1; pos <= len; pos++) { if (!isprint((int) ss[pos-1])) /* armor against garbage */ { status = eslESYNTAX; goto FINISH; } /* left side of a pair: push position onto stack 0 (pos = 1..L) */ else if (ss[pos-1] == '<' || ss[pos-1] == '(' || ss[pos-1] == '[' || ss[pos-1] == '{') { if ((status = esl_stack_IPush(pda[0], pos)) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } /* right side of a pair; resolve pair; check for agreement */ else if (ss[pos-1] == '>' || ss[pos-1] == ')' || ss[pos-1] == ']' || ss[pos-1] == '}') { if (esl_stack_IPop(pda[0], &pair) == eslEOD) { status = eslESYNTAX; goto FINISH;} /* no closing bracket */ else if ((ss[pair-1] == '<' && ss[pos-1] != '>') || (ss[pair-1] == '(' && ss[pos-1] != ')') || (ss[pair-1] == '[' && ss[pos-1] != ']') || (ss[pair-1] == '{' && ss[pos-1] != '}')) { status = eslESYNTAX; goto FINISH; } /* brackets don't match */ else { ct[pos] = pair; ct[pair] = pos; } } /* same stuff for pseudoknots */ else if (isupper((int) ss[pos-1])) { /* Create the PK stacks on demand. */ i = ss[pos-1] - 'A' + 1; if (pda[i] == NULL) if ((pda[i] = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) { status = eslEMEM; goto FINISH; } if ((status = esl_stack_IPush(pda[i], pos)) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } else if (islower((int) ss[pos-1])) { i = ss[pos-1] - 'a' + 1; if (pda[i] == NULL || esl_stack_IPop(pda[i], &pair) == eslEOD) { status = eslESYNTAX; goto FINISH;} else { ct[pos] = pair; ct[pair] = pos; } } else if (strchr(":,_-.~", ss[pos-1]) == NULL) { status = eslESYNTAX; goto FINISH; } /* bogus character */ } status = eslOK; FINISH: for (i = 0; i <= 26; i++) if (pda[i] != NULL) { /* nothing should be left on stacks */ if (esl_stack_ObjectCount(pda[i]) != 0) status = eslESYNTAX; esl_stack_Destroy(pda[i]); } return status; } /* Function: esl_ct2wuss() * Incept: SRE, Wed Feb 16 11:22:53 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Convert a CT array for residues (1..n) to a WUSS * format string . must be allocated for at least * n+1 chars (+1 for the terminal NUL). * * ER, Sat Aug 18 13:22:03 EDT 2012 * esl\_ct2wuss() extended to deal with pseudoknots structures. * Pseudoknots are annotated as AA...aa, BB...bb,..., ZZ..zz. * Attemting to convert a that requires more letters * than [A-Z] will return an error. * * Attempting to convert a that involves triplet interactions * will return an error. * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: on allocation failure. * on internal failure. */ int esl_ct2wuss(int *ct, int n, char *ss) { int rb[26]; /* array that delimits the right bound of a pseudoknot character */ ESL_STACK *pda = NULL; /* stack for "main" secondary structure */ ESL_STACK *auxpk = NULL; /* aux stack for pseudoknot */ ESL_STACK *auxss = NULL; /* aux stack for single stranded */ int *cct = NULL; /* copy of ct vector */ int nfaces; /* number of faces in a cWW structure */ int minface; /* max depth of faces in a cWW structure */ int leftbound, rightbound; /* left and right bound to find basepairs belonging to a given pseudoknot */ int xpk = 0; /* number of pseudoknot chararactes used */ int npk = 0; /* number of pseudoknots */ int npairs = 0; /* total number of basepairs */ int npairs_reached = 0; /* number of basepairs found so far */ int found_partner; /* true if we've found left partner of a given base in stack pda */ int i,j,k; /* sequence indices */ int x; /* index for pseudoknot characters */ int status = eslEMEM; /* exit status 'til proven otherwise */ /* total number of basepairs */ for (j = 1; j <= n; j ++) { if (ct[j] > 0 && j < ct[j]) npairs ++; } /* Copy of ct; if a pseudoknotted structure, cct will be modified later. */ ESL_ALLOC(cct, sizeof(int)*(n+1)); esl_vec_ICopy(ct, (n+1), cct); /* Initialize rightbounds for all 26 pseudoknot indices */ for (x = 0; x < 26; x ++) rb[x] = -1; /* init ss[] to single stranded */ for (j = 0; j < n; j ++) { ss[j] = ':'; } ss[n] = '\0'; /* Initialization*/ if ((pda = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; if ((auxpk = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; if ((auxss = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (cct[j] == 0) /* unpaired: push j. */ { if (esl_stack_IPush(pda, j) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } else if (cct[j] > j) /* left side of a bp: push j. */ { if (esl_stack_IPush(pda, j) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } else /* right side of a bp; main routine: fingh the left partner */ { found_partner = FALSE; /* Pop back until we find the left partner of j; * In case this is not a nested structure, finding * the left partner of j will require to put bases * aside into stack auxpk. * * After we find the left partner of j, * store single stranded residues in auxss; * keep track of #faces and the maximum face depth. */ nfaces = 0; minface = -1; while (esl_stack_ObjectCount(pda)) { if (esl_stack_IPop(pda, &i) != eslOK) goto FINISH; if (i < 0) /* a face counter */ { nfaces++; if (i < minface) minface = i; } else if (cct[i] == j) /* we found the i,j pair. */ { found_partner = TRUE; npairs_reached ++; /* Now we know i,j pair; and we know how many faces are * above them; and we know the max depth of those faces. * That's enough to label the pair in WUSS notation. * if nfaces == 0, minface is -1; <> a closing bp of a hairpin. * if nfaces == 1, inherit minface, we're continuing a stem. * if nfaces > 1, bump minface in depth; we're closing a bifurc. */ if (nfaces > 1 && minface > -4) minface--; switch (minface) { case -1: ss[i-1] = '<'; ss[j-1] = '>'; break; case -2: ss[i-1] = '('; ss[j-1] = ')'; break; case -3: ss[i-1] = '['; ss[j-1] = ']'; break; case -4: ss[i-1] = '{'; ss[j-1] = '}'; break; default: esl_stack_Destroy(pda); esl_stack_Destroy(auxpk); esl_stack_Destroy(auxss); free(cct); ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINCONCEIVABLE, "no such face code"); } if (esl_stack_IPush(pda, minface) != eslOK) goto FINISH; /* Now, aux contains all the unpaired residues we need to label, * according to the # of faces "above" them: * nfaces = 0: hairpin loop * nfaces = 1: bulge or interior loop * nfaces > 1: multifurc */ while (esl_stack_IPop(auxss, &i) == eslOK) { switch (nfaces) { case 0: ss[i-1] = '_'; break; case 1: ss[i-1] = '-'; break; default: ss[i-1] = ','; break; /* nfaces > 1 */ } } break; } else if (cct[i] == 0) { /* add to auxss only if originally sigle stranded */ if (ct[i] == 0) { if (esl_stack_IPush(auxss, i) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } } else /* cct[i]>0, != j: i is paired, but not to j: pseudoknot! */ { /* i is in the way to find j's left partner. * Move i to stack auxpk; resolve pseudoknot(s) after we've found partern for j. */ if (esl_stack_IPush(auxpk, i) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } } if (!found_partner) { esl_stack_Destroy(pda); esl_stack_Destroy(auxpk); esl_stack_Destroy(auxss); free(cct); ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Cannot find left partner (%d) of base %d. Likely a triplet", ct[j], j); } } /* finished finding the left partner of j */ /* After we've found the left partner of j, resolve pks found along the way. * Then, remove the pseudoknotted based from cct so we can find the rest of the structure. */ if (esl_stack_ObjectCount(auxpk)) { /* init for first pseudoknot */ leftbound = cct[j]; rightbound = leftbound + 1; xpk = -1; /* start with 'A' if possible again */ while (esl_stack_IPop(auxpk, &i) == eslOK) { for (k = rightbound-1; k > leftbound; k --) { if (cct[k] == 0) { continue; } else if (cct[k] > rightbound) { continue; } else if (cct[k] == i) { break; } /* i continues the given pseudoknot */ else { k = leftbound; break; } /* a new pseudoknot */ } if (k == leftbound) /* a new pseudoknot */ { npk ++; xpk ++; /* figure out if we can use this alphabet index, or bump it up if necessary */ while (i < rb[xpk]) { xpk ++; } leftbound = (rightbound < cct[i])? rightbound : cct[j]; rightbound = cct[i]; } npairs_reached ++; if (xpk+(int)('a') <= (int)('z')) { /* update the rightbound of this pk index if necessary */ if (cct[i] > rb[xpk]) rb[xpk] = cct[i]; /* Add pk indices for this basepair */ ss[i-1] = (char)(xpk+(int)('A')); ss[cct[i]-1] = (char)(xpk+(int)('a')); /* remove pseudoknotted pair from cct */ cct[i] = 0; cct[ct[i]] = 0; } else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Don't have enough letters to describe all different pseudoknots."); } } /* while there is something in auxpk stack */ } /* finished loop over j: end position on seq, 1..n*/ status = eslOK; ERROR: FINISH: if (npairs != npairs_reached) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "found %d out of %d pairs.", npairs_reached, npairs); if (pda != NULL) esl_stack_Destroy(pda); if (auxpk != NULL) esl_stack_Destroy(auxpk); if (auxss != NULL) esl_stack_Destroy(auxss); if (cct != NULL) free(cct); return status; } /* Function: esl_ct2simplewuss() * Incept: ER, Wed Aug 22 13:31:54 EDT 2012 [Janelia] * * Purpose: Convert a CT array for residues (1..n) to a simple WUSS * format string . must be allocated for at least * n+1 chars (+1 for the terminal NUL). * * This function can be used with the of a secondary * structure including arbitrary pseudoknots, or for the * or a tertiary structure (say cWH, tWH, cSS,... H bonds). * * The string has basepairs annotated as <>, Aa, Bb, ..., Zz; * unpaired bases are annotated as '.'. * * Attemting to convert a that requires more letters * than [A-Z] will return an error. * * Attempting to convert a that involves triplet interactions * will return an error. * * Returns: on success. * * Throws: on allocation failure. * on internal failure. */ int esl_ct2simplewuss(int *ct, int n, char *ss) { int rb[26]; /* array that delimits the right bound of a pseudoknot character */ ESL_STACK *pda = NULL; /* stack for "main" secondary structure */ ESL_STACK *auxpk = NULL; /* aux stack for pseudoknot */ int *cct = NULL; /* copy of ct vector */ int leftbound, rightbound; /* left and right bound to find basepairs belonging to a given pseudoknot */ int xpk = 0; /* number of pseudoknot chararactes used */ int npk = 0; /* number of pseudoknots */ int npairs = 0; /* total number of basepairs */ int npairs_reached = 0; /* number of basepairs found so far */ int found_partner; /* true if we've found left partner of a given base in stack pda */ int i,j,k; /* sequence indices */ int x; /* index for pseudoknot characters */ int status = eslEMEM; /* exit status 'til proven otherwise */ /* total number of basepairs */ for (j = 1; j <= n; j ++) { if (ct[j] > 0 && j < ct[j]) npairs ++; } /* Copy of ct; if a pseudoknotted structure, cct will be modified later. */ ESL_ALLOC(cct, sizeof(int)*(n+1)); esl_vec_ICopy(ct, (n+1), cct); /* Initialize rightbounds for all 26 pseudoknot indices */ for (x = 0; x < 26; x ++) rb[x] = -1; /* init ss[] to single stranded */ for (j = 0; j < n; j ++) { ss[j] = '.'; } ss[n] = '\0'; /* Initialization*/ if ((pda = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; if ((auxpk = esl_stack_ICreate()) == NULL) goto FINISH; for (j = 1; j <= n; j++) { if (cct[j] == 0) /* unpaired: push j. */ { if (esl_stack_IPush(pda, j) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } else if (cct[j] > j) /* left side of a bp: push j. */ { if (esl_stack_IPush(pda, j) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } else /* right side of a bp; main routine: fingh the left partner */ { found_partner = FALSE; /* Pop back until we find the left partner of j; * In case this is not a nested structure, finding * the left partner of j will require to put bases * aside into stack auxpk. */ while (esl_stack_ObjectCount(pda)) { if (esl_stack_IPop(pda, &i) != eslOK) goto FINISH; if (cct[i] == j) /* we found the i,j pair. */ { found_partner = TRUE; npairs_reached ++; ss[i-1] = '<'; ss[j-1] = '>'; break; } else if (cct[i] == 0) { if (ct[i] == 0) ss[i-1] = '.'; } else /* cct[i]>0, != j: i is paired, but not to j: pseudoknot! */ { /* i is in the way to find j's left partner. * Move i to stack auxpk; resolve pseudoknot(s) after we've found partern for j. */ if (esl_stack_IPush(auxpk, i) != eslOK) goto FINISH; } } if (!found_partner) { esl_stack_Destroy(pda); esl_stack_Destroy(auxpk); free(cct); ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Cannot find left partner (%d) of base %d. Likely a triplet", ct[j], j); } } /* finished finding the left partner of j */ /* After we've found the left partner of j, resolve pks found along the way. * Then, remove the pseudoknotted based from cct so we can find the rest of the structure. */ if (esl_stack_ObjectCount(auxpk)) { /* init for first pseudoknot */ leftbound = cct[j]; rightbound = leftbound + 1; xpk = -1; /* start with 'A' if possible again */ while (esl_stack_IPop(auxpk, &i) == eslOK) { for (k = rightbound-1; k > leftbound; k --) { if (cct[k] == 0) { continue; } else if (cct[k] > rightbound) { continue; } else if (cct[k] == i) { break; } /* i continues the given pseudoknot */ else { k = leftbound; break; } /* a new pseudoknot */ } if (k == leftbound) /* a new pseudoknot */ { npk ++; xpk ++; /* figure out if we can use this alphabet index, or bump it up if necessary */ while (i < rb[xpk]) { xpk ++; } leftbound = (rightbound < cct[i])? rightbound : cct[j]; rightbound = cct[i]; } npairs_reached ++; if (xpk+(int)('a') <= (int)('z')) { /* update the rightbound of this pk index if necessary */ if (cct[i] > rb[xpk]) rb[xpk] = cct[i]; /* Add pk indices for this basepair */ ss[i-1] = (char)(xpk+(int)('A')); ss[cct[i]-1] = (char)(xpk+(int)('a')); /* remove pseudoknotted pair from cct */ cct[i] = 0; cct[ct[i]] = 0; } else ESL_EXCEPTION(eslEINVAL, "Don't have enough letters to describe all different pseudoknots."); } } /* while there is something in auxpk stack */ } /* finished loop over j: end position on seq, 1..n*/ status = eslOK; ERROR: FINISH: if (npairs != npairs_reached) ESL_EXCEPTION(eslFAIL, "found %d out of %d pairs.", npairs_reached, npairs); if (pda != NULL) esl_stack_Destroy(pda); if (auxpk != NULL) esl_stack_Destroy(auxpk); if (cct != NULL) free(cct); return status; } /* Function: esl_wuss2kh() * Incept: SRE, Tue Feb 15 10:05:35 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Converts a secondary structure string in * WUSS notation back to old KHS format in . * must be allocated for at least as much * space as . may be the same as , * in which case the conversion is done in-place. * * Note: Left bp chars are converted to > (left base of base pairs) * Right bp chars are converted to < (right base of base pairs) * Characters _-,:~ are converted to . (unpaired bases) * Character . is untouched (unpaired) * Everything else is untouched, including any pseudoknot notation. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_wuss2kh(char *ss, char *kh) { while (*ss != '\0') { if (*ss == '<') *kh = '>'; else if (*ss == '(') *kh = '>'; else if (*ss == '[') *kh = '>'; else if (*ss == '{') *kh = '>'; else if (*ss == '>') *kh = '<'; else if (*ss == ')') *kh = '<'; else if (*ss == ']') *kh = '<'; else if (*ss == '}') *kh = '<'; else if (*ss == '_') *kh = '.'; else if (*ss == '-') *kh = '.'; else if (*ss == ',') *kh = '.'; else if (*ss == ':') *kh = '.'; else if (*ss == '~') *kh = '.'; else *kh = *ss; ss++; kh++; } *kh = '\0'; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_kh2wuss() * Incept: SRE, Tue Feb 15 10:10:40 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Converts an old format secondary structure string * to shorthand WUSS format . must be allocated at least * as large as . can be identical to , in which * case the conversion is done in-place. * * Note: Character > is converted to < (left base of base pairs) * Character < is converted to > (right base of base pairs) * A space is converted to . (just in case) * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_kh2wuss(char *kh, char *ss) { while (*kh != '\0') { if (*kh == '>') *ss = '<'; else if (*kh == '<') *ss = '>'; else if (*kh == ' ') *ss = '.'; else *ss = *kh; kh++; ss++; } *ss = '\0'; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_wuss_full() * Incept: SRE, Mon Feb 28 09:44:40 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Given a simple ("input") WUSS format annotation string , * convert it to full ("output") WUSS format in . * must be allocated by the caller to be at least as * long as . and can be the same, * to convert a secondary structure string in place. * * Pseudoknot annotation is preserved, if had it. * * Returns: if isn't in valid WUSS format. * * Throws: on allocation failure. * on internal error that can't happen. */ int esl_wuss_full(char *oldss, char *newss) { char *tmp = NULL; int *ct = NULL; int n; int i; int status; /* We can use the ct2wuss algorithm to generate a full WUSS string - * convert to ct, then back to WUSS. ct2wuss doesn't deal with pk's * though, and we want to propagate pk annotation if it's there. So * we need two workspaces: ct array, and a temporary ss string that * we use to hold non-pk annotation. As a final step, we overlay * the pk annotation from the original oldss annotation. */ n = strlen(oldss); ESL_ALLOC(ct, sizeof(int) * (n+1)); ESL_ALLOC(tmp, sizeof(char) * (n+1)); esl_wuss_nopseudo(oldss, tmp);/* tmp = nonpseudoknotted oldss */ status = esl_wuss2ct(tmp, n, ct); /* ct = oldss in ct format, no pks */ if (status != eslOK) goto ERROR; status = esl_ct2wuss(ct, n, tmp); /* now tmp is a full WUSS string */ if (status == eslEINVAL) { status = eslEINCONCEIVABLE; goto ERROR; }/* we're sure, no pk's */ else if (status != eslOK) goto ERROR; /* EMEM, EINCONCEIVABLE */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (isalpha(oldss[i])) newss[i] = oldss[i]; /* transfer pk annotation */ else newss[i] = tmp[i]; /* transfer new WUSS */ free(ct); free(tmp); return eslOK; ERROR: free(ct); free(tmp); return status; } /* Function: esl_wuss_nopseudo() * Incept: SRE, Tue Feb 15 11:02:43 2005 [St. Louis] * * Purpose: Given a WUSS format annotation string , * removes all pseudoknot annotation to create a new * WUSS string that contains only a "canonical" * (nonpseudoknotted) structure. must be allocated to * be at least as large as . and * may be the same, in which case the conversion is * done in place. Pseudoknot annotation in is * simply replaced by <.> in ; the resulting * WUSS string is therefore in valid simplified format, * but may not be valid full format WUSS. * * Returns: . */ int esl_wuss_nopseudo(char *ss1, char *ss2) { while (*ss1 != '\0') { if (isalpha(*ss1)) *ss2 = '.'; else *ss2 = *ss1; ss1++; ss2++; } *ss2 = '\0'; return eslOK; } /* Function: esl_wuss_reverse() * Synopsis: "Reverse complement" a WUSS annotation * Incept: SRE, Wed Feb 10 12:46:51 2016 [JB251 BOS-MCO] * * Purpose: If we need to reverse complement a structure-annotated RNA * sequence, we need to "reverse complement" the WUSS * annotation string. Reverse complement the annotation string * into caller-provided space . To revcomp an annotation * in place, use . * * Old SELEX files use a different structure annotation * format, with angle brackets pointing the opposite * direction: \ccode{><} for a base pair. As a convenient * side effect, will also reverse * complement SELEX annotation lines. * * Returns: on success. */ int esl_wuss_reverse(char *ss, char *new) { int i, n; /* first, "complement" the annotation */ for (i = 0; ss[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (isupper(ss[i])) new[i] = tolower(ss[i]); else if (islower(ss[i])) new[i] = toupper(ss[i]); else { switch (ss[i]) { case '<': new[i] = '>'; break; case '>': new[i] = '<'; break; case '(': new[i] = ')'; break; case ')': new[i] = '('; break; case '[': new[i] = ']'; break; case ']': new[i] = '['; break; case '{': new[i] = '}'; break; case '}': new[i] = '{'; break; default: new[i] = ss[i]; break; } } } n = i; /* Then, reverse it in place. */ for (i = 0; i < n/2; i++) ESL_SWAP(new[i], new[n-i-1], char); return eslOK; } #ifdef eslWUSS_TESTDRIVE /* gcc -g -Wall -o testwuss -I. -DeslWUSS_TESTDRIVE esl_wuss.c esl_random.c esl_stack.c esl_vectorops.c easel.c * ./testwuss */ #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_random.h" #include "esl_stack.h" #include "esl_vectorops.h" #include "esl_wuss.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* The example is E. coli RNase P, w/ and w/o pks. * J Brown figure 10.3.00 shows 1 too many bp for pk stem A. */ char ss[] = "\ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{,<<<<<<<<<<<<<-<<<<<____>>>>>>>>>->>>>>>>>\ >,,,,AAA-AAAAA[[[[---BBBB-[[[[[<<<<<_____>>>>><<<<____>>>->(\ (---(((((,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<--<<<<<<<<____>>>>>->>>>>>-->>,,,,\ ,,,<<<<<<_______>>>>>><<<<<<<<<____>>>->>>>>->,,)))--))))]]]\ ]]]]]],,,<<<<------<<<<<<----<<<<<_bbbb>>>>>>>>>>>----->>>>,\ ,,,,,<<<<<<<<____>>>>>>>>,,,,,,,,,,}}}}}}}----------aaaaaaaa\ -}-}}}}}}}}}}::::"; char ss_nopk[] = "\ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{,<<<<<<<<<<<<<-<<<<<____>>>>>>>>>->>>>>>>>\ >,,,,,,,,,,,,,[[[[--------[[[[[<<<<<_____>>>>><<<<____>>>->(\ (---(((((,,,,,,,,,,,,<<<<<--<<<<<<<<____>>>>>->>>>>>-->>,,,,\ ,,,<<<<<<_______>>>>>><<<<<<<<<____>>>->>>>>->,,)))--))))]]]\ ]]]]]],,,<<<<------<<<<<<----<<<<<_____>>>>>>>>>>>----->>>>,\ ,,,,,<<<<<<<<____>>>>>>>>,,,,,,,,,,}}}}}}}------------------\ -}-}}}}}}}}}}::::"; int len; int *ct1 = NULL; int *ct2 = NULL; char *ss2 = NULL; char *ss3 = NULL; int i; int nbp, nbp_true, npk; int status; len = strlen(ss); ESL_ALLOC(ct1, sizeof(int) * (len+1)); ESL_ALLOC(ct2, sizeof(int) * (len+1)); ESL_ALLOC(ss2, sizeof(char) * (len+1)); ESL_ALLOC(ss3, sizeof(char) * (len+1)); nbp_true = npk = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (strchr("{[(<", ss[i]) != NULL) nbp_true++; if (isupper(ss[i])) npk++; } if (esl_wuss2ct(ss, len, ct1) != eslOK) abort(); nbp = 0; for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) if (ct1[i] > i) nbp++; if (nbp != nbp_true + npk) abort(); if (esl_wuss2kh(ss, ss) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_kh2wuss(ss, ss) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss, len, ct2) != eslOK) abort(); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) if (ct1[i] != ct2[i]) abort(); /* test of pseudoknots */ if (esl_ct2wuss(ct1, len, ss2) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss2, len, ct2) != eslOK) abort(); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) if (ct1[i] != ct2[i]) abort(); if (esl_ct2simplewuss(ct1, len, ss2) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss2, len, ct2) != eslOK) abort(); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) if (ct1[i] != ct2[i]) abort(); if (esl_wuss_nopseudo(ss, ss) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss, len, ct1) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss_nopk, len, ct2) != eslOK) abort(); for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) if (ct1[i] != ct2[i]) abort(); if (esl_wuss2ct(ss_nopk, len, ct1) != eslOK) abort(); if (esl_ct2wuss(ct1, len, ss3) != eslOK) abort(); if (strcmp(ss_nopk, ss3) != 0) abort(); free(ct1); free(ct2); free(ss2); free(ss3); return 0; ERROR: free(ct1); free(ct2); free(ss2); free(ss3); return status; } #endif /*eslWUSS_TESTDRIVE*/