This chapter describes Easel from a developer's perspective. It shows how a module's source code is organized, written, tested, and documented. It should help you with implementing new Easel code, and also with understanding the structure of existing Easel code. We expect Easel to constantly evolve, both in code and in style. Talking about our code style does not mean we enforce foolish consistency. Rather, the goal is aspirational; one way we try to manage the complexity of our growing codebase is to continuously cajole Easel code toward a clean and consistent presentation. We try to organize code modules in similar ways, use certain naming conventions, and channel similar functions towards common \esldef{interfaces} that provide common calling conventions and behaviors. But because it evolves, not all Easel code obeys the code style described in this chapter. Easel code style is like a local building ordinance. Any new construction should comply. Older construction is grandfathered in and does not have to immediately conform to the current rules. When it comes time to renovate, it's also time to bring the old work up to the current standards. For a concrete example we will focus primarily on one Easel module, the \eslmod{buffer} module. We'll take a bottom up approach, starting from the overall organization of the module and working down into details. If you're a starting developer, you might have preferred a bottom-up description; you might just want to know how to write or improve a single Easel function, for example. In that case, skim ahead. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Table: Easel naming conventions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{table} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{l>{\raggedright}p{3.5in}l} \textbf{What} & \textbf{Explanation} & \textbf{Example} \\ \hline Easel module & Module names should be 10 characters or less.\footnote{sqc assumes this in output formatting, for example.} Many modules are organized around a single Easel object that they implement. The name of the module matches the name of the object. For example, \ccode{esl\_buffer.c} implements \ccode{ESL\_BUFFER}. & \eslmod{buffer} \\ \\ tag name & Names in the module are constructed either using the module's full name or sometimes with a shorter abbreviation, usually 3 characters (sometimes 2 or 4). & \ccode{buf} \\ \\ source file & Each module has one source file, named \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{modulename}\ccode{.c}. & \ccode{esl\_buffer.c} \\ \\ header file & Each module has one header file, named \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{modulename}\ccode{.h}. & \ccode{esl\_buffer.h} \\ \\ documentation & Each module has one documentation chapter, named \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{modulename}\ccode{.tex}. & \ccode{esl\_buffer.tex} \\ \\ Easel object & Easel ``objects'' are typedef'ed C structures (usually) or types (rarely\footnote{\ccode{ESL\_DSQ} is a \ccode{uint8\_t}, for example.}). & \ccode{ESL\_BUFFER} \\ \\ external function & All exposed functions have tripartite names \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_specificname}(). The specific part of function names often adhere to a standardized API ``interface'' nomenclature. (All \ccode{\_Open()} functions must follow the same standardized behavior guidelines, for example.) Functions in the base \ccode{easel.c} module have a bipartite name, omitting the module name. The specific name part generally uses mixed case capitalization. & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_OpenFile()} \\ \\ static function & Internal functions (static within a module file) drop the \ccode{esl\_} prefix, and are named \itcode{modulename}\ccode{\_function}. & \ccode{buffer\_refill()} \\ \\ macro & Macros follow the same naming convention as external functions, except they are all upper case. & \ccode{ESL\_ALLOC()} \\ \\ defined constant & Defined constants in Easel modules are named \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULENAME}\ccode{\_FOO}. Constants defined in the base \ccode{easel.h} module are named just \ccode{eslFOO}. & \ccode{eslBUFFER\_SLURPSIZE}\\ \\ return codes & Return codes are constants defined in \ccode{easel.h}, so they obey the rules of other defined constants in the base module (\ccode{eslOK}, \ccode{eslFAIL}). Additionally, error codes start with \ccode{E}, as in \ccode{eslE}\itcode{ERRTYPE}. & \ccode{eslENOTFOUND} \\ \\ config constant & Constants that don't start with \ccode{esl} are almost always configuration (compile-time) constants determined by the autoconf \ccode{./configure} script and defined in \ccode{esl\_config.h}. & \ccode{HAVE\_STDINT\_H} \\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{\textbf{Easel naming conventions.} } \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{An Easel module} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Each module consists of three files: a .c C code file, a .h header file, and a .tex documentation file. These filenames are constructed from the module name. For example, the \eslmod{buffer} module is implemented in \ccode{esl\_buffer.c}, \ccode{esl\_buffer.h}, and \ccode{esl\_buffer.tex}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{The .c file} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Easel \ccode{.c} files are larger than most coding styles would advocate. Easel module code is designed to be \emph{read}, to be \emph{self-documenting}, to contain its own \emph{testing methods}, and to provide useful \emph{working examples}. Thus the size of the files is a little deceptive, compared to C code that's solely implementating some functions. In general, only about a a quarter of an Easel module's \ccode{.c} file is the actual module implementation. Typically, around half of an Easel \ccode{.c} file is documentation, and much of this gets automatically parsed into the PDF userguide. The rest consists of drivers for unit testing and examples. Module files are organized into a somewhat stereotypical set of sections, to facilitate navigating the code, as follows. The \ccode{.c} file starts with a comment that contains the {\bfseries table of contents}. The table of contents helps us navigate a long Easel source file. This initial comment also includes a short description of the module's purpose. It may also contain miscellaneous notes. For example, from the \eslmod{buffer} module: \input{cexcerpts/header_example} None of this is parsed automatically. Its structure is just convention. The short description lines in the table of contents match section headings in comments later in the file. A search forward with the text of a heading will move you to that section of the code. Next come the {\bfseries includes} and any {\bf definitions}. Of the include files, the \ccode{esl\_config.h} header must always be included first. It contains platform-independent configuration code that may affect even the standard library header files. Standard headers like \ccode{stdio.h} come next, then Easel's main header \ccode{easel.h}; then headers of any other Easel modules this module depends on, then the module's own header. For example, the \ccode{\#include}'s in the \eslmod{buffer} module look like: \input{cexcerpts/include_example} Next come the {\bfseries private function declarations}. We declare all private functions at the top of the file, where they can be seen easily by a developer who's casually reading the source. Their definitions are buried deeper, in one or more sections following the implementation of the exposed API. \input{cexcerpts/statics_example} The rest of the file is the {\bfseries code}. It is split into sections. Each section is numbered and given one-line titles that appear in the table of contents. Each section starts with a section header, a comment block in front of each code section in the \ccode{.c} file. These section headers match comments in front of that section's declarations in the \ccode{.h} file. Because of the numbering and titling, a particular section of code can be located by searching on the number or title. A common section structure includes the following, in this order: \begin{description} \item[\textbf{The \ccode{FOOBAR} object.}] The first section of the file provides the API for creating and destroying the object that this module implements. \item[\textbf{The rest of the API.}] Everything else that is part of the API for this module. This might be split across multiple sections. \item[\textbf{Debugging/dev code.}] Most objects can be validated or dumped to an output stream for inspection. \item[\textbf{Private functions.}] Easel isn't rigorous about where private (non-exposed) functions go, but they often go in a separate section in about the middle of the \ccode{.c} file, after the API and before the drivers. \item[\textbf{Optional drivers}] Stats, benchmark, and regression drivers, if any. \item [\textbf{Unit tests.}] The unit tests are internal controls that test that the module's API works as advertised. \item [\textbf{Test driver.}] All modules have an automated test driver is a \ccode{main()} that runs the unit tests. \item [\textbf{Examples.}] All modules have at least one \ccode{main()} showing an example of how to use the main features of the module. \end{description} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{The .h file} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Special syntax in Easel C comments} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Easel comments sometimes include special syntax recognized by tools other than the compiler. Here are some quick explanations of the special stuff a developer needs to be aware of. \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{l>{\raggedright}p{3.5in}l} \textbf{Special syntax} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Parsed by}\\ \hline \ccode{/* Function: }\itcode{funcname} & Function documentation that gets converted to \LaTeX\ and included in Easel's PDF documentation. & \emcode{autodoc} \\ \\ \ccode{ *\# }\itcode{x.\ secheading} & Section heading corresponding to section number x in a \ccode{.c} file's table of contents. This is automatically extracted as part of creating a summary table in the PDF documentation. & \emcode{autodoc -t} \\ \\ \ccode{/*::cexcerpt::} ... & Comments that marking beginning/end of code that is extracted verbatim into the documentation. & \emcode{cexcerpt} \\ \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{{\bfseries Summary of special syntax in Easel C comments.}} \end{table} %%%% \subsubsection{function documentation} %%%% Any comment that starts with \begin{cchunk} /* Function: ... \end{cchunk} will be recognized and parsed by our \prog{autodoc} program, which assumes it is looking at a structured function documentation header. See section XX for details on how these headers work. We want all external functions in the Easel API to be documented automatically by \prog{autodoc}. We don't want internal functions tp appear in the documentation, but we do want them documented in the code. To keep \prog{autodoc} from recognizing the function header of an internal (static) function, we just leave off the \ccode{Function:} tag in the comment block. %%%% \subsubsection{section headings} %%%% The automatically generated \LaTeX\ code for a module's documentation includes a table summarizing the functions in the exposed API. This table is constructed automatically from the source code by \prog{autodoc -t}. The list of functions in this table is extracted from the function documentation (above). The table is broken into sections, just as the module code is, using section headings. The comment block marking the start of a section heading for exposed API code has an extra \ccode{\#}: \begin{cchunk} /***************************************************************** *# 1. ESL_BUFFER object: opening/closing. *****************************************************************/ \end{cchunk} Section headings for internal functions omit the \ccode{\#}, and \prog{autodoc} ignores them: \begin{cchunk} /***************************************************************** * 10. Unit tests *****************************************************************/ \end{cchunk} %%%% \subsubsection{excerpting} %%%% This book includes many examples of C code extracted verbatim from Easel source. These {\bfseries excerpts} are marked with specially formatted comments in the C file: \begin{cchunk} /*::cexcerpt::my_example::begin::*/ while (esl_sq_Read(sqfp, sq) == eslOK) { n++; } /*::cexcerpt::my_example::end::*/ \end{cchunk} When we build the Easel documentation from its source, our \prog{cexcerpt} program extracts all marked excerpts from \ccode{.c} and \ccode{.h} files, and places them in individual files in a temporary \ccode{cexcerpts/} directory, from where they are included in the main \LaTeX documentation. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Driver programs} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% An unusual (innovative?) thing about Easel modules is how we embed {\bfseries driver programs} directly in the module's \ccode{.c} file. Driver programs include our unit tests, benchmarks, and working examples. These small programs are enclosed in standardized \ccode{\#ifdef}'s that enable them to be conditionally compiled. None of these programs are installed by \ccode{make install}. Test drivers are compiled as part of \ccode{make check}. A \ccode{make dev} compiles all driver programs. There are six main types of drivers used in Easel: \begin{description} \item[\textbf{Unit test driver(s).}] (Mandatory.) Each module has one (and only one) \ccode{main()} that runs the unit tests and any other automated for the module. The test driver is compiled and run by the testsuite in \ccode{testsuite/testsuite.sqc} when one does a \ccode{make check} on the package. It is also run by several of the automated tools used in development, including the coverage (\ccode{gcov}) and memory (\ccode{valgrind}) tests. A test driver takes no arguments (it must generate any input files it needs). If it succeeds, it returns 0, with no output. If it fails, it returns nonzero and calls \ccode{esl\_fatal()} to issue a short error message on \ccode{stdout}. Our test harness, \emcode{sqc}, depends on these output and exit status conventions. Optionally, it may use a flag to show more useful output when it's run more interactively. (usually a \ccode{-v}, for verbose). The test driver is enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_TESTDRIVE} for conditional compilation. \item[\textbf{Regression/comparison test(s).}] (Optional.) These tests link to one or more libraries that provide identical comparable functionality, such as previous versions of Easel, the old \prog{SQUID} library, \prog{LAPACK} or the GNU Scientific Library. They test that Easel's functionality performs at least as it used to, or as well as the 'competition'. These tests are run on demand, and not included in automated testing, because the other libraries may only be present on a subset of our development machines. They are enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_REGRESSION} for conditional compilation. \item[\textbf{Benchmark(s).}] (Optional.) These tests run a standardized performance benchmark and collect time and/or memory statistics. They may generate output suitable for graphing. They are run on demand, not by automated tools. They typically use \eslmod{stopwatch} for timing. They are enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_BENCHMARK} for conditional compilation. \item[\textbf{Statistics generator(s).}] (Optional.) These tests collect statistics used to characterize the module's scientific performance, such as its accuracy at some task. They may generate graphing output. They are run on demand, not by automated tools. They are enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_STATS} for conditional compilation. \item[\textbf{Experiment(s).}] (Optional.) These are other reproducible experiments we've done on the module code, essentially the same as statistics generators. They are enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_EXPERIMENT} for conditional compilation. \item[\textbf{Example(s).}] (Mandatory). Every module has at least one example \ccode{main()} that provides a ``hello world'' level example of using the module's API. Examples are enclosed in \ccode{cexcerpt} tags for extraction and verbatim inclusion in the documentation. They are enclosed by \ccode{\#ifdef esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_EXAMPLE} for conditional compilation. \end{description} All modules have at least one test driver and one example. Other tests and examples are optional. When there is more than one \ccode{main()} of a given type, the additional tags are numbered starting from 2: for example, a module with three example \ccode{main()'s} would have three tags for conditional compilation, \ccode{eslFOO\_EXAMPLE}, \ccode{eslFOO\_EXAMPLE2}, and \ccode{eslFOO\_EXAMPLE3}. The format of the conditional compilation tags for all the drivers (including test and example drivers) must be obeyed. Some test scripts are scanning the .c files and identifying these tags automatically. For instance, the driver compilation test identifies any tag named \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULENAME}\ccode{\_\{TESTDRIVE,EXAMPLE,REGRESSION,BENCHMARK,STATS\}*} and attempt to compile the code with that tag defined. Which driver is compiled (if any) is controlled by conditional compilation of the module's \ccode{.c} file with the appropriate tag. For example, to compile and run the \eslmod{sqio} test driver as a standalone module: \begin{cchunk} % gcc -g -Wall -I. -o esl_sqio_utest -DeslSQIO_TESTDRIVE esl_sqio.c easel.c -lm % ./esl_sqio_utest \end{cchunk} or to compile and run it in full library configuration: \begin{cchunk} % gcc -g -Wall -I. -L. -o esl_sqio_utest -DeslSQIO_TESTDRIVE esl_sqio.c -leasel -lm % ./esl_sqio_utest \end{cchunk} \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{llll} \textbf{Driver type} & \textbf{Compilation flag} & \textbf{Driver program name} & \textbf{Notes}\\ \hline Unit test & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_TESTDRIVE} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_utest} & output and exit status standardized for \emcode{sqc}\\ Regression test & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_REGRESSION} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_regression} & may require other libraries installed\\ Benchmark & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_BENCHMARK} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_benchmark} & \\ Statistics collection & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_STATS} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_stats} & \\ Experiment & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_EXPERIMENT} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_experiment} & \\ Example & \ccode{esl}\itcode{MODULE}\ccode{\_EXAMPLE} & \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{module}\ccode{\_example} & \\ \end{tabular} \caption{{\bfseries Summary of types of driver programs in Easel.}} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Writing an Easel function} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Documentation of functions, particularly in the structured comment header that's parsed by the \emcode{autodoc} program, is described in a different section of its own. %%%% \subsubsection{conventions for function names} %%%% Function names are tripartite, constructed as \ccode{esl\_}\itcode{moduletag\_funcname}. The \itcode{moduletag} should generally be the module's full name; sometimes (historically) it is an abbreviated tag name for the module (such as \ccode{abc} for the \eslmod{alphabet} module); on occasion, it is the name of an Easel object or datatype that has not yet budded off into its own module. Long versus short \itcode{moduletag}'s are sometimes used to indicate functions that operate directly on objects via common interfaces, versus other functions in the exposed API. The long form may indicate functions that obey a common interface, such as \ccode{esl\_alphabet\_Create()}.\footnote{This is a clumsy C version of what C++ would do with namespaces, object methods, and constructors/destructors.} Miscellaneous exposed functions in the API of a module may be named by the three-letter short tag, such as \ccode{esl\_abc\_Digitize()}. The function's \ccode{\{funcname\}} can be anything. Some names are standard and indicate the use of a common {\bfseries interface}. This part of the name is usually in mixed-case capitalization. Only exposed (\ccode{extern}) functions must follow these rules. In general, private (\ccode{static}) functions can have any name. However, it's common in Easel for private functions to obey the same naming conventions except without the \ccode{esl\_} prefix. Sometimes essentially the same function must be provided for different data types. In these cases one-letter prefixes are used to indicate datatype: \begin{tabular}{ll} \ccode{C} & \ccode{char} type, or a standard C string \\ \ccode{X} & \ccode{ESL\_DSQ} type, or an Easel digitized sequence\\ \ccode{I} & \ccode{int} type \\ \ccode{F} & \ccode{float} type \\ \ccode{D} & \ccode{double} type \\ \end{tabular} For example, \eslmod{vectorops} uses this convention heavily; \ccode{esl\_vec\_FNorm()} normalizes a vector of floats and \ccode{esl\_vec\_DNorm()} normalizes a vector of doubles. A second example is in \eslmod{randomseq}, which provides routines for shuffling either text strings or digitized sequences, such as \ccode{esl\_rsq\_CShuffle()} and \ccode{esl\_rsq\_XShuffle()}. %%%% \subsubsection{conventions for argument names} %%%% When using pointers in C, it can be hard to tell which arguments are for input data (which are provided by the caller and will not be modified), output data (which are created and returned by the function), and modified data (which are both input and output). For output consisting of pointers to nonscalar types such as objects or arrays, it also can be hard to distinguish when the caller is supposed to provide pre-allocated storage for the result, versus the storage being newly allocated by the function.\footnote{A common strategy in C library design is to strive for \emph{no} allocation in the library, so the caller is always responsible for explicit alloc/free pairs. I feel this puts a tedious burden of allocation code on an application.} When functions return more than one kind of result, it is convenient to make all the individual results optional, so the caller doesn't have to deal with managing storage for results it isn't interested in. In Easel, an optional result pointer is passed as \ccode{NULL} to indicate a possible result is not wanted (and is not allocated, if returning that result required new allocation). Easel uses a prefix convention on pointer argument names to indicate these situations: \begin{table}[h] \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{cp{2.5in}p{3in}} \textbf{prefix} & \textbf{argument type} & \textbf{allocation (if any):}\\ none & If qualified as \ccode{const}, a pointer to input data, not modified by the call. If unqualified, a pointer to data modified by the call (it's both input and output). & by caller\\ \ccode{ret\_} & Pointer to result. & in the function \\ \ccode{opt\_} & Pointer to optional result. If non-\ccode{NULL}, result is obtained. & in the function \\ \end{tabular} } \end{center} \end{table} %%%% \subsubsection{Return status} %%%% %%%% \subsubsection{conventions for exception handling} %%%% Easel functions {\bfseries should never exit except through an Easel return code or through the Easel exception handler}. When you write Easel code you must {\bfseries always} deal with the case when the caller has registered a nonfatal exception handler, causing thrown exceptions to return a nonzero code rather than exiting. The Easel library is designed to be used in programs that can't just suddenly crash out with an error message (such as a graphical user interface environment), and programs that have specialized error handlers because they don't even have access to a \ccode{stderr} stream on a terminal (such as a UNIX daemon). This means that Easel functions must clean up their memory and set appropriate return status and return arguments, even in the case of thrown exceptions. %%%% \subsubsection{Easel's idiomatic function structure} %%%% To deal with the above strictures of return status, returned arguments, and exception handling and cleanup, most Easel functions follow an idiomatic structure. The following snippet illustrates the key ideas: \begin{cchunk} 1 int 2 esl_example_Hello(char *opt_hello, char *opt_len) 3 { 4 char *msg = NULL; 5 int n; 6 int status; 7 if ( (status = esl_strdup("hello world!\n", -1, &msg)) != eslOK) goto ERROR; 8 n = strlen(msg); 9 if (opt_hello) *opt_hello = msg; else free(msg); 10 if (opt_len) *opt_len = n; 11 return eslOK; 12 ERROR: 13 if (msg) free(msg); 14 if (opt_hello) *opt_hello = NULL; 15 if (opt_n) *opt_n = 0; 16 return status; 17 } \end{cchunk} The stuff to notice here: \begin{itemize} \item[line 2:] The \ccode{opt\_hello} and \ccode{opt\_len} arguments are optional. The caller might want only one of them (or neither, but that would be weird). We're expecting calls like \ccode{esl\_example\_Hello(\&hello, \&n)}, \ccode{esl\_example\_Hello(\&hello, NULL)}, or \ccode{esl\_example\_Hello(NULL, \&n)}. \item[line 4:] Anything we allocate, we initialize its pointer to \ccode{NULL}. Now, if an exception occurs and we have to break out of the function early, we can tell whether the allocation has already happened (and hence we need to clean up its memory), if the pointer has become non-\ccode{NULL}. \item[line 6:] Most functions have an explicit \ccode{status} variable. Standard error-handling macros (\ccode{ESL\_XEXCEPTION()} for example) expect it to be present, as do standard allocation macros (\ccode{ESL\_ALLOC()} for example). If we have to handle an exception, we're going to make sure the status is set how we want it, then jump to a cleanup block. \item[line 7:] When any Easel function calls another Easel function, it must check the return status for both normal errors and thrown exceptions. If an exception has already been thrown by a callee, usually the caller just relays the exception status up the call stack. The idiom is to set the return \ccode{status} and go immediately to the error cleanup block, \ccode{ERROR:}. We use a \ccode{goto} for this, Dijkstra notwithstanding. \item[lines 9,10:] When we set optional arguments for a normal return, we first check whether a valid return pointer was provided. If the optional pointer is \ccode{NULL} the caller doesn't want the result, and we clean up any memory we need to (line 9). \item[line 13:] In the error cleanup block, we first free any memory that got allocated before the failure point. The idiom of immediately initializing all allocated pointers to \ccode{NULL} enables us to tell which things have been allocated or not. \item[line 14:] When we return from a function with an unsuccessful status, we also make sure that any returned arguments are in a documented ground state, usually \ccode{NULL}'s and \ccode{0}'s. \end{itemize} %%%% \subsubsection{reentrancy: plan for threads} %%%% Easel code must expect to be called in multithreaded applications. All functions must be reentrant. There should be no use of global or static variables. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Standard Easel function interfaces} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some function names are shared and have common behaviors across modules, like \ccode{\_Get*()} and \ccode{\_Set*()} functions. These special names are called \esldef{common interfaces}. \begin{table} \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \begin{tabular}{l>{\raggedright}p{3.0in}ll} \textbf{Function name} & \textbf{Description} & \textbf{Returns} & \textbf{Example} \\ \hline \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Creating and destroying new objects}\\ \ccode{\_Create} & Create a new object. & \ccode{ESL\_}\itcode{FOO}\ccode{ *} & \ccode{esl\_alphabet\_Create()} \\ \ccode{\_Destroy} & Free an object. & \ccode{void} & \ccode{esl\_alphabet\_Destroy()} \\ \ccode{\_Clone} & Duplicate an object, by creating and allocating a new one. & \ccode{ESL\_}\itcode{FOO}\ccode{ *} & \ccode{esl\_msa\_Clone()} \\ \ccode{\_Shadow} & Partially duplicate an object, creating a dependent shadow. & \ccode{ESL\_}\itcode{FOO}\ccode{ *} & \ccode{p7\_oprofile\_Shadow()} \\ \ccode{\_Copy} & Make a copy of an object, using an existing allocated object for space. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_Copy()} \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Opening and closing input sources}\\ \ccode{\_Open} & Open an input source, associating it with an Easel object. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_Open()} \\ \ccode{\_Close} & Close an Easel object corresponding to an input source. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_Close()} \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Managing memory allocation}\\ \ccode{\_Grow} & Expand the allocation in an existing object, typically by doubling. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_tree\_Grow()} \\ \ccode{\_GrowTo} & Reallocate object (if needed) for some new data size. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_sq\_GrowTo()} \\ \ccode{\_Reuse} & Recycle an object, reinitializing it while reusing as much of its existing allocation(s) as possible. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_keyhash\_Reuse()} \\ \ccode{size\_t \_Sizeof} & Return the allocation size of an object & size, in bytes & - \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Accessing information in objects}\\ \ccode{\_Is} & Return \ccode{TRUE} or \ccode{FALSE} for some query of the internal state of an object. & \ccode{TRUE | FALSE} & \ccode{esl\_opt\_IsOn()} \\ \ccode{\_Get} & Return a value for some query of the internal state of an object. & value & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_Get()} \\ \ccode{\_Read} & Get a value in the object and return it in a location provided (and possibly allocated) by the caller. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_Read()} \\ \ccode{\_Fetch} & Get a value in the object and return it in newly allocated space; the caller becomes responsible for the newly allocated space. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_FetchLine()} \\ \ccode{\_Set} & Set a value in the object. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_buffer\_Set()} \\ \ccode{\_Format} & Set a string in the object using \ccode{sprintf()}-like semantics. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_FormatName()} \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Debugging}\\ \ccode{\_Validate} & Run validation tests on the internal state of an object. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_tree\_Validate()} \\ \ccode{\_Compare} & Compare two objects to each other for equality (or close enough). & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_Compare()} \\ \ccode{\_Dump} & Dump a verbose, possibly ugly, but developer-readable output of the internal state of an object. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_keyhash\_Dump()} \\ \ccode{\_TestSample} & Sample a mostly syntactically correct object for test purposes & [standard] & \ccode{p7\_tophits\_TestSample()} \\ \multicolumn{4}{c}{\bfseries Miscellaneous}\\ \ccode{\_Write} & Write something from an object to an output stream. & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_Write()} \\ \ccode{\_Encode} & Convert a user-readable string (such as ``fasta'') to an internal Easel code (such as \ccode{eslSQFILE\_FASTA}). & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_EncodeFormat()} \\ \ccode{\_Decode} & Convert an internal Easel code (such as \ccode{eslSQFILE\_FASTA}) to a user-readable string (such as ``fasta''). & [standard] & \ccode{esl\_msa\_DecodeFormat()} \\ \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \caption{\textbf{Standard function ``interfaces''.} } \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Creating and destroying new objects} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Most Easel objects are allocated and free'd by \ccode{\_Create()/\_Destroy()} interface. Creating an object often just means allocating space for it, so that some other routine can fill data into it. It does not necessarily mean that the object contains valid data. \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Create} {\item[\_Create(n)]} A \ccode{\_Create()} interface takes any necessary initialization or size information as arguments (there often aren't any), and it returns a pointer to the newly allocated object. If an (optional) number of elements \ccode{n} is provided, this specifies the number of elements that the object is going to contain (for a fixed-size object) or the initial allocation size (for a resizable object). In the event of an allocation failure, a \ccode{\_Create} procedure throws \ccode{NULL}. (If any error other than an allocation failure can happen, you should use \ccode{\_Build()} instead. A caller is allowed to assume that a \ccode{NULL} return from \ccode{\_Create()} is equivalent to \ccode{eslEMEM}.) The internals of some resizeable objects have an \ccode{nredline} parameter that controls an additional memory management rule. These objects are allowed to grow to arbitrary size (either by doubling with \ccode{\_Grow} or by a specific allocation with \ccode{\_Reinit} or \ccode{\_GrowTo}) -- but when the object is reused for new data, they can be reallocated \emph{downward}, back to the redline limit. Specifically, if the allocation size exceeds \ccode{nredline}, a \ccode{\_Reuse()} or \ccode{\_Reinit()} call will shrink the allocation back to the \ccode{nredline} limit. The idea is for a frequently-reused object to be able to briefly handle a rare exceptionally large problem, while not permanently committing the resizeable object to an extreme allocation size. At least one module (\ccode{esl\_tree}) allows for creating either a fixed-size or a resizeable object; in this case, there is a \ccode{\_CreateGrowable()} call for the resizeable version. \hypertarget{ifc:Build} {\item[\_Build()]} A \ccode{\_Build()} interface is the same as \ccode{\_Create()}, but instead of returning a pointer to the new object, we return an Easel error code, and the new object is returned through a \ccode{*ret\_obj} argument. \hypertarget{ifc:Destroy} {\item[\_Destroy(obj)]} A \ccode{\_Destroy()} interface takes an object pointer as an argument, and frees all the memory associated with it. A \ccode{\_Destroy} procedure returns \ccode{void} (there is no useful information to return about a failure; the only calls are to \ccode{free()} and if that fails, we're in trouble). \end{sreapi} For example: \begin{cchunk} ESL_SQ *sq; sq = esl_sq_Create(); esl_sq_Destroy(sq); \end{cchunk} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsubsection{opening and closing input streams} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Some objects (such as \ccode{ESL\_SQFILE} and \ccode{ESL\_MSAFILE}) correspond to open input streams -- usually an open file, but possibly reading from a pipe. Such objects are \ccode{\_Open()}'ed and \ccode{\_Close()'d}, not created and destroyed. Input stream objects have to be capable of handling normal failures, because of bad user input. Input stream objects contain an \ccode{errbuf[eslERRBUFSIZE]} field to capture informative parse error messages. \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Open} {\item[\_Open(file, formatcode, \&ret\_obj)]} Opens the \ccode{file}, which is in a format indicated by \ccode{formatcode} for reading; return the open input object in \ccode{ret\_obj}. A \ccode{formatcode} of 0 typically means unknown, in which case the \ccode{\_Open()} procedure attempts to autodetect the format. If the \ccode{file} is \ccode{"-"}, the object is configured to read from the \ccode{stdin} stream instead of opening a file. If the \ccode{file} ends in a \ccode{.gz} suffix, the object is configured to read from a pipe from \ccode{gzip -dc}. Returns \ccode{eslENOTFOUND} if \ccode{file} cannot be opened, and \ccode{eslEFORMAT} if autodetection is attempted but the format cannot be determined. Newer \ccode{\_Open} procedures return a standard Easel error code, and on a normal error they also return the allocated object, using the object's error message buffer to report the reason for the failed open. \hypertarget{ifc:Close} {\item[\_Close(obj)]} Closes the input stream \ccode{obj}. Should return a standard Easel error code. There are cases where an error in an input stream is only detected at closing time (inputs using \ccode{popen()}/\ccode{pclose()} are an example). \end{sreapi} For example: \begin{cchunk} char *seqfile = "foo.fa"; ESL_SQFILE *sqfp; esl_sqio_Open(seqfile, eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &sqfp); esl_sqio_Close(sqfp); \end{cchunk} %%%% \subsubsection{making copies of objects} %%%% \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Clone} {\item[\_Clone(obj)]} Creates and returns a pointer to a duplicate of \ccode{obj}. Equivalent to (and is a shortcut for, and is generally implemented as) \ccode{dest = \_Create(); \_Copy(src, dest)}. Caller is responsible for free'ing the duplicate object, just as if it had been \ccode{\_Create}'d. Throws \ccode{NULL} if allocation fails. \hypertarget{ifc:Copy} {\item[\_Copy(src, dest)]} Copies \ccode{src} object into \ccode{dest}, where the caller has already created an appropriately allocated and empty \ccode{dest} object (or buffer, or whatever). Returns \ccode{eslOK} on success; throws \ccode{eslEINCOMPAT} if the objects are not compatible (for example, two matrices that are not the same size). Note that the order of the arguments is always \ccode{src} $\rightarrow$ \ccode{dest} (unlike the C library's \ccode{strcpy()} convention, which is the opposite order). \hypertarget{ifc:Shadow} {\item[\_Shadow(obj)]} Creates and returns a pointer to a partial, dependent copy of \ccode{obj}. Shadow creation arises in multithreading, when threads can share some but not all internal object data. A shadow keeps constant data as pointers to the original object. The object needs to know whether it is a shadow or not, so that <\_Destroy()> works properly on both the original and its shadows. \end{sreapi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Managing memory allocation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% \subsubsection{resizable objects} %%%% Some objects need to be reallocated and expanded during their use. These objects are called \esldef{resizable}. In some cases, the whole purpose of the object is to have elements added to it, such as \ccode{ESL\_STACK} (pushdown stacks) and \ccode{ESL\_HISTOGRAM} (histograms). In these cases, the normal \ccode{\_Create()} interface performs an initial allocation, and the object keeps track of both its current contents size (often \ccode{obj->N}) and the current allocation size (often \ccode{obj->nalloc}). In at least one case, an object might be either growable or not, depending on how it's being used. This happens, for instance, when we have routines for parsing input data to create a new object, and we need to dynamically reallocate as we go because the input doesn't tell us the total size when we start. For instance, with \ccode{ESL\_TREE} (phylogenetic trees), sometimes we know exactly the size of the tree we need to create (because we're making a tree ourselves), and sometimes we need to create a resizable object (because we're reading a tree from a file). In these cases, the normal \ccode{\_Create()} interface creates a static, nongrowable object of known size, and a \ccode{\_CreateGrowable()} interface specifies an initial allocation for a resizable object. Easel usually handles its own reallocation of resizable objects. For instance, many resizable objects have an interface called something like \ccode{\_Add()} or \ccode{\_Push()} for storing the next element in the object, and this interface will deal with increasing allocation size as needed. In a few cases, a public \ccode{\_Grow()} interface is provided for reallocating an object to a larger size, in cases where a caller might need to grow the object itself. \ccode{\_Grow()} only increases an allocation when it is necessary, and it makes that check immediately and efficiently, so that a caller can call \ccode{\_Grow()} before every attempt to add a new element without worrying about efficiency. An example of where a public \ccode{\_Grow()} interface is generally provided is when an object might be input from different file formats, and an application may need to create its own parser. Although creating an input parser requires familiarity with the Easel object's internal data structures, at least the \ccode{\_Grow()} interface frees the caller from having to understand its memory management. Resizable objects necessarily waste some memory, because they are overallocated in order to reduce the number of calls to \ccode{malloc()}. The wastage is bounded (to a maximum of two-fold, for the default doubling strategies, once an object has exceeded its initial allocation size) but nonetheless may not always be tolerable. In summary: \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Grow} {\item[\_Grow(obj)]} A \ccode{\_Grow()} function checks to see if \ccode{obj} can hold another element. If not, it increases the allocation, according to internally stored rules on reallocation strategy (usually, by doubling). \end{sreapi} \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:GrowTo} {\item[\_GrowTo(obj, n)]} A \ccode{\_GrowTo()} function checks to see \ccode{obj} is large enough to hold \ccode{n} elements. If not, it reallocates to at least that size. \end{sreapi} %%%% \subsubsection{reusable objects} %%%% Memory allocation is computationally expensive. An application needs to minimize \ccode{malloc()/free()} calls in performance-critical regions. In loops where one \ccode{\_Destroy()}'s an old object only to \ccode{\_Create()} the next one, such as a sequential input loop that processes objects from a file one at a time, one generally wants to \ccode{\_Reuse()} the same object instead: \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Reuse} {\item[\_Reuse(obj)]} A \ccode{\_Reuse()} interface takes an existing object and reinitializes it as a new object, while reusing as much memory as possible. Any state information that was specific to the problem the object was just used for is reinitialized. Any allocations and state information specific to those allocations are preserved (to the extent possible). A \ccode{\_Reuse()} call should exactly replace (and be equivalent to) a \ccode{\_Destroy()/\_Create()} pair. If the object is growable, it typically would keep the last allocation size, and it must keep at least the same allocation size that a default \ccode{\_Create()} call would give. If the object is arbitrarily resizeable and it has a \ccode{nredline} control on its memory, the allocation is shrunk back to \ccode{nredline} (which must be at least the default initial allocation). \end{sreapi} For example: \begin{cchunk} ESL_SQFILE *sqfp; ESL_SQ *sq; esl_sqfile_Open(\"foo.fa\", eslSQFILE_FASTA, NULL, &sqfp); sq = esl_sq_Create(); while (esl_sqio_Read(sqfp, sq) == eslOK) { /* do stuff with this sq */ esl_sq_Reuse(sq); } esl_sq_Destroy(sq); \end{cchunk} %%%% \subsubsection{other} %%%% \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Sizeof} {\item[size\_t \_Sizeof(obj)]} Returns the total size of an object and its allocations, in bytes. \end{sreapi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Accessing information in objects} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Is} {\item[\_Is*(obj)]} Performs some specific test of the internal state of an object, and returns \ccode{TRUE} or \ccode{FALSE}. \hypertarget{ifc:Get} {\item[value = \_Get*(obj, ...)]} Retrieves some specified data from \ccode{obj} and returns it directly. Because no error code can be returned, a \ccode{\_Get} call must be a simple access call within the object, guaranteed to succeed. \ccode{\_Get()} methods may often be implemented as macros. (\ccode{\_Read} or \ccode{\_Fetch} interfaces are for more complex access methods that might fail, and require an error code return.) \hypertarget{ifc:Read} {\item[\_Read*(obj, ..., \&ret\_value)]} Retrieves some specified data from \ccode{obj} and puts it in \ccode{ret\_value}, where caller has provided (and already allocated, if needed) the space for \ccode{ret\_value}. \hypertarget{ifc:Fetch} {\item[\_Fetch*(obj, ..., \&ret\_value)]} Retrieves some specified data from \ccode{obj} and puts it in \ccode{ret\_value}, where space for the returned value is allocated by the function. Caller becomes responsible for free'ing that space. \hypertarget{ifc:Set} {\item[\_Set*(obj, value)]} Sets some value(s) in \ccode{obj} to \ccode{value}. If a value was already set, it is replaced with the new one. If any memory needs to be reallocated or free'd, this is done. \ccode{\_Set} functions have some appropriate longer name, like \ccode{\_SetZero()} (set something in an object to zero(s)), or \ccode{esl\_dmatrix\_SetIdentity()} (set a dmatrix to an identity matrix). \hypertarget{ifc:Format} {\item[\_Format*(obj, fmtstring, ...)]} Like \ccode{\_Set}, but with \ccode{sprintf()}-style semantics. Sets some string value in \ccode{obj} according to the \ccode{sprintf()}-style \ccode{fmtstring} and any subsequence \ccode{sprintf()}-style arguments. If a value was already set, it is replaced with the new one. If any memory needs to be reallocated or free'd, this is done. \ccode{\_Format} functions have some appropriate longer name, like \ccode{esl\_msa\_FormatSeqDescription()}. Because \ccode{fmtstring} is a \ccode{printf()}-style format string, it must not contain '\%' characters. \ccode{\_Format*} functions should only be used with format strings set by a program; they should not be used to copy user input that might contain '\%' characters. \end{sreapi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Debugging, testing, development} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Validate} {\item[\_Validate*(obj, errbuf...)]} Checks that the internals of \ccode{obj} are all right. Returns \ccode{eslOK} if they are, and returns \ccode{eslFAIL} if they aren't. Additionally, if the caller provides a non-\ccode{NULL} message buffer \ccode{errbuf}, on failure, an informative message describing the reason for the failure is formatted and left in \ccode{errbuf}. If the caller provides this message buffer, it must allocate it for at least \ccode{eslERRBUFSIZE} characters. Failures in \ccode{\_Validate()} routines are handled by \ccode{ESL\_FAIL()} (or \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL()}, if the validation routine needs to do any memory cleanup). Validation failures are classified as normal (returned) errors so that \ccode{\_Validate()} routines can be used in production code -- for example, to validate user input. At the same time, because the \ccode{ESL\_FAIL()} and \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL()} macros call the stub \ccode{esl\_fail()}, you can set a debugging breakpoint on \ccode{esl\_fail} to get a \ccode{\_Validate()} routine fail immediately at whatever test failed. The \ccode{errbuf} message therefore can be coarse-grained (``validation of object X failed'') or fine-grained (``in object X, data element Y fails test Z''). A validation of user input (which we expect to fail often) should be fine-grained, to return maximally useful information about what the user did wrong. A validation of internal data can be very coarse-grained, knowing that a developer can simply set a breakpoint in \ccode{esl\_fail()} to get at exactly where a validation failed. A \ccode{\_Validate()} function is not intended to test all possible invalid states of an object, even if that were feasible. Rather, the goal is to automatically catch future problems we've already seen in past debugging and testing. So a \ccode{\_Validate()} function is a place to systematically organize a set of checks that essentially amount to regression tests against past debugging/testing efforts. \hypertarget{ifc:Compare} {\item[\_Compare*(obj1, obj2...)]} Compares \ccode{obj1} to \ccode{obj2}. Returns \ccode{eslOK} if the contents are judged to be identical, and \ccode{eslFAIL} if they differ. When the comparison involves floating point scalar comparisons, a fractional tolerance argument \ccode{tol} is also passed. Failures in \ccode{\_Compare()} functions are handled by \ccode{ESL\_FAIL()} (or \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL()}, if the validation routine needs to do any memory cleanup), because they may be used in a context where a ``failure'' is expected; for example, when using \ccode{esl\_dmatrix\_Compare()} as a test for successful convergence of a matrix algebra routine. However, the main use of \ccode{\_Compare()} functions is in unit tests. During debugging and development, we want to see exactly where a comparison failed, and we don't want to have to write a bunch laboriously informative error messages to get that information. Instead we can exploit the fact that the \ccode{ESL\_FAIL()} and \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL()} macros call the stub \ccode{esl\_fail()}; you can set a debugging breakpoint in \ccode{esl\_fail()} to stop execution in the failure macros. \hypertarget{ifc:Dump} {\item[\_Dump*(FILE *fp, obj...)]} Prints the internals of an object in human-readable, easily parsable tabular ASCII form. Useful during debugging and development to view the entire object at a glance. Returns \ccode{eslOK} on success. Unlike a more robust \ccode{\_Write()} call, \ccode{\_Dump()} call may assume that all its writes will succeed, and does not need to check return status of \ccode{fprintf()} or other system calls, because it is not intended for production use. \hypertarget{ifc:TestSample} {\item[\_TestSample(ESL\_RANDOMNESS *rng, ..., OBJTYPE **ret\_obj)]} Create an object filled with randomly sampled values for all data elements. The aim is to exercise valid values and ranges, and presence/absence of optional information and allocations, but not to obsess about internal semantic consistency. For example, we use \ccode{\_TestSample()} calls in testing MPI send/receive communications routines, where we don't care so much about the meaning of the object's contents, as we do about faithful transmission of any object with valid contents. A \ccode{\_TestSample()} call produces an object that is sufficiently valid for other debugging tools, including \ccode{\_Dump()}, \ccode{\_Compare()}, and \ccode{\_Validate()}. However, because elements may be randomly sampled independently, in ways that don't respect interdependencies, the object may contain data inconsistencies that make the object invalid for other purposes. Contrast \ccode{\_Sample()} routines, which generate fully valid objects for all purposes, but which may not exercise the object's fields as thoroughly. \end{sreapi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Miscellaneous other interfaces} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{sreapi} \hypertarget{ifc:Write} {\item[\_Write(fp, obj)]} Writes something from an object to an output stream \ccode{fp}. Used for exporting and saving files in official data exchange formats. \ccode{\_Write()} functions must be robust to system write errors, such as filling or unexpectedly disconnecting a disk. They must check return status of all system calls, and throw an \ccode{eslEWRITE} error on any failures. \hypertarget{ifc:Encode} {\item[code = \_Encode*(char *s)]} Given a string \ccode{}, match it case-insensitively against a list of possible string values and convert this visible representation to its internal \ccode{\#define} or \ccode{enum} code. For example, \ccode{esl\_sqio\_EncodeFormat("fasta")} returns \ccode{eslSQFILE\_FASTA}. If the string is not recognized, returns a code signifying ``unknown''. This needs to be a normal return (not a thrown error) because the string might come from user input, and might be invalid. \hypertarget{ifc:Decode} {\item[char *s = \_Decode*(int code)]} Given an internal code (an \ccode{enum} or \ccode{\#define} constant), return a pointer to an informative string value, for diagnostics and other output. The string is static. If the code is not recognized, throws an \ccode{eslEINVAL} exception and returns \ccode{NULL}. \end{sreapi} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Writing unit tests} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% An Easel test driver runs a set of individual unit tests one after another. Sometimes there is one unit test assigned to each exposed function in the API. Sometimes, it makes sense to test several exposed functions in a single unit test function. A unit test for \ccode{esl\_foo\_Baz()} is named \ccode{static void utest\_Baz()}. Upon success, unit tests return void. Upon any failure, a unit test calls \ccode{esl\_fatal()} with an error message, and terminates. It should not use any other error-catching mechanism. It aids debugging if the test program terminates immediately, using a single function that we can easily breakpoint at (\ccode{break esl\_fatal} in GDB). It must not use \ccode{abort()}, for example, because this will screw up the output of scripts running automated tests in \ccode{make check} and \ccode{make dcheck}, such as \emcode{sqc}. \emcode{sqc} traps \ccode{stderr} from \ccode{esl\_fatal()} correctly. A unit test must not use \ccode{exit(1)} either, because that leaves no error message, so someone running a test program on the command line can't easily tell that it failed. Unit tests should attempt to deliberately generate exceptions and failures, and test that the appropriate error code is returned. Unit tests must temporarily register a nonfatal error handler when testing exceptions. Every function, procedure, and macro in the exposed API shall be tested by one or more unit tests. The unit tests aim for complete code coverage. This is measured by code coverage tests using \ccode{gcov}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Dealing with expected stochastic failures in unit tests} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Many unit tests are based on statistical samples and/or random number generation. For example, we test a maximum likelihood parameter fitting routine by fitting to samples generated with known parameters, and testing that the estimated parameters are close enough to the true parameters. The trouble is defining ``close enough''. There may be a small but finite probability that such a test will fail. I call these ``stochastic failures''. We don't want tests to fail due to expected statistical deviations, but neither do we want to set p-values so loose that a flaw escapes notice. Current Easel strategy is to have such unit tests reinitialize the RNG to a predetermined fixed seed known to work. Optionally, the test can be made to use the RNG without reinitialization (therefore allowing stochastic failures to occur), with a \ccode{-x} option to the test driver. % example: esl_mixdchlet In the test driver, these unit tests need to be run last; unit tests that don't have a stochastic failure mode are run first. This is so the \ccode{-s } option for setting the RNG seed takes effect properly. (Otherwise, having a unit test reset the RNG seed would override the \ccode{-s } setting.} Otherwise the default for \ccode{} should be 0, so all other tests are randomized from run to run. In some older Easel code, fixed RNG seeds are used for tests that can stochastically fail. The newer approach is preferable because it gives more fine-grained control - only some utests need to deal with stochastic failure, not all of them. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Using temporary files in unit tests} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If a unit test or testdriver needs to create a named temporary file (to test i/o), the tmpfile is created with \ccode{esl\_tmpfile\_named()}: \begin{cchunk} char tmpfile[16] = "esltmpXXXXXX"; FILE *fp; if (esl_tmpfile_named(tmpfile, &fp) != eslOK) esl_fatal("failed to create tmpfile"); write_stuff_to(fp); fclose(fp); if ((fp = fopen(tmpfile)) == NULL) esl_fatal("failed to open tmpfile"); read_stuff_from(fp); fclose(fp); remove(tmpfile); \end{cchunk} Thus tmp files created by Easel's test suite have a common naming convention, and are put in the current working directory. On a test failure, the tmp file remains, to assist debugging; on a test success, the tmp file is removed. The \ccode{make clean} targets in Makefiles are looking to remove files matching the target \ccode{esltmp??????}. It is important to declare it as \ccode{char tmpfile[16]} rather than \ccode{char *tmpfile}. Compilers are allowed to treat the string in a \ccode{char *foo = "bar"} initialization as a read-only constant. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Easel development environment; using development tools} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Easel is developed primarily on GNU/Linux and Mac OS/X systems with the following tools installed: \begin{tabular}{ll} {\bfseries Tool} & {\bfseries Use} \\ \emcode{emacs} & editor \\ \emcode{gcc} & GNU compiler \\ \emcode{icc} & Intel compiler \\ \emcode{gdb} & debugger\\ \emcode{autoconf} & platform-independent configuration manager, Makefile generator\\ \emcode{make} & build/compilation management\\ \emcode{valgrind} & memory bounds and leak checking\\ \emcode{gcov} & code coverage analysis\\ \emcode{gprof} & profiling and optimization (GNU)\\ \emcode{shark} & profiling and optimization (Mac OS/X)\\ \LaTeX & documentation typesetting\\ Subversion & revision control\\ Bourne shell (\ccode{/bin/sh}) & scripting\\ Perl & scripting\\ \end{tabular} Most of these are standard and well-known. The following sections describe some Easel work patterns with some of the less commonly used tools. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Using valgrind to find memory leaks and more} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% We use \emcode{valgrind} to check for memory leaks and other problems, especially on the unit tests: \begin{cchunk} % valgrind ./esl_buffer_utest \end{cchunk} The \ccode{valgrind\} script in \ccode{testsuite} automates valgrind testing for all Easel modules. To run it: \begin{cchunk} % cd testsuite % ./ > \end{cchunk} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Using gcov to measure unit test code coverage} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% We use \emcode{gcov} to measure code coverage of our unit testing. \emcode{gcov} works best with unoptimized code. The code must be compiled with \emcode{gcc} and it needs to be compiled with \ccode{-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage}. The configure script knows about this: give it the \ccode{--enable-gcov} option. An example: \begin{cchunk} % make distclean % ./configure --enable-gcov % make esl_buffer_utest % ./esl_buffer_utest % gcov esl_buffer.c File 'esl_buffer.c' Lines executed:73.85% of 589 esl_buffer.c:creating 'esl_buffer.c.gcov' % emacs esl_buffer.c.gcov \end{cchunk} The file \ccode{esl\_buffer.c.gcov} contains an annotated source listing of the \ccode{.c} file, showing which lines were and weren't covered by the test suite. The \ccode{coverage\} script in \ccode{testsuite} automates coverage testing for all Easel modules. To run it: \begin{cchunk} % cd testsuite % > \end{cchunk} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Using gprof for performance profiling} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% On a Linux machine (gprof does not work on Mac OS/X, apparently): \begin{cchunk} % make distclean % ./configure --enable-gprof % make \end{cchunk} Run any program you want to profile, then: \begin{cchunk} % gprof -l \end{cchunk} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Using the clang static analyzer, checker} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The clang static analyzer for Mac OS/X is at \url{}. I install it by moving its entire distro directory (checker-276, for example) to \ccode{/usr/local}, and symlinking to \ccode{checker}. My \ccode{bashrc} has: \begin{cchunk} test -d /usr/local/checker && PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/checker \end{cchunk} and that puts \prog{scan-build} in my \ccode{PATH}. To use it: \begin{cchunk} % scan-build ./configure --enable-debugging % scan-build make \end{cchunk} It'll give you a scan-view command line, including the name of its output html file, so you can then visualize and interact with the results: \begin{cchunk} % scan-view /var/folders/blah/baz/foo \end{cchunk} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Documentation} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Structured function headers read by autodoc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The documentation for Easel's functions is embedded in the source code itself, rather than being in separate files. A homegrown documentation extraction tool (\prog{autodoc}) is used to process the source files and extract and format the documentation. An important part of the documentation is the documentation for individual functions. Each Easel function is preceded by documentation in the form of a structured comment header that is parsed by \prog{autodoc}. For example: \input{cexcerpts/function_comment_example} \prog{autodoc} can do one of three things with the text that follows these tags: it can ignore it, use it verbatim, or process it. \esldef{Ignored} text is documentation that resides only in the source code, like the incept date and the notebook crossreferences.\footnote{Eventually, we will probably process the \ccode{Args:} part of the header, but for now it is ignored.} \esldef{Verbatim} text is picked up by \prog{autodoc} and formatted as \verb+\ccode{}+ in the \LaTeX\ documentation. \esldef{Processed} text is interpeted as \LaTeX\ code, with a special addition that angle brackets are used to enclose C code words, such as the argument names. \prog{autodoc} recognizes the angle brackets and formats the enclosed text as \verb+\ccode{}+. Unprotected underscore characters are allowed inside these angle brackets; \prog{autodoc} protects them appropriately when it generates the \LaTeX. Citations, such as \verb+\citep{MolerVanLoan03}+, are formatted for the \LaTeX\ \verb+natbib+ package. The various fields are: \begin{sreitems}{\textbf{Function:}} \item[\textbf{Function:}] The name of the function. \prog{autodoc} uses this line to determine that it's supposed to generate a documentation entry here. \prog{autodoc} checks that it matches the name of the immediately following C function. One line; verbatim; required. \item[\textbf{Synopsis:}] A short one-line summary of the function. \ccode{autodoc -t} uses this line to generate the API summary tables that appear in this guide. One line; processed; not required for \prog{autodoc} itself, but required by \ccode{autodoc -t}. \item[\textbf{Incept:}] Records the author/date of first draft. \prog{autodoc} doesn't use this line. Used to help track development history. The definition of ``incept'' is often fuzzy, because Easel is a palimpsest of rewritten code. This line often also includes a location, such as \ccode{[AA 673 over Greenland]}, for no reason other than to remember how many weird places I've managed to get work done in.. \item[\textbf{Purpose:}] The main body. \prog{autodoc} processes this to produce the \TeX documentation. It explains the purpose of the function, then precisely defines what the caller must provide in each input argument, and what the caller will get back in each output argument. It should be written and referenced as if it will appear in the user guide (because it will). Multiline; processed by \prog{autodoc}; required. \item[\textbf{Args:}] A tabular-ish summary of each argument. Not picked up by \prog{autodoc}, at least not at present. The \ccode{Purpose:} section instead documents each option in free text. Multiline and tabular-ish; ignored by \prog{autodoc}; optional. \item[\textbf{Returns:}] The possible return values from the function, starting with what happens on successful completion (usually, return of an \ccode{eslOK} code). Also indicates codes for unsuccessful calls that are normal (returned) errors. If there are output argument pointers, documents what they will contain upon successful and unsuccessful return, and whether any of the output involved allocating memory that the caller must free. \item[\textbf{Throws:}] The possible exceptions thrown by the function, listing what a program that's handling its own exceptions will have to deal with. (Programs should never assume that this list is complete.) Programs that are letting Easel handle exceptions do not have to worry about any of the thrown codes. The state of output argument pointers is documented -- generally, all output is set to \ccode{NULL} or \ccode{0} values when exceptions happen. After a thrown exception, there is never any memory allocation in output pointers that the caller must free. \item[\textbf{Xref:}] Crossreferences to notebooks (paper or electronic) and to literature, to help track the history of the function's development and rationale.\footnote{A typical reference to one of SRE's notebooks is \ccode{STL10/143}, indicating St. Louis notebook 10, page 143.} Personal developer notebooks are of course not immediately available to all developers (especially bound paper ones) but still, these crossreferences can be traced if necessary. \end{sreitems} \subsection{cexcerpt - extracting C source snippets} The \prog{cexcerpt} program extracts snippets of C code verbatim from Easel's C source files. The \ccode{documentation/Makefile} runs \prog{cexcerpt} on every module .c and .h file. The extracted cexcerpts are placed in .tex files in the temporary \ccode{cexcerpts/} subdirectory. Usage: \ccode{cexcerpt }. Processes C source file \ccode{file.c}; extracts all tagged excerpts, and puts them in a file in directory \ccode{}. An excerpt is marked with special comments in the C file: \begin{cchunk} /*::cexcerpt::my_example::begin::*/ while (esl_sq_Read(sqfp, sq) == eslOK) { n++; } /*::cexcerpt::my_example::end::*/ \end{cchunk} The cexcerpt marker's format is \ccode{::cexcerpt::::begin::} (or end). A comment containing a cexcerpt marker must be the first text on the source line. A cexcerpt comment may be followed on the line by whitespace or a second comment. The \ccode{} is used to construct the file name, as \ccode{.tex}. In the example, the tag \ccode{my\_example} creates a file \ccode{my\_example.tex} in \ccode{}. All the text between the cexcerpt markers is put in the file. In addition, this text is wrapped in a \ccode{cchunk} environment. This file can then be included in a \LaTeX\ file. For best results, the C source should be free of TAB characters. "M-x untabify" on the region to clean them out. Cexcerpts can't overlap or nest in any way in the C file. Only one tag can be active at a time. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{The .tex file} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Portability notes} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Easel is intended to be widely portable. We adhere to the ANSI C99 standard. Any dependency on higher-level functionality (including POSIX, X/Open, or system-specific stuff) is optional, and Easel is capable of working around its absence at compile-time. Although we do not currently include Windows machines in our development environment, we are planning for the day when we do. Easel should not include any required UNIX-specific code that wouldn't port to Windows.\footnote{Though it probably does, which we'll discover when we first try to compile for Windows.} % xref J7/83. \paragraph{Why not define \ccode{\_POSIX\_C\_SOURCE}?} You might think it would be a good idea to define \ccode{\_POSIX\_C\_SOURCE} to \ccode{200112L} or some such, to try to enforce the portability of our POSIX-dependent code. This doesn't work; don't do it. According to the standards, if you define \ccode{\_POSIX\_C\_SOURCE}, the host must \emph{disable} anything that's \emph{not} in the POSIX standard. However, Easel \emph{is} allowed to optionally use system-dependent non-POSIX code. A good example is \ccode{esl\_threads.c::esl\_threads\_CPUCount()}. There is no POSIX-compliant way to check for the number of available processors on a system.\footnote{Apparently the POSIX threads standards committee intends it that way; see \url{}.} Easel's implementation tries to find one of several system-specific alternatives, including the non-POSIX function \ccode{sysctl{}}.