The easel (esl) module implements a small set of functionality shared by all the modules: notably, the error-handling system. \section{Error handling conventions} Easel might be used in applications ranging from small command line utilities to complex graphical user interfaces and parallel systems. Simple and complex applications have different needs for how errors should be handled by a library. In a simple application, we don't want to write a lot of code to checking return codes for unexpected problems. We would prefer to have Easel crash out with an appropriate message to \ccode{stderr} -- after all, that's all a simple application would do anyway. On the other hand, there are certain problems that even the simplest command-line applications should handle gracefully. Errors involving user input (including typos in command line arguments, bad file formats, nonexistent files, or bad file permissions) are ``normal'' and should be expected. Users will do anything. In a complex application, we may want to guarantee that execution never terminates within a library routine. In this case, library functions always need to return control to the application, even in the most unexpected circumstances, so the application can fail gracefully. A failure in an Easel routine should not suddenly crash a whole graphical user environment, for example. Additionally, because a complex application may not even be associated with a terminal, a library cannot count on printing error messages directly to \ccode{stderr}. These considerations motivate Easel's error handling conventions. Most Easel procedures return an integer status code. An \ccode{eslOK} code indicates that the procedure succeeded. A nonzero code indicates an error. Easel distinguishes two kinds of errors: \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{Failures} include normal ``errors'' (like a read failing when the end of a file is reached), and errors that are the user's fault, such as bad input (which are also normal, because users will do anything.) We say that failures are \textbf{returned} by Easel functions. All applications should check the return status of any Easel function that might return a failure code. Relatively few Easel functions can return failure codes. The ones that do are generally functions having to do with reading user input. \item \textbf{Exceptions} are errors that are the fault of Easel (bugs in my code) or your application (bugs in your code) or the system (resource allocation failures). We say that exceptions are \textbf{thrown} by Easel functions. By default, exceptions result in immediate termination of your program. Optionally, you may provide your own exception handler, in which case Easel functions may return nonzero exception codes (in addition to any nonzero failure codes). \end{itemize} The documentation for each Easel function lists what failure codes it may return, as well as what exception codes it may throw (if a nonfatal exception handler has been registered), in addition to the \ccode{eslOK} normal status code. The list of possible status codes is shown in Table~\ref{tbl:statuscodes}. There is no intrinsic distinction between failure codes and exception codes. Codes that indicate failures in one function may indicate exceptions in another function. \begin{table} \begin{center} \input{cexcerpts/statuscodes} \end{center} \caption{List of all status codes that might be returned by Easel functions.} \label{tbl:statuscodes} \end{table} Not all Easel functions return status codes. \ccode{*\_Create()} functions that allocate and create new objects usually follow a convention of returning a valid pointer on success, and \ccode{NULL} on failure; these are functions that only fail by memory allocation failure. Destructor functions (\ccode{*\_Destroy()}) always return \ccode{void}, and must have no points of failure of their own, because destructors can be called when we're already handling an exception. Functions with names containing \ccode{Is}, such as \ccode{esl\_abc\_XIsValid()}, are tests that return \ccode{TRUE} or \ccode{FALSE}. Finally, there are some ``true'' functions that simply return an answer, rather than a status code; these must be functions that have no points of failure. \subsection{Failure messages} When failures occur, often the failure status code is sufficient for your application to know what went wrong. For instance, \ccode{eslEOF} means end-of-file, so your application might report \ccode{"premature end of file"} if it receives such a status code unexpectedly. But for failures involving a file format syntax problem (for instance) a terse \ccode{eslESYNTAX} return code is not as useful as knowing \ccode{"Parse failed at line 42 of file, where I expected to see an integer, but I saw nothing"}. When your application might want more information to format an informative failure message for the user, the Easel API provides (somewhere) a message buffer called \ccode{errbuf[]}. In many cases, file parsers in Easel are encapsulated in objects. In these cases, the object itself allocates an \ccode{errbuf[]} message string. (For instance, see the \eslmod{sqio} module and its \ccode{ESL\_SQFILE} object for sequence file parsing.) In a few cases, the \ccode{errbuf[]} is part of the procedure's call API, and space is provided by the caller. In such cases, the caller either passes \ccode{NULL} (no failure message is requested) or a pointer to allocated space for at least \ccode{eslERRBUFSIZE} chars. (For instance, see the \eslmod{tree} module and the \ccode{esl\_tree\_ReadNewick()} parser.) Easel uses \ccode{sprintf()} to format the messages in \ccode{errbuf[]}'s. Each individual call guarantees that the size of its message cannot overflow \ccode{eslERRBUFSIZE} chars, so none of these \ccode{sprintf()} calls represent possible security vulnerabilities (buffer overrun attacks). \subsection{Exception handling} Easel's default exception handler prints a message to \ccode{stderr} and aborts execution of your program, as in: \begin{cchunk} Easel exception: Memory allocation failed. Aborted at file sqio.c, line 42. \end{cchunk} Therefore, by default, Easel handles its own exceptions internally, and exception status codes are not returned to your application. Simple applications don't need to worry about checking for exceptions. If your application wants to handle exceptions itself -- for instance, if you want a guarantee that execution will never terminate from within Easel -- or even if you simply want to change the format of these messages, you can register a custom exception handler which will catch the information from Easel and react appropriately. If your exception handler prints a message and exits, Easel will still just abort without returning exception codes. If your exception handler is nonfatal (returning \ccode{void}), Easel procedures then percolate the exception code up through the call stack until the exception code is returned to your application. To provide your own exception handler, you define your exception handler with the following prototype: \begin{cchunk} extern void my_exception_handler(int code, char *file, int line, char *format, va_list arg); \end{cchunk} An example implementation of a nonfatal exception handler: \begin{cchunk} #include void my_exception_handler(int code, char *file, int line, char *format, va_list arg) { fprintf(stderr, ``Easel threw an exception (code %d):\n'', code); if (format != NULL) vfprintf(stderr, format, arg); fprintf(stderr, ``at line %d, file %s\b'', line, file); return; } \end{cchunk} The \ccode{code}, \ccode{file}, and \ccode{line} are always present. The formatted message (the \ccode{format} and \ccode{va\_list arg}) is optional; the \ccode{format} might be \ccode{NULL}. (\ccode{NULL} messages are used when percolating exceptions up a stack trace, for example.) Then, to register your exception handler, you call \ccode{esl\_exception\_SetHandler(\&my\_error\_handler)} in your application. Normally you would do this before calling any other Easel functions. However, in principle, you can change error handlers at any time. You can also restore the default handler at any time with \ccode{esl\_exception\_RestoreDefaultHandler()}. The implementation of the exception handler relies on a static function pointer that is not threadsafe. If you are writing a threaded program, you need to make sure that multiple threads do not try to change the handler at the same time. Because Easel functions call other Easel functions, the function that first throws an exception may not be the function that your application called. If you implement a nonfatal handler, an exception may result in a partial or complete stack trace of exceptions, as the original exception percolates back to your application. Your exception handler should be able to deal with a stack trace. The first exception code and message will be the most relevant. Subsequent codes and messages arise from that exception percolating upwards. For example, a sophisticated replacement exception handler might push each code/message pair into a FIFO queue. When your application receives an exception code from an Easel call, your application can might then access this queue, and see where the exception occurred in Easel, and what messages Easel left for you. A less sophisticated replacement exception handler might just register the first code/message pair, and ignore the subsequent exceptions from percolating up the stack trace. Note the difference between the exception handler that you register with Easel (which operates inside Easel, and must obey Easel's conventions) and any error handling you do in your own application after Easel returns a nonzero status code to you (which is your own business). Although each function's documentation \emph{in principle} lists all thrown exceptions, \emph{in practice}, you should not trust this list. Because of exceptions percolating up from other Easel calls, it is too easy to forget to document all possible exception codes.\footnote{Someday we should combine a static code analyzer with a script that understands Easel's exception conventions, and automate the enumeration of all possible codes.} If you are catching exceptions, you should program defensively here, and always have a failsafe catch for any nonzero return status. For example, a minimal try/catch idiom for an application calling a Easel function is something like: \begin{cchunk} int status; if ((status = esl_foo_function()) != eslOK) my_failure(); \end{cchunk} Or, a little more complex one that catches some specific errors, but has a failsafe for everything else, is: \begin{cchunk} int status; status = esl_foo_function(); if (status == eslEMEM) my_failure("Memory allocation failure"); else if (status != eslOK) my_failure("Unexpected exception %d\n\", status); \end{cchunk} \subsection{Violations} Internally, Easel also distinguishes a third class of error, termed a \textbf{fatal violation}. Violations never arise in production code; they are used to catch bugs during development and testing. Violations always result in immediate program termination. They are generated by two mechanisms: from assertions that can be optionally enabled in development code, or from test harnesses that call the always-fatal \ccode{esl\_fatal()} function when they detect a problem they're testing for. \subsection{Internal API for error handling} You only need to understand this section if you want to understand Easel's source code (or other code that uses Easel conventions, like HMMER), or if you want to use Easel's error conventions in your own source code. The potentially tricky design issue is the following. One the one hand, you want to be able to return an error or throw an exception ``quickly'' (in less than a line of code). On the other hand, it might require several lines of code to free any resources, set an appropriate return state, and set the appropriate nonzero status code before leaving the function. Easel uses the following error-handling macros: \begin{center} {\small \begin{tabular}{|ll|}\hline \ccode{ESL\_FAIL(code, errbuf, mesg, ...)} & Format errbuf, return failure code. \\ \ccode{ESL\_EXCEPTION(code, mesg, ...)} & Throw an exception, return exception code. \\ \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL(code, errbuf, mesg, ...)} & A failure message, with cleanup convention.\\ \ccode{ESL\_XEXCEPTION(code, mesg, ...)} & An exception, with cleanup convention.\\ \hline \end{tabular} } \end{center} They are implementated in \ccode{easel.h} as: \input{cexcerpts/error_macros} The \ccode{ESL\_FAIL} and \ccode{ESL\_XFAIL} macros are only used when a failure message needs to be formatted. For the simpler case where we just return an error code, Easel simply uses \ccode{return code;} or \ccode{status = code; goto ERROR;}, respectively. The \ccode{X} versions, with the cleanup convention, are sure to offend some programmers' sensibilities. They require the function to provide an \ccode{int status} variable in scope, and they require an \ccode{ERROR:} target for a \ccode{goto}. But if you can stomach that, they provide for a fairly clean idiom for catching exceptions and cleaning up, and cleanly setting different return variable states on success versus failure, as illustrated by this pseudoexample: \begin{cchunk} int foo(char **ret_buf, char **ret_fp) { int status; char *buf = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; if ((buf = malloc(100)) == NULL) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslEMEM, "malloc failed"); if ((fp = fopen("foo")) == NULL) ESL_XEXCEPTION(eslENOTFOUND, "file open failed"); *ret_buf = buf; *ret_fp = fp; return eslOK; ERROR: if (buf != NULL) free(buf); *ret_buf = NULL; if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); *ret_fp = NULL; return status; } \end{cchunk} Additionally, for memory allocation and reallocation, Easel implements two macros \ccode{ESL\_ALLOC()} and \ccode{ESL\_RALLOC()}, which encapsulate standard \ccode{malloc()} and \ccode{realloc()} calls inside Easel's exception-throwing convention. \vspace*{\fill} \begin{quote} \emph{Only a complete outsider could ask your question. Are there control authorities? There are nothing but control authorities. Of course, their purpose is not to uncover errors in the ordinary meaning of the word, since errors do not occur and even when an error does in fact occur, as in your case, who can say conclusively that it is an error?}\\ \hspace*{\fill} -- Franz Kafka, \emph{The Castle} \end{quote} \section{Memory management} \section{Replacements for C library functions} \section{Standard banner for Easel miniapplications} \section{File and path name manipulation} \subsection{Secure temporary files} A program may need to write and read temporary files. Many of the methods for creating temporary files, even using standard library calls, are known to create exploitable security holes \citep{Wheeler03,ChenDeanWagner04}. Easel provides a secure and portable POSIX procedure for obtaining an open temporary file handle, \ccode{esl\_tmpfile()}. This replaces the ANSI C \ccode{tmpfile()} function, which is said to be insecurely implemented on some platforms. Because closing and reopening a temporary file can create an exploitable race condition under certain circumstances, \ccode{esl\_tmpfile()} does not return the name of the invisible file it creates, only an open \ccode{FILE *} handle to it. The tmpfile is not persistent, meaning that it automatically vanishes when the \ccode{FILE *} handle is closed. The tmpfile is created in the usual system world-writable temporary directory, as indicated by \ccode{TMPDIR} or \ccode{TMP} environment variables, or \ccode{/tmp} if neither environment variable is defined. Still, it is sometimes useful, even necessary, to close and reopen a temporary file. For example, Easel's own test suites generate a variety of input files for testing input parsers. Easel also provides the \ccode{esl\_tmpfile\_named()} procedure for creating a persistent tmpfile, which returns both an open \ccode{} handle and the name of the file. Because the tmpfile name is known, the file may be closed and reopened. \ccode{esl\_tmpfile\_named()} creates its files relative to the current working directory, not in \ccode{TMPDIR}, in order to reduce the chances of creating the file in a shared directory where a race condition might be exploited. Nonetheless, secure use of \ccode{esl\_tmpfile\_named()} requires that you must only reopen a tmpfile for reading only, not for writing, and moreover, you must not trust the contents. (It may be possible for an attacker to replace the tmpfile with a symlink to another file.) An example that shows both tmpfile mechanisms: \input{cexcerpts/easel_example_tmpfiles} \section{Internals} \subsection{Input maps} An \esldef{input map} is for converting input ASCII symbols to internal encodings. It is a many-to-one mapping of the 128 7-bit ASCII symbol codes (0..127) onto new ASCII symbol codes. It is defined as an \ccode{unsigned char inmap[128]} or a \ccode{unsigned char *} allocated for 128 entries. Input maps are used in two contexts: for filtering ASCII text input into internal text strings, and for converting ASCII input or internal ASCII strings into internal digitized sequences (an \eslmod{alphabet} object contains an input map that it uses for digitization). The rationale for input maps is the following. The ASCII strings that represent biosequence data require frequent massaging. An input file might have sequence data mixed up with numerical coordinates and punctuation for human readability. We might want to distinguish characters that represent residues (that should be input) from characters for coordinates and punctuation (that should be ignored) from characters that aren't supposed to be present at all (that should trigger an error or warning). Also, in representing a sequence string internally, we might want to map the symbols in an input string onto a smaller internal alphabet. For example, we might want to be case-insensitive (allow both T and t to represent thymine), or we might want to allow an input T to mean U in a program that deals with RNA sequence analysis, so that input files can either contain RNA or DNA sequence data. Easel reuses the input map concept in routines involved in reading and representing input character sequences, for example in the \eslmod{alphabet}, \eslmod{sqio}, and \eslmod{msa} modules.