/* Summarizing results of a benchmark by plotting a ROC-like plot, * including confidence intervals derived by Bayesian bootstrapping. * * The <.out file> from a profmark benchmark consists of lines: * * Target sequence names are either * decoy\d+ for negatives (decoys); example: decoy75382 * /<#>[/-]+ for positives; example: CHP02677/42/297-773/781-1257 * * The <.out> file (or stream) must be sorted by E-value, with best * (lowest) E-values first. * * The format of these names is important - true/false * positive/negatives are classified by matching query model name to * the format of the target sequence name. A hit is a positive if * matches the component of the target name - * i.e. the embedded domains in the target are homologous to this * query. A hit is a negative if the target name matches /decoy\d+/. * A hit is ignored if the target contains domains (isn't a decoy) but * doesn't match . * * The program also needs to find the query, positive, and negative * tables for the benchmark that was run. It looks for these by * appending ".tbl", ".neg", and ".pos" to the argument; * that is: * .tbl contains one line per query: 1st field is name of query * .pos contains one line per positive: 1st field is name of sequence * .neg contains one line per decoy: 1st field is name of decoy * * The program calculates a plot of fractional coverage of the positives * (on the Y-axis; range 0..1) versus errors per query (on the X-axis; * ranging from 1/(# of models) to 10.0 by default). * * The default output is an XMGRACE xydydy file, with points * representing mean coverage in the bootstrap samples, and error bars * representing a 95% confidence interval. * * A typical command line, after having run a benchmark on "pmark" under * MPI with many output files: * * cat *.out | sort -g | ./rocplot pmark - > results.xy * xmgrace -settype xydydy results.xy * * SRE, Wed Jun 18 13:37:31 2008 [Janelia] */ #include "esl_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "easel.h" #include "esl_dirichlet.h" #include "esl_getopts.h" #include "esl_keyhash.h" #include "esl_random.h" #include "esl_stats.h" #include "esl_vectorops.h" static char banner[] = "construct a ROC plot of profmark results, using Bayesian bootstrapping"; static char usage[] = "[options] <.out file>\n"; static ESL_OPTIONS options[] = { /* name type default env range togs reqs incomp help docgroup */ { "-h", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "help; show brief info on version and usage", 1 }, { "-a", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "all: plot all bootstrap samples individually", 1 }, { "-n", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "plot original data, without any bootstrapping", 1 }, { "-s", eslARG_NONE, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "plot error bars by std. dev. not confidence interval", 1 }, { "-N", eslARG_INT, "500", NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "number of bootstrap samples to take", 1 }, { "--min", eslARG_REAL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "set minimum x-axis value (FPs/query) to plot", 1 }, { "--max", eslARG_REAL, "10.", NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "set maximum x-axis value (FPs/query) to plot", 1 }, { "--steps", eslARG_INT, "10", NULL, NULL, NULL,NULL, NULL, "set number of steps to plot per 10x on x-axis", 1 }, { "--seed", eslARG_INT, FALSE, NULL,"n>0", NULL,NULL, NULL, "set random number generator's seed to ", 1 }, { "--nsd", eslARG_REAL, "3.", NULL,"x>0", NULL,"-s", NULL, "how many std.dev.'s big error bars should be", 1 }, { "--interval", eslARG_REAL,"0.95",NULL,"0<=x<=1",NULL,NULL,"-s", "confidence interval width for error bars", 1 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, }; /* The FP/query x-axis is discretized into points, evenly spaced on a log scale. * * To calculate FP/query threshold for a point i: 10^{ (base+i) / nsteps } * To convert a FP/query value x to a bin i: ceil(log10(x) * nsteps) */ struct oneplot_s { double *tp; /* yaxis values, [0..nxpts-1]; # of TPs <= given FP/query on x-axis */ int base; /* scaled integer offset of bin #0 in tp */ int nsteps; /* resolution of logarithmic x-axis: # of evenly spaced points per 10x */ int nxpts; /* total # of points on axis */ double totalpos; /* total # of positives possible in this bootstrap sample */ }; struct result_s { double E; /* E-value */ int qidx; /* index of query */ int tidx; /* index of target seq: 0..npos-1 for positives; npos..npos+nneg-1 for negatives */ int class; /* +1 = positive; -1 = negative; 0 = ignore */ }; static int parse_tblfile(char *tblfile, ESL_KEYHASH *kh); static int parse_results(char *resfile, int **pni, ESL_KEYHASH *modelkh, ESL_KEYHASH *poskh, ESL_KEYHASH *negkh, struct result_s **ret_r, int *ret_nr); static int classify_pair_by_names(const char *query, const char *target); static double weighted_total_positives(int **pni, double *queryp, int nq, double *seqp, int npos, int nseq); static struct oneplot_s *create_plot(ESL_GETOPTS *go, int nq); static void destroy_plot(struct oneplot_s *plot); static void make_plot(struct result_s *rp, int nr, int **pni, double *queryp, int nq, double *seqp, int nseq, int npos, struct oneplot_s *plot); static void write_plot(FILE *fp, struct oneplot_s *plot); static void summary_graph(ESL_GETOPTS *go, FILE *fp, struct oneplot_s *plot, double **yv); static void cmdline_failure(char *argv0, char *format, ...) { va_list argp; va_start(argp, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, argp); va_end(argp); esl_usage(stdout, argv0, usage); printf("\nTo see more help on available options, do %s -h\n\n", argv0); exit(1); } static void cmdline_help(char *argv0, ESL_GETOPTS *go) { esl_banner(stdout, argv0, banner); esl_usage (stdout, argv0, usage); puts("\n where options are:"); esl_opt_DisplayHelp(stdout, go, 1, 2, 80); exit(0); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ESL_GETOPTS *go = NULL; ESL_KEYHASH *qkh = esl_keyhash_Create(); ESL_KEYHASH *poskh = esl_keyhash_Create(); ESL_KEYHASH *negkh = esl_keyhash_Create(); ESL_RANDOMNESS *r = NULL; char *pmarkbase = NULL; char *negfile = NULL; char *posfile = NULL; char *modelfile = NULL; char *resfile = NULL; struct oneplot_s *plot = NULL; struct result_s *rp = NULL; int **pni = NULL; double **yv = NULL; /* yv[0..nxpts-1][0..nboots-1]: vector of bootstrapped samples at each xaxis point */ int nq, npos, nneg, nseq; int nresults = 0; int nboots; double *queryp; double *seqp; int i,j; int xi; /* Parse command line */ go = esl_getopts_Create(options); if (esl_opt_ProcessCmdline(go, argc, argv) != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Failed to parse command line: %s\n", go->errbuf); if (esl_opt_VerifyConfig(go) != eslOK) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Error in app configuration: %s\n", go->errbuf); if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-h")) cmdline_help(argv[0], go); if (esl_opt_ArgNumber(go) != 2) cmdline_failure(argv[0], "Incorrect number of command line arguments\n"); pmarkbase = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 1); resfile = esl_opt_GetArg(go, 2); nboots = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N"); /* Set up the RNG */ if (esl_opt_IsDefault(go, "--seed")) r = esl_randomness_CreateTimeseeded(); else r = esl_randomness_Create(esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--seed")); /* Read the queries, positives, and decoys into hash tables, and count them. */ esl_FileNewSuffix(pmarkbase, "tbl", &modelfile); parse_tblfile(modelfile, qkh); free(modelfile); esl_FileNewSuffix(pmarkbase, "pos", &posfile); parse_tblfile(posfile, poskh); free(posfile); esl_FileNewSuffix(pmarkbase, "neg", &negfile); parse_tblfile(negfile, negkh); free(negfile); nq = esl_keyhash_GetNumber(qkh); npos = esl_keyhash_GetNumber(poskh); nneg = esl_keyhash_GetNumber(negkh); nseq = npos+nneg; /* Create a [0..nq-1]x[0..pos-1] matrix preclassifying each pair as +1 (positive), -1 (negative), or 0 (ignore) */ if ((pni = malloc(sizeof(int *) * nq)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); for (i = 0; i < nq; i++) { if ((pni[i] = malloc(sizeof(int) * npos)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); for (j = 0; j < npos; j++) pni[i][j] = classify_pair_by_names(esl_keyhash_Get(qkh, i), esl_keyhash_Get(poskh, j)); } /* Read and code the .out file; assigning positives, negatives to the results */ parse_results(resfile, pni, qkh, poskh, negkh, &rp, &nresults); /* Allocate for the bootstrap weights on queries, seqs */ if ((queryp = malloc(sizeof(double) * nq)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); if ((seqp = malloc(sizeof(double) * nseq)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); /* In seqp, 0..npos-1 are the positives; npos..nseq-1 are the negatives. * To convert a negative's key index to the nseq index, add npos to it. */ /* Figure out the coordinate system for the plot's xaxis; then * allocate for a single plot sample in , as well as for * storing all the bootstrap results in . The * holds the information about the x coordinate system. */ plot = create_plot(go, nq); if ((yv = malloc(sizeof(double *) * plot->nxpts)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); for (xi = 0; xi < plot->nxpts; xi++) if ((yv[xi] = malloc(sizeof(double *) * nboots)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); /* "Bayesian" bootstraps: */ if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-n")) { for (i = 0; i < nboots; i++) { esl_dirichlet_DSampleUniform(r, nq, queryp); esl_dirichlet_DSampleUniform(r, nseq, seqp); make_plot(rp, nresults, pni, queryp, nq, seqp, nseq, npos, plot); /* Plot or store this bootstrap sample. */ if (esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-a")) write_plot(stdout, plot); else { for (xi = 0; xi < plot->nxpts; xi++) yv[xi][i] = plot->tp[xi] / plot->totalpos; } } } else /* just plot the original data with no bootstraps */ { make_plot(rp, nresults, pni, NULL, nq, NULL, nseq, npos, plot); write_plot(stdout, plot); } /* Summarize the bootstraps */ if (! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-a") && ! esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-n") ) summary_graph(go, stdout, plot, yv); for (i = 0; i < nq; i++) free(pni[i]); free(pni); for (xi = 0; xi < plot->nxpts; xi++) free(yv[xi]); free(yv); destroy_plot(plot); free(queryp); free(seqp); free(rp); esl_keyhash_Destroy(negkh); esl_keyhash_Destroy(poskh); esl_keyhash_Destroy(qkh); esl_randomness_Destroy(r); esl_getopts_Destroy(go); return 0; } static int parse_tblfile(char *tblfile, ESL_KEYHASH *kh) { ESL_FILEPARSER *efp = NULL; char *tok = NULL; int toklen; if (esl_fileparser_Open(tblfile, NULL, &efp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to open pmark table %s", tblfile); esl_fileparser_SetCommentChar(efp, '#'); while (esl_fileparser_NextLine(efp) == eslOK) { if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parse line %d of %s", efp->linenumber, tblfile); if (esl_keyhash_Store(kh, tok, toklen, NULL) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to add %s to seq index", tok); } esl_fileparser_Close(efp); return eslOK; } static int classify_pair_by_names(const char *query, const char *target) { int qlen = strlen(query); int tlen = strlen(target); if (tlen > qlen && strncmp(query, target, qlen) == 0 && target[qlen] == '/') return 1; /* this tests for == */ else if (strncmp(target, "decoy", 5) == 0) return -1; /* or a decoy */ else return 0; /* ignore */ } /* Given bootstrap sampled weights, calculate the maximum # of positives possible */ static double weighted_total_positives(int **pni, double *queryp, int nq, double *seqp, int npos, int nseq) { int q, t; double total_pos = 0.0; for (q = 0; q < nq; q++) for (t = 0; t < npos; t++) if (pni[q][t] == 1) total_pos += queryp[q] * seqp[t]; return total_pos * nq * nseq; } /* The output files have format: * * * Target sequence names are either * decoy\d+ for negatives (decoys); example: decoy75382 * /<#>[/-]+ for positives; example: CHP02677/42/297-773/781-1257 * * A hit is a positive if matches the component of the * target name - i.e. the embedded domains in the target are homologous to this * query. * * A hit is a negative if the target name matches /decoy\d+/. * * A hit is ignored if the target contains domains (isn't a decoy) but * doesn't match . * * This information is parsed digested here, such that each pairwise comparison * is stored as: * qidx : index of the query model * tidx : index of the target sequence * E : E-value of the comparison; results are already sorted on this */ static int parse_results(char *resfile, int **pni, ESL_KEYHASH *qkh, ESL_KEYHASH *poskh, ESL_KEYHASH *negkh, struct result_s **ret_r, int *ret_nr) { ESL_FILEPARSER *efp = NULL; char *tok = NULL; char *target = NULL; char *query = NULL; int toklen; int qlen, tlen; struct result_s *rp = NULL; int ralloc = 0; int nr = 0; if (esl_fileparser_Open(resfile, NULL, &efp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to open pmark results file %s", resfile); esl_fileparser_SetCommentChar(efp, '#'); if ((rp = malloc(sizeof(struct result_s) * 256)) == NULL) esl_fatal("malloc failed"); ralloc = 256; while (esl_fileparser_NextLine(efp) == eslOK) { if (nr == ralloc) { if ((rp = realloc(rp, sizeof(struct result_s) * ralloc * 2)) == NULL) esl_fatal("realloc failed"); ralloc *= 2; } if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parse line %d of %s", efp->linenumber, resfile); /* E-value => rp[nr].E */ rp[nr].E = atof(tok); if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &tok, &toklen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parse line %d of %s", efp->linenumber, resfile); /* bit score ignored */ if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &target, &tlen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parse line %d of %s", efp->linenumber, resfile); /* target name; will be converted to an index */ if (esl_fileparser_GetTokenOnLine(efp, &query, &qlen) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to parse line %d of %s", efp->linenumber, resfile); /* query name; will be converted to an index */ if (esl_keyhash_Lookup(qkh, query, qlen, &(rp[nr].qidx)) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to find query model %s in hash", query); /* query index */ rp[nr].class = classify_pair_by_names(query, target); if (rp[nr].class == -1) /* negatives: look up in negkh, and offset the index by npos */ { if (esl_keyhash_Lookup(negkh, target, tlen, &(rp[nr].tidx)) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to find target seq %s in hash", target); /* target index */ rp[nr].tidx += esl_keyhash_GetNumber(poskh); } else /* positives/ignores: look up in poskh */ { if (esl_keyhash_Lookup(poskh, target, tlen, &(rp[nr].tidx)) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to find target seq %s in hash", target); /* target index */ } nr++; } *ret_r = rp; *ret_nr = nr; esl_fileparser_Close(efp); return eslOK; } static struct oneplot_s * create_plot(ESL_GETOPTS *go, int nq) { struct oneplot_s *plot; double minfp, maxfp; int status; ESL_ALLOC(plot, sizeof(struct oneplot_s)); if (esl_opt_IsDefault(go, "--min")) minfp = 1.0 / (double) nq; else minfp = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--min"); maxfp = esl_opt_GetReal(go, "--max"); plot->nsteps = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "--steps"); plot->base = (int) floor(log10(minfp) * plot->nsteps); plot->nxpts = (int) ceil(log10(maxfp) * plot->nsteps) - plot->base + 1; ESL_ALLOC(plot->tp, sizeof(double) * plot->nxpts); return plot; ERROR: destroy_plot(plot); return NULL; } static void destroy_plot(struct oneplot_s *plot) { if (plot == NULL) return; if (plot->tp != NULL) free(plot->tp); free(plot); } /* Given the results [0..nr-1], * positive/ignore classifications pni[0..nq-1][0..npos-1] * and bootstrap-sampled usage probabilities , , * and a plot axis to store results in; * calculate a new ROC plot for this bootstrap sample, * and store it in tp>. * * As a special case, if and/or are NULL, calculate * the ROC plot for the original data without bootstrapping. */ static void make_plot(struct result_s *rp, int nresults, int **pni, double *queryp, int nq, double *seqp, int nseq, int npos, struct oneplot_s *plot) { double weight; int xi, curr_xi; double true_pos, false_pos; int j; if (queryp != NULL && seqp != NULL) plot->totalpos = weighted_total_positives(pni, queryp, nq, seqp, npos, nseq); else plot->totalpos = npos; curr_xi = 0; true_pos = false_pos = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < nresults; j++) { if (queryp != NULL && seqp != NULL) weight = queryp[rp[j].qidx] * seqp[rp[j].tidx] * nseq * nq; else weight = 1.0; if (rp[j].class == 1) { true_pos += weight; plot->tp[curr_xi] = true_pos; } else if (rp[j].class == -1) { false_pos += weight / (double) nq; /* FP/query */ xi = (int) ceil(log10(false_pos) * plot->nsteps) - plot->base; if (xi > curr_xi) { for (curr_xi = curr_xi+1; curr_xi < xi && curr_xi < plot->nxpts; curr_xi++) plot->tp[curr_xi] = true_pos; if (curr_xi < plot->nxpts) plot->tp[curr_xi] = true_pos; } } if (curr_xi >= plot->nxpts) break; } /* Rarely, the plot won't have enough false positives to extend all the way to * the left extreme of the x-axis; make sure we propagate the last true_pos */ for (curr_xi++; curr_xi < plot->nxpts; curr_xi++) plot->tp[curr_xi] = true_pos; } static void write_plot(FILE *fp, struct oneplot_s *plot) { int xi; double false_pos; for (xi = 0; xi < plot->nxpts; xi++) { false_pos = exp(log(10) * ((double) plot->base + (double) xi) / (double) plot->nsteps); fprintf(fp, "%.5f %.5f\n", false_pos, plot->tp[xi] / plot->totalpos ); } fprintf(fp, "&\n"); } static void summary_graph(ESL_GETOPTS *go, FILE *fp, struct oneplot_s *plot, double **yv) { int nboots = esl_opt_GetInteger(go, "-N"); int by_stddev = esl_opt_GetBoolean(go, "-s"); double confidence_interval = esl_opt_GetReal (go, "--interval"); double nsd = esl_opt_GetReal (go, "--nsd"); int xi; double false_pos; double mean, var; int ntail; for (xi = 0; xi < plot->nxpts; xi++) { false_pos = exp(log(10) * ((double) plot->base + (double) xi) / (double) plot->nsteps); esl_stats_DMean(yv[xi], nboots, &mean, &var); /* the dy's in xmgrace xydydy format are dy's, and in order upper, lower */ if (by_stddev) { fprintf(fp, "%.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", false_pos, mean, nsd*sqrt(var), nsd*sqrt(var)); } else { esl_vec_DSortIncreasing(yv[xi], nboots); ntail = (int) ((double) nboots * (1.0 - confidence_interval) / 2.0); fprintf(fp, "%.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f\n", false_pos, mean, yv[xi][nboots-ntail] - mean, mean - yv[xi][ntail]); } } fprintf(fp, "&\n"); }