#! /usr/bin/perl
# We assume that an NCBI BLAST install tree is in $top_builddir
# $top_srcdir is unused: pass "." or $top_builddir
# Example:
# mkdir foo-test
# ./x-ncbiblast /usr/local/blast-2.2.22 . foo-test test.list 1 Pfam-A.seed uniprot/trembl-shuf-1M test.out
use Benchmark qw(:hireswallclock) ;
$top_builddir = shift;
$top_srcdir = shift;
$resultdir = shift;
$tblfile = shift;
$nthreads = shift;
$querydb = shift;
$targetdb = shift;
$outfile = shift;
$blastall = "$top_builddir/bin/blastall";
$blastopts = "-p blastp -a $nthreads -v 9999 -b0 -F F";
if (! -d $top_builddir) { die "didn't find BLAST directory $top_builddir"; }
if (! -x $blastall) { die "didn't find blastall executable $blastall"; }
if ($top_srcdir ne "." && $top_srcdir ne $top_builddir) { die "$top_srcdir is unused. pass ."; }
if (! -e $resultdir) { die "$resultdir doesn't exist"; }
open(OUTFILE,">$outfile") || die "failed to open output $outfile";
open(TABLE, "$tblfile") || die "failed to open work unit list $tblfile";
$n = 0;
while (
if (/(\S+)/)
$msaname = $1;
# Fetch the query MSA (.sto file)
$output = `esl-afetch -o $resultdir/$msaname.sto $querydb $msaname`;
if ($? != 0) { print "FAILED: esl-afetch on $msaname\n"; next MSA; }
# Select median length single sequence as the query (.query.fa file)
$output = `esl-seqstat -a $resultdir/$msaname.sto | grep "^=" | sort -n -k2 | awk '{print \$2}'`;
if ($?) { print "FAILED: esl-seqstat on $msaname\n"; next MSA; }
@qnames = split(/^/,$output);
chop (@qnames);
$qname = $qnames[ int(($#qnames+1) / 2)];
$output = `esl-sfetch -o $resultdir/$msaname.query.fa $resultdir/$msaname.sto $qname`;
if ($?) { print "FAILED: esl-sfetch on $msaname\n"; next MSA; }
# Warmup. (An untimed run, to encourage filesystem to cache the target database.)
if ($n==1) { `$blastall $blastopts -d $targetdb -i $resultdir/$msaname.query.fa 2>&1`; }
# BLAST it and capture timing
$t0 = Benchmark->new;
$output = `$blastall $blastopts -d $targetdb -i $resultdir/$msaname.query.fa 2>&1`;
if ($? != 0) { print "FAILED: ncbi blast on $msaname\n"; next MSA; }
$t1 = Benchmark->new;
if ($output =~ /\nLength of query:\s*(\S+)/) {$M = $1; $M =~ s/,//g; }
elsif ($output =~ /\nQuery=.+\n\s*\((\d+) letters\)/) {$M = $1; $M =~ s/,//g; }
if ($output =~ /\nLength of database:\s*(\S+)/) {$L = $1; $L =~ s/,//g; }
elsif ($output =~ /\n\s*Number of letters in database:\s*(\S+)/) {$L = $1; $L =~ s/,//g; }
# Get the wall clock time.
$td = timediff($t1, $t0);
$walltime = $td->real;
$mcs = $L / 1000000 / $walltime * $M;
printf OUTFILE "%-15s %5d %10.1f %12.2f\n", $msaname, $M, $mcs, $walltime;
unlink "$resultdir/$msaname.sto";
# unlink "$resultdir/$msaname.query.fa";
close TABLE;
close OUTFILE;